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tv   Meet the Press  NBC  November 26, 2018 2:30am-3:30am EST

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>> election integrity, questi those results. >> all of a sudden, out of the ilder they find a lot of vote and the federal courts after a disappointin ruli. >> this was an obama judge. it's a disgrace wh happens. tha a back to you from john roberts who says d weo not have obama judges or trump judges bush judges or clinton judges my guest this morning, republ of utah. and decratic congressman elijah
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elij elijah cummings ofma land. and they spent $1 million callin for the president's impeac >> he is a clear and present daer he is mentally unstable and armed weapons. he i sounds is runnin is impeach. the way to energize voters? nd a new report says the conseq of climate change includ not just fire squads and droughts but a big econom so why is the trump adminiit dismissing own report? or nin me this morning insigh and analysis are doris concer goodwin, helen cooper, daniel pletka, and nbc news politi analyst elise jordan. welcom to sunday, it's "meet the
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good sunday morning. clinton lostt contro of both houses of congre in 1994, the day after the election, he accepted his share of responsibility. mr. clinn thenorked with the new republican majority on issues like welfare reform and balanc the budgets. two years later, both were easily elected. when president obama lost the nous 2 in 2010, he called it a beatin and two l yearser he and that republ congress were easily re-ele presid trump's re-electi chance in big trouble. mr. clinton and mr. obama accept the public's refwuk andw pivote worh the new opposition in some so far president trump has done no such thing. he isticking tohe base only
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strate accelerate ago tacks n those hes can to be oppone since the election, he attacked the press again, attacked the judici again, attacked our election positi% electi process again. are assaults helpful to the presid politi they may be but they'r unprecedented. >> we get a lot of bad court decisi the ninth circuit which has become a big thorn in our sid >> president trump using a thanks teleconference with troops deployed overseas to ac renew a on the u.s. courts and double down on criticism of chief justice john roberts. >> i like him and i respecthim. but i think we have to use some common sense. >> that's after roberts in an extrao step by a chief justic rebuked the sitting presid for slamming a federal judge who ordered the admini to acce asylum claims for migrants no how they enter the united
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states >> you go to the ninth circuit acd it's a dis i'm going to put in a major compla this was an obama judge. >> the judge john tiger ds not actual sit on the ninth the ruling was handed down by a distri court. robert defended andindependent judici to the associated press "we do not have obama judges or trump judges, bu judges or clinton judges. what we have is an group of dedicated judges doing their level best to do equal right to those appearing before them." mr. trump's renewed attacks the courts are just his latest assaul on american instit he's questioned u.s. elections claimi without evidence fraud iu >> there's a lot of bad stuff going on in this country. >> he's relentlessl tacked the media. >> the dishonest, terrib people. >> and this week he againis contra own intell community. this time their assess. of the killing of jamal khasho appearing to take the
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word of the saudi crown prince instea >> the crown prince hates it more t i do and they have veheme denied it. the cia a points both ways. you know, as i said, maybe he did. maybe he didn't. >> house democratsprreising to exa khashoggi murder and the president's financial ties to saudi aria which mr. trump eluded to for years. >> i like the saudis. the they're very nice. i make a lot of money with them. they buy all sorts of my stuff. all kinds fof toysrom trump. >> the president is also iosput an urgent warning from his own administr on the issue of climate change. the report from 13 federal agenci was intentionally releas on black friday in order to bury it in the new the white house dismissed the findin based on the most extreme scenario." the report warns that n' signif are taking to reign in global warming, climat change could slash the u.s. economy by 10% by thehe en of century. just this week the president
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tweete about east coast cold weathe iatev happened to global warmin on't know that it's man made. you ha to show me the science. they hee a big political agenda >> and joining me now isor republ senike lee of utah. is a member of the senate judici committee. lcnato lee, e back to "meet press." i hope you enjoyed your holiday break. >> thank you. >> let me start with the presid back and forth with the chief justice. it was really the heads of two branch ithink, having a debate about -- about the consti perhaps and i feel as if that's in your wheel house. so let me ask you, what was your eacti to the president's dismis of the rebuke that chief justice roberts gave to h about how the judiciary works and how it should be repres by public officials? >> look, it's not entirely unprec for a president of the o united stat another public official to criticize
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court rulings. in some cases supreme court ruling asresident trump criticized the ruling in the citizens united case. this isn't my >> he didn't call it bush justicthough, did he? >> no. he didn't. but i serve with a number of collea in the senate includ some on the judiciary commit who routinely accuse the current supreme court of being in the pocket of big busine in the united states americ this m uncomfortabl too. i'm a lawyer by training. as a lawyer, i try to express disagr with theth courts impugning the court's motive >> this seems -- >> as presiden of thest united es he certainly has the right to express his opinion on these things. >> the problem is when he speaks he carries withhim a big follow that goes down the rab rabbit with him. he's gone after the judiciary, the eleionsystems, again contra his own cia, the justicdepartment, freepress. i can go on and on.
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you rebuke him quite a bit when he does these things but his behavior never csknges. do you yourself what is the point in rebuking him? >> well, he has be elected presid the united states. we know that he hasas an unconvad different approach than other people have taken to this job. but he president of the united some of the same styles that helped get him electe the first place. and so what i can dofor my part as a united states senator is to help sear him in a direction that i think is consistent withp hislicies and the best intere of the american people i do thin for -- >> do you have a breaking point? >> oh, sure. look, any time somebody violates the constitution i'm going to it. them out on i'm going to do what i can from my o position as a memb senate to the president's credit and the need to pivot after an d
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elecn't go his way during the midterm, i think presid trump is doingthat. someti with this president you have to look not just at what he says but also at what he does. look at the fact that in the erm following the mi electi president trump come out aggressivel for criminal justic reform. this is big bipartisan opport and i look forwar to getting it done. i want to ask you somethi about what you said though recent you said that you were so woie about political rhetoric and the ranker and that it reached such a fev going to drive our to v towalence. this will come down to federa or violence. diat's extreme no of the current proble >>yeah, it's no the extreme. in fact, it's probably the least contro speech i've given in a long time. accord a recent poll conduc by npr, 80% of americelieve that our politi devisivness in this countr at national level is
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drivin to a point that could result in violence. this is a realim lege concer it's o of the reasons why the foundi fathers were right in settin up a government that the nation level would be in charge of only a few things that are unavoidable. and by designation of the consti mandated to be at tiona. reserv all other powers for ates localities. recogn is more agreem a regional basisst state bye or community by commun than there will ever be at the national level. i think that is the best way. it may beon the way to avoid some of this devisivness >> i want to speak to t issue with saudi arabia. here is the president pushing back on the cia assessment, not necess but it's their best -- it's an assessment of high confidence that the crown prince in saudi arabia ordere the murder of jamal khasho is the president respondg to it. >> it's very important ally. and if we go by a certain
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able to won't be have allies with almost any countr okay? >> who should be held accoun >> maybe the world should be held accountable. the world isio v place. the world is a very, very viciou place. >> here's what fred an the publish publis of "the washington post" wrote in response to the presid dismissal of the cia assess clear and dangerous mess has be sent to tyrants around the world, flash enough money frond of the presidentst unite states you can literally get away murder. is he right? >> i disagree with the presid assessment. it it'itinconsistent the intell i've seen. now, look, i don't have access to everything thathe president sees. i'm sure what he is relying on. the intelligenc i've seen sugges that this was ordered by the crown prince. and is yet another reason why i've been pushing why i joined forces with bernieer sa february to get us
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out of fighting saudi arabiffs civil warrt in yemen. i think this is yet another dica that this unauth unconstitutional war from our standpoint isenot somethught to be fighti this is not an ally that deserv this kind of military intervy especiacause there' been no connection etwee safety of the americ people and our involv in this war. it's o of the reasons we got to get out now and i believe this is an opportunity for the congre to weigh and say let's halt our efforts in yemen questi what is the president's motive behind ding with t saudis and is it -- should congre look into see if he's got financl motivations into why he might be siding with the saudis over the ia? ok, i don't know why he's saudis.with the but i think there are things ha question do to relati the saudis notwit whatever his person motivations might be.
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i'm also certain that in the next congress people will look into that. but again, i think congress has to take sme ownership of u.s. foreig policy. especi as it relates to our interv war. our unconstitutional fighting of a civil warin yemen that has never been declared by the u.s. congre is a problem. and that's o us. >> final question. i'm curious your reaction to the climat report. this is from the fede govern congress, you guys ordere the federal government to do this. let me give you one of the conclu with continued growth and emissi at historic rates, annual losses and economic sector pojected to reach hundre billions of dollars by the end of the century. more t current gross domestic produc product of manufacture thestates. this is not painting a picture environmental catastrophe coming but an economic cata what are you going to do about it in congress, senato >>ell, first of all, i look forwar to digging into the report and listening t what
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other experts on the outside have to say about it. i think it's important any time we take a repor like that to examin what public policies they might have in mind. what public policies that could be brought forward that would addres the problem they're addres without simult devastating the there is no question that for a variet of reasons and regardle regard of where one stands on the issue of c cimateange that the burning of fossil fuels does emit into the environment a numberin t that aren't the health >> should we put a price o a carbon tax? are open to a carbon tax? >> no. i'm not. all theroposals i've seen so far that would address any of these issues would t devastate u.s. economy and have little or no benefit that is demons from our standp so i have yet to see a propos that would bring this about. i think if we'reng to move away from fossil tfuelt has to be through innovation
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and it can be choked out through excessive governme >> a busy morning. got a lot today. i really appreciate your time. thanks for coming on. i hope you enjoyed yourweekend. >> thank you. >> all right. joinin now from the other side the aisle is democratic congre elijah cummings who will join the house oversight commit welcom >> to be with you. let many he saudi issue first and foremost. becaus i know you've been on this issue as well. you have the president disagr with his cia. responsibi oversi -- you see -- do you ok to see if he has financial motiva for making the decisi is this something congress needs to look>>nto? think it's definitely someth that we need to look into. and we probably will. keep in mind, chuck, one thing that we're concerned about in oversi is the monument clauseet and wondering presid is acting in his best intere or those of the americ people. i think a this is appropria
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there other committees that will b looking at this too. >> you have so many subpoena qu you have members t the investig to start. your job is tori prze this. explai your priorities, how are yu going to make decisi what i worthy of the commit and what will it look like st of crass partis politics? >> there are a number of things that w have requested, some 64. these are things we would haveo normalunder republican or democratic administration. let's be clear.n the amerieople said to us hroug this election we want accoun we want to check on this presid the united states. but theyalso saidsomething else. they said we want you to solve problems. and a lot of our emphasis is going to be on and laser focus on things like the skyrockstin of prescriptio drugs,
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healthcare, dealing with things like issues like opioids and one that is near and dear to me, voting rights. we are going to look at all of that. now as far as president trump a -- and hisniadration, the americ people said they want bust and transparent invest with integrity. i haven't figured out exactly what order they're they'r important. but i guarantee you we'll look at them quite a bit. >> i want to play for you -- put up a quote from jason chavitz. you were the ranking member when he was chair on the republican side of the aisle. says, first of all, he makes the claim, i sent letters and subpoe to the trump admini and got no respon i was stimied every step of the what m think that elijah comin cummin get a response? was he stymied? >> no doubt about it. i think the remembers were aiders and abetters with rerd
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to hel trump p do things he unfortuna he's done. presid trump knew there was tt going to be any push back. now he knowre is going to push. it is to be serious push w thatt the american people want. i don't know what will happen. we're going to be very careful with issuing subpoenas. i don'tanpeople to think th first walk in there we're going have 30 subpoenas going out the door. not going to we're going to do carefu and make sure that it's done with integrity. >> you did not have your own subpoe power when ranking rememb >> that's right. for a long time. >> the first time th had ever happen compared to previous congre correct? >> right. >> do you plan on granting your rank member own the republ side subpoena author >> >> so your not? explai why you wouldn't. if you believe this ishoomething thatd have been granted to you when you were in the
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minori >> i didn't say that. you know, they who have power in washin all power. >> r aht. i think the american people have said they want checks andl ces. the subpoenas that i want to issue would be much different than ones that what i have seen. i want to issueohem that go the very heart of our democracy and protecting thatan democracy subpoenas by the way that may involve, say, private indust like the pharmaceutical compan with these skyroc drug prices. i just n't -- it's our opport i will consult with them. i work with them. unlike they did with me. but, no. >> this is one of those what's good for the goose is -- i guess the point is when do you stop? >> chuck, let me be clear. i'm hoping that we will return to a level of civility now. that's what i'm hoping for. hop
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that just doesn't move ground but move to higher ground and i plan to lead that y. one other thing, we've got -- ourc democra party, we -- althou we may n have been le electe all the people, we have t govern as if we were. w? yoo work with this presid >> oh, yeah. i will love to work with presid trump. i want to hold ahimcountable not only to the american people but i want to hold him accoun t himself. in mind, he i said recentlyhat he's for prescr drugs going down. he's the same one who said that he wants -- he complained during the a electiut the infras and how our airpor so poor and our roads. and now is the time. chuck, we only have two years. that's nothing. and so we've t to gett done. we do not have to -- we do have hit the ground as democrats runnin we have to hit the ground lying >> let me asku about the
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presid potential deal with the incoming government ofxi its no the clear yet if they totall signed off on this but the idea that any asylum seekers that come through mexico seeking asylum would stay in mexico until the court date in the unitedstates. if the president cuts a deal with mexico, are you supportive? >> no. >> why? >> because that's not the law. they should be allowed to come in, seek asylum. that's. the l and we don't -- >> would you support chang the la no. think we have a system that has worked for a long time. the president wants to change it. that's up to him. now th cone has tgress to stand up. >> do you think what he's doing is constitutional? >> i don't know. i don'tut think so we'll see. you know, the court -- a lot of eople don't realize that presid trump is now -- he's basica controlled these legisl bec they have been aiding an beetin him and defend him. he controls the executive
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branch and now he controls pretty much or trying to control judiciary. so he's basically had all three branch w no check. now he has a check. anagain, chuck, let's not be conf we have to address the things that the american people want us to address. they'r tired of this. they'r tired of hearing the lies. they'r hearing people say that lies are truth, truth is lies. they'r tired of it. and what they're saying is help me get my. prescriptio dru help me get health care help g roads fixed. if you're return that, isn what you want the focus to be. >> focus is on -- my zero focus is on the day to day lives of the american people. but i'm also -- by the way, we can do more than one thing at a i'm also focused on making sure that after the storm is over, it we're going through, the trump storm. after that storm is over, what will we have? will we have our democracy? and as i said, i said to the presid when i spoke to him h
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office, mr. president, look, i said i'm 67, you're 70. the greatest gift we can leave to our children i a democracy intact an opportuwity. an the voting rights. and that's so important to me. baltim maryland, thank you for coming down and being here. i hope weekend. >> i enyed it. when we come back, president trump on the courts, the intellcommunity, the ♪ what would you like the power to do? ♪ listening to people answer that question, is how we find out what matters most to them. for a business, it's the power to grow. for an entrepreneur, it's the power to innovate. and for a family,ow it's the power to a home. we stand winh the ones who da and day out put in the hard work to make things happen. for themselves, for their communities,
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becaus it sort of allows us to kick all of this conver a listen. what are you m for, mr. president? >> for having a great family and afor having a tremendous differ in this country. i made a tremendous difference in the country. this country is so much stronger now than it was wh office that you wouldn't believe it. >> and then here's what kathleen parker wrote. when reality is ignored or rechar in ways that defy national utrel, then new normal drip by drip just anothe category of current ents this bizarre thing happened and the pr looney off th wall obscene thing. wash, rinse, repeat, danny. >> first thing i thought when i saw say th we were all talkin turkey before is, you know, everybody at thlks is thank for turkey and i guess president trump is thankful for a turkey i did not think of that before look, this is this --s this te
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us everything that we already know about donald trum which is that his entire pointof refere everything that he thinks about is about himself. and that is going to be the answer yo every question ask today whether it is about sai arabia or climate change or about anything else. donald is number one about donald trump. >> so how do you conduct a policy how do you conduct the basics of govern under this? >> you know, i was just thinking about what i'm thankful for is forme. this is great. i'm thankful for me. >> i'm thankful for you. and aou and y you. >> it's always been me, me, me. so it is sort of that's what we have come to expect. i thi what's been really intere in the past week just watchin president trump is starti to -- you really are starti to see made clear just how ltle he both understands so of theta uniteds and what
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make this country that we all love. and th things that he does unders is sort of like, you know, how little he cares when he go from the i tacks onhe judici to sending american troops to the border, attack the military for not catchi osama bin laden fast enough when it w actually the cia that was responsible for the hunt for osama bin laden to loo raerrefreshing statement on the announce sort of laid out the honest terms the american relati with saudi arabia ich has always been pretty transa he just came out and said it. >> he said what it is. i'm going to put up -- he also used eight exclamation points. i highlighted six of them. this was not from the president. it was a statement states americ first. the world is a very dangerous place.m i won't read tall here. maybe he did, maybe he didn't. doris questioning. i mean, can you imagine fdr, ddy roosevelt, no you can't, i
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know the answer to that alre but the exclamation points. and, yet, helene . rig the most honest statement that a president ever sai relati with saudi arabia. >> the asides is what he is thinki about. i love the one when he was asked in the fox interview, you know, how do you rank yourself with lincol and fdr and ronald reagan and he said a plus. u can't go any higher. so i kemept thinking that buchan was lowest in the polls.nt rehey did one that put trump so the buchan family was celebrating. they w no longer at the bottom the th worriese is the atta on the institutions, you're attacking the rule of law.orry is do the people themse understand how troubl is? we're in a r tide that could really throw us over. i saw in a recent study in the "new y they said one out of three people craldn't nameh of the government. one out of ten people thought dge on the supreme court. it's funny but not. where is that civics. en i was an old girl, a young
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little girl, we studied. i i want to go back to middle school now teachi middle cool kids and achi them how to go active in city council and the lastate le legi >> we're seeing this transa foreign policy play out in su a devastating way through the destruction of stit denigrating the rule of law and justice as a great american import, as part and parcel of our foreign policy and during the 2016 campaign, i think that trump, his message of a different less tervention more common sense foreign policy resona with the american public he was veroutspoken about saudi arabia and their role in funnel terrorism around the world. where is that donald trum today? he is back in transactional purely for donald trum mode. and that's why it's key what repres just said about i
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looko donald trump's person ties with saudi arabia. >> just teed up something here. here is thomas friedman. what is the worst thing about presid trump p's approach to foreig licy? the combination is terrible he siclls out am values enough but then gets nothing of value in return. a litt harsh? >> well, it's tom friedman. let's take it where it's coming. i don't think that -- i don't think that calling the president a chump is helpful. i don't think that calling him immora although it maye cathar is especially helpful either our relationshi with saudi arabia has always beenranc transa relationshi about saudi arabia is always about our larger saudi arabia rule of law or anything else. so my view of this is informed by the problem that we have and
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we've talked about many times the politicalization of absolu everything. look, if people cared as much about jamal khashoggi as they did about half a million people in syria, as they cared about the 85,000 kids in yemen,bout what i happening about the murder frankly clearly by the way ordered by putin of dissid in the uk. if everybody cared about those the same way, i would credit the object to his statements on saiai ar lot more. >> but he was elected to up end the status quo when it came to foreig policy. at's not what he's doing. he's reinforcing the very worst elemen of ah policy quite frankl just isn't working when i would argue that sudi arabia has done more to further terror than iran. d that'sate we can have. but you look at what he's doing. ed innot what he was ele his supporters wanted when they took donald trum to office. >> that's not que factual, i'm
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afraid i think iran is the larger suppor of terrorism. saudi arabia has done moretuo itself around in terms of financ support for terrorism, in terms of support for indivi a in terms of privat support for terrorism than almost any country. iran remains the supporter of hezbol probably the most porf terrorist group in th countr iran is responsible for what is happen syria. iran is responsible for what is happen bahrain. >> saudi 9/11.s. >> i think that -- we all remember 9/11. thank >> all right. pause the convers there. ispaigning for president's trump impeachment a successful stra for the 250k service members of the toughest parts. is the search for a job that takes advantage of the skills you've gained while serving. you can now search with the phrase 'jobs for veterans'
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>> thank you. al i noted there, there are 30 potential democr candidates that could n. why you? 30d why you more so than any of the other >> let me stop you and say that presid >> fair enough. okay. what i did in 2018 was basica two things. our organizatio nexgen america he mobilized the larnlegesh yo voter action in the country. we gathered almost.5 million signat of american citizens callin for the president's impeac and removal office so basically during 2018 i was full time working on grassroots organi ame to get their voices heard in the countr hat i'm doing right now is puttin out an agenda, a for the 21st century which i call the five right which are the right that americans need to be free to pursue their own life and their ow destiny.
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>> i read it. sound a presidentia >> what it is, is a framework have a positive agenda in the 21st century. i'm puttin it out there for all of the people who are running for president to lond at get behind becaus what's missing in a positivetics is vision of what this country stands for and what the social contra is with t american citize they can be protec in the world and have the freedom tfo goard and live out the lives they want to live. >> get you to respond to someth that a progressive column about you. fairly flattering portrayal. he wrote this. i will admit i start with a bias agains billionaire who think they should be president. super that everyone is t them li they are whic makes them think they can succee in every area. explai >> i h spent the last six years traveling around the united talking to average
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citize going to red states and blue states toeally understand what americ are going through. and what i can tell you, chuck, is it is really close to the bone. one of my town halls in newark about six weeks ago, two differ peoood up and said if they had repeeled taledc afford car i wouldn't be here because i'd be dead. one of our five rights is the right to health. we need universal health care as aright. i was down in greensboro, north caroli probably the week before the election. i was talking to a bunch of colleg students. one of the people at lunch with me was a young man named chavez who is 18 years old who got a 4.1 in high school who had absolu dedicated himself, got into colleg couldn't afford to go. one of the rights is the right to learn. free e pre-k through collegth
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we c. what see when you go around un to the bone average americans are. that that's >> why youannd not warrenrs? they have similar experiences. they have similar points of view. what do you think you bringto the table that is different than he's other elected officials? >> i'm one of the luckiest pele in the united tates. is no. i had a family that really took. they sure i got a fantastic educat i never had to wonder whether i was go hot meal at night. a new for sure i was getti hot meal. i feel as if i've been enormo privileged both by myca family takin of me and by the -- what people have built in the united states over hundreds of years. but what i've seen when i w invest money for schools and founda and people was that this system h been rigged for big corporation and people like me. andunrigging this system, its
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not about me, chuck. it'seebout getting the of the people of the united states put first and .foremo which they are not right now in our political system. and which they all know that heey'r not first and foremost. impeac now for new democr house? you think it's front and center, don't you? >> i think it's an absolute first step to getting towardsis positin for the country. and let me say this -- >> you would start with impeac if you elijahcu ings, you would start drawing up the articl >> i think there is no question that president met the g unds foimpeachment and that it's urgent to get him out of office. and i list ebbi to the last segment. is there anybody in the united stes tells youthe presid is acting on saudi arabia not because they're ying him money? >> let me ask you. what is your line on foreign policy there is some allies that are sort of necessary evils. it's american foreign policy
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realis where you draw the line on sman rights ver america's nation interests? >> i think the idea thata amer is not value driven is a break with hundreds of years of what americ stands for. are we interested-- in our how we do personally? >> what about the human rights policy >> absolutely not. but would i also cut off ol values er to get along for a short term bump in some trade situat also not. the united states has done best around the world when we've done right. beus then people understand who we are and the idea of cooper with people who are fair trade partners who have a broade vision who understand that when you cooperate, everyb does better. in fact, a fistfight is not where you create the most value, chuck. did you learn that wheu were in fourth grade? >> final question is this. if you just -- what do you -- what i biggest impediment to running for you? >> as far'm as concerned, the
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bigges hole in american .olicy >> this is for y >> i understand. i'm answering your question. i'm answering your question. what i mising in america positi vision. what i is someone going to take something similar to the five rights i put forward to protect the a and really run with it so that we have a vision of what we're trying >> ifnoer candidate grabs your five rights, you would step aside? >> this is about the peop united state of the united stat. if there is a movement to get someth in place we desper need which we always need is a vision of what the country stands for and how the american people come first, ll be part of that movement, absolu100%. one wa other. >> whether you're a candidate or a supporter? >> absolutely. tom steyer, thank you. much appreciated. when we come back, democrats pickedp as many as 40 house seats in the mid tet ms. seats in the mid tet ms. bume are still not calling
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no, it wasn't. at least at my house. what is the deal?go democr areg to net at least seats in the house. and with two gop held seats, it's possible the democrats could get up to 40. histor that's big. last time democrats gained this many seats in a midterm was 1974. the post watergate election. one point for team wave. democr also won the national house popular vote by a whopping 8.9 mi votes, 53-4ei t points. the gop's last two wave ns won the bli popula vote by a smaller margin so that's another point for team wave. buwas it a wave?
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maybe not. republ knocked off in democr senator north dakota missouri, florida and indian while losing only in arizona and nevada as of now, they're plus two in . a wave should have saved two or three vulnerable incumbnd two of them lost by six pints each point wave. there were also some high profil losses for the democr nail biters in georgia's govern race,florida's govern and senate races all went trepublicans. plus inohio, democrats lost every big race except for hangin on to the brown seat. all points for nowave. look, are strong points for both sides of the argument. and the strongest poeint for pro wave side. but this election is a realig only because of the results in missouri, ohio, inan florida, and georgia but because of the strong ,urnou for both parties and a wave electine side usually stays home, demoralized. didn't.
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the report was released on iday some o the projected impacts includ according to the report, three 12 degrees of additional wo additi warming by 2100. this report was put out black friday it's congressional mandated. a trump pinistration had to do this. their own response to their own report was, hey, this was worse case scenario. we'll a different assess the road. what do yo make of it? >> i make of it that there is an absolu lack of leadership on
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the corporate level, national level, evenat on the levels w. whethe this is man made orheer or not it is -- it clearl man made, but whether some is made from something else that dmatter. what matters is we're seeing everyt around us, the trirfir and droughts and now they say this may had been happening by 2050.rt every imt act taken in americ is because people in the govern begin to feel i care what is going to happen to my kids and grandkids. whe do we do civil rights? becaus better for th south in the long run. we came through a tough period and now we have a new south. look tfuture. if you can't look past yourself and the greater go future that is noteership. this impact which i think for politiight wake them up more t an environmental impact >> -- you would hope start to wake up r politi but to doris' point, i'm very concer about the short termis within congress and there is no political will to
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t down andhink intent make tough politi choices and think about the future when there isn't anli immediate cal payoff and so i do think it has to be more of aat corp interest for corpor to am come togeth and try to deal with this and even if it isn't worse case vscenario, a 20th of this is a big problem. >> danny? >> the problem, again, is that i think there is a among those for whom donald sp that donald trum does speak for some people, that -- 46% is a number that seems to . >> well, that's a pretty substa bunch of people. the problem for many is that they perceive this as an agenda that is much more about corpor and much more about law and much more about the kind of governance t hat america and much less about climate. so from the standpoint of those that have doubts about t i don't think we can have any
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doubts tist there climate change whether it is man made or not. i don't know. i'm no scientists. it look this as a citizen. we need to recognize we had two drop in global temperature that we have had since the 180s, the bigges in the last 100 years. we don't talk about that. its not part of the agenda. the united states has been droppi in co-2 emissions since we pull out of paris. there are actually good things . we are dirty coal anym it's the europeans who are using gi dirtycoara there is cor leadership on. thisyes, we need to deal with the problems. yes, we need to mitiga the things with we shouldn't b hyster >> it seems like there isore corpor interest in doing someth than government intere >> yeah, just the problem is the corporation that's are pollut the most. and i actually thi wehould be hysterical. i'm going to disag you on this. think anybody that has childr or anybody that can
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imagin having children and grandc can you look at the and think this is the kind of world that through our own inaction and inability to do someth that we're going to lead them. i'm glad you're havs talk about this on this show becausee i think it was cynici to release this report on bla by the trump admini i just think that at some point we are going to need not just the political leadership but also the corporate leadership to actual sit down and do someth about this. >> it does seem as if we're afraid of buying this insurance policy why are we afraid? why is the republican party in partic afraid ofth buying insura policy? >> i thinkt goes about a to deeply entrenched corporate intere in the republican party. i think this is a very defined policy platform that you can see how republicans have been histor influenced by their donors on thisank. >> you mean it's distrust that enviro left will use it go aft rather than --
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>> philosophically the anti-r bend is. there i think that if you look at donors, there is a direct correl there. >> this is why education of the citizetial and the end of citizenry has the power and it's like a movement. an environmental movement but it has to be upped now. every young person has to realiz they're fighting. old people areeighting for young now too. i care about them. we care about the kids. right. so we have a responsibility betterivics and better moveme i'll be with you on the ground.. before we go, y if would like to help the victims of the califo wildfires, we picked out a few organizatiohat's we have found that we think you should reach out to. if you don't have a penhandy, don't worry. we have the organizations listed socialmeet the press media accounts. that's all for today. thank watching. i hope you enjoyed your thanks break. we'll be back next sunday becaus if it's sunday, is "meet
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blizzard conditions snarling traffic and causing headaches ar airp around the nation. as it also caused cay us in one of the busiest roads in the east coast. seizes three ukrainian navy vessels. in alabama the familyoff a man mistaken shot and killed by police inside the mall should reveal all video of the incident. ed> president trump reviv twitter attack of his own. and the


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