tv Today NBC September 27, 2016 7:00am-9:00am CDT
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good morning. face to face. hand-to-hand combat. donald trump and hillary clinton go after each other in a spirited first debate. >> all talk, no action. hiding. >> attacking each other's record. >> hillary has experience, but it's bad experience. >> and getting personal. >> this is a man who has called women pigs, slobs and dogs. >> did either candidate move the needle? we'll ask our decision 2016 team and the vice presidential candidates tim kaine and mike pence weighing in live "today," tuesday, september 27th, 2016. >> announcer: from nbc news,
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and savannah guthrie live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. good morning, everybody. welcome to "today" on a tuesday morning. we'll get the numbers later today, but they were saying this might be the most watched debate ever. maybe 100 million viewers. that would get us into super bowl territory. >> there was a lot of hype. in some ways it lived up to it although i think if you look at the coverage this morning most people agree no knockout punch. no game changer. in terms of exchanges. a lot to chew on no question about it. we'll get reaction to the debate from the two vice presidential nominees. senator tim kaine and governor mike pence in just a little while. first our decision 2016 team has it covered starting with nbc national correspondent peter alexander. peter, good morning. >> reporter: matt and savannah, good morning to you. i think you're right. it was an historic night. largely lived up to the hype. a night of contrasts on policy,
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hillary clinton demonstrating her preparation. donald trump relying heavily on his instincts. after their opening remarks, pleasantries were quickly abandoned. donald trump aggressively challenging hillary clinton as a washington insider. >> you haven't done it for 30 years. >> i have been a senator and secretary of state. >> reporter: clinton dismissing trump's attacks. >> i have a feeling by the end blamed for everything that's ever happened. >> why not? >> why not, yeah. >> over 90 minutes, clinton accusing her brash opponent of being racist, sexist and xenophobic. on trump's past comments about women. >> this is a man who has called women, pigs, slobs and dogs. >> and on the birther controversy. >> he has really started his
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racist lie that our first black president was not an american citizen. >> reporter: the debate highlighted the contender's liabilities. trump defending his refusal to release his tax returns like presidential candidates have done for decades. >> i will release my tax returns against my lawyer's wishes when she releases her 33,000 e-mails that have been deleted. >> reporter: the billionaire admitting on multiple occasions he didn't pay any federal income tax. tax. >> that makes me smart. >> that means zero for troops. zero for vets. zero for schools or health. >> reporter: the republican nominee scolding clinton over her e-mail scandal. >> i made a mistake using a private e-mail. >> that's for sure. that was not a mistake. that was done purposely. >> reporter: trump raising eyebrows trying to convert what viewers see as his biggest weakness into a strength. >> i have much better judgment
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i also have a much better temperament than she has. >> reporter: one of the night's fiercest exchanges, on the defeating isis. >> at least i have a plan to fight isis. >> you're telling the minute everything you want to do. you tell the enemy everything you want to do. no wonder you've been fighting is >> reporter: and on trump's disproven claim he opposed the iraq war before it began. >> donald supported the invasion of iraq. that's proved. >> reporter: the later it got, the more heated the exchanges. >> where did you find it? >> her name is alicia machado. she has become a u.s. citizen and you can bet she's going to vote this november. >> okay. good. let me just tell you -- >> reporter: by night's end clinton believes her own debate preparation paid off. >> i think donald just
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this debate. and yes i did. you know what else i prepared for? i prepared to be president and i think that's a good thing. >> reporter: unlike in past campaign years, there's no written agreement between the two campaigns that would effectively lock them into participate in each of the next two debates. while donald trump's adviser rudy giuliani said last night that if he were running, he would pull out of the next debate. trump told nbc news late last night, that he is committed to showing up for the next debate scheduleoc matt and savannah? >> all right, peter. thank you very much. >> let's turn to chuck todd and nicolle wallace. good morning to you both. good morning unite you night owls. if you watched this until 9:30 and turned it off, a lot of people felt trump is having a very good night. it did seem like his energy and his answering of the questions waned over the night. would you agree? >> the lack of preparation
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the irony of him talking about her stamina, he seemed to run out of gas at the end. he seemed to run out of steam. i think that goes to a lack of preparation because he took the bait on almost every little thing. the last half of the debate i can't remember a substantive exchange on issues. what i do remember is him interjecting and defending himself. it became more about himself rather than specific issues. >> i don't think it was as time went on, i thought in each particular section his first responses to the two-minute fairly much back to his talking points. but when the followups came, he just went back to his talking points. so there seemed to be maybe preparation but a lack of depth there. >> i mean, understatement of the day. listen, i was involved in preparing a couple of different candidates who were not known for their debate acumen. they turned in stronger performances than trump did last
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sarah palin. if she did what donald trump did last night, there would not be a day after. and the debate against john kerry and george w. bush who had a disastrous first debate. the trump camp was not trying to spin this as a good night for them. their word was missed opportunities. missed opportunity after missed opportunity. i have to say both of these things can be true. she was excellent and she exceeded expectations that were ve and his poll numbers will likely not be affected by a terrible performance. >> perfect segue. let's get to the so what of it. is it going to move the needle for either of them? >> if it moves the needle for anybody i think it's more likely to move it for her than him. supporters probably loved the pugilistic atmosphere that he created. oh yeah. he got her with tax return and e-mail question. there are a group of voters that are swing voters, moderate republicans, suburban
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added those people to his column. these are people pondering clinton. >> temperament and trust are a lot of words we're hearing. on the subject of trust and her e-mail situation. i thought she did something very smart last night. when she was asked last night, she answered two or three sentences and stopped. she didn't do what she's done in the past going on and on in a layering answer. allowing follow-ups. so much from the reviews we got and response we got from the commander in chief forum. they had ten days, two weeks, to completely recalibrate. i think they felt like what they had to do was answer that question and move on. they did that last night. i will say to him, he didn't get on offense. the problem -- voters are willing to give him a pass for not being a politician. voters are willing -- he's graded on a curve because voters love the unvarnished
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he couldn't get himself on offense and that's why -- >> early on he did on a couple of issues. on a couple issues he did. >> she was at it for 30 years. >> she was speechless almost when he said so when you vote on tpp, that means president obama did -- she was speechless. it was a moment, like, wow. he has her on trade. watch focus groups in ohio and pennsylvania but then cybersecy misses the e-mail hit. >> so ten seconds each, next debate what does he have to do differently? >> he'll do much better. he has to do better than last night. >> easier said than done. >> we'll talk about a new low bar. he can, i would imagine he'll be better. he needs to watch videotape of himself on mute. split screens didn't help him. >> don't go anywhere.
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senator tim kaine. hillary clinton's running mate. senator, good morning. good to see you. >> good to be with you. thanks. >> if you were a millennial and you were watching last night and toying with the idea of voting for a third-party candidate because you want some sort of change to be brought into the process, did hillary clinton say anything last night that you think would sway them in her direction? >> well, yeah, matt, a couple things. she laid out a detailed plan about how we're going to grow the economy including significant support for education and bringing down college costs and secondly, she drew a clear distinction between herself and donald trump on a fundamental issue with millennials which is she accepts climate science and believes we need to do something about climate change, and she pointed out that donald trump believes climate science is a hoax. he tried to deny he said that but he's said it over and over
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the millennials i know, this is a fundamental litmus test for them. they want to know what you'll do to deal with climate issues and the planet. so she drew a good distinction. >> senator, she was asked about the e-mails. she tried to dispel with that question rather quickly. donald trump did point out correctly that several staffers we immunity against criminal prosecution as part of this investigation. she didn't take it on. she didn't explain it. can you explain that? >> you know, i thought that there was a pair of trust issues that were put on the table for each of them. the e-mail question was hers to answer. she did. she just looked right in the camera and said i made a mistake. i apologize for it. i take responsibility. there's been an fbi investigation. they determined nothing more needs to be done. >> on that immunity issue. >> the question for donald trump
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he wouldn't apologize. his explanation of why he did it made no sense. why he persisted in it for five years. you got to see a trust issue put before each. one candidate said i made a mistake. i learned. i'm sorry. one refused to apologize and refused to take responsibility. i thought that contrast was sharp. >> both you and secretary clinton over the course of the last quite long period of time said you don't believe donald trump has the temperament to be president and commander in chie talk to me about his temperament last night? what did you see that either bolsters your claim or shakes it? >> you know, i don't think he was prepared. in terms of the specifics, he offered very few specifics on any policy issue. he did attack. that's true. in terms of policy, he didn't offer specifics with the exception of his big tax plan, which is huge cuts for folks at the top. he didn't show a command of specifics.
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like questions about his tax return. and he showed that he was easily rattled. probably i thought hillary's best moment was when donald trump got challenged about comments that he's made about her looks that she doesn't look presidential. he tried to change that and said i was talking about her stamina. hillary said you go to 120 countries and you sit before a congressional hearing for 11 hours and then talk to me about stamina. in the split screen i was watching at that moment, she looked like she was ready for another 11 hours and debate and he looked like he was out of gas and leaning up against the ropes. that showed a temperament and preparedness issue and really worked to hillary's advantage. >> senator, we appreciate you being with us after a long night. thank you very much. >> you bet. thanks, guys. >> in the next half hour we'll talk to donald trump's running mate, mike pence. >> let's bring back in chuck and
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all of the body language last night was a feeling of certainly relief but also that they felt they had a good night. >> no doubt. it is interesting. you brought up the millennial issue first with them. it was clear they had two pieces of business they were hoping to do. one is the way they had this prepared ad with the former beauty pageant contestant who donald trump apparently offended. the minute she launched that hit on him, within ten minutes of the debate being over they were out with an ad. it targeted latinos. the point is she has two big problems in the obama coalition. enthusiasm with latinos. and enthusiasm with young voters. i'll be curious to see if that worked last night. >> a week from tonight is the vice presidential. week from tonight. is that ever about the vice presidential candidates or is that just surrogates for the presidential candidates? >> i mentioned sarah palin in the last segment. in that case it was. usually an opportunity to
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and bush's less than stellar debate with john kerry. he was able to turn the momentum back in his direction. it becomes pivotal when one side or the other has lost momentum. if mike pence has a great night, the trump team can turn momentum back in their direction. >> interesting. you mention strategy. pieces of business that the clinton team wanted to accomplish. on the other side, you did see trump hitting some sweet spots for republican voters. he talked about e- just mentioned fifth amendment thing. he talked about janet yellen at the fed. do you think that's a good strategy in terms of expanding? >> i think their goal was to use this to unite republicans and right before the debate he put out a new list of potential supreme court nominees. i thought that actually was a missed piece of business last night. that's been the most important rallying cry for many republicans is the supreme court.
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you know, again, this goes to preparation issue. there were ways he could have inserted some issues and he just whiffed. time and again he whiffed at opportunities. >> chuck and nicolle, thank you so much. we'll have a lot more for you guys and how this may reshape the race in just a little while. let's take a turn and get a check of the weather from al. >> we've been talking about the flooding in iowa. cedar rapids. good news is the river there, cedar river, just about ready to not quite at records but awfully close. as you look closer you can see that we're looking at the peak happening sometime this afternoon and then quickly receding. here in the east, we've got a front that goes from new england all of the way down into texas. heaviest rain is going to be along the mid-atlantic states into the northeast. we really need the rain here in the northeast in new england. got a bit of a drought going on. the heaviest rain is actually going to happen down along the mid-atlantic coast. the secondary front brings in
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look at what we look at the next five days. upwards of five inches of rain from central pennsylvania all of the way down into the virginias and may see even something else developing as we get into the weekend. it's going to be a wet time. where we really need the rain, we're not getting it. we'll get to your local forecast coming up in the next 30 seconds. perfectly balanced mug of... i've got this. mom! to be on top of your mom game... nailed it! thanks so much. you need a balanced coffee you can drink throughout the day. mccaf? coffees brew a smooth blend. for a taste that's not too strong, but never weak. so you can savor every sip knowing you are matriarch supreme. mommy's not a napkin honey.
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>> that's your latest weather. >> al, thank you so much. coming up, one of the times people were talking about last night. what exactly did donald trump mean when he said he a certain comment about hillary clinton's family. we'll get into that. >> his running mate, indiana governor mike pence weighs in on the debate and where the race goes from here.
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back now at 7:30 on a tuesday morning. it's the 27th day of september, 2016. it's also the morning after the first all-important presidential debate. millions watching last hillary clinton, donald trump going head to head for 90 minutes on the most explosive issues in this election. >> we talked to tim kaine in our half hour. mike pence is here and we'll talk to him in a moment and today's first campaign moment happened before clinton and trump took the stage. their spouses were at the center of attention.
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of the audience. a lot of people on twitter noticed the setting was different from 11 years ago and bill clinton attended the trump wedding. >> one of the big questions heading into the debate, how was trump going to handle himself? that temperament question. nbc's hallie jackson is still at hofstra. good morning to you. >> reporter: for donald trump it was all about whether he could come off as presidential under that very big spotlight and in the end it was talk a h viral. maybe not for the reasons you think. temperament the top trend of the night with twitter and facebook lighting up when donald trump said this. >> i have much better judgment than she does. there's no question about that. i also have a much better temperament than she has, you know. i have a much better -- >> reporter: hitting his rival --
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a temperament problem. >> reporter: the first general election presidential debate, a kind of test with trump kicking it off seeming sarcastic. >> with all fairness to secretary clinton, yes, is that okay, good. i want you to be very happy. it's very important to me. >> reporter: for both candidates, it wasn't just what they said but how they said it. their express, volumes. split screen showing clinton appearing composed and sometimes amused. >> i have a feeling by the end of the evening i'll be blamed for everything that's ever happened. >> reporter: compare that to trump's more animated expression repeatedly interrupting clinton and even rolling his eyes. >> were you mad? some said you seemed angry. >> i was not angry at all. >> reporter: in the spin room
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uniformly praising what they call his restraint. >> i was going to say something extremely rough to hillary, to her family. i said to myself, i can't do it. i just can't do it. it's inappropriate. it's not nice. >> reporter: the candidate himself pleased he held off on certain topics like bill clinton's past affairs. >> i'm very glad that i didn't mention it because chelsea was in the room. indiscretions by b think would be appropriate to do. >> reporter: did either candidate in your view look presidential? >> i think they each looked presidential to their own supporters in the course of this. i think what both candidates tried to do was to appeal to their base voters. if this was a debate that was supposed to persuade people in the middle to come to either side, i doubt if it accomplished that. >> reporter: so the question now given all this, will trump prepare any differently for the next debate?
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don't think so and will continue to do what they've done which is let trump be trump. >> we're joined by indiana governor mike pence. governor, good morning. nice to have you with us. >> good to be here. >> you saw the debate last night. you were in the hall. was this donald trump at his best or is there room for improvement? >> it was a good debate. i thought donald trump had a great night. what the american people saw is what crowds o are seeing across the country and that's someone that speaks straight from his mind and straight from his heart and focused on issues that american people care about talking about jobs and trade economy and trade deals that will work for the american worker. i was just excited to be there and excited to see donald trump lay out that positive vision for america. quite a contrast to hillary clinton who spent two to one the amount of time attacking my
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talking about her plan. >> i thought he struggled on the birther question. he was asked what happened last week that made him step away from that question and declare once again that barack obama was born in this country and had some unusual answer about he accomplished his goal of getting obama to release the birth certificate but that came five years ago and he persisted with this birther question. can you explain that because he didn't. >> i think the pe persisted with this in this presidential campaign was really the media. >> he was involved as well with innuendo and questions. >> i've been campaigning with him for the last two months and watch his campaign unfold the last two years. donald trump has been focused on rebuilding our military and having a stronger america on the world stage. >> he had multiple opportunities to put it to rest and declined. multiple opportunities. >> the reality is that -- and he said this last night. this began long before he walked
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ago. it began literally in the 2008 campaign. you know, i think the reason why he's made the connection that he's made with millions of americans and the reason why you see the momentum in this campaign is even showing up in polls around the country is because donald trump is talking about the issues the american people care about and last night that was in high relief. here's a candidate in hillary clinton who has been on the public stage for the last 30 years and basically thi status quo versus change. donald trump showed the energy, the leadership to be able to carry a message of change washington, d.c. and strengthen this nation. >> let's talk about another issue. last night hillary clinton said donald trump thinks that climate change is a hoax perpetrated by the chinese. mr. trump responded i did not, i did not, i do not say that. in point of fact if you look on twitter this morning, you'll see a tweet from donald trump that
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the chinese in order to make u.s. manufacturing noncompetitive. was that not true? did he tell a lie last night? >> what he said was -- that by the way was a flippant and joking comment. >> if you look on twitter, there are probably at least six occasions where he calls climate change a hoax. >> what donald trump's position is the hoax is some bureaucrats in washington, d.c. can change the climate of the earth. the other piece of this is that hillary clinton's plans and barack obama's plans on climate change are going to continue to cost millions of american jobs. the big win last night for donald trump is that he really focused on jobs. he focused on not the tax increases that hillary clinton is advocating but tax relief for working families, small businesses, family farms, making america more competitive and that means pushing back on this
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advance. >> he didn't do something that he's done during the campaign and that is bringing up the marital problems of the clintons. chelsea was in the room. it wasn't appropriate. seemed proud of himself for that restraint. you will have to imagine chelsea will be in the room for the next several debates. do you agree with that strategy? >> the whole evening was an avalanche of insults by hillary clinton. it was remarkable. i was it was one line after another leveling personal attacks at donald trump. what the american people saw last night is the word you used. it was restraint. for the president of the united states, that person has to have the temperament, they have to have restraint to deal with a wider world and challenges facing the american people, and i couldn't have been more proud of donald trump -- >> he hasn't shown the restraint on the campaign trail on that
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the stage. one very, very scripted politician, 30 years in public life and here on the other side you saw a businessman, a doer, someone who spent a lifetime building, speaking straight to the american people. i thought donald trump had great night. >> governor pence, thank you for getting up early with us. we appreciate your time. we'll see one week from tonight. >> let's bring chuck and nicole back in. this is weird because governor pence is still here. he says clear distinctions last night and had a good night. what did you think? >> he's a very important person in the trump world because he made the two best points that his candidate made last night. the best arguments against hillary clinton is that she's been there for 30 years and that donald trump has spent this campaign on the trail, on the stump, listening to ordinary americans. but donald trump didn't underscore those points last night as well as governor pence did this morning. >> it was interesting.
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points being shaped and they talked this morning. he is not denying it wasn't a good night now. there were a lot of insults in the air and looks like they want to blame hillary clinton for the tone of the evening. interesting to hear him say that. >> right after the debate we go to the spin room. that's where the surrogates go. nicole you have been at this rodeo many, many times. the spin room. that could be interpreted a couple different ways. was he trying to clean up his performance and immediately knew that or was it just he loves the cameras and couldn't stay away? >> he was in the spin room after many of the gop primary debates. i think he likes the spin room. it is, as you said, traditionally a place for staffers to do that sort of work. he has so far liked doing that work for himself. that won't hurt him. i think his problem is the
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talking about restraint, trying to get the campaign back on message at the same moment the candidate was on another news program doubling down against miss universe. >> by the way, you saw governor pence. he's got a running mate that works hard defending him. does a pretty good job doing it. >> if you based a lot of your campaign, chuck and ni, donald trump has done. he says he's a winner. you have a performance last night where it's hard to walk away saying i was a big winner last night. what does it do to your mojo going forward? >> after all of his setbacks, when he lost the wisconsin primary and horrible august. he was at war with a gold star family. it's hard to even say that sentence. he was able to recalibrate. sometimes in his inner circle
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is when he has a setback, those who want him to make adjustments have their influence and people that want donald to be donald win the day. >> there's a long history whether the president or a candidate coming back from a first debate and coming back strong. >> we'll know that if in two days we hear news that they got donald trump to watch his performance. they got him to watch on mute. remember that right after al go then governor bush. they leaked that out. a way of trying to reassure supporters, he's working harder this time. i wouldn't be surprised in two days we get that kind of conversation from the kellyanne conways and governor penses of the world. >> you're excused. let us take a look at the rest of the debate schedule. vice presidential candidates will square off a week from tonight. there are two more presidential debates still to come.
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the third on october 19th. that one in las vegas. >> from politics to the weather. al is standing by his weather board. >> it's great having so many people here. we're going to cool down a bit around the great lakes into the northeast. going to feel more fallike which is okay. look at these temperatures going into latter part of the week. 69 in green bay. new york city dropping into the upper 60s. 80 degrees in raleigh. as we head toward the weekend, look at this. 53 in atlanta. 48 in kansas city.
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we're back at 7:48. i can hardly remember a time when you watched the debates without social media. remember the olden days? it's incredible what you see. >> a lot of just watching the tv screen and watching your phone. let's get to it. as you might imagine that debate dominated the total conversation in social media took over all top ten of chart. trump was the most talked about candidate at facebook and twitter but he trumped himself with his own word choice. trump used the word when describing his income. now he was trying for braggadocio. top of our lookups right now. that wasn't the end of the language lesson.
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this looks like the ticket she had to get in last night. hillary's name spelled wrong. one l instead of two. the official debate ticket didn't include either of the candidate's names. no debate is complete without a viral moment from the candidates. trump sounded as he was battling a cold. sniffling throughout. it didn't take online for parity accounts to come up. @trumpsniff showing up on for hillary clinton here she captivated the situation when she responded to the comments with a shimmy. james tweeting it's all about clinton's woo-dance. made for an event night online and we have two more to go next month. >> carson, thank you very much. >> politics and pop culture collide. collide. the the story behind every day my challenge is to be in sync with my body,
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it all starts with a healthy routine. that's why i'm taking the activia two week probiotic challenge by enjoying activia yogurt with billions of probiotics every day. because when my routine is in sync, i can face any challenge. so take the activia probiotic challenge! visit to learn more. take the activia probiotic challenge now. it works or it's free! ve been on i'm bushed! my feel alyea me too. excuse me...coming through!
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ive you comfort. which helps you feel more energized ...all day long. i want what he has. we have a guide to help you make the we have all the information you need to make a clear decision. send for this. do it right now. it will be a big help. god bless. lips appear to age faster than other skin. no worries. now, there's chapstick? total hydration.
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is clinically proven to provide healthier, more youthful looking lips. chapstick? put your lips first? my dad gave me those shares, you know. he ran that company. i get it. but you know i think you own too much. gotta manage your risk. an honest opinion is how edward jones makes sense of investing. ? ? here you go. here you go. buy any five mccaf? beverages and you get one for free here you go. now come in and try our pumpkin spice latte. enjoy a mccaf? moment. >> coming up, a cure for a common condition.
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r your local news.u're not a cou you're not a firefighter, if you don't fight fires. or a coach, if you don't coach. and you can't be our leader, if you don't lead. our next president needs to take action on social security, or future generations could lose up to $10,000 a year. we're working hard, what about you? hey candidates, do your jobs. keep social security strong. something. "or something"? you don't just graduate from medical school, "or something." and we don't just pull smoked chicken, bake fresh foccacia and hand-slice avocado. there's nothing "or something" about it. a when your symptoms start... distracting you? doctors recommend taking ...non-drowsy claritin every day of your allergy season. claritin provides powerful, non-drowsy 24 hour relief... for fewer interruptions from the amazing things you do every day.
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s. quack quack. plastic surgery duck! uh huh! you are a backwards duck. instead of quack, he says- no, kcauq. kcauq. kcauqqq. kcauuuu. ? ? pringles! that was invigorating! you're probably wondering why i've just carved a giant wooden tiger. well, the answer is that a real one would maul me. i've crafted dr. whiskers here as a visual aid carmax associates will not pounce like tigers because people don't like that. come here to buy a car. dr. whiskers won't pounce. nobody will. ? ? ? ? here you go. here you go. buy any five mccaf? beverages and you get one for free when you use the mcdonald's app. here you go. now come in and try our pumpkin spice latte.
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it's 8:00 on "today." coming up, round one. >> you called it the gold standard of trade deals. you said it's the finest deal you've ever seen. >> donald, i know youiv your own reality but that is not the fact. >> hillary clinton and donald trump square off in their first presidential debate with both sides claiming victory but did either candidate make their case to the american voter? then royal road trip. william and kate battle bad weather north of the border but are greeted with a warm welcome and an emotional message for the future king. >> we have been asked by many of our people to share with prince william how much we cared for
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and honoring hidden heroes. oscar winner tom hanks joins us live in studio 1a to shine a light on a cause close to his heart, "today," tuesday, september 27th, 2016. ?? >> from dallas and tulsa. it's our dream come true to be on the "today" show. >> good morning, sacramento! >> good morning south dakota! >> we came all of the way from florida to see hoda kotb. >> we love the "today" show. >> good morning, everybody. good morning. it's 8:00 on "today." it is tuesday, september 27th. we're so happy to see this crowd. awesome day. we have a little rain this morning, but it feels good.
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>> it is. you guys hung in there through the rain. we have a lot to get to in this hour. let's start with the top stories. morning. including the big debate last night. it is time for the news at 8:00. >> i'm andrea mitchell at westchester county airport where hillary clinton will take off for a rally after the feisty debate with donald trump talking about taxes and trade and racism and face-to-face for the first time. >> secretary clinton. >> the flattery. >> donald, good to be with you. >> reporter: turning quickly to fireworks. >> by the end of the evening, i'll be blamed for everything that's ever happened. >> why not. >> reporter: donald trump claiming that hillary clinton failed to defeat isis. >> no wonder you have been fighting isis your entire adult life. >> reporter: and calling her out for the trade deal with asia.
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>> you called it the gold standard of deals. >> donald, i know you live in your reality, but that is not the fact. >> reporter: she did once call it the gold standard. clinton attacked trump for refusing to release taxes. >> maybe he doesn't want the american people, all of you watching tonight, to know he paid nothing in federal taxes. >> that makes me smart. >> that means zero for >> p when she releases her 33,000 e-mails that were deleted, i will release my returns. >> i made a mistake using a private e-mail. >> that is for sure. >> i will not make excuses. >> reporter: lester holt asked why he supported the birther he movement. >> you continued to tell the story and question the
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2013, 2014 and 2015. >> well, nobody was pressing it. nobody was caring about it. >> clinton pounced. >> so he has a long record of engaging in racist behavior. and the birther lie was a very hurtful one. >> reporter: when trump said this. >> i've been all over the place. you decided to stay home. that's okay. >> i think criticized me for preparing for the debate. yes, i did. and you know what else i prepared for? i prepared to be president and that's a good thing. >> reporter: when lester asked why trump said hillary clinton doesn't have a presidential look. >> she doesn't have the look. she doesn't have the stamina. >> well, as soon as he travels to 112 countries or spends 11 hours testifying in front of the congressional committee, he can
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>> reporter: after the debate, trump said he considered bringing up bill clinton's past affairs, but didn't because chelsea was in the hall and did not think it was nice to do that in front of their daughter. savannah. >> andrea, thank you. investigators in houston are trying to figure out why an attorney opened fire at a strip mall monday and injured nine people. he was killed in the shootout with police. officials attorney in the area. he had two semiautomatic weapons and nazi paraphernalia according to police. police don't believe it was connected to terrorism. it was an emotional night in miami as the team paid tribute to jose fernandez who died over the weekend. the marlins started with a moment of silence.
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the number will now be retired by the team. in the first inning, dee gordon wore the batting helmet of fernandez and took the opposite side of the batter's box to honor his teammate. he hit a home run to right. his first of the season. gordon in tears as he rounded the bases. the marlins huddled around the mound and left their caps as >> what a striking image for all of the players and home run to boot. incredible. just ahead, we have rossen reports. how far do you have to go with your kids when they use an electronic device. and are you a taurus or libra? why your astrological sign may
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we're back now. 8:11. with the royals trip to canada. >> nbc's keir simmons is following them every step way. it's perfectly legal. good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning. one moment here in particular would have taken duke and duchess by surprise. they were visiting a community who suffered under british rule and suffer today but what william wasn't expecting is a message they had about his late mother, diana. braving bad weather, william and kate got a warm welcome and
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message that visibly moved the prince. >> we have been asked by many of our people to share with prince william how much we cared for your mother, princess diana. [ applause ] >> she remains in our hearts. >> across generations and cultures, friendships made in a community where life has not always been easy. the royals who arrived in canada saturday with their children left prince george and charlotte in victoria with a nanny while traditional dances included the youngest members of the first nation's community. william and kate are clearly loving it. there were many gifts. a drum for george. a doll for charlotte and dancing costumes for the whole family.
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dancing? >> she said is it hard? >> reporter: what did you tell her? you told her it wasn't hard? the rain cleared and william and kate forced to cancel a scenic flight heading back to vancouver, we took the plane they were meant to take and saw what they would have seen. a million acres of rain forest. the end of another unforgettable day. and in complete contrast, last night they attended a glittering event. they are scheduling time with children in between each of these events. another way in which william is definitely diana's son. another royal generation would have just left the kids behind. i think when the time is right, guys, we will see them with their children again in public here in canada. >> very cool.
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stories that have people reacting online and elsewhere. anyone here a fan of roller coasters? not at all? not at all? no. i'm like you. early in my life loved them. hate them now. well, they make some people a little queasy but taking a ride on a roller coaster is proven to offer one surprising benefit. passing kidney stones. researchers at michigan state university found that taking a spin on a moderate intensity ride could help move along. the technique helped 60% when small stones were involved. they say it was effective before the stones grew to a size where surgery is necessary. you pass a stone. the guy in the back car what was that? you pass it right then. they say the last car is best. >> you made that part up.
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>> could you imagine -- i know you feel terrible. would you just get on this roller coaster. it might help. >> meanwhile, have you ever had one? >> no. >> with all due respect to this, i think it's the male version of child birth. >> evan had them. can you imagine? >> at the olympics. >> we just violated ten privacy laws. >> sorry, evan. >> let's ask him. he's on a roller coaster. s who is in astrology? yeah. okay. do you know that your sign may not be the one you think it is. it may have changed. get ready folks. listen to this. this comes from nasa. this is real science for once. nasa did the math and realized the ancient astrological calculations were off.
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a new one for people whose birthday is between november 29th and december 17th. we don't have any here. so matt and i our birthdays are three days apart. we were capricorns. now we're sagittarius. >> i refuse. i like obsessive >> al, you were a leo. congratulations you still are. cheerful and humorous. hoda you were leo. >> don't say were. >> girl, you're a cancer. >> no! >> cancer is good. >> no. >> carson, you're not a cancer anymore. no, you're not. you're a gemini. adaptable and curious. i think that's you.
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it could be worse. >> all right. carson? >> we'll start with the reunion of one of tv's most beloved cast. ten years after the series ends its run here on nbc the gang got together for a short video and all of the talk was about the election. >> will, don't waste your energy on her. it's going to come down to undecided voters in pennsylvania anyway. >> the unemployed, uneducated do we know anyone like that? >> i am lived. i still haven't heard one thing to convince me to vote for one candidate or the other. >> katy perry likes hillary. >> and bingo was her namo. >> the cast coming together for that video to lend their support to hillary clinton. >> i miss that show.
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rocking hollywood. in a joint statement, they say the best way forward is to separate as a couple. they have two young children together and of course we wish them nothing and their family nothing but the best. goldie hawn is opening up about hers with kurt russell. been together 33 years. goldie says what kept them together is not getting married. >> if you like y independence, there's something psychological about not being married. it gives you freedom to make decisions one way or the other. for me i chose to stay. kurt chose to stay. >> goldie was asked what percentage of their time couples should spend together. want to take a shot at that? >> 25%. >> i didn't ask you. >> i thought that was her answer. >> 58%.
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>> tom hanks, one of the biggest stars in the world surprised you on the best day of your life. >> oh my god. >> can we get a picture with you? >> by all means. >> that is tom surprising a couple in new york central park. jogging by. posed for selfies and offered his congratulations on as well. congrats and blessings. a great moment. great guy. typical mr. hanks who matt will talk to in our next hour. >> running through central park, no sunglasses. no hat. no disguise. >> he's a peach. >> love him. >> we're glad he's here. that's your "pop start." >> let's get a check of the weather. >> let's see what we have going on for you right now. we're watching this investigative area right now.
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90% chance of formation in the next 48 hours to five days and formation zone in five days takes it all of the way through puerto rico on into cuba and parts of the bahamas. we'll watch this. it would become matthew if it does in fact become a tropical storm. we are looking at a lot of wet weather in the mid-atlantic states. river flooding continues in the mid to upper mississippi river valley. unseasonably warm out west with plenty of sunshine. los angeles, downtown, 95 degrees today. thinoo
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>> and that's your latest weather. guys? >> al, thank you. this morning on "rossen reports," more of our special back to school checklist. >> it's about what happens when they get home from school. today national investigative correspondent jeff rossen has a hidden camera on tablet. can be a great baby sitter. we know that. but kids are spending too much time staring at all kinds of screens according to the american academy of pediatrics, seven hours a day on average. doctors say it makes them feel rewarded so they keep on staring. it could also impact their social and verbal development too. this morning, you're about to see just how oblivious kids can
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here. school's out. and these kids are zoned out on their ipad. entranced by the screen. how entranced? >> in this experiment we're going to test just how absorbed these kids are with their devices. >> this new video going viral overseas. parents pranking their own kids. >> this is a classic mom swap. >> trading out their mom for a complete stranger. >> sisters arrived. >> swapping >> the brother leaves. in comes a massive new brother. the kid never noticing a thing. >> by the way the same exact thing happens with my kids. they probably watch ipads too much. my fault i know. right now my 6-year-old daughter sloan is watching hers. my 4-year-old son blake is watching his. she watches video. he plays games. oblivious to the world. love you guys. do you want lunch? are you hungry?
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now we're taking it up a notch working with these two moms who want to try it out on their young daughters. how much can they get away with before their kids notice? first up, 6-year-old avery and her mom, jackie. avery is in place. she's engrossed in her ipad. we're hiding out a couple rooms away on the back terrace with cameras rng all of what happens. put on the silly glasses. we'll see in avery notices. there's mom walking past avery mugging for the camera. mommy is walking back and forth with a mustache and avery is not paying any attention. didn't blink an eye. crazy. let's try something more colorful. mom is wearing a bright blue wig but avery still doesn't catch on. mom has blue hair and avery is
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when mom comes back, she's actually shaken. >> it's alarming from a perspective i don't know if there's a fire that she would know to get out of the house because she's so focused on it. >> reporter: but we're about to get even more bold with this next family. that's 6-year-old cami and her mom michelle. that's a giant stuffed camel right in front of cami. a camel just feet from her. >> hasn't >> we try everything. big signs that say hey, kids, look here. cami doesn't see it. she hit them together and she didn't hear a thing. only thing missing from this circus is a clown so we bring in one of those too. her teenage brother putting on a show of his own. cami oblivious. what do you think of that?
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she's in a whole different universe. >> i'm out of props. time to bring cami out of her trance. >> did you see the clown? >> who's the clown? >> your brother was a clown. >> he did. he had rainbow hair. rainbow wig. >> polka dots on. >> you didn't see that? >> nope. not at all. >> she is so cute. for years experts say kids should be spending less than two hours on media devices but th news here. the american academy of pediatrics about to change their recommendations next month say we'll do away with time restrictions because tablets are part of our kids' lives. instead help them pick better, more educational apps and engage with them when they're not on these devices. >> i was just texting my child to say are you watching? because this is a problem in my house. >> it is. >> by the way, when jeff walked
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i'm...vince vitrano alongside brian gotter...lets get a check of the weather.. two gunshot victims in milwaukee wondering how they got caught in the crossfire of increasing violence. a milwaukee woman is recovering this morning after being shot in her front yard. the woman told police she heard gun shots down the street.. then realized she had been hit.she was treated for a non-life threatening
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recovering after a drive-by shooting.police say he was shot while sitting in a car in milwaukee's riverwest neighborhood. a passing vehicle fired multiple shots at a parked car -- hitting the 12-year-old, sitting inside. and here's a live look outside. ?happy music? [bus honks] mom avo: as a working mom, i need after-school snacks to be easy. so, snack time is now us time. we pull out buddig original and get rolling. it's the quick and tasty protein pick-me-up we need before we're out the door again. and it gives us more time together. because they're only little for a little while. announcer it goes fast. savor every delicious moment. buddig. make more than a sandwich. if you're using this toothpaste, you're probably expecting to get visibly whiter teeth,
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at it only provides about a half-shade of whitening. colgate optic white high impact white is different. it contains hydrogen peroxide, a professionally recommended whitening ingredient. it goes beyond surface stains to deeply whiten. it whitens four shades, and that is a visible difference in whitening.
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>> that's jessica allen sitting with him who is a military caregiver that's part of a great new initiative we'll talk about in just a couple minutes. >> we also have the great samuel l. jackson. he's going to fill us in on what it's like to play a villain. look at this guy in tim burton's new movie. that's where nightmare comes from. >> and mandy moore is here. scoop on her hit new show here on nbc called "this is us." we'll find out if we can get new >> that would be great. first, a check of the weather. >> and sir paul mccartney -- sorry. let's show us what we have for today. wet weather through the southwest. we're also looking at a lot of rain making its way from new england into the mid-atlantic states. the heaviest rain will be in the mid-atlantic coast. we'll be watching that. river flooding in parts of iowa continues but then will subside.
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mid-atlantic states. heavy rain over the next several days. the fall warmth continues out west. showers around the central great lakes. that's what's going on around >> get that weather any time you need it. you go to the weather channel on cable. >> all right, al. thank you very much. we love it when oscar winner tom hanks stops by studio 1a. this morning he's here to draw attention to hidden heroes.
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caregivers who help take care of our country's wounded warriors. >> if you are a military caregiver, there's no uniform, there's no camouflage jacket, not even a cape but do you serve our country every day. like jessica. you are a wife or maybe you're a mother or a father or a friend. a family member, a loved one, who is taking care of our wounded military veterans. you rarely ask for help but you deserve our support. >> jessica allen is one of those hidden es been asked to be part of this initiative as well along with nbc universal and our parent company comcast. tom, jessica, good morning. nice to have you here. >> look at her. >> you say you want to humanize the term military caregiver. why? >> it's the people who love our wounded veterans that come back. these people need -- you want to call it 24-hour a day care. >> 24/7.
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how hard is it to go to school if you're going to college trying to get a degree. how hard is it to do daily life all the time. >> organized chaos. >> people talk about how the lives of the service members change after they are injured or wounded while serving our country. talk about our situation and how your life changed. >> my husband and i met in '99. we were married in 2001. he's been to kosovo, korea, an he stepped on a device and lost both legs and his elbow. my husband is missing both legs above the knee and his arm is fused in a 90 degree angle. full dexterity in his right hand. limited feeling. back injury, hearing loss and it just keeps going. >> you never thought twice. this is just something you were going to do as a spouse and this happens with friends and other
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when it first happened, jessica, did you think there were a lot of other people like you across the country? >> no. as an infantry wife you prepare for one of two options. they come home safe or they come home in a box. the army does not prepare you for in between and in between never ends. i have to look at what my day will look like and pray my husband doesn't further injure himself. >> why did you think you could have an impact on this? >> i covered some of this as a fake life as an actor who puts on other people's clothes and emotional impact has never left. it comes down to a chance in order to serve and i think help out in a very pragmatic and understandable way. there's nothing unique about it. let's come up with this organization that will put these people together and rally their resource. simple concept. >> i asked you if you felt alone. i want to go to washington. senator elizabeth dole is an
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other military caregivers from all across the country. senator, good morning to you. >> good morning. >> talk to me about the people you're surrounded by. >> these are wonderful dole foundation caregiver fellows. they are taking care of the wounded, the ill, the injured, many of them are spouses, young spouses in their 20s, 30s, they're also siblings taking care of a brother or a sister. and i'm so proud of them. they're representing all of the 50 states and puerto rico. >> senator, tom just joked he got involved in this because he has some experience with this in his fake life. you were really involved with this because of an experience in your personal life. >> well, you know, my husband, bob, was wounded at the end of
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wounds but about five years ago he was ill and was hospitalized at walter reed for about 11 months. i was there day in and day out and what i saw just opened my eyes to something i had no idea about. i found a young wife sleeping by her husband's bed having both legs amputated. down the hall was mrs. stewart from mississippi. she was taking care putting scriptures on the walls of the hospital in his room every day to encourage him because he was about to undergo his 40th operation. and i began to take the caregivers that i got to know there at walter reed down to washington to get them out of the hospital room for a night and i became much more familiar with the kinds of challenges that they had. worrying about how they were going to manage the legal, the
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family. coordinating across health care system with different structures because of the multiple illnesses and injuries. had to do something about it. >> that's a good way to kind of segue back to you, tom. what can people do? >> well, they're getting involved at the thing that i can't stress enough is there are caregivers in your neighborhood. you will be -- it will be astounding how a tiny bit of help can alter the lives of those people. a ride in the morning. help with the kids. a job offer. businesses that can work schedules that make it easier for people like jessica to take care of the kids, chaz, the husband, as well as get on with the rest of life. this is really the unwritten act three for a lot of these people. it's going to define the future
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>> you will be a powerful voice in this cause. jessica, what a pleasure to meet you. senator dole, we thank you for your work and support in this initiative as well. >> thank you very much. >> and again, for more on hidden heroes, go to and you can join the conversation with hashtag hidden heroes. up next, samuel l. jackson.
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companion got to him before me. >> samuel l. jackson, good morning. we see your white eyes. if we didn't know you were the villain, the white eyes give it away. >> sharp teeth too. >> exactly. do those hurt? >> which ones? >> the contacts? >> the contacts are -- after the third hour they're a little irritable. >> and obviously the bad guy here. he's not good. he just had funny >> i worked very hard at conveying his humanity. humanity that's left. he still has interesting sense of humor. he's trying to make the best of a bad situation. >> this is a book that so many people love. set up the premise here. you're the bad guy. we've got a little boy. we've got peculiar children.
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seeking immortality and trying to conduct an experiment that will bring me and my colleagues who are victims of this bad experiment back to humanity along with immortality. in order to achieve immortality, we need to capture a group of people that protect children who are very peculiar. >> which means superpowers. >> they don't have superpowers necessarily. some of them like they have a mouth in the back of their head to eat or one girl is unusually strong and one kid can make things grow and one kid can reanimate things. one kid is invisible. just that. >> do you like being the good guy or the bad guy? you played both throughout your career. >> i like bad guys. we know they're bad people so
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order about them to convey a quality for the audience. they end up hating them but can relate to them in a specific way or take the ride with that particular character opposed to the good guy. >> you like that complicated soul thing. >> you were at the opening of the national african-american museum. you're a founding donor. what was that moment like? it looked incredible. >> it's great to know -- i've been on this now. so i studied a lot of history. i had to make an effort to study mine and to know that there's a place that anyone can go to see what my journey has been in this particular country and what my people's contribution has been. it's worthwhile and satisfying for someone coming from where i came from. >> incredible.
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instagram. i looked at your instagram account. you're a prolific poster but your photos have a style to them. down a little bit. we want to see you. >> it's about the thing i take a photograph of. i stick my eye in there so people know that i'm taking the photograph and not someone else managing my account. so many celebrities have people that manage their accounts. >> can i stick m yourselfy real quick? >> why stick the eye in the selfie? >> i'm going to take a photo of you but it will be my eye and everyone will know i took it. that's how i work it. sit there. i'll see if i can work my magic. >> i like that you do your own thing. it's like doing your own stunts. there you are.
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amazingly samuel l. jackson turned into mandy moore entertaining us an and singer for 17 years now. starring as a wife and mother in nbc's hit new show "this is us." more than 10 million people watched last week's premiere. we have a sneak peek at tonight's episode. >> do you need me to show you where the coffee is? >> i know where the coffee is. >> okay. good. >> do you need me to show you where my mouth is. >> nope. i know where it is.
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good. >> now that we got that straight. mandy, nice to see you. good morning. how are you doing? >> i'm well. how are you? >> you need to pay hoda kotb. hoda kotb has been running around talking about this show for a couple weeks now because she got a sneak peek at it. she's your biggest fan. >> thanks, hoda. >> she has gone crazy on this. how did it feel to wake up the morning after the premiere and see the numbers? >> really exciting. we're all so proud to bet i'm proud to represent for what i believe is a remarkable cast of actors. we're psyched that it's finally out there and we don't have to hold the secret anymore of what the show is really about. >> let's talk about that. it's tough in a 15-second clip to get a sense. how do you describe this? >> well now it's a show about family. before we had to talk about a connection between birthdays which is true but it's about
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affects people as adults and choices we make moving forward. >> i don't think a spoiler alert applies when the show has been out with a week. episode one ends with a big twist. is that something that we can expect week to week? >> there will be twists occasionally. there's a little bit of a reveal at the end of this episode tonight that airs. it's not a show that sort of relies on that. the writing is elevated. comes off each week. i mentioned you have been entertaining people since -- >> since i was 15. >> 17 years. does it feel better now? >> yes. >> you didn't let me ask the question. i'll tell you what i was thinking. when you're young and wide eyed and it's kind of almost child star, it may not mean as much to you as it does right now. >> that's precisely it. i think i'm so much more
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and appreciative of everything. i don't take any of it for granted. i don't think i did before either. when that machine is rolling and that ball is rolling, it's hard to really take stock of what's happening. >> when it comes to a halt all of a sudden and picks back up, that's when you're part of the workforce my dad used to say to me. >> i like that. >> mandy moore, great to have you here. you can catch "this is us" tonight at 10:00, 9:00 central here on nbc after up next, one of the biggest soccer stars on the planet, carli lloyd, is here.
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we are back with soccer superstar carli lloyd. >> she's scored winning goals for team usa in both the 2008 and 2012 olympics helping her team take home back-to-back golds and she fold with a hat trick in the 2015 women's world cup final bringing the title back to the u.s. for the first time since 1999. >> now a new book called "when nobody was watching." good morning. so good to see you. so interesting. we reel off your stats. two gold medals. world cup. amazing career. the book as title suggests, it's about a hard fought journey. what do you mean by that?
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want it any other way. i had to call crawl my way to the top. it's about perseverance and obstacles that came my way. it's not truly just a soccer story. it can inspire so many people that want to be great, you know. they can do it if they put their mind to it. >> you wonder if some people are just born great. when you read about what your coach and you quoted him in the he told you, "mentally you are not weak, your character was poor. you make excuses and find people to blame." that somehow motivated you to turn the beat around, didn't it? >> i think there was no question about my dedication at an early age. i loved the game of soccer. i needed someone to help navigate me through life and through obstacles. i respected him. when i first met him, he was straight up with me.
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>> i was mad when i had to run for 12 minutes. i took in everything that he said. i was like a sponge and just listened to him. worked really hard. >> you talk a lot about soccer culture. you said early on, i don't think you used the word click, but it could be a girls club. what do you mean by that? >> i think when you get a bunch of high level athletes, females, in a room together, 20 of them as i'm sure you guys know, we can be drama at times. competition within the room. you know, the team is awesome. it wouldn't be this magnificent team if we weren't all like that. there were some challenging times and some moments where i was shedding tears in my hotel room. i look back and it was great. i wouldn't change a thing. >> like you said, the book isn't only about soccer. it's about family and things like that. you say in the book you've had a strained relationship with your family since the beijing olympics. is it a little weird to have written about it and know that
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reading kind of these details about your life? >> absolutely. i think when i first was preparing to write this book, i wasn't going to include this. my family situation. in discussing things with my writer, it is part of my journey. i think to so many other people whether you're a parent reading it or a kid reading it, they can hopefully learn from it. it is part of the journey.
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despite showing a tight race in the polls here in wisconsin... hillary clinton still has not announced plans to campaign donald trump will hold a rally tomorrow night at the waukesha campaign for her mother here on friday. the location has not yet been wisconsin elections officials have started mailing postcards to hundreds of thousands of people telling them how to register to vote.the first batch went out monday, with the rest to follow later this week.state lawmakers passed a measure earlier this year requiring wisconsin to identify unregistered voters
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heat, plus relief, plus healing, equals thermacare. the proof that it heals is you. good morning today tasty hamburgers and free custard. is plus see what we're mixing up for heritage month. and a woman makes her way on stage in an award winning >> stay tuned morning blend starts right now. ? ? [ music ] ? ? ? ? that's your hint for what we're chatting about. so, two thirds of men have done this that our song was a little hint for you for their laid consider as a romantic gesture. there is a point i want to make
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