tv Today NBC October 6, 2016 7:00am-8:58am CDT
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good morning, breaking news, hurricane matthew powering up. now, expect it to land in florida tonight as a powerful category 4. >> this is no joke. all of the models s hitting a big part of the southeastern coast. if you're in the strike zone and your officia tell you to get out, get out. >> full, live coverage as matthew bears down on the bahamas and makes its way toward the u.s. >> candid kaine. hillary clinton's running mate acknowledges he may have been too aggressive. >> i got dinged for interrupting too much. >> as donald trump pats himself on the back for his running mate's performance.
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job and i'm getting a lot of credit. >> after facing a tough crowd in a first grade classroom. >> just ahead, mike pence joins us live. trouble on the tarmac. a southwest plane evacuated after a passenger's samsung phone catches fire. >> that smoke is just billowing out of my clothes and my pocket. >> the phone wasn't one of the it was brand new. it is samsung's replace just as faulty? >> and a super hero send off. an emotional tribute to the 6-year-old boy killed in the elementary school shooting in south carolina. the celebration of his life that brought an entire town together today, thursday, october 6th,
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good morning, everybody, welcome to "today." it is a thursday morning. we've been watching matthew for days and now it seems the very path we feared it would be on is the path it is taking. >> the breaking news on matthew is not good news because the storm is now intensifying this morning as it inches towards the united states. >> now, millions in florida and georgia and south carolina have been told to evacuate and the storm's latest projected path could spell double trouble for the region. we have all of this hurricane center. i know the forecasts are coming fast and furious now. >> they really are now and this could be the worst case scenario. you can see matthew is a category 3 but we expect it to start to intensify as the forward motion begins. here is what we're looking for. it is a close call. the snow storm center by late tonight, early tomorrow morning will be 15 miles off shore. if that shifts a little bit to
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coastline for hours. it will continue through saturday morning up to jacksonville as a category 2 storm, again, pounding the coastline, sunday morning, it makes a turn out into the atlantic but then as we move into monday, it starts to create what we could see, a loop. there is another storm system throughout that could keep this close to shore. so, this is just about as bad a scenario as you can the bahamas. now to miami and central, coastal georgia. 11 million people under hurricane warning. 2 million under hurricane watches the impact aerkz the bahamas this morning, 10 to 18 foot storm surges. southern florida starting late tonight, wind gusts, 60 to 95 miles an hour. rain fall, three to seven, with storm surges. a 6 to 9 foot storm surge as you get into northern florida. wind gusts of 100 miles an hour.
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a flood threat from the carolinas down to georgia. wind gusts of 80 miles an hour, 15 inches of rain. the storm surge is another big problem we have to worry about. ahead of high tide, 1 to 3 feet from miami to fort lauderdale. three to five feet west palm beach to force pierce. melbourne to savannah, georgia. 6 to 9 feet and the coast, 8 to 9 feet and rain fall from five to and wilmington, guys, we're talking about ten inches or more. and the problem is there will be just catastrophic possibilities of power outages, of storm surge, flooding. and it is going to be going on, if this thing does get caught up into a loop, we'll be talking about this into next week. >> as you mentioned, the worst case scenario at the moment now. thanks very much. matthew is hammering the bahamas
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tammy leitnev in nassau. >> the in orderern edge of the hurricane is pounding the island. rain and wind is terrible. we're protected up here. wind and rain is so strong it is blowing side ways. the trees are bent. another concern out here is this storm surge as al mentioned, we could get swells up to 15 feet. that would be devastating wiping outmost of the homes on this islands. homes. there are 3,000 visitors on this island hunkering down. the airport is closed so everybody here now, they are stuck and they have to wait out this storm. some tourists from a nearby hotel were evacuated from their rooms. they had to sleep on the floor in the ball room. we were out there just a short while ago looking around and there are already a lot of damage. roads are flooded and i'm assuming that the worst is still to come because the hurricane is not quite over us.
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>> tammy, thank you very much. more to matthew's impact on the u.s. this morning, the evacuations are ramping up across the south. millions are preparing for what may be a direct hit. nbc national correspondent miguel almaguer is live. >> this is usually a busy block packed with restaurant and music. local businesses are boarded up, prepared for the incoming storm. so are local homes in the area we're a block or so from the beach, right in the area that should be in t impact zone. >> reporter: this morning, floridians are bracing for hurricane matthew, racing to get out of the way. >> i'm hoping it doesn't hit us. it is a mess. >> reporter: nearly 2 million people along the coast, from florida to georgia to the carolinas, warned to leave while they can. the massive, slow moving monster could be catastrophic. >> having a plan in place could be the difference between life and death.
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evacuations, roads are jammed, gas stations are empty and grocery store shelves are bear. swift water rescue teams are being deployed across the region. 1,600 flights have been cancelled. trains and cruise ships suspending service in south florida. this family, one of many, packing their lives into a car. >> clothes, pictures, and entertainment for the kids. that is the rest is just stuff. so we're just hoping that it all pans out. >> reporter: for several days, matthew pounding the caribbean, including haiti which were decimated. not just washing away bridges, but lives and communities, too. the death toll certain to climb. >> smartest thing to do is board it up and pray. >> reporter: this morning, matthew is poised to strike
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away. this morning, essential supplies near the coastline like gas stations are completely shut down. the wind speeds are starting to pick up. they're bracing for winds over 100 miles an hour here later on today. this area may also be under a mandatory evacuation in the next couple of hours. matt and savannah, back to you guys. >> thank you. we'll be following matthew all morning long. a storm chaser is in the thick of the storm as it is bearing down on the bahamas. we'll talk to him next half hour. >> let us turn to the campaign trail and the state of the race with just 33 days to go. donald trump and hillary clinton are sparring over this week's vice presidential debate. trump using words like incredible to describe mike pence's performance while clinton said tim kaine did a great job making pence bob and weave. >> new poll from monmouth university has the race tightening.
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and clinton are stepping up their preparations for sunday night's second presidential debate. clinton will spend the next few days off the campaign trail to get ready but she was at a fundraiser last night. peter alexander has the latest from the trail. good morning to you. >> reporter: matt and savannah, good morning to you. donald trump is facing major pressure coming up to improve on his performance in the first debate. this weekend's debate is a town hall style format event and today the cig town hall style event in new hampshire, a dry run, practice of sorts, there is a source close to the campaign tells us, the scrimmage before this weekend's big game. >> reporter: just days out from his high stakes rematch with hillary clinton, donald trump is touting his running mate's performance in tuesday's contentious clash. >> didn't mike pence do a great job? >> reporter: sources close to trump disputing reports that privately he was upset about
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himself for picking pence. >> i'm getting a lot of credit because that is really my first, so called, choice. >> reporter: blocks from the white house, the star studded fundraiser, hillary clinton accusing pence of being unable to defend trump. >> i think that tells you everything you need to know about who is qualified and temper mentally fit to be president, even mike pence doesn't think donald trump is. >> reporter: still, despite a thumbs up f kaine concedes he was too agress ive. >> the key part of the debate, i felt like i was going after donald trump and mike pence was kind of going after trump with
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sequel clinton off trail prepping with her aides. >> she likes answering questions from individual citizens. >> with clinton pulling ahead in recent polls, both candidates are emphasizing early voting. eight states already accepting ballots. clinton's top surrogates fanning out across key battle grounds including bill clinton in ohio. trump previewing a likely line of meanwhile, in an interview on extra, clinton is praising her portrayal on saturday night live. >> let's do this. >> she was amazing. i wish i could do the jumps and flips and somersaults. i've been working on it. >> the next debate. >> the next debate. why not? >> cartwheels. >> new this morning, "the today show" is getting an exclusive first look at donald trump's new ad that will be airing beginning today nationally and in key backgrounds. senior strategist within the
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to make for the remainder of the campaign focusing on more specifics and the consumer benefit of trump's policies. at 8:00, we'll show you hillary clinton's new ad that is now airing. back to you. >> all right, peter alexander, thank you very much. governor pence will join us live in our next half hour. >> national security agency has another embarrassing theft case on its hands. a maryland man who worked as a contractor for the nsa has been charged with stealing highly classified information. prosecutors the third stored the material in his home and in his car. the fbi arrested martin in august after agents say he admitted taking government secrets. he was employed by the same firm where nsa leaker edward snowden was a contractor. martin's attorney said he never betrayed to depray his country. we want to tell you about urgent allegations launched by the faa after a cell phone
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southwest airlines plane in louisville. the owner says it was a new replacement model of the galaxy note 7 he got after the last phone was part of the worldwide recall. tom costello is live on that story. good morning. >> reporter: there is great relief that this plane, that this incident happened while the plane was on the ground and not on the air but the question this morning, do the replacement galaxy note 7's also pose a seri >> this is the phone that forced the emergency evacuation of southwest airlines flight 994 on wednesday. >> smoke in the cabin on the ramp at the gate, terminal ramp. >> it all started when brian green tried powering down his galaxy note 7 before the plane ever left the gate. >> just placed the phone in my pocket and within a few seconds, i heard a pop similar to a ziploc bag popping open. i looked around to see what was going on and i had smoke billowing out of my clothes and
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even singed. he threw the phone on the floor as the toxic smelling smoke began filling the nearby rows. >> i did see the cloud of smoke and somebody yell it is the phone, the phone caught on fire. >> it was brown, electronic smoke. the brown, green, gray, real ugly stuff. >> it was last month that samsung issued the worldwide recall offering replacements for all note 7's. >> we apologize, especially to those who were personally affected by this. >>or reports of spontaneous, dangerous fires, the faa issued its own strict orders for passenger planes. >> please, be sure that you turn that galaxy 7 off completely and please do not attempt to charge it at any time during the flight. >> brian green says his phone was replacement for his original note 7 he turned in as part of the recall. the phone serial number indicates it should be good. samsung tells nbc news, until we're able to retrieve the
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note 7 but this morning, the consumer product safety commission is launching an urgent investigation. >> we're fully committed to getting answers as quickly as possible. >> reporter: the cpsc is reminding customers you can turn in your galaxy note 7 for a full refund. you don't just have to get a new one, you can get a refund. the faa is concerned about the fire danger and guys, consider this, this burned so hot it burned all the way throu carpet on this plane all the way down to the depth of the plane. they took the plane out of service yesterday. >> lucky this happened on the ground, tom, thank you very much. now to a tribute to the 6-year-old little boy who was killed in the elementary school in south carolina. family and friends saying goodbye to jacob hall with a super hero themed funeral. janet shamlian has more. good morning. >> reporter: it was an effort to
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children. the school opened for the first time since the shooting. in south carolina's darkest days, there was light. the funeral of 6-year-old jacob hall became a costume celebration of a boy who his mom says dreamed of helping others as a super hero. >> why do you suggest everybody come in costume. >> i know there would be jacob's class mates, friends from all over the place. i didn't want them to be sad. >> reporter: and still, they came. super man, wonder woman, ninja turtles and avengers. a third of the town. the k-9 unit dressed the dogs, even a batmobile. >> i can't help but feel he has been riding in the batmobile with me for the longest time today. >> reporter: the small casket in church, a grim reminder of a
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i don't want to have to. this is the worst pain i've ever felt in my whole entire life. >> reporter: and after such joy, his mom renee recording him on the first day of school. >> i'm going to be in first grade. >> good job and your teacher's name? >>. [ inaudible ] >> good job. >> that teacher was shot protecting jacob, she is okay. a 14-year-old now faces charges including two counts of murder for allegedly first killing his own >> we're overwhelmed at our loss today. >> also something gained in townville. the power of a child to join a shattered community. maybe jacob hall was a super hero after all. >> i'm surprised it is not raining outside from his tears of joy. >> reporter: jacob hall leaves a big legacy for a small town. still, this will be a very difficult day here at townville elementary school and for the entire community.
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>> our prayers are with mom and the whole community, janet. let's turn over to al again and get another look at the forecast. >> other than what we're talking about down in florida, getting ready to happen. we're looking at beautiful weather from new england, through the ohio river valley into the gulf coast. next half hour, we'll be looking at this enhanced risk of severe storms in the mid mississippi river valley. santa ana winds setting up. high fire danger in southern california. we'll get to
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>> we've got >> we have more on hurricane matthew coming up in the next half hour. >> want a happy family? why there could be more to staying home for vacation than you think. >> what is behind the creepy clown sightings leading to panic, arrest, bans on costumes. we'll have a closer look at an odd phenomenon. first, this is "today" on nbc. b
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er. align, press and unzip. people say, let's just get a sandwich or something. "or something"? you don't just graduate from medical school, "or something." and we don't just pull smoked chicken, bake fresh foccacia and hand-slice avocado. there's nothing "or something" about it. sfx (kids chatter) deluxe kids' character costumes. 58 different costume options available, $15. save money. live better.
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we're back now, 7:30 on a thursday morning. it is the 6th of october, 2016. the surf starting to get pretty rough around palm beach, florida. this is in the general area where al s expect landfall, if it does that, for hurricane matthew. >> in a few hours it may look very, very different there. hurricane matthew getting stronger by the moment, warnings and watches issued along the florida coast. in the meantime, we are getting a better look at the destruction matthew has already caused in haiti, including widespread flooding and mudslides. overnight the death toll there
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officials fear the number will climb higher. we'll get the latest from al in a moment and also talk to a storm chaser who is being hit by the storm in the bahamas right now. in politics, donald trump taking a new approach to prepare for the next presidential debate. it is a town hall format, so today trump will practice by holding a town hall event in new hampshire, according to aides. hillary clinton, meanwhile, is preparing as she did last time with aides in washington. on "today's" campaign moment, kids say the darnedest things. political edition. wednesday when donald trump visited first graders in las vegas. >> i'm nervous. i'm nervous. i'm nervous. see i told you. >> can't make that stuff up. that little boy was obviously nervous. the video proving yet again kids have zero filter. >> they do not. let's get more now on hurricane matthew, it is on a
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across the area. >> reporter: good morning, guys. we have kind of took a little bit of shelter here. as you can see, we were standing out, pieces of the roof of our hotel started flying off so we had to kind of back up a little bit. but major hurricane matthew is making its way toward nassau rather quickly now, continuing to strengthen. last night when we went to bed it was around i believe it's went up 20 millibars in seven hours. waves are starting to crank up pretty big behind us. pieces of roof here are coming off. we have a restaurant right behind where our room is. there goes roof right there. pieces of the roof are flying off of that. so as we continue to go through the morning hours here on nassau, at least for the next eight hours or so, i'm thinking that we are going to deal with some major hurricane conditions that are going to continue to get worse and not get better.
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thank you very much. mr. roker is watching all of this over in our hurricane center. hey, al. >> guys, here's a point i want to make. this doesn't necessarily even have to make landfall to cause real damage. in fact, it is forecast to just stay offshore and that's going to be the problem. by tonight we start to see tropical force winds from miami up to west palm beach. then we move in to early tomorrow morning. the eye could get onshore, but even if it doesn't, you can see this area in white. es between melbourne and west palm beach. we move in to friday night. we're now up around jacksonville. again, right on shore. we are talking about hurricane-force winds. the center of the eye is about 45 miles wide. all right? i should say, it's 25 miles wide. the hurricane-force winds extend out about 45 miles. again, as we move into saturday morning, you've got some those winds from savannah into
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wilmington. we also have other severe weather to talk about in the midsection of the country. we've got an enhanced area of severe weather from des moines down to wichita. hail, wind, possibility of tornadoes. and we are looking at rainfall amounts anywhere from three to five inches in parts of kansas on in to parts of mi >> for the latest on matthew and your forecast, head to the weather channel on cable. >> good advice, al.
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about. these clown sightings that really have communities across the country on edge. nbc's joe fryar has the latest on it. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. those creepy clowns are making headlines from coast to coast now, in some cases there are actual clown sightings. in many other places, just hoaxes. either way, police are paying attention and making arrests. with halloween still a few weeks away, the creepy clown craze is causing quite a square. >> our child terrified. stay away from our schools. this is not the place. >> reporter: michigan police are investigating after he says he was scratched by a clown wielding a butter knife. >> he grabbed my wrist. then he used the other hand, too. he dragged the knife from my arm slowly. >> reporter: in new jersey, officers say men wearing these masks drove around town scaring other drivers. in new york state, photos of an armed clown made the rounds on social media. police say it was a teenager
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apologized. meanwhile, some schools across the country are receiving online threats from people posing as clowns. so far police have not considered most of the threats credible, but many schools are boosting security. >> we deployed our resources, we've added out the threat, we called fbi, joint terrorism task force. we take the threat seriously. >> reporter: no one in laughing in new haven, connecticut where students banned students from wearing clown costumes or masks this halen scary sightings here in august prompted neighbors to call 911. >> a clown last seen wearing a red nose and all white clothing asking kids if they want ice cream. >> reporter: police departments are working to calm fears. so is author steven king, the man who wrote the horror novel "it" and created the character, penny wise the clown. king tweeted, hey, guys, time to cool the clown hysteria.
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a sentiment echoed by friendly professional clowns. >> mostly i feel bad for the kids that have to deal with being scared of these, you know, mentally ill people. it is annoying to us as real clowns. it makes us sad that we even have to address this. >> police across the country have been tracking down and arresting teens who are making online threats against schools. they've also arrested some of those who are dressing up as clowns and scaring people in person. in fact, one man in kentucky was charged not only conduct, but with wearing a mask in public which is a city ordinance. matt and savannah? >> joe, thank you. really not funny. just ahead, we'll turn back to politics with a live interview with the republican vice presidential candidate, mike pebs. pence. >> we're going to get the i'm jamie foxx for verizon. in the nation's largest independent study by rootmetrics, again, verizon is the number one network. hi, i'm jamie foxx for sprint. and i'm jamie foxx for t-mobile.
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's hanging on for dear life. that is what amg driving performance means. and this is where it lives. the 503-horsepower mercedes-amg c63 s coupe. we're back now at 7:42. we've got donald trump's pence. >> he's on campaign trail this morning in gettysburg, pennsylvania on the wake of this week's vice presidential's debate. so the pundits have had a couple of days now, or 36 hours, who digest your performance in the vice presidential debate. so has your running mate, donald trump, who seems to be saying, you did a great job, and he wants to take some of the credit for that because it shows he had great judgment in selecting you.
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frank gore, watching him run 80 yards for a touchdown, then saying did you see that handoff? >> well, first, before i respond to that, great question, great colts reference, too, matt, thanks. let me say, our hearts and our prayers are very much with the people of florida and the people of haiti as hurricane matthew approaches. i hope every american is keeping our neighbors to the south in their prayers and in their encourage people, encourage people to support relief efforts that will likely be -- likely be challenged in the days ahead. but with regard to that, i have to tell you, some people think i won the debate the other night. i leave that to the pundits. i honestly do believe that donald trumpid win the debate. it was donald trump's vision that i was describing. it was donald trump's message to make america great again.
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that vision with the american people and sharing the choice that we face as americans was a great honor for me. >> governor, you are getting a lot of credit for your performance at that debate. but lot of people have noticed that you spent time denying things that trump said that he did in fact say. as one paper put it, it is a clinton attack ad waiting to happen. and sure enough. take a look. >> let's start with not praising vladimir putin a leader. donald trump and mike pence have said he is a great leader. >> no, we haven't. >> putin's been a very strong leader for russia. >> vladimir putin has been a stronger leader in his country than barack obama has been in this country. >> more nations should get nuclear weapons. don't try to defend that. >> he never said that. >> wouldn't you rather in a certain sense have japan have nuclear weapons? saudi arabia? absolutely. >> governor pence, that ad actually goes on for more than a minute with a bunch of contradictions. i guess the question is, even
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deny statements that you know are on video and on audio, are going to come right back to bite you the next day? >> i don't think so at all, savannah. the mischaracterizations and the way tim kaine and hillary clinton continue to take donald trump's statements out of context. it was something i just wasn't dete. toerat during the >> but those are direct quotes. in context. >> well, well, tim kaine actually said that i that will vladimir putin was a better leader. >> you said stronger. >> i corrected him. >> you said stronger leader. >> i said stronger. savannah, there is a difference. he was wrong. i was right. what i was observing is, quite frankly, that the russian reset has been a disastrous failure for hillary clinton. she said it was her number one priority when she was secretary of state. and now since the russian reset, we've seen vladimir putin
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strength on the world stage that's resulted in a russian invasion of ukraine and now the humanitarian crisis in syria being driven by russian aggression. >> governor, on a couple -- >> i do think observing that the small and bullying leader of russia has been stronger on the world stage for his country than hillary clinton and barack obama is just simply a statement of fact and something that we have to change. >> governor, on a couple of occasions, on apl occasions, tim kaine gave you a laundry list of insulting comments that donald trump has made over the course of the last year and asked you to defend them. and instead of defending them, you either said he really didn't say those things or you changed the subject to hillary clinton. do you find it hard -- can you say to us today that you cannot defend some of the things that donald trump has said about women and mexican immigrants and john mccain and a federal judge
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>> well, it's the greatest honor of my life to stand shoulder to shoulder with donald trump. what i think most americans saw was that after tim kaine ran through a rapid obviously memorized litany of personal insults, then he said that donald trump and i were running the insult-driven campaign. >> yeah. but in all due respect, governor, you just did it again. >> i told him i'd be happy to go line by line, let him saying that donald trump said something about a year-and-a-half ago donald trump was talking about the whole issue of criminal aliens in the country. he conveniently omitted that donald trump has said that even many of the people that come in to this country illegally are good people. he left that out. but look, this campaign has been focused on the issues of most importance to the american people. i want to give the moderator a lot of credit in that debate. you all have a tough job out there and you all do it well. i thought elaine did a good job
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the big issues which are national security, getting this economy moving again, and so to be honest with you, i'm incredibly proud to be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with donald trump. we'll take on all those things. but i will point out to you that when i pointed out that hillary clinton had called half of donald trump and my supporters a basket of deplorables, tim kaine didn't say a word about that or defend that either. >> he actually did. he said that she had apologized >> i thought it was a good, energetic debate and i hope the campaign is better for it. >> short question, governor pence. do you think that donald trump is a role model for children? >> i, frankly, think hillary clinton and donald trump have many admirable qualities that young people can look up to today. i think donald trump is a strong leader. he fights for what he believes
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difficult time in his business. demonstrated the resilience and the smarts to marshal a real comeback. it is the kind of comeback he can lead for america. and i want to recognize hillary clinton as the first woman to be a major party nominee in american history. so there are aspects of these people -- you know, nobody's perfect. i can only think of one person in human history that's perfect. but i think there is qualities in both of these people that young people can admire. >> to be continued. >> we got to let ito unfortunately. governor pence, thanks for taking time this morning. appreciate it. >> good to see you. >> thank you. good to be with you. coming up, hurricane matthew matthew gaining strength on a path towards florida. what millions need to do right what millions need to do right
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a song. oh, and full disclosure, when we were just chatting about that song thing, someone arranged a date. guilty. the point is, life is digital. so, carmax, created a site where you can reserve a car online. come in when it's convenient, your car will be waiting. just another thing to make buying a car better for you... reads this tweet that i just posted. oh, that appears to be trending. lol. just ahead, the stars align in our studios. seth meyers if you have a typical airline credit card, you only earn double miles when you buy stuff from that airline.
7:53 am the capital one venture card. with venture, you earn unlimited double miles on every purchase, everywhere, every day. not just ...(dismissively) airline purchases. seriously... double miles... everywhere. what's in your wallet? get to kohl's thursday through monday because friends and family like you take an extra 20 percent off. that's on top of already low sale prices storewide which makes fleece for him only $14.39 and for her just $9.59 now that's the good stuff. kohl's. you don't let anything keep you that's why you drink ensure. sidelined. with 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. for the strength and energy to get back to doing... ...what you love. ensure.
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sfx (kids chatter) deluxe kids' character costumes. greetings classmates. save money. live better. walmart. get to kohl's thursday through monday because friends and family like you take an extra 20 percent off. that's on top of already low sale prices storewide which makes fleece for him only $14.39 and for her just $9.59 everyone gets kohl's cash too!
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coming up, hurricane matthew gains strength overnight battering the bahamas as it marches closer to the u.s. nearly we'll have the latest. and we have a star-studded lineup stopping by 1a. ashton kutcher, seth meyers and judge judy. ? never gonna give you up never gonna let you down ?? >> and a very special performance by '80s superstar rick astley "today," thursday, october 6th, 2016. ??
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>> from hofstra, mississippi! ? night fever night fever ?? >> hello, wisconsin! >> happy birthday to us! woo! >> she may have fallen and gotten back up, but it didn't stop us from coming to the "today" show! ?? it is 8:00 on "today," it is thursday, it is october 6th. we got a whole bunch of white coats out on our plaza. because we are celebrating the pharmacists. they are here in force and we are so glad that they're here. carson saw all the white
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it was a karate class. >> physician assistant, karate class, same thing. >> listen to that music. that's the beegees right there. that's "night fever." that's your throwback thursday. >> by the way, barry gibb is going to be here next week. i didn't even know that. >> but since it is throwback thursday, we have rick astley. right here in the studio. i we were just inside listening to the soundtrack. sounds incredible. he has new music out. >> by the way, he doesn't age. >> he looks great. we're all going to rick roll. let's start this half-hour with your "news at 8." we begin with hurricane matthew. i'm tammy leitner in nasa saw, bahamas, where the hurricane has made landfall. strong winds out here. we are seeing power lines down,
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washed away, and that's just the beginning of the damage. hurricane matthew roared into the bahamas with a fury not seen here in more than 80 years. winds whipping at over 120 miles an hour, taking down trees, power lines, and homes. all airports closed, leaving hundreds of tourists stranded in paradise. guests at one luxury hotel evacuated from their rooms and forced to sleep on mats. >> hi. >> reporter: this california couple -- >> we're here for our honeymoon. >> now you guys are literally trapped in this hotel. >> yeah. >> stuck on this island. >> but we will make do. >> reporter: the biggest concern, not just this wind and rain, but a storm surge that could bring swells up to 15 feet washing across this island. the hurricane already leaving a deadly trail of destruction further south. in haiti, at least 19 dead and
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u.n. officials calling it the worst humanitarian crisis since the earthquake of 2010. one town still waiting on life-saving aid after the only bridge linking the north to the south collapsed. and in cuba, dozens of homes destroyed on the eastern coast. residents there still picking up the pieces. now the monster hurricane heads north. nearly 2 million people urged to evacuate in florida, georgia and guard set to move in. >> i don't want to but i have to. >> reporter: bracing for landfall and preparing for the worst. you're looking at a live picture of what winds at more than 100 miles an hour look like. now every 20 or 30 minutes we are hearing loud explosions. we are assuming those are transformers. we lost power just a short while ago. it is unclear how much of the rest of the island still has
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matt? >> tammyleitner, thank you. e turn now back to politics. the presidential candidates getting ready for their next debate on sunday and sparring over their running mates' face-off this week. kristen welker's got the latest. >> reporter: savannah, good morning to you. hillary clinton is off the campaign trail again today getting ready for round two with donald trump. trump is also getting down to business after getting criticized for not being prepared enough for the first debate. tonight he will hold a town hall a dry run of sorts for the main event now just three days away. >> reporter: hillary clinton getting into fight mode at a star-studded fund-raiser in washington. >> i'm looking forward to our next debate. i thought the first one went pretty ll. >> reporter: clinton also praised her running mate, tim kaine, for his debate performance against mike pence. kaine was criticized for frequently interrupting. >> foreign governments? >> you are donald trump's
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insisting kaine delivered. >> every time he tried to push mike pence to defend what donald trump has said and done, pence just bobbed and weaved. >> reporter: mike pence this morning on "today." >> i honestly do believe that donald trump did win the debate. it was donald trump's vision that i was describing. it was donald trump's message to make america great again. >> reporter: in reno last night, donald trump answering. >> didn't mike pence do job. >> reporter: but trump may have also hit a sour note when he mocked the people who mispronounced the name nevada, but then got it wrong himself. >> i said when i came out here, i said nobody says it the other way. has to be nev-ah-da. >> reporter: trump says he plans to take aim at obamacare after earlier this week bill clinton seemed to criticize the president's key piece of
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the world. >> reporter: trump wednesday night. >> oh, did bill clinton blow it. whoa, did he blow it. can you imagine when he walked home to that beautiful home in westchester, he said, ah, hillary, how was your day? oh, did he suffer. >> reporter: bill clinton has repeatedly tried to walk back his remarks. >> i strongly supported that bill and it's given more than 20 million people more insurance. but there are problems with it. >> reporter: up during an interview with "extra." asked about alec baldwin's impression of trump -- >> going to jina -- >> perfect. i can't wait to see what else they're going to do. i don't know who is going to show up to my next debate sunday night. >> reporte hillary clinton is out with a new ad in an attempt
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off again sunday night. some big medical news this morning. an embattled blood testing company will close all of its clinical labs and wellness centers. revealed in a public letter to shareholders. they'll cut 340 employees. the move comes just months after a series of investigative reports by the "wall street journal" that question whether the company's technology an affordable blood test that claimed to diagnose diseases from a single drop of blood. theranos disputed the claims and denies any wrongdoing. here is an unusual way to get your teammate open on the basketball court. los angeles clippers jamal crawford lost his sneaker during a preseason game last night so fellow clipper blake griffin scooped it up, then tossed it aside to clear it from the
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i had a wonderful time tonight. me too! call me tomorrow? i'm gonna send a vague text in a couple of days, that leaves you confused about my level of interest. i'll wait a full two days before responding. perfect! we're never gonna see each other again, will we? no-no. wouldn't it be great if everyone said what they meant? the citi double cash card does. it lets you earn double cash back. 1% when you buy and 1% as you pay. the citi double cash card. we are back now. 8:13 with what is "trending" today. maybe we should say, who is "trending" today. ladies and gentlemen, seth meyers. >> means the world that you would have me here this early. thank yo so much because this is the hour i want to be here. not on later hours.
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but first, let's talk about some things that are "trending." the na largest mal bucking a trend and taking a stand. over the last few years we've seen a lot of malls opening earlier and earlier on thanksgiving day not wanting to wait until black friday. but now the mall of america in bloomington, minnesota says it will remain closed on thanksgiving. >> yes! >> the mall has been open on that holiday since 2012. this year executives say they want to allow workers time off with their families. and the mall will open at 5:00 in the morning on black friday. what are you looking at me for? >> i'm just looking at you. >> you agree with the stand? >> i do. the last two years of our show we've actually done our show on thanksgiving and we realized the same thing. live on thanksgiving. now we're going to do it on wednesday and let our people go home, too. >> all right, seth! >> i feel like there were like 10 to 12 people who were really
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not to go. but only 10 or 12. >> staying on the topic of the holidays, spending time with the family. a lot of people like to go away for thanksgiving and christmas. but actually, a new study says if you really want to keep everybody happy, skip the trip, stay home. researchers say that visiting new places and interacting with new people can actually leave families stressed and exhausted. bottom line, long live the staycation. >> especially if you live somewhere like hawaii. really works well. >> or jamaica. there's no stress in >> i've always heard that the thing about vacations is you relax in looking forward to them. >> that was "trending." >> was it? i like that science more than this science. i do agree once you actually go on vacations they are terrible. but i agree they are nice to look forward to. >> sometimes when you do the staycation, people does their own thing. you don't really have the family -- >> you get together for dinners
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>> okay. you like studies, right? >> i do. i love studies. studies give you a joke every night. >> here's your new study. something we see and hear just about every day. you guys know anyone who has a big yawn? some people yawn like -- other people like bryant gumbel -- all right? so, guess what, do you have a big yawn or a little yawn? >> i think i have a pretty big yawn. >> i think i do, too. >> mine's big unless i am talking >> i have a huge yawn. >> you guys read this. scientists have found that people who have big yawns also have big brains. experts say there is a goo scientific reason for it. long yawns bring a rush of blood to the brain delivering oxygen and allowing our big brains to cool off. >> that's a study! >> cool. we are really smart. if you slept the night before you wouldn't be yawning.
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pop music icon. he's found some unexpected success online. carson knows all about it. >> beyond him being a legend here and in the studio, rick astley's become a bit of an internet phenomenon called the rick roll. you build up someone's expectations and send them a link. you send t l it is a bit of a digital bait and switch. it's become such an online sens ion, there is an urban dictionant for it. 245 million views on youtube and counting. rick is here and he is going to perform in our next hour the classic. he's got some new music. people of the internet, you're welcome! >> you're taking the show on the road. >> first time we're leaving. we're going to be in washington,
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thursday at the warren theater. >> you have good guests. >> we have vice president biden, dr. jill biden, senator al franken who used to be in comedy, you guys. kevin hart. so it will be a good week. lena dunham. strong. very strong. >> time for "popstart!." carson created "popstart!." >> i had nothing to do with this. it is not my gem. first to lady gaga giving us an early preview of during her super bowl halftime show. last night gaga kicked off a dive bar tour she's on. in nashville debuting three new songs including this one. ?? >> that's cool. >> i like it. >> little country, little rock 'n' roll. sounded pretty good for gaga. that's a nice dive bar, too, by
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that's from gaga's new album, jo ann." here's a look at the first trailer from the new movie "jackie." >> for one brief, shining ?? >> there won't be another camelot. not another camelot. >> come on, does that look great or what? "jackie" hits theaters december 2nd. >> that looks really well written. >> we know the person who wrote that. >> we do.
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"today" show. >> seth, thank you. your show airs weeknights, 12:35, 11:35 central time right here on nbc. check out seth every night. >> thank you. you guys are on every day, too. i feel like i want to let people know that as well. check out the "today" show, airing this time every day. >> all you have to do is say take a little nap. >> mr. we've been talking about matthew. news is not great. it is still a category 3 storm, 215 miles southeast of west palm beach, florida. 125-mile-per-hour winds, moving northwest at 12 miles per hour. so it is a close call. friday, 2:00 a.m., 145-mile-per-hour winds, a category 4. the storm center's within 15 miles of the shoreline. you move west a little bit and it could be catastrophic. saturday morning,
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then we continue on. by the time we get to sunday morning, it is a category 1 storm. then kind of loops around monday on in to tuesday, it is down just off again the florida coastline. again, we will continue to watch this as the day wears on. that's wha >> and that's your latest weather. check us out every day, sirius
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judge judy is known for her no-nonsense style presiding over her tv court. her wildly popular show just started its 21st season. judge judy, good morning. nice to see you. your hoe is now old enough to drink. congratulations. that's fantastic. >> thank you. i get to the bar first. >> over the time period that you've been on the air, a lot of other judge shows have come and gone. why do you think not only have you stayed in the game stayed number one? >> i don't know. it is hard to say nice things about yourself. that's very hard, as you know. but i think that the people appreciate the message and the messenger. you know, it's not show busy without a little bit of a show and i don't find that very difficult to do. i take my job to provide justice and a fair playing field seriously. i think people know that. and i think the message of responsibility resonates. >> i think it's you.
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>> i'm ready. >> it's harder for you to do it. there is some approach you take where you do walk that fine line beautifully between something that is meaningful and educational and important to people, and something that's entertaining. and it is not easy. >> well, everybody can do something well, matt. you are a great interviewer. you make -- >> thank you. >> -- the person who you interview feel comfortable and able to tell a comfortable story. that's your i can't do math. chemistry, i had to cheat my way through college in chemistry in order to survive. i barely learned french. but i do understand the human condition. and whether that was a trained thing from the family court or whether it was innate, it was just my way, my natural way of being able to earn a living. >> you say you understand the human condition. that segues beautifully into, you're also celebrating the 10th anniversary of a charity that
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mentoring where you pair young girls with mentors. do you follow the young girls later in life and see how they're doing? >> well, this is a surprise. i don't know if i'm supposed to say this but it is hard to have a filter here. today we're celebrating our 10th anniversary. it is hard to believe that it was ten years ago that my daughter nicole and i put this together. and we have our first mentee coming back as a >> how great is that? >> now that's really getting old. you're supposed to give back, if you can. you know that. that's the right thing to do. if you've been blessed, as i have been blessed. but when i was in the family court, i always noticed that the squeaky wheel got the oil. the kids who did the wrong thing got the computers, got the psychiatric help they needed, got the psychological help, got extra tutors, got extra, extra. and the kids who came from the same environment and who did the right thing got nothing.
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beginning of the mentoring program. for women. because these young women, most are first generation going to college, need a little boost. they have the academic skills but they didn't have the rest of the stuff that they should have had to prepare themselves for the world. >> we kind of take off the subject of mentoring, you're known for your nuggets of advice. so leave me with a nugget of advice. i hate to put you on the spot but i'm going to. >> as a parent, you're supposed do naturally best, what they're naturally adept at. and nurture that so that they always have a feeling of confidence, and then, as they get older, and are looking for something -- a way to make a living for the rest of their lives, they will take that thing and figure out how to make a living at what they are naturally adept at, what's been nurtured and cultivated in them as children. that's my best advice. >> that's a good piece of
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rick astley! what better way to celebrate. he's going to perform live. >> synchronized waving! also ahead, we have ashton kutcher. i'm going to talk to him about his many interests. soon to be even larger family. he's returned of his popular netflix show. a lot to get to. let's get al for a check of the weather. >> announcer: "today's" weather is brought signature. the art of essence. >> guys, we're over here at this amazing display. lg signature's put it up. this is a giant like four-walled video screen. we've got cameras all around that actually show the view of 30 rock. this is the front of our building. there are cameras that are shooting that. inside is just some amazing technology that is really developing quickly that is
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this is four-sided. it is the size of a -- it is the size of a giant -- hold on a second. let me help you with the cable. all right. it is the size of an 18-wheeler. now you want to talk about the chef of the future? this is the kitchen of the future. look at this refrigerator. this is kind of cool. you hit it twice, it lights up. you can get into it this way to access some of your stuff, but how many times have you had groceries, your hands are full. there is a little light under here that says "door open." second. it was there. you know what? i think our lights are kind of -- there. hold on. move the light away just a second, big boy. there you go. there -- it won't -- there -- there it is! and the light opens up. boom. that is kind of cool. look at this tv. 77 inches. how thin this thing is. oh, i want one of these!
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enhanced risk of strong storm the in the center of the country. plenty of sunshine up and down the east coast. but hurricane matthew tomorrow threatening the southeast. heavy rain ahead of it. very mil i new england. more showers and thunderstorms down through texas. that's what's going on around the country. here's what's happening in your neck of the woods.
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>> all right, al. thank you. actor, producer, philanthropist and dad. his next comedy comes out tomorrow. >> dude, you are not getting with number 7 john elway. you're not even getting with pay peyton manning. i mean maybe eli manning. >> you couldn't even get with cooper >> oh, right. yeah, yeah. because if cooper manning is on tinder and he sees the rooster, he's going to swipe left. >> ashton kutcher, good morning. is this the second installment of season one or season two of "the ranch" or does it really matter? >> with netflix they just launch like ten episodes at a time in these chunks. with sitcoms, the general way that you format a season is like 22 episodes. so instead they did ten which was the first installment, then ten more which is the second installment of the first season.
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you've actually said it is kind of like a country song that became a sitcom. >> yeah. i mean the show is really -- it really -- i mean it is a country song. >> like the ranch hands. >> like. it is like beer and football and your dog got run over by a train. it's like that's what the show is. >> your character is named colt. you're just a guy trying to regain high school glory, which we can all relate to. >> it is a funny thing. i think there is like a growing trend across the country people go off to that they think their career is going to be. and whatever they're going to be great at. they go to college and they get a degree. then they get out of college and go, wait, there's not a job for that degree. it is like kind of the realization of your nightmare, which is like you fail at the very thing that you thought you were going to be great at. now you have to move back home with your parents and like work for your hard-nosed dad and like deal with your brother. it is like all of the adult relationships of families. >> but you get a lot of laughs out of it. >> yeah.
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little bit more of a dramatic bent than most sitcoms which makes it really fun to act on. >> it is also potentially a big "'70s show" reunion. >> we like to work with our friends. >> basically like i've got an idea. >> a lot of these ranches are run by immigrant labor. think it is a hot button topic in the country right now. i think for a socially conscious sitcom that's representing a er think there is probably a different conservative point of view when you get around immigration in rural america. think it is important to connect. >> i feel a connection because we both have little girls that just turned 2 and we both have babies on the way. so give me some advice. >> give you -- give me advice! all my friends are like you're going from playing zone to going to man-to-man. >> that's what everyone says. >> it's like intensely scary. >> totally scary. >> plus, like the first one -- i
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read everything you could possibly read. this one i'm like, yeah, it's coming. like you have a recognition that they're pretty durable. you're not going to break them. and so, and how am i going to run after this one and deal with -- i thought the first one was exhausting in the beginning. i'm a little terrified, to be honest. >> it is terrifyinging. people have been talking to you about how you have to get her ready for the new baby. >> yeah! there don't be holding the baby when the -- like -- i'm sure my parents were holding someone when something and like and we're okay. >> i know. i know. it is so exciting though. is wtt excited? >> she like -- she points at mila and she's like baby brother when she points to the belly. then she points to dad and she goes beer. and so i think she gets there's something in the belly. but i don't quite think that she
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a plastic doll yet. >> exactly. you guys have your halloween costumes planned out? >> like -- so we were planning to do the halloween thing. we saw like the wren from "star wars." we're like, oh, my god, that would be amazing. then we realized -- i was going to be like hans solo. we're like that's totally selfish. like those are the costumes we want to wear. she wants to be peppa pig or like princess sophia. to do yet. we got a little time. >> ashton kutcher, great to catch up with you. give our best to mila and wyatt and good luck with the new baby. >> i think it will all work out. >> next season of "the ranch" hits netflix tomorrow. up next, better than ever -- you should stick around for this. we are freaking out. it is happening live, studio 1a. but first this is "today" on
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mom avo: as a working mom, i need after-school snacks to be easy. so, snack time is now us time. we pull out buddig original and get rolling. it's the quick and tasty protein pick-me-up we need before we're out the door again. and it gives us more time together. because they're only little for a little while. announcer it goes fast. savor every delicious moment. buddig. make more than a sandwich. (beep, camera shutter click) did you just see that? that was awesome. we have to try it. okay. okay, mine's not working. maybe you have to bump it. oh, yeah. do the bump it thing. right. okay, yeah. (muffled) you can take money out using the bmo harris app! you want to buy a hairless cat? there's a pet store down the street. cool... i think she said "bmo harris app". yeah, that makes more sense. when your phone your debit card. that's the bmo effect.
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just disappeared. ceos and giant corporations get richer guys with families... guys like me? just gets harder and harder to get ahead. we need an economy that works for people like me. for people like me. for people like me. people like me. russ: i'm russ feingold and i approve this message because wisconsin's middle class
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>> announcer: the citi concert series on "today" is proudly presented to you by citi. how good is today? we are back at 8:41 with the moment matt has been looking forward to all week. it is a live concert by the 1980s hitmaker -- rick astley. >> here's one ear, here's another ear, here's a smile. back wit years. first he is going to treat us to a performance of his 1987 hit "never gonna give you up." rick astley. ?? >> come on, america! let's boogie! ? ooh woo ? >> here we go!
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know the rules and so do i ? ? a full commitment's what i'm thinking of you wouldn't get this from any other guy ? ? i just want to tell you how i'm feeling ? ? i gotta make you understand ? ? never gonna give you up never gonna let you down ? ? never gonna run dessert you ? ? i'm never gonna make you cry never gonna say good-bye never gonna tell a lie and hurt you ? ? we've known each other for so long ? ? your heart's been aching but you're too shy to say it ? ? inside we both know what's been going on ? ? we know the game and we're gonna play it ? ? and if you ask me how i'm
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to see ? ? never gonna give you up ? ?onna you down never gonna run around and desert you ? ? never gonna make you cry never gonna say good-bye ? ? never gonna tell a lie and hurt you ? ? know i'm never gonna give you up ? ? i'm never gonna let you down ? ? never gonna run around and desert you ? ? i'm never gonna make you never gonna say good-bye ? ? never gonna tell a lie and hurt you. >> sing the blues for me! ? ooh give you up ? ? ooh give you up ? ? never gonna give never gonna give ? ? give you up ? ? never gonna give ? ? we've known each other since
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you're too shy to say it ? ? inside we both know what's been going on ? ? we know the game and we're gonna play it ? ? and if you ask me how i'm feing ? ? i'm feeling pretty good america ? ? i'm never gonna give you up i'm never gonna let you down ? ? never gonna run around and desert you ? ? never gonna make you cry never gonna say good-bye ner tell a lie and hurt you ? ? no never gonna give youer in gonna let you down ? ? never gonna run around and desert you ? ? i'm never gonna make but cry i'm never gonna say good-bye never gonna tell a lie and hurt you ? ? yeah yeah ? ?
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>> we're going to hear the new music. one of the things we love about you, is you embrace the classics as much as we do. >> of course i do, yeah. to be honest, i quit quite young. i was 27, 28. we just had a daughter. i wanted to spend some time at home so i haven't been singing all those songs for 30 years. know what i mean? so it still feels good to do them and have fun with it. >> what do you say to the people who say "never gonna give you up" and "together forever" sound a bit >> i agree with them. i've actually sung the wrong lyric at one point. >> we've been having a bit of a dispute. i said it was the same song. kind of feels like it. >> some of it is just rehearsed. >> when you went to your computer and opened up a link somebody sent and was your video played for you? >> certainly. the way i heard about rick rolling is a friend of mine that lives in los angeles. i was on holiday actually in
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rolled it. i said i know this guy really, really well, he's one of my best friends. what are you doing. then he sent me another one and he just kept doing it. >> your new music is totally different than your old stuff that you are about to play for us new. >> they're still pop songs. just lyrically and stuff, i'm older and i have more to say. >> appropriately enough -- the song is called "keep singing." ladies and astley. ?? ? when i was a boy i saw my daddy cryin' at the steering wheel ? ? and oh it made me feel so scared ? ? then there was joy from my vantage of swimming in a choir of voices ?
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? that at this age some sunny day instead of throwing my life away ? ? i'm going to save some sunny day for throwing my life away ? ? won't keep singing praying to the heavens ? ? keep singing whoa keep singing climb until my hands are stinging ? ? i've been saving some sunny day for throwing my life ? ? ? throwing my life away ? ? yeah yeah ?
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blessed are the children are our greatest reward ? ? with these hands i'll move a mountain build a castle to keep you safe ?? on this you know you can be sure ? ? you'll be safe some sunny day safe from throwing your life away ? ? you'll be safe some sunny day from throwing your life throwing your life away ? ? keep singing whoa keep ? raise it to the heavens when your voice is ringing ? ? keep singing whoa keep singing ? ? climb up until the hands are stinging ? ? you'll be saved some sunny day from throwing your life ? ? throwing your life throwing your life away ? ??
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? who knew -- who do you love when it all comes down to truth ? ? who do you love when it all comes back to you ? ? who do you love who do you love ? ? when you're liein' in your bed ? ? who do you love who do the love ? ? ? keep singing please keep singing whoa keep singing ? ? praise keep singing whoa keep singing ? ? you'll be saved some sunny day from throwing your life ? ? throwing your life throwing your life away ??
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>> what a good assignment to see who's on our smucker's jars today. happy 100th birthday to don mozer. he was featured in "golf digest" magazine after scoring back-to-back hole in ones. that's impressive. pearl messenhimer from north carolina is 100 years old. she loves drawing her own garden and eating fresh foods. like we all do. happy 103 birthday to spin crawford. love that felton, pennsylvania. miss frances young of north kelly, north carolina is also 100 years old. she loves watching "the price is right" and cheering on every single contestant. owen myer is celebrating 1 00 years. this retired butcher is from fenton, michigan. he is a world war ii veteran.
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have your have your kids come home asking about creepy clowns? rumors are sweeping through schools across the area... part of a national trend. two young girls have been arrested for making 'creepy clown' threats in the area. one accused of person wearing a clown mask was to shoot up five milwaukee high schools.police tracked the facebook profile to a teenage girl in kewaskum. a 12-year-old girl was also arrested in west bend for making similar threats.
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? ooooh oooh.? ? every little thing. ? good morning. today models on the runway. we're going to have the latest fall fashions. plus 15 apps parents need to know about. and the properties of pumpkins. >> why the squash so good for your skin and where you can get a free facial next on the morning blend. ? ? [ic ? ? who is this? >> drake baby. >> yeah call me on the cellphone. >> a lot of people twerking in the audience last night i guess. >> sometimes i think the best
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