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tv   Fox Morning News  FOX  August 6, 2009 7:00am-9:00am EDT

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>> coming up, cameras rolling at a scene unfolds in southeast. two vehicles collide. crowds rush to help. now officials say something needs to be done about a potentially dangerous intersection. and two big stories on the hill as judge sonia sotomayor is to be confirmed. and metro needing money to keep going but how long will the money last. and a rage fueled by an apparent lack of attention by women and a deadly plan. the big question is did anyone read the blogs. and overnight police chase suspects through arlington national cemetery. more on that in a moment. i'm allison seymour. >> and i'm steve chenevey.
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>> ever been involved in a fender-bender or maybe you've accidentally backed into a pole. those low-speed accidents can add up when you want to get a repair. how some cars did in a low impact crash. and a bust from ancient egypt, but a lot of people say it has a famous lookalike. >> it sure does. and heading out to redskins training camp for another edition of dave versus dave and they get schooled on passing by colt brennan. and first we're off to a rainy start so let's check in withtony perkins. >> good thmorning, everybody. moin across the erliny anrns urd most has d did spaibu eme rain here and n cas train washington. not so much to the north an
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west. oso uto but you could see more showers there. down to the sou, ts hat'rehew wea area sreasreouth apward la lpatpand then mnnisaol rd annapolis. no reports of thunder or li ere eris theis broad at 2 ti 2 and you can see g wonng orntisc regi g wettingntng tu ttuisheut o crend a andheloud cover, most pushing to the north and east and that will be the trend during the course of the morning hours. currently reagan national reporting temperature of 72 degrees and winds out of the north at 7 miles per hour. recast for today, a lot of clouds around. i wouldn't be surprised to see a little bit of sun break through later in the day. that would be nice. scattered showers and thunderstorms during the first half of the day. cooler temperatures today, only a high of about 81 degrees. that's the weather, now let's
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get more on the rush hour traffic with lauren demarco. we're still working the scene at warfield road. southbound 270 slows out of buckies town and then on the brakes out of germantown toward the split. looking at the beltway in montgomery county, slow from new hampshire avenue around towards georgia. here we are at colesville road. once you get past that the pis picks up, despite some disabled vehicles at 270, but moving past it at speed at this point. 66, heavy volume inbound from route 28 in centreville toward the beltway. 95, here at the mixing bowl, looking pretty g. a little bit of volume toward the beltway. you will be on the brakes from dale city up toward lorton right at roe 1 we have the right lane blocked with a disabled vehicle. that's a check of your fox 5 on-
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time traffic. two big stories expected to come out of capitol hill today where senator have a busy day head with the power to make history on the supreme court. >> and also to try to save you big bucks on the next car purchase and sarah simons is tracking both of them this morning with business on the hill. >> reporter: good morning. it is a big day on the hill. especially in the senate. the first hispanic supreme court justice is expected to take her place on the highest court in the land. the senate is scheduled to vote to confirm sotomayor. some republicans have put up a fight, saying she's unfit for the bench. the speeches she's made in the past they say are concerning. they say she shows bias and saying a judge background can give perspective in a case.
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in a speech she said in 2001, she said a at lena could come up with a wiser choice than a white man. but she has more than enough votes to be confirmed unless something unexpected happens. and it looks like the cash for clunkers program will continue. the senate is expected to vote on adding $2 billion to that program, giving shoppers until labor day to visit a dealership and make a deal. republicans agree to vote on the plan today and the white house believes that could fund an additional 500,000 car sales. program was much more popular than anticipated. dealership have been taxed because of this. the program allows rebates of $3,500 to $4,500 for trading in gas guzzlers. but considering how popular this was, hopefully that money will last until labor day. >> we can hope so. sarah, thank you so mu. a key group of senators,
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the gang of six may be holding the keys to health care reform. the president is expected to meet with six members of the finance committee. they say they are making progress, crafting a bill that it saves $100 billion from the trillion dollars estimate and gets rid of the insurance option backed by the president. new this morning, it is a search by ground and air to find several suspects in arlington this morning. choppers flew above arlington national cemetery searching for five people in connection with a car break-in. several departments including onpentag police teamed up with arlington county officers to track the suspect. the police went after them and they headed toward the cemetery. the officers were able to catch one suspect. someone call 911. >> new concerns about a troubled intersection in the district following an accident that happened not far from where mayor fenty was expected
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to give a news conference. a white suv collided with a cadillac in southeast, sending witnesses scrambling to help. the d.c. fire department says five people were hurt. city officials will continue to look into ways to improve safety at that intersection. another accident involving mayor adrian fenty drawing some attention. he was riding in his government issued navigator wn he got into a fender-bender on broadband road on sunday. the mayor's office says the other driver ran a stop side and hit the mayor's car. but the report says the may's vehicle was the striking vehicle instead. no charge have been filed. and we'll ask the mayor about these discrepancies when he joins us live in a few minutes and we'll get some emails for mr. fenty as well. we're continuing to learn now details about the man police say shot and killed
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three women in a pennsylvania gym before turninthe gun on himself. george sodini has been planning the attack for months, documenting the plan online where he talked about his trouble with women. in one post he wrote women just don't like me. there are 30 million desirable women in the u.s., my estimate. and i cannot find one. not one finds me attractive. we look at what else police have discovereabout the health club shooter. >> reporter: gunman george so dean yes documented his trouble with women on a website. he writes, the biggest problem of all is not having relationships or friends, but not being able to achieve and acquire what i desire in those and many other areas. tuesday the pennsylvania man burst into an all female dance
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class, killing three before turning the gun on himself. >> he was a hand some man. i don't understand why he couldn't get a woman from what i read on the internet, but it's bizarre. my kids could have been there. >> reporter: a blood trail scatters outside of the gym. witnesses say the scene was unforgettable. >> the next thing you know about eight or nine more gunshots and people come running out saying he's got a gun. >> reporter: the victim was a mother, a 49 x-ray technician who loved to work out and jody billingsly, a 38-year-old who sold medical supplies. >> we don't know as we stand here what made him stop shooting. thank god he did. >> reporter: the question investigators want to know is if did anyone read the shooters
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ramblings, and if so why didn't they say anything. fox 5 news. the mayor joins us coming up next and we'll ask him about safety concerns at a southeast intersection following a scary crash yesterday. and we're answering your e- mails. you have questions about the summer program. and what happened at a performance that kept the show from going on. and later we're headed back to the redskins training camp. you don't want to miss today's dave versus dave. nt (announcer) get schooled in style...
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with instant money from jcpenney. check your newsper go to for your instant money coupon. style, quality and price matter. jcpenney. it is 13 minutes past the hour. we're joined as we are every thursday by d.c. mayor adrian
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fenty. >> and we thank you for being with us today. >> thank you. >> and scary moments in southeast and councilwoman alexander saying this is a bad spot any way. and you have an up close experience with it. and maybe there needs to be speed bumps or lights or something to have notice air to make people slowed down. >> well first and foremost, i hope everything involved in the accident get out of the surgeries fine. when i got to the intersection, you saw the tragedy, talked to the residents, people do want to find a way to make it safer at alabama and pennsylvania. a lot of it is finding ways to get people to speed down. as you travel east, you're coming down alabama, it's actually pretty steep this way. and there is probably at least
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some warnings that need to be put up there. maybe there are some things we can do with the configuration of the roads to slow people down because it's slightly curved, very much downhill, right into a very busy intersection. you saw it in your coverage how many people converged on the cars immediately after the accident because they were either at the shopping center, at the gas stations or there is a number of bus stops and a library very close. >> definitely a lot of people in the area. i remember doing a story years ago on some of the more dangerous intersections in the city and that's one of the ones we focused on because it is such a high traffic area. a lot of people were saying too that after yesterday, well maybe the fact that the mayor was there means that something might get done. do you think besides some signage, there is a chance of anything else happening there. >> there was a lot being done in the city. there was that report that you did, the ten dangerous intersections. there is a traffic camera right above the accident. i didn't get enough information on the scene to figure out
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whether it was a traffic camera that just surveys traffic or whether it can be adapted for red line running and speeding, et cetera and maybe we can make that adjustment. but there is speed bumps, restriping and narrowing some lanesch but in a city like hours around rush hour and people driving fast, and number one priority, i hope these five neighbors pull through fine. and for as bad an accident it was, i'm glad they were all breathing on their own last night. >> and speaking of descends. you have a minor fender-bender this week. and some discrepancies coming out with the report done by security detail from your office, not the police and also just some differences of what car hit what car. i guess my question is i'm asking it honestly, is this a big deal and something that people in d.. should look at
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and say is the mayor above regular protocol? >> no. i think i said on another newscast, minor accident. not much property damage. all of the people, including four kids, myself and the other driver walked away. no problem. and obviously that's a real blessing. and the cars both drove off the scene without any aid. but when you're the mayor, even a fender-bender is going to hit the news. what happens is once reporting starts, different things come out there. the simple fact of the matter is, as a spokesperson said sunday night, a four way intersection, another car comes, i think the driver just very innocently did not see, did not stop appropriately. i mean it's a mistake. i think he was very apologetic. it's happened to lots of other people. and i think the insurance companies and everyone is
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cooperating. but there will be different pieces of information that come out in the rush to get the news out, that when you come back and get the full story, everything looks pretty clear. and i think all of the facts seem to be on the same page at this point. >> we have been promising our viewers we would t to e- mails. we have a lot about the summer jobs program and the numerous overhauls to stream line this. some viewers feel that process could continue and maybe we could stream line things more. >> absolutely. >> and your opinion now as we're winding this down as to how things have gone, especially if getting money to the kids that are working the program. >> from last year to this year, it is night and day. the automation, the organization around sites, the connection between the two to make sure young people get paid. last period 18500 kids were paid. there were about 500 or so
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people who had some questions about their payment, which includes the hours, et cetera. some of those will be legitimate questions as you have any time you pay 19,000 people to do anything. some of them, maybe the worker wasn't there, we're resolving those. but a far cry from last year and joe walsh, the director and his staff deserve the credit. but what i'm most encouraged is people got meaningfulin turnship meaningful inturnships. and some were helping build a playground for reason elementary -- an elementary school and things like that. >> and neighborhood safety as far as speed bumps getting installed and we'll get to that next week. >> m excited. speed bumps are important. >> a lot of people have questions about that. and we saw that yesterday. any safety we can do is a good
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thing. mayor, thanks for joining us. >> and please continue to e- mail your questions for the mayor to the mayor will be back next week and we'll get to those other emails. and we'll look at the forecast. it's 19 minutes past 7 now. you can see how wet it is. there at shady grove. mr. perkins, is this going to be the trend for the day? >> it will be the trend for the morning. more rain showers across washington and to points south and east. not so much to the point and west of the city. although 270 looks fairly wet there. we're going to contue to see this affectiveity during -- t. crty ro msshengni oss the east, anlianapos,
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severna beach, they're gettinna some precipitation. and we do have a blip north e hepo. rgoftt e litton spot of rain and heavy rasote hert te eryou go. that's what we were seeing n the pictures. temperatures across the region. 72 here in washington. we've dropped o. ff it's quite cool up to the . nor and west. pittsburgh is 55 degrees. cincinnati 63 degrees. of course warmer down to the south, 77 at cape hatteras. s atte radar for the eastern u.s., more precip to get thug h. we have a lot of clouds over us n,yoiou myou in ot n casee the rain showers moving through the mid-atlantic region so another few hours before things start to break down. here is your five-day forecast. high today of about 81 degrees. showers, maybe a thunderstorm or two this morning. clouds during the early afternoon could give way to sunshine late in the day. tomorrow, a pretty day. sun with 85 degrees. saturday we warm up and could see a late-day shower or thunderstorm. sunday and monday will be hot.
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highs in the 90s. that's a look at the weather. now let's get a look at the rush hour traffic with lauren demarco. hey, tony, 66 eastbound clearing the wreck into haymarket. you will be on the brakes from route 50 to 123 and a mile before the beltway or so heading inbound. take you out to an accident on southbound 395 at edsel road. you can see the activity blocking the right lane. you're getting by single file to the left. southbound 395, and then on from edsel road, you can see the merge lane, they have folks out here directing you into the traffic. so you can access southbound 395 at this point but we have delays building. also we've got volume delays, 395 northbound from the beltway up to seminary. this just adding to it with some of the rubbernecking. in montgomery county, a accident at the exit ramp to
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montrose road. not much of a delay northbound. southbound 270 slows from montgomery village to montrose road. again slick pavement so watch out for that. and in montgomery county, broadway, there is reports of wires down. the stretch from georgia avenue. and eastbound route 50 on the brakes near columbia park because of an accident but that is on the shoulder. that's a check of your fox 5 on- time traffic. the time now is 7:22. coming up next on fox 5 morning news, the virginia governor's race gets national exposure with both candidates parties attached to president obama. we'll explain that. and they're helping unlock the artistic potential for kids in the district. holly is there to get ready for a big production this morning. and we'll talk with holly coming up.  fresh...fresh...fresh.
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really fresh. come into your local giant today for mouthwatering frui and vegetables, all at prices you can handle. like white seedless grapes just 99 cents a pound. this week only at giant. you know, it's not the grill that makes a delicious, tender, perfect piece of steak. [ crowd gasps ] it's the steak. like porterhouse steak just $4.99 a pound. this week only at giant.
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president brohm will led his muscle to creigh deeds. the two will join for a rally at tysons corner this evening. tim kaine will be there. and they will face off against bob mcdonald in november. and and a designation has made by house minor leader to contradict the president's speech this week. and the day off two american journalists held for nearly six months in north korea are released, we're looking at what this means for the relationship between the united states and north korea. plus singer steven tyler of aerosmith in the hospital after falling off a stage during a performancech the latest on his condition is coming up next. 7:27. 
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judgsonia w maier is expected to be confirmed to the supreme court today. she'll be the three female justice and the first hispanic. she picked up support from the g.o.p. yesterday but most republicans
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say they are going to vote no. she pointed to her wise latina comment. senate lawmakers are expected to vote today to add $2 billion to the cash for clunkers re bait program, giving until labor day for the new tra. the budget was about to run out. aerosmith had to cancel a concert as steven tyler fell off of the stage. this happened during a show in sturgis, south dakota. the sound system failed just after midnight and he was dancing around on the cat walk to try to entertain the crowd and he fell off. joe perry came out and said the show would not go on. he's being evaluated at the hospital this morning in south dakota. >> it just doesn't -- i hope he's okay. it just doesn't seem like a good story. first of all their in sturgis, south dakota.
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>> there was a big festival going on. >> okay. i thought it was a little bar somewhere. >> no. >> sound system goes out, he's trying to put on a show. let's look at our weather conditions around the region. we're going taro stththe radar, if i recall correctly. is thati't m hawi'm tarting sit tucker? i'm sorry. i took a guess. ryour temperatures. 72g. youremperatures. 72 degrees. 70 in baltimore. 72 at dulles airport. 77 in ocean city. and in winchester, it s 65 degrees at this hour. now we'll look at the radar and show you the precipitation coming through the region. there you go. we saw some heavy rain earlier this morning, not so much this morning. a couple of spots showing up on this particular radar, off to the north and east. we'll continue to deal with this during the morning hours as this continues to push out of here. here is a look at the jet stream and we'll show what you is happening over the course of
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the weekend. we've been watching the heat that we've been talking about down to the south, this will help push the jet stream to the north and this area of warm air will makes it way inward into the southeastern united states and the mid-atlantic region as well. it will give us hot and humid conditions. that begins building in on saturday and then we feel it on sunday and monday. tuesday of monday and through tuesday of next week. scattered showers and thunderstorms. then tore -- for tonight, cooler night. low 60s in some spots. 85 degrees for the high, a lot of sunshine. not over humid. saturday we start to get the heat in here. can't rule out a late day shower or thunderstorm and then hot conditions sunday and monday. now let's get more on the rush hour traffic with lauren
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demarco. tony, things are slowing down on the inner loop in montgomery county. we have an accident. take a look at this. as you leave 270 heading up toward silver spring and into college park, very heavy right now. that's because of an accident just before new hampshire avenue. it was to the left and right shoulders. the accident was blocking all four lanes. that's why we did have the delays building pretty strong. but the good news is it's off on both shoulders and it should start to ease out. the outer loop slows with volume and now rubbernecking from route 1 in college park around toward georgia avenue. let's look at our accident southbound 395 here at edsel road. we have the roll back on the scene. some of the emergency response has left. the two left lanes are open. they have the right lane blocked to help cars coming in from edsel road access to southbound 395 northbound slows
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to seminary road and rubbernecking makes things worse. southbound will be on the brakes from before duke street. that's a check of your fox 5 on- time traffic. president barack obama says he expected to talk with former president bill clinton soon for a detailed summary for a trip to north korea that resulted in the freeing of the two journalists. joining us now for the implications for the mission and what it could mean for the future of the relations, director of the program at george mason university. good morning. >> good morning. >> you saw the journalists deplane with bill clinton and your opinion on the events unfolding yesterday. >> i think it's very good news for obama but it's only a three day news bounce at best. it won't help him with the american public very much. the most important thing is he dodged a bullet. if these women had been sent to a labor camp and been stuck
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there for a year or more, then there would be a drum of criticism about the weaknesses of the obama administration. now that's off to the table. >> it seems it be a bit of a catch 22 situation. there was reports when he was running or criticism from senator mccain, then his political opponent in the presidential race that he would be too soft on the dictators and these bloody dictators around the world. and then the compromise of sorts. but then laura ling and una lee are home and we saw that tearful embrace and you couldn't help but feel for them. was the president in a catch 22 situation? >> he was, for the reason you outline, and thfear of what happens nurture. have we taught north korea that if they want to get our attention, kidnap a couple of americans. there are always a few americans in north korea, journalists or humanitarian workers and was the lesson learned that they should take another couplemericans. >> and we saw the reports coming out of north korea where
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the journalists there in country saying see, this means we're okay with our human rights record when the contrary is true. >> this is truly one of the mode odeyous regimes in the world anthe two journalists were trying to expose how suffering it was in the country and they may have succeeded. more people know about it today than five days ago. and let's talk about the future of u.s.-north korea relations as far as the nuclear program and we saw a lot of challenging words and we sat and waited to see what will happen here and have we turned a cornner relationships? >> i think it's too early to tell. and we're seeing a brutal dictatorship trying to undergo shifting power. he's trying to -- the leader is trying to give power to his 26- year-old son and that is a very tough handoff of power. so a lot could happen in north
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korea in the next six months. >> let's talk about president clinton being the actual man there on that plane, coming back with these two journalists. what does message does this send and could we see perhaps the former president in a larger role now within the obama administration? >> i doubt it. historically sometimes presidents reach out to very highly credentialed statesman not in their administration, like when reagan sent rumsfeld to have a chat with hussein in 1985. i don't think we'll see president clinton as a part f the obama administration. >> was a chance missed? should this be a bipartisan missio perhaps the president sending a republican? >> there are very few that have the stature of bill clinton. perhaps maybe bush the elder might have been an option. but i think this was the only
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option. >> last word, we could learn a lot about this regime because of these negotiations. >> it's tough to learn anything about north korea. it's the last stalinist station on earth. so information is all murky. >> we appreciate your insight. director of the masters of public policy program at george mason. thank you. >> thank you. >> steve over to you. 7:38 on this thursday morning. so summer is not over but we are already thinking fall. coming up, our gardening expert is here with tips on how can you get your garden ready for the change in season into and let's check in with our man dave ross. >> light rain coming down and getting ready for day 8 of redskins training camp. but day four of dave versus dave set to begin as well. colt brennan the star, feldy and i the pupils. stick around and see what it's all about. re
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this year it's not just the redskins hitting the field at training camp. >> dave ross and dave feldman have been battling it out in the dave versus dave competition. i hate to say it, after three days, feldy has the advantage
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when it comes to voters viewing. >> so far it's been advantage to feldman big time. nothing i can do about that. people have to vote the way they're led to believe that that person is winning the event. i might disagree but that's a story for another day. but today's story, day four of dave versus dave is all about passing accuracy. colt brennan was the teacher and we were the students. take a look. >> dave versus dave goes with the quarterback throwing competition with colt brennan, somtar fr mater dei in orange county. athletically do we have what it takes? >> some voter have not yet decided. [ multiple speakers ] >> we start from the 10-yard line and we have four throws.
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15, 20, 25 and whoever hits the cross bars. >> i'm thinking 40 or 50. let's do the test. >> what do you do as r a quarterback to warm up and get loose? >> cross the arms. stretch. >> you guys should be pretty loose. >> this can be end over end but if it hits the cross ar, you win this game. >> is that it? boom. two or one fingers behind my back. >> i'm going with two. >> one. >> i know you said two but it was one. >> two throws from right here. one for two. two for three. three for four. >> this is exactly the way i wanted the competition to go down. he goes three out of four. are you kidding me. >> you haven't won a competition. what have you done well? >> i won the kicking. this is way tohard.
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>> competition is over. >> just try not to embarrass yourself. >> i thinks that already passed. >> oh, nice. go out with some bigity. >> you're one for four, i'm three for four. >> i think you got that do. >> my ego is swelling. clearly feldy won this competition. there will be more. >> here is got thing and bad thing about the intert, you can go to and vote. the bad news is anybody can see this from all across the country. my friends in virginia beach have said i have lost all of my street credit and they are pulling my virginia beach card. my mother called me from florida about the kicking and said ugg. she actually uttered ugg like in charlie brown. so i have to apologize to my own mother. it's gotten down right embarrassing at this point. but feldy was on fire.
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how do you compete with that? i'm speechless. >> but i'll give you credit. the last one you threw had fire on it. >> if you want to pick and choose a little bit here for the upside, i had a tighter spiral. feldy was lobbing it. the trajectory was right now. i was trying to throwith force. >> if only it was a spiral competition. >> it's not boding well for me. but next hour we'll talk to colt who is in his own right an excellent passer. he was up for the heisman trophy in hawaii. we'll catch up with him in about 30 minutes or so. >> a quick question, just to give you a shot at regaining some street cred. are there any sports that you're good at? >> wow. i challenge you next time. five events. >> and then if you lose, dave, to tony, you can retire and go back to virginia.
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>> to answer his question -- no. >> me either. i'm in the same boat. >> you're a stand-up guy dave ross. don't put yourself down. >> and dave feldman hid my chair because i've been talk -- >> he hid your chair? >> we've all gotten angry messages. >> it's weird how in to it he is. he's masas tstging heaff and loying to -- st .ill e yoe yl >> u feldy. what is happening with the weather. >> hd radar, there is more rain teswd a ancouple of spots again of heavy rain here and there. mostly lig od mtorate m rain across its d.c. area. just some scattered showers at the moment. but more precipitation and enhap s hia l l happen all morning. take a look at of graphics now. this is the mog picture. mid-atlantic region and a lot of cloud cover and moisture to get through. morning time rain showers and
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maybe a thunderstorm or two might popup, but mostly just rain. here is a look at the surface map for today. a front stalled out down to the south. low pressure is developing as we speak. to the west, high pressure that will eventually get in here and give us a good day tomorrow. meanwhile early showers and late sun later today. five-day forecast, high today only about 81 degrees. some highs in the upper 70s. tomorrow a beautiful day. 85 and sunny. sunday, monday, tuesday really hot and humid. lies -- highs in the low to mid- 90s. >> let's check in with lauren demarco and check on the roads. a pretty ugly day on the beltway. the inner loop, a car spun out in the left lane. not causing much of a delay, just stay to the right to get past that. we will find a delay here in montgomery county. the inner loop, here we are at colesville road up toward new
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hampshire avenue, you'll find accident activity in the right and left shoulders. outer loop slows from route 1 toward georgia avenue where we have a new accident blocking the second lane from the right. in virginia we've been following this wreck southbound 395 at edsel road. car still there with a rollback. activity on the right shoulder here. the right lane remains blocked. you could see many emergency responder here directing traffic because as folks head inbound from edsel road they are able to merge on. it's helping everybody get on to 395. northbound slows from the beltway up towards seminary road. that's a check of your fox 5 on- time traffic. >> lauren, thanks very much. time now is 7:49. >> let's check in with holly. good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you. we have something very special and we're getting a sneak peek at fame, literally and figurative as we're live at
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howard university as they are practicing for the 17th annual summer youth musical. this year it has award winning artists and it's also paying tribute to a very special man. we'll explain it all and tell you how you can come out and see the show yourself live next on fox 5 morning news. (announcer) back to school means back to busy mornings.
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that's why i got them pillsbury toaster strudel. warm, flaky, pastry with delicious sweet filling my kids will love. plus i get two bonus box tops for their school. toaster strudel. the one kids want to eat. so i always have totino's pizza rolls. big pizza taste in a bite size roll that my kids can't resist. plus i get two bonus box tops for their school. totino pizza rolls. the pizza way to snack.
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the friends of the carter barren holding a summer youth program. >> and holly is learning more about the panther honoring. >> reporter: this is one of my favorite things that we feature. because the talent of the kids are so fun and because the friends of carter barren is such a wonderful program. i want to talk about this year's program. it's called a theater icon a tribute, and this is mike who is getting everybody on it this morning. good morning. >> good morning to you. >> reporter: tell me about the show this year. >> this show is a tribute to a wonderful man who has had an impact on so many lives here in d.c. through the introduction of theater arts for them, mr. mike malone.
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and this is a true tribute and celebration of the works and influence that he's had. >> reporter: so for people that don't understand, mr. mike malone is one of the co- founders of duke ellington school of the performness arts. >> and he was a prow fessor at howard university. >> reporter: and he has made a different in a lot of people's lives. >> he has influenced people that are success in the business. >> reporter: and one of those happen to be here. tanya brown. she did that amazing duet in sister act 2 with lauren hill. sher songs were featured in a tyler perry movie last year. and she has a new song coming out. and you're giving your time to be a part to something like this. >> i was there age when i did street theater, a program funded by marion barry. and i was young and 13-14 years
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old and i was young and it was fun. so when ms. high tower called me i said i can't not do it. >> reporter: who says no to gloria high tower. >> nobody. >> reporter: exactly. that's the reel brains behind this thing. we'll get with gloria in the next hour. but for people to come and see the shower, what are they going to experience? >> it's theater at its best. it's washington, d.c. theater at its best. we have so much unrecognized talent and so much talent coming out of duke ellington and different schools right now. i'm so excited to watch the next generation come up. >> reporter: and your song is -- >> it's called i live for you. they can go to my website. >> reporter: but we'll hear it on the radio soon. >> yes. call your radio station. >> reporter: and without
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further ado it is friends of carter barren doing legacy. ♪ [ music ] i want to thank you for teaching me. ♪ i thank you for seeing the good in me. ♪ i'm moving in your name because of you, my life has changed. ♪ your life is so real to me. ♪ i thank you for what you love about me. ♪ thank you. my tribute to you. >> reporter: imagine an entire show filled with this talent and energy. it's going on saturday and
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sunday at 7:30 at the udc theater icon. coming up in our next hour, two- time grammy nominee raw heen tabon. and we'll have more from the friends of the carter barren. >> that's a good lineup coming up next hour. we have more coming up as well. it is 7:56 this thursday. because of the rain, unfortunately we're going to have to move our gardening segment inside. >> we're not going to stop what we're talking about. we're talking about derek how to prepare your garden for the fall and reveal the results of a new crash test on mid size sedans. >> and the news is not good. we'll tell you that right now. >> no. we'll be right back.
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the search for a number of suspects taking police into arlington national cemetery early this morning. new dtails ahead here at 8:00. and we'll reveal the results of crash tests on mid
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size sedans. and speaking of cars, the cash for clunkers program is saved from the junk yard. more information coming up. good morning. i'm steve chenevey. >> and i'm allison seymour. >> and tonyperkins with us with a look at forecast. and we looked at the pictures from outside and more rain coming down. >> no, we're get something rain and we're getting more rain building in now. ti ntwao show you the hd radar. nt e thbrella with you te his g,. inolkss weole seeing rain showers move across the region and more rain building in from the west. so a rainy staano iy, t f anklannk ihithink ir f olffirst half of the day will be rainy. some scattered showers, maybe a thndm erorwost tthor , alghough si haven't really seen that e nc e early this morning, the mile of the night really. there are a couple of spots of heavy rain across the chesapeake bay right now. a temperature of 72 degrees. our dew point is actually 66. so it's higher than we would like. winds out of the north at 7
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miles per hour. your forecast for today, a lot of clouds around, particularly the first half of the day. some rain showers. i think later today and maybe mid to late afternoon, we e mig get lucky with a few rays of sun. frederick 78 for a high. winchester is. waldorf, maryland, 81 for the high today. there you go. more coming up in just a little bit. >> it really is lower. >> our average high for this date would be 88 degrees. >> i think we'll be there soon. so let's enjoy today. letez check in with lauren demarco. >> the wet weather has made things difficult. right now we're dealing with incidents on the beltway. in montgomery county here as you travel on the outer loop around from route 1 in college park toward georgia avenue, you're going to be on the brakes. the wreck after georgia has cleared out but there is accident activity in the right lane just after colesville road.
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but you can see pretty slow going. we also have some unusual delays to the right side of the screen around the outer loop toward college park because of an earlier accident before new hampshire avenue that is on the left and right shoulders. at kenilworth avenue, blocks with an accident and outer loop we have an accident on the left shoulder. in virginia the op -- the outer loop slows from the mixing bowl. and looking head from newington in toward springfield on the mixing bowl. we do have delays from dale city toward lorton. 395 wi be on thebrakes northbound from the mixing bowl toward duke street. the southbound the accident we were following was right here in the right lanes and it has cleared out. so southbound the delays should be easy. that's a check of your fox 5 on- time traffic. and it's a search by ground and air to find several suspects in arlington this morning.
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choppers flew above arlington to search for five people in all in connection with a break- in. several departments, including police chased the suspects and one suspect was caught. an accident that happened yesterday not far from where mayor fenty was preparing to give a news conference. just moments after the accident, when a white suv collided with a cadillac at pennsylvania and alabama avenue, sent witnesses scrambling to help. now the d.c. fire department said five people were injured, one of them has life- threatening injuries. city officials will continue looking into ways to improve safety atth isat this intersec another accident involving the mayor himself. a fender-bender, no injuries on broad branch road in northwest on sunday. he was riding in his government-
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issued suvis the official police report shows the other driver as fault. the mayor joined us with conflictinreports. >> what happens is once the reporting starts, different things come out. but i think the driver just very innocently did not see, did not stop appropriately. i mean, it's a mistake. i think he was very apologetic. it happens. it's happened to lots of other people. and i think the insurance companies and everyone is cooperating. but there will be different pieces of information that come out in the rush to get the news out. >> the police report does not indicate who was at fault and no charges were filed. new this morning, it appears d.c. councilman marion barry has spent far more taxpayer money on his outside contracts than his colleagues.
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the washington post is reporting that he spent $252,000 from fiscal 2008 to fiscal 2009. that is more than five times more than the second biggest spender of kwame brown. some of the work has little connection to city business. he's under investigation for awarding a contract to a girlfriend last year. maryland has budget problems with the state facing a more tan $700 million shortfall. alley wants to hear your ideas about howto save money for the state. thousands of comments have been pouring into the state website with suggestions like having more state employees work from home or spending less money on beautifying median strips along state highways. you have until next monday to submit your ideas. and budget concerns plaguing the state of virginia. the governor is asking to trip up$1.5 billion. he warns there will be layoffs but hasn't said how many.
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the president speaking at a fundraiser for creigh deeds today at tyson corner. the current governor tim kaine also will be attending the fundraiser today. deeds will face off against republican bob mcdonnell in november. he's getting a boost from his own party which picked him to give the response to the president's weekly address this weekend. the first latina justice. the full senate will vote late this afternoon. sotomayor has gained more g.o.p. opposition. she will be the third women to serve on the beth. and the senate is ready to tuneup the cash for clunkers program. and they will vote on a $2 billion cash injection but the question is how many longer will many money last. sarah simmons is joining us with the story.
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>> reporter: the vote today would give the car shoppers until labor day to trade in the for le s r a few fuel efficient car. the president says without this extension the program would run out of money as soon as tomorrow. >> reporter: it looks like cash for clunkers has been saved by the bowl. e congress has voted on a plan that adds $2 billion to the program that will be presented today. >> we're hearing from dealers and consumers across the country that this is a stimulus that is working. >> reporter: car for clunkers offers rebates up to $4,500. >> if you take a toyota. there are 30 day supply and on the preus a 15 day supply.
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>> reporter: some have criticized it saying it has subsidized foreign manufacturers. to counter that, administration officials have noted that gm has the largest share of new car sales. accounting for 18.7%. >> the fact is that when you have 157,000 cars sold in 6 or 7 days and $600 million out the door, there are a heck of a lot of dealers around america, i've seen many of them interviewed, and they're wildly enthusiastic about this particular program. >> now as far as individual car sales go, during the cash for clunker program, the toyota corolla has been the top selling vehicle, followed by the ford focus, honda civic, toyota preus and the camry. something that the g.o.p. is worried about because the foreign manufacturers are selling and not the u.s. made ones. >> four out of five. thank you very much. and it's 9 minutes after the hour. up next we'll check out other stories making headlines this
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morning. >> and that includes more on the millions of dollars being given to metro to make your ride safer. then she appears to be a woman in mourning, but police say she is just really a good actress. the story behind this vid is making headlines around the country. also we are back out live at redskins park. see that guy taking snaps under center. that is colt brennan. he'll join us live right after this. ) subject: urgent!! bob!! i need the baker file stat! reply!! still making changes. circle back later!!
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what's with the yelling? oh, our internet slows down during peak hours so sending e-mails and large files just takes forever. so, we just yell. ben!!! thanks for the flowers!!! i thought you hated me!!! lol!!! semi-colon! right parenthesis! winky emoticon! (announcer) switch to verizon and get a dedicated high speed internet connection from our office to your small business so you won't be slowed down even if your neighbors are online. and for only $79.99 a month for 12 months with a 3 year contract you'll also get our award winning internet security suite, unlimited nationwide calling, and over $180 back in available online rebates. plus, the reliability of the verizon network. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v today for the verizon sile line business pak and data protection pak. one of the many tools in the verizon small business toolbox.
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72 degrees at 8:13 right now on a thursday morning. time to look at stories making headlines. a roadside bomb hit a group of people traveling to afgsani . ta afghanistan. 21 people were killed and five others were hurt. women and children among the dead. hours later a western air
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strike hit farmers. they were claimed to be militants placing weapons into a van. and on this day the u.s. bombed hiroshima. the united states is the only nation that has deploy atomic bombs in combat. the department of homeland security has given metro $9.5 million to launch anti-terror teams and to upgrade radio communications. time to check in with tony for another look at the forecast. >> and the cuteness factor of the thursday. >> you're right. it's time for the my first 5 photo of the day. let's take a look. look at that. >> it is bella. she's adorable. we're told she could barely
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lift the zucchini her dad grew. >> that's a big zucchini. or either that ella is tiny. this picture is raising questions. we need further insight into this. but she is adorable and congratulations dad on the zucchini. >> and beautiful bella. ur that's right: to send us c.xdanfom yold cocick on icok mornings. at at hd radar to show you what is going on outside - t rainr ain,rain. ra the area.aithe rea e therare some spots where you won't seeny . slyho . 'lsey cremoonrthotoe nu we'll continue to have rain thowers across the region roughout the morning. there is also a littlb it o f haze reported ott there. let's go to max 2. the precipitation moving through the mid-atlantic, a lot moving into de--aware otinn movg, but it is already in delaware,
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new jersey, some errors and me errs and bea delays there and the r heavy. 7 deeavy. 72 degrees here. 67 down in roanoke. new york city is 69 degrees. so the air is much cooler. check out pittsburgh, 59 degrees at this hour. here is your five-day forecast. looking for a high today well below normal. only 81 degrees downtown. in some areas you'll top out in the upper 70s today. we'll continue to have rain during the morning. i think we'll see gradual improvement as the day progresses. tomorrow is a nice one and then the heat builds in. saturday and sunday hot. that's a look at weather. and now for an update on traffic we go to lauren demarco. right now inbound 270 slowing at bladensberg and then at penn there is a work zone. the outer loop delays begin at the mixing bowl in springfield past van dorn to telegraph
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road. once you get to the wilson bridge you are back up to speed. we had some incidents in prince george's county. the outer loop at brandts avenue and the inner loop at kenilworth, accident on the left shoulder. in montgomery county, on the brakes heading in from college park toward georgia avenue. an accident in the right lane at colesville road and then on the inner loop, delays from 270 up toward new hampshire avenue where we had an earlier wreck out of your travel lanes. heading southbound on 270. we're on the brakes from father hurley boulevard past germantown road and then a slow down from 370 to montrose road. that's a check of your fox 5 on- time traffic. unfortunately some sad news as sam the koala has died. and you probably remember sam was the koala -- this picture tells it all -- that was rescued from the wildfires in
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australia that we talked about. the most famous photograph showed her drinking water from a firefighter's bottle. sam passed away while being operated on to remove ovarian sifts. some vaccines for the swine flu say there should be enough to be packaged for shipment once the dosage is determined. the president says health care will happen by the end of the year. the president says he is encouraged that republicans are negotiating with -- are negotiating with democrats but he said his administration will assess a program last month.
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the show must go on. the sound went out and singer steven tyler fell off the platform. it is now thursday at 8:18. up next we are live with colt brennan. and then it is an after school program like no other. we'll live as the friends of cohen barren entertain us. stay with us. fox 5 morning news continues right after this.
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(announcer) get schooled in style... the jcpenney back to school huge sale. tired of waiting for your savings? with an instant money coupon from jcpenney, get $10 off instantly when you spend 0. save on night and day doorbusters. like, junior's arizona tees and tanks for only $4.99 young men's shorts are $9.99 style doesn't wait. and neither should you. get instant savings on the styles you love with instant money from jcpenney.
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check your newspaper or go to for your instant money coupon. style, quality and price matter. jcpenney. if you're using other moisturizing body washes, you might as well be you see, their moisturizer sits on top of skin, almost as if you're wearing it. only new dove deep moisture has nutriummoisture, a breakthrough formula with natural moisturizers...
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that can nourish deep down. it's the most effective natural nourishment ever. new dove deep moisture with nutriummoisture. superior natural nourishment for your skin. 8:21 now. and 8 is the lucky number because it's the 8th day of redskins training camp. today they start at 8:30 and this one is open to the public. >> and fans are gathering. and dave is there among the people. >> trying to get the votes out for him on dave versus dave. >> i'll go person to person if i have to try to win this today with the passing exhibition. but colt is with us live. but he has to be out there at 8:25 but the coaches are nice
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enough to let us have you for a few minutes. >> great to be here. >> i call this the summer of colt. you're going to get a lot of reps in both in camp and if the preseason games. a lot of people very intrigued about what you bring to the table. how excited are you about your opportunities in the preseason? >> i'm very excited. obviously i had some success last season and there are expectations this preseason from me to go out and show off i'm getting better in this offense. i know the bar is going to be a little bit high and i'm excited about that. we're playing four great football teams so i can't wait to get out there and play. >> and your second year and jim zorn's second year, have you been able to come together. they wanted you to be around for a while. >> and when they draft you, they don't draft guys unless they have some invested interest in them and luckily i
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showed up and came off of surgery and had some good things happen so i'm doing it step by step right now, one day at a time. but i think i made a lot of progress so far and if i continue to do that and have a good preseason, it will say a lot for the future. >> reporter: how does that competition work. jason campbell is number one. todd collins is number two. but you're nipping at their heels. kind of like me with dave feldman. the pressure of them feeling you coming. >> i'm a young guy who came in second year and i have a lot of youth and i'm out there running around and having fun. there is a friendy competition going on. but those two guys take good care of me and they've taught me a lot and it's a healthy competition. >> reporter: and the coach wants you to be the best because you'll push them to make them better. >> and you've heard the stories of so many guys like maddox andelway or rivers and drew brees and that's what it's about to push the competition. >> reporter: and you're a
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california kid ant went to high school. first of all high school kid from california and college in hawaii. who has is better than you? >> i was talking to guys in the locker room and said when you were in the snow in college, i was chumming on a beach in hawaii. >> so california or hawaii? >> the water is always home and the weather is nice, hawaii. californian's still go to hawaii to vacation. >> colt brennan a big fan favorite. look for big things from colt. again, it's the summer of colt. back to you in the studio. >> and the laugh from colt. he was thinking about the pressure from you and feldy. >> he's been through some very strenuous situations, nothing like trying to show me and feldy how to throw a football. >> thank you colt, thank you
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dave. time now is 8:25 on this thursday morning. coming up next, other stories making headlines, including must details on what may have led to the deadly shooting inside a pittsburgh health club. and the search for mattie mccann. investigators are launching a worldwide search for one particular woman. plus we'll reveal the results of new crash tests on the mid size sedans. you'll want to see the results. stay with us. time now is 8:25.
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8:29 right now. 72 degrees. taking a look at stories making headline this is morning. a loan, depressed and angry is the picture that george sodini painted of himself on his online diary. he spilled his soul on the blog saying he hadn't dat in 25 years and began to hate women because they rejected him. tuesday he shot up an exercise class at a pittsburgh area gym
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killing three women, wounding nine. did he not know any of the victims. charles manson follower, lynnette squeaky fromme is set to be released after more than 30 years behind bars. she was convicted of trying to shoot the president back in 1975. the president wat not hurt but there was another attempt on his life two weeks later. that would be sarah jane moore who was also recently paroled. investigator have released a sketch of a woman who could know something about the disappearance of madeline mccann. the little girl vanished back in 2007 while her family was vacaoning in portugal. the woman was seen days after mccann was abducted. a man discovering his new
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marriage isn't all it appears to be. an underclover -- an undercover police officer was hired to try to kill her husband. police called her at her gym and called her telling her her husband was dead. and she sobbed here and then she learned her husband was very much alive in the next room and she was placed under arrest. she gave the undercover police officer to buy a gun and offered $3,000 for the hit. >> the marriage may have been on the rocks from the start. they were married one week after his divorce from his first wife. and before the wedding he spent 7 months in jail on fraud and theft convictions. a little add-on there. and let's check in with tony to get some add-ons to our forecast. >> now you try to follow that,
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tony perkins. >> you thought your life was bad. it could always be worse. to show you the precipitation across its region. we'll call this scattered because there are spots here and there where we're not seeing any rain but all of the green that you're seeing, those are the rain showers and a couple of blips wild we see heavr rain toward front royal and the most persistent heavy rain is toward chesapeake bay along the eastern shore as well. so we'll keep our eyes on that as the morning progresses. we do think we'll continue to see this. here is why. we'll take a look at the graphics. max 2, can you see the big picture. a lot of cloud cover. there is a lot of precipitation. it's not the heaviest rain, but its rain. and it will continue to influence us through the morning hours as it continues to track off to the north and east. so i think we'll get a little bit of relief later on today but not during the morning. here is the next 24 hours. your surface map, area of low pressure moving along the frontal boundary remaining to the south. some early showers. we're seeing those. but then some sunshine maybe breaks out here lat in th
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day as we get the system moving through here. i think that will happen late in the afternoon. here is your forecast. mostly cloudy skies until we get sunshine later in the day. scattered showers and thunderstorms. yesterday we topped out at 90 and today we top out at 81 degrees. that's your last look at the weather except for the five-day coming up at the end of the show. now let's find out what is happening with traffic with lauren demarco. thank you, tony p. hopefully we do get some sunshine for the afternoon rush because the morning rush has been rather ugly with accidents. right now we have a new wreck on 66 eastbound. you can see it right here, blocking everything but the left lane. this is just past 123. delays begin before route 50 fair oaks. after this, a smoother trip in towards the beltway. taking a look at the mixing bowl in springfield. traveling northbound 95, looking good here heading up toward 395 and the beltway. you will be on the brakes crossing the occuquan. the outer loop of the beltway
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slows from the mixing bowl around toward telegraph road. two other trips across the woodrow wilson bridge and all of the accidents and incidents in prince george's county have cleared out of the way. delays on the beltway in montgomery county, however. you'll be on the brakes on the outer loop, from college park to georgia avenue. the inner oop slows from 270 to new hampshire avenue. also 2070 southbound slows from father hurley boulevard off and on to the beltway. that's a check of your fox 5 on- time traffic. steve, back to you. >> thank you very much. and the insurance institute for highway safety has new low- speed crash bumper ratings for mid size sedans. and joining us this morning with results, its president of the iihs, adrian lund joins us again. it's good to see you. last time we talked about the small vice presidents, the compact cars and this time you stepped it up to the mid size sedans. >> right. we did six mid size sedans, pdating some data that we already had. and the news is kind of like
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news about the economy. it's less bad than it has been. we have four of these vehicles that showed a bit of an improvement. we had two that were a little worse. and none of them did good. >> none of them were really that well when it came to the test. tell us before we get into the specifics how you want about the test and what was involved in the testing process? >> well we have four crash tests all at low speed. we do a front and rear into what we call a bumper barrier at 6 miles per hour, that's a walking speed. and then we do corner tests front and rear into the same bumper barrier at 3 miles per hour. now 3 miles per hour is sort of a toddler speed so we're talking about a lot of damage as low speeds. >> so this is what would happen if you were in a parking lot and bumping into a car backing out. >> or if somebody hit you in bumper-to-bumper traffic at a very low speed. >> let'talk about the car that did the best.
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the six that you did war the mazda, honda, ford usion and chevy malibu. which one came out on top. >> the one that was the best was the mazda 6. we had an average of just under $900 damage in the four tests. now that's not great. that means one of these low spd crashes, you're going to see on average about $900. >> wow. and that was the best out of the ones that you had. talk about some of the other ones that you had. i guess coming in in the marginal territory, the honda accord and the hyundai sonata. >> we're talking about damage between 1,000 and $1,500. that's what is required for us to say the bumper is marginal. >> and on the poor end of things were the nissan maxima, the ford fusion and the chevy malibu. >> i hate to pick on ford right now, but this fusion, when it came to front end tests at 6 miles per hour, this seems like a ridiculous amount of money.
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>> it is. it's $2,500 in damage in just this one 6 mile-per-hour test. ford has weaken the the bumpers on this vehicle and they crumple and twist too much to provide any protection. >> and the way that you're seeing the tests here, that barrier that they're hitting is to look or appear like it's another exactly. >> and the nissan maxima did not do better. the chevy malibu got a poor rating and now we're talking about the toddler bumpers at 3 mile-p-hour even more costly to repair. >> right. and people don't realize it, but to protect in a low-speed crash, it's pretty simple. you just have to have a bumper that is reasonably tall, and you have to have one that goes out to the corners of the vehicle so that the expensive things like head lamps aren't damaged. >> and i think that was the problem with the other ones when you had the front end, is you would have to replace the grill and the bumper. >> right. with the chevy, it was kind of a real problem because you hit
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the grill and the chevy emblem before you get to the bumper. so you have $600 in damage before you get to the bumper. >> and in the slowest speed crash, you're talking almost $3,500 which is what people paid for used cars not that long ago. and you guy have been testing these for a while now. and you said to get a good rating the car has to have less than $500 in damage. how many good ratings have you found? >> we have no good ratings in all of the tests that we've done. >> so you're yet to find a car where the damage is less than $500 at 6 miles per hour. that's scary. that's the message to automakers right now. thank you for the insight into the car industry. new economic numbers are coming into the news room. we'll have those for you. plus we'll reveal our job of the day when we come back. and check it out.
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less than five minutes with vladimir putin's vacation riding a horse without a shirt. pundits say its pictures like these that make him the most popular leader more than a year after he stepped down as president and became prime minister. fox 5 morning news will continue. 8:38 now. (announcer) get schooled in style...
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8:41 am the jcpenney back to school huge sale. tired of waiting for your savings? with an instant money coupon from jcpenney, get $10 off instantly when you spend 0. save on night and day doorbusters. like, junior's arizona tees and tanks for only $4.99 young men's shorts are $9.99 style doesn't wait. and neither should you. get instant savings on the styles you love with instant money from jcpenney. check your newspaper or go to for your instant money coupon. style, quality and price matter. jcpenney.
8:42 am
new unemployment numbers just into the fox 5 news room. the number of newly laid off workers seeking unemployment insurance fell last week. it's fresh evidence that layoffs are easing a bit. the labor department says initial claims for jobless benefits dropped to 550,000 for e th the eek ending augt 1-s. that is lower than analysts estimated of 580,000. fox 5 helping you get a job. we are frituean atujob of the day every y daduring this hour. today's opening is at the willard intercontinental in washington. is looking for an assistant manager in it's restaurant. the willard y e pay and benefits. a matched 401k and hotel discounts are offered worldwide. for this job and many others go to and click on the
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job shop tab. and during these tough economic times there is a survey by the global resources association world the work finding 77% of companies around the country are giving raises. and d.c. topped the list of major metro areas with an average of 2.3%. tampa, boston, philly and denver rounded out the top 5. baltimore came in the 10th spot with 2.1%. time now is 8:42 on this thursday morning. because of this rain, our garden segment has moved inside today but that's okay because we're talking about getting ready for changes. >> we'll get tips on how to prepare your garden for the fall. and then have you seen our photo of the day. visitors to the chicago field museum swear it's michael jackson's face. but what came first? maybe he saw it and he liked it. >> could be starting something. >> it's been in the museum since 1988 but it is getting more attention now that king of
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pop has passed away. curators say well it does look like jackson, it is a live stone statue of a woman carved between the year 50 and 1050. >> it does look like him. it's up to you to decide. and getting a lot of attention. 8:43 right now. we'll be back after this. (announcer)  back to school means back to busy mornings.
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that's why i got them pillsbury toaster strudel. warm, flaky, pastry with delicious sweet filling my kids will love. plus i get two bonus box tops for their school. toaster strudel. the one kids want to eat. so i always have totino's pizza rolls. big pizza taste in a bite size roll that my kids can't resist. plus i get two bonus box tops for their school. totino's pizza rolls. the pizza way to snack.
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[ sniffs ] ♪ music and dance ♪ calling you ♪ ♪ the best part of wakin' up... ♪ ♪ is folgers in your cup
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the autism leaves haven't fallen yet, but the wise gardener is getting ready. here is our gardner tip. and we have to get our gardens in order. >> the prepared gardner will get the best results come fall. soil. i always talk about soil. i can't say enough about soil. people don't spend enough time preparing their soils. these are three of the products that i swear by.
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first of all, this is a lime. it's a pelleted lime that will sweeten the soil. it will release slowly into the soil. this is a dehydrated poultry maneur. wonderful product and make sure you work it in a couple of inchesinto the ground, perfect for a top dress of your perennials. and this is going to help get the bacteria back into the soil. healthy bacteria. have you got to start prepping the soils now to make sure you have great plants come the fall and next year. >> and we should say, derek, you've broken it down of the you have soil seeds and cleanup. so that was the soils. and the next is seeds. >> the next thing is seeds. now is the time to think about the cool season vegetable garden. and what i like to do is, this is a tray that you can buy at a hardware store. i line it with a plastic and i fill with it a seed growing soil. i label it, because i'll tend to forget what it is that i've planted. and then i take and i do a
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little row of seeds like that, the lettuce seeds tend to be a little bit fine. and about a quarter of an inch in, i'll cover it over and i make my little -- my rows and then i make sure i start watering it and keep it in a less than sunny location because by the middle of the month, it's going to germinate. by the end of the month you have a month's jump on your fall vegetables. >> that is so neat. >> perennials. it's time to clean them up. even though they may still look good, what you want tostart thinking about is giving those perennials a hair cut. get all of that olfoliage off of that. >> that's pretty. >> but you'll probably, if you do it now, you'll probably get some early fall blooms off of this again. that will be better. and the other thing to start thinking about is seed this is echinacea. what it has done, it's got a great seed pod here.
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you can actually -- once this has dried, you can store this and grow them next year. the third thing is making sure that if it's time to divide that perennial, what you want to do is, you want to once again -- and the better way to do this would be to give it a hair cut like i just gave the other one and that will make it a loss easier to work with. you want to get it out of its grilling area. this one happens to be in a pot. and it is a little bit uncooperative. now don't be afraid. i love using this. get right in there. cut it apart. >> surgery. >> yeah. you cut it apart and what you will end up with, when you're said and done, is two plants for the price of one. so then you're going to end up with two perennials. >> love it. all of thisinformation can be found on our website, and derek thomas of thomas
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landscapes is our garden expert. >> and we've launched a garden page at fox. so now there is a garden page and people can start putting their -- up loading pictures and stuff like that. >> it's all on thank you, derek, for being here? what will the rain get aout -- get out of here. tony has a look at that when we come back. holly, good morning. >> reporter: we are growing talent here at howard university where the friends of cohen barren. mr. m., a tribute to the mike malone. it's such a big al three nationally recognized artists are performing and two of them will join us next. (announcer) get schooled in style...
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a gentleman by the name of mike malone was very influential in the african- american community in washington back in the 1960s. >> this morning holly is with the carter barren foundation of the perform ago arts who is paying tribute to the life of mr. malone this weekend. holly, good morning. >> reporter: i love previewing this musical, but i'll be honest, the real reason i love it is because of the completely charismatic, the undeniably unbelievable and unstoppable gloria high tower. [ applause ] >> reporter: i came up with that myself. >> i want to thank fox morning news for being here.
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sponsored by the mayor, adrian fenty and council members d we are happy to give the legacy of the one and only mike malone. an icon in theater. and this is so heart felt for me this morning. >> reporter: we've been doing it 18 years and we're just still so gorgeous. >> and honey, you didn't know that. >> reporter: we have a lot to get in. she is the mastermind behind all of this, but you have help and i want to introduce roberta and natasha. why do you support something like this so much? >> i believe the youth are jewels and they are our future. they are all of the gifts that god could have given us. they are the greatest gift. >> yes, and we funded over 100 program this is summer, and just like, as you've seen, the great talent that is in d.c. and the great positive youth development going on and that's why we fund it. >> reporter: well they have wonderful local support but they also have national support
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in the form of nationally recognized artists, these three. we talked with tanya last hour. on the left i have kelly price, grammy diva. and that's what ms. high tower called you and rahim devon. tell me why you decided to give back to something like this. >> ms. high tower is amazing. >> we already determined that. >> you can't say no to her. but grew up as an inner city youth in new york city and i sang in church but i wanted to do something like this and there was never anything like this available for me as a kid. so to be able to give back and work with kids that are extremely talented. giving me a run for my job. but i wanted to be a part of it. >> reporter: and what about you? >> i'm here as a student. i learned a lot from the kids. this is my second year partaking in the event, working
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with the youth as a aspiring philanthropist. >> reporter: while working on your own career. >> i see some familiar faces in the second year of college. so i'm here to give back and to have fun and learn. >> reporter: well then let's learn right now. without further ado, let's hand it over to the friends of carter barren, the kids and the talent with the trombone. ♪ [ music ] [ singing ] >> reporter: i'm tell ug right
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now, the rd is watching down and he is smiling at all of this talent that is coming from the university of howard where we are live this morning. but this weekend they're performing at udc auditorium. it's a theater icon, mr. m., a tribute to mike malone. saturday and sunday you can get your tickets at the door. show time is 7:30. there is no better program you can support in d.c. than the friends of carter barren. back to you guys. >> got that right, holly. thank you so much. and they're all coming back when they are famous and helping out the next generation to come along. best wishes to them. president obama and first lady michelle being recognized for their style. both made the best stressed list. this is mrs. obama's third time. and others include brad pitt ann


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