tv WRAL News 5PM NBC November 14, 2016 5:00pm-5:30pm EST
5:00 pm
how's it going? i just got my first assignment. nment? customs trailerrat the . oh, man. spend the night holding hands with nigerian drug mules till they move their bowels. you can't get off that, huh? nah. how am i gonna turn down the first thing they throw me? female d.o.a. her panties are pulled offff who found her? garbageman over there. she's got bruises on her thighs.
5:01 pm
wearing a wedding ring, for what that's worth. nobody found no o rse? no purse. they had those two rape/murders over in the 17th. yeah, straraulations. we gotta call them. did you notify the m.e.? on the way. you found the body? i went to dump the cans and i see her. you notice anybody else around here? no, nobody. you didn't move anything? no. you u ow, i-i didn't even pick up the garbage. i seen her and i thought, "aw, hell," you know what i'm saying? - should i leave it, should i take it? - leave it. leave the garbage. so, can we get back to our route now? [ whistltl ] you got these guy's information? got it. yeah, you can go. i mean, what kind of people we got living g re? i'm gonna ask myself that tonight while i'm washing crap off smack balloons. thanks for your cooperation. you can go back to your route.
5:04 pm
is this dinner tonight with abby. making you nervous, you mean? yeah. it makes me nervous, and-and, in turn, i overeat. mmm. so what do you do when you're out with her? you eat your meal and hers? i just can't imagine her agenda. romance is off the table, yet she definitely indicated we'd be taking up a serious topic. well, maybe her mind changed on that romance topic. isn't that a aoman's option? no. she don't strike me iffy on her lesbianism. morning. hey, boss. seventh and "b." don will meet you at the scene. you caught me cheating. i never got to like chunky. you want us to get some of that plain? i'm better without the temptation. [ medavoy ] that's me as well. i've got motive in my nervousness, so i gotta deprive myself of opportunity. otherwise, he might murder mr. peanut. - seventh and "b." - right. that's dawkins with a "d"?
5:05 pm
alk about any others? do you mind if we come see him? appreciate it, valenzuela. yeah. nice going. husband called missing persons this mororng with a description fits our d.o.a. - says she never came home last night. marina dawkins. - can you reach the guy? missing persons is gonna have him come over. valenzuela at the 17th collared up on a skell last night just went for their two rape/murders. says we can come talk to the guy. - just have him wait. - sure. thanks. abby. hi, greg. what happened here? shots came from the bus.
5:06 pm
quick enough to keep most of these passengers on the bus so you could get statements. - good. - hey, i wanna get off. let me off this bus. we found a fully loaded .38 under a seat. this is illegal imprisonment. i want outta here. yo, man, i gotta get off this bus, man. this is my stop. that's the driver. let me off this bus! shut your mouth! yo, she's bad. what, you a xxxx? you like women or something? hey, shut up! you shut your mouth! just keep an eye on these guys. you're messing with my rights. i'll mess with more than that if you don't keep a decent mouth on you! hi. i'm detective medavoy. ain't this something? yeah. what can you tell us about the shooting? i heard some shots start going off, so i pulled over. i turn around and see this one guy shootin'. he sees me looking at him, he comes to ththfront of the bus,
5:07 pm
then i saw a couple cops running up the street, so i knew i had some help. i shut my door, wouldn't let any more of 'em off. there's a bunch of 'em still on there. man! damn drive-by shooting from my own bus. - could you tell who he was shooting at? - somebody on the sidewalk. all of a sudden, there was all l is yelling in spanish, he started shooting. - must have been eight or 10 shots. - all right. we'll have to straighten this out at the, uh, station house. let us on the bus. we'll talk t tthe passengers. yeah, we're gonna do a thorough search for guns before we break 'e'ethe news. that one guy mouths off again, him and me, we're gonna have trouble. guy calling abby names? he bandies slurs about, he's gonna get his ass kicked. okay, folks, we're gonna be here for a few minutes
5:08 pm
we understand d u made a confession on those rape/homicides last week. you think i could sell my story to the movies? that what you want? yeah. i think it'd make a good one. but i gotta be the star. oh, you're never getting out. how about tom cruise to play you? - where were you last night, gerard? - before here? - yeah, well, we know what happened o oe you got here. - i-i was out. i took a long walk. where'd you go? all over. but i didn't do anybody last night. - what bar would that be? - i don't know. - anybody there know you? you talk to anybody? - no. i went home and, uh, this gentleman was waitin' for me, and now i'm here. were you with a blonde woman last night around 14th street? - no. something happen to her? - she was choked to death. i wasn't around any women last night. what's going on here, gerard? huh? you just confessed to two rapes and murders. you think one more's gonna make you look any worse?
5:09 pm
look, i wouldn't care if you shot me. i blew it. so why should i care about admitting another murder? you want me to say i did it? only if you did it. i didn't. why'd you kill those two women? well, one of 'em wanted me to. the other one, that was-- that was wrong what i did. one of 'em wanted you to kill her? she wanted to die while she was having sex. oh. she told you that, i i ppose? yeah. she communicated it to me. it was clear. she cocounicated it to you. how'd she do that? with her mind. oh. and she had the kind of legs that were doin' things. they were puttin' out vibes. as soon as i saw 'em, i knew what i was supposed to do. and then she started in sending me ideas and stuff. she was communicating like crazy. it was all coming out of her what she wanted. how about the blonde woman last night with the long legs? was she communicating that kind of stuff too? nope. - you kill her, gerard? - no. no. no. did you ever hear of david berkowitz, gerard?
5:10 pm
but you, you get messages from a human. so that puts you onenetep up on the evolutionary ladder. yeah. let's go. on the gate. that loony son of a bitch. you know, the other two women, he gave it right up, he did it. maybe he didn't do yours.. m. or maybe there's something about it he's ashamed to admit.
5:14 pm
5:15 pm
ness. human beings getting shot wasn't none of your business. the people shot from that bus are both badly hurt, jose. they're both in critical condition fighting for their lives. i want you to understand if that woman dies or that little boy, by you not cooperating, you made yourself accessory to murder. that's 25 years in jail just for not saying what you saw. you want to do all that time for something you weren't involved in? hello. anybody in there? i-i don't exactly get you, ferd. you run such a big mouth out in the street. in here, you're quiet like a little xxxxx. i ain't got nothing to contribute. oh, you made a big contribution to one of my fellow cops.
5:16 pm
that's insulting a police officer. [ clears throat ] so-- so how'd this trouble start? i don't know. we were just riding and some guy's on the corner calling us putas. and you were calling him names? yeah. we were saying he e s a puta and he was saying we was puta. and that sucker went and thrown that bottle. you know this guy? no. one of thehe big beer bottles who did it? i don't know. some guy. what did he look like? ain't look likiknothing. yeah? i think it was you. hell, it wasn't me shooting. mendonca would be dead meat right now if it was me. oh, so you know this guy mendonca? i don't know. just know his name 'cause he's a little nobody xxxxxxx that thinks he's all big.
5:17 pm
i would have had myself a good laugh. - yo, i'm ready to go. - oh, you're ready to go, huh? - yeah, that's right. - yeah, well, let me tell you something, xxxxxxx. you ain't going anywhere. and-- and when i come back here, every answer you give, you better give it polite. yeah, or what? or yououl find out what. guess you sounding all evil now, huh? you must be bringing someone else back with you. 'cause if it's you, me and your attitude, you're gonna be one sorry puerto rican! hey, gina. detectives, that's earl dawkins. - th. if this is the d.o.a.'s husband,
5:18 pm
mr. dawkins. how do you do, sir? i'm detective simone. this is detective sipowicz. what is it? did you fifi my wife? we need to ask you some questions about her, sir. she-- she didn't't come. she called and said she was going to the movies after work. i'm worried sick. she'e'never stayed out like this. where does she work? she's a waitress at a little place on elizabebe street-- rusanov's. mr. dawkins, do you have any idea what your wife was wearing when she left? and, uh,h,i'm not s, a black skirt, i guess. she has a little mole over her lip, right there. she's blonde. not jumping to any conclusions, we'd like you to come with us, mr. dawkins. help on an identification. - why? who-- who-- who is it? is somebody hurt? - sir, y-your wife's missing.
5:19 pm
gonna need you to come to the morguguwith us. oh, my god. oh, god. oh, god. hey, greg. we need to get over to bellevue.. they got that guy mendonca, that kid ferd told you about. turns out he took a bullet in the arm. yeah, good. are you okay? yeah, i'm all right. i tell you, james, that ferd character, he's got very deep under my skin. the minute he cracked wise about abby, i knew he was on your bad side. yeah. plus this general attitude he's got. anyways, we ought to get over to bellevue, greg. yeah. let that xxxxxxx ferd sit in thehenterview and stew.
5:20 pm
yeah. j-just let us know whenever you're ready to have the blinds open. let me just get myself together. okay, i can do it. it's her. that's my wife. you want some water? what happened to her? - she was strangled. - who did it? we don't know. well, why y s she strangled? where was she? where-- where did you find her? she was found in an alley. was your wife having any kind of problems with anybody, mr. dawkins? any enemies that you might know of? none that i ever heard of. she wasn't raped, was she?
5:21 pm
it's my faulul okay. take it easy. i feel dizzy. why don't you just sit down in the office. you know, i think i need some air. i want to go outside. there's some signing of stuff you need to do, but it can wait. i can't cope now. i can't cope with it. i want to go home. all right, that's fine. we can take you home anancome back later.
5:26 pm
why does he proceed to tell us absolutely nothing? about the only thing he gavevep is her working here. [ knocking ] what is it? police. we need to ask you a few questions. [ clears throat ] marina dawkins, she work here? she worked last night. she work till closing? maybe 9:00. at about other nights? she ever leaea with somebody? i don't know what she does. it's her business, huh? she was murdered last night. and i want to hear a little more cooperation out of you. murdered? - i can't believe it. - then don't. [ simone ] when marina would leave work, who would it be she left with? - he waiai for her sometimes on the corner. - is that her husband? - maybe. - why would her husband wait at the corner?
5:27 pm
- is vitali his first name or his last name? - first. he only came in two or three times. then he stopped coming in and would wait on the corner till she finished her work. - she ever talk about him? - no. they walked that way, towards the russian bar. - was she some type of russian herself? - oh, yes, she's russian. marina. that's the name of that russian broad married oswald. - dimitri's. how could this happen? what's wrong with this country? what's wrong with it is tooooany people from other countries screw it up. detective sipowicz here is one of the few native american poles.
5:28 pm
do we look like doctors? we're the police, daniel. i wanna know who shot you from that bus. i don't know who it was. sure, you do. no, man, i was just waiting for the light and i caught a bullet. they was flying all over the place. pow, pow, pow, pow, pow! peopleleettin' hit. you saw the guy shootin'? mm-mmm. i didn't see him. you were looking right at those guys, calling 'em putas. they was calling me puta. look, we want to arrest the guy who tried to kill yoyo otherwise, he's gonna go after you again. i don't need no cops helping me, man. i can take care of this. -you're gonna do time you don't give us this guy's name. -i'm gonna do time? why, i'm the one who got shot! how are you gonna make me do the time? what kind of justice you calling that? that's justice for an xxxxxxx who's too stupid to give up the guy who shot himim - shoot. man, i ain't no rat. - hey, hey. this isn't just about you. that punk shot a woman and a little boy. they're both in critical condition.
5:29 pm
[ mendonca groaning ] you wouldn't cooperate, mendonca? get up! now you're a collar for throwing that bottle. he hit me in the head withth phone book, man. first i get shot, then i get hit in the head. and now you're arrested. just hit the trifecta. oh, screw that. luis ugalde did the shooting. okay, now leave me alone. sit down. sit down! ? probably over on, like, mott and baynard. he be over there dealing most of the time. - what's he look like? - i don't know. he got a thing on his neck. - what? like a growth or something? - no, it's like a tattoo, man. he's got a couple of tears. look for the thing on his neck. - it's-it's like a dagger. - all right, just sit still a minute. hey, greg.
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i apologize. i lost control. he's a scumbag gangbanger. you got results. don't worry about it. okay. all right, listen, we're gonna give you a break 'cause you did the right thing. can i go? yeah. when they're through with you, get out of here. [ martinez ] greg. you think i killed marina? go ahead, arrest me. you want to be arrested? i don't care what you do. what we're gonna have you do, vitali, is take a seat. er your load down. accusing me of drunk? yeah. it's a real pleasure imagining you on the city streets in your hack. drink this. no. you can't make me.
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