tv Fox Morning News FOX October 11, 2013 9:00am-10:00am EDT
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called "news and you use". >> the cdc, issued a warning for a parasite affecting half of the people in the u.s., 700 cases thus far, there's a continuing investigation in progress to determine the source. this is a form of food poisoning that gets to you through water or illness. it can persist for days and months or years if untreated. don't brush off the symptoms and watch what you eat. >> we are talking about a psych it's affected over half of the states in this country, that's a lot of outbreaks out there, we don't yet know what the source is, but it could be a fruit or something else. in fact, a lot of people have been experiencing these typical symptoms of diarrhea, you lose weight because you
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are not eating food. you have no appetite or literally, you are pooping it all out. nausea, vomiting, low-grade fever can be part of this. it's treated with antibiotics. >> you will feel flu-like symptoms, but when you start getting severe diarrhea, naus yarks vomiting and low-grade fever, it's time to get it checked out,ep if you -- especially if you live in one of those particular states. >> we want to move on and hit a topic a lot of you have been tweeting us about. this is from @marykay1962. i heard about a new drug you smoke like pot, but it's different. >> and teenmom wrote: what is the drug that all -- sent all of those people in georgia. >> #crazy clown. have you heard of this? crazy clown? >> i am glad we are educating bt it, it does seem like
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every few months there's a new drug. it's gaining speed and momentum. this is one you don't wanna clown around with. >> announcer: you heard of k2, scoobie snack , and bathsalts. now there's crazy clown. dangerous, deadly, and more powerful, the evil, and possibly fatal drug is masked as innocent herbs sold in sweet smelling foil wraps that smell like incense. a georgia town was rattled as a group of teens suffered near fatal result anyone can buy the. >> it's a synthetic type of marijuana. when you inhale it, it's rapidly gone into the blood stream and grabs on to the cannabinoid structures in the brain, similar to marijuana . what's interesting about crazy clown is, it's stronger than most other synthetic marijuanas. so you get the typical affects of marijuana, but you are
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getting vomiting, foaming, cardiac problems, and of course these are not things you want to have to worry about when you are quote-unquote smoking something that's supposed to be, oh, "marijuana". and they call it herbal madness incense. i want to show you what to look for, this is, the packaging you will find it in. this is what the packaging looks like, and here are more pictures. you can buy this at local stores fist you can find it. -- stores if you can find it. >> the back says: not for human consumption but people take it and smoke it. >> it looks like tea. if it looks like tea and smelse like incense, that's when you gotta worry. á >> joined on the phone by a forensic scientist studying this drug, you have been studying crazy clown, and the affects it has on people? >> we have been studying the crazy clown because we have seen it here in nebraska, so
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it's in the labs and we are studying to identify what substance ask in it. we identify it as a synthetic cannabinoid call the adp pinaca, the same pound in the crazy clown that caused the hospitalizations that you spoke about, in georgia. >> and is it fair to say, christine, it's almost impossible to keep up with the new and evolving synthetic marijuanas out there? >> true. they are constantly changing the chemicals they put into the products, and from, you know, week to week you could buy the same product and end up with a completely different chemical. >> wow, this is, we will of course keep you posted on this. christine, thank you for the work you are doing. >> and we appreciate you joining us. i do think the one thing they wanna highlight here is, you are seeing a rapid movement, more and more physicians joining the bandwagon of legalizing medical marijuana and more than, because it doesn't have scary side
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affects we are reading about. part of that is because we remember having a really hard time regulating the synthetics. >> very hard time. so, let's see, i got a tweet, the other day. it says: it's from mamathatworks3, she says: i don't want my daughter to get a tattoo . what medical reasons can i give her to deter her? >> mamathatworks3, we got a good one for you. >> it's going turt had. there's no way -- hurt. there's no way you will like that when you are older. do you want to spend thousands to get it removed? no one likes a wrinkly tattoo. and here's a new reason. that might cover skin cancer. there's a reason to re-think the ink! ♪ >> right. so, with this being said, one of the things i noticed about tattoos, people use them as cover-ups. they want to cover-up blemishes they have had their whole life.
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if you have had a mole, or dark spot, the tattoo masks it, and what could be lurking is an underlying melanoma, situation. if you get a tattoo, keep it far enough away from a lesion, so if it needs to be biopsied, your daughter will know it's there. >> when it comes to beauty, we have given you every tip in the book, that goes for the makeup, as well. this next viral video has over 17 million views, it's taking beauty tips to an intoxicating new level. ♪ i wanted to show you something that i can't find on the internet anywhere. which means that it needs to exist. we will teach you the tips and tricks on how to put on makeup. seriously. >> make your face look like a different face by piling on, like, make up and do it with
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some kinda brush that doesn't judge you. so you don't have time to a concealer but you have time for powder. but when you cry about how a boy doesn't like you, sometimes you realize you are using blurb on the -- blush as eyeshadow. are you embarrassed? no, i am excited to be here! [ laughter ] >> that was youtube star jeena marbles, who has 10 and-a-half million youtube subscribers. >> drinking and doing make up á is not the best idea, but here are things you should never do while drunk. >> you have heard ofui, now -- dui, now there's bui, biking under the influence. you may end up with scraped knees or worse. double think biking from the bar next time you are out! >> energy drinks studies show that partying like a rock star and knocking back the favorite
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energy drink with alcohol, poses no danger but other research says it may be a recipe for danger, caffeine can extend time for drinking equaling trouble and a killer hangover! >> coming up, we have a guest waiting inside of our medical confessional, who's ready to come clean about a personal health issue. find out if you maybe at risk for this embarrassing and painful condition. that's coming up! ♪ [ applause ] ♪ >> coming up next! >> ever that that embarrassing question you don't want to ask your doc? >> sometimes they're too embarrassing to ask face to face. >> we have the medical confessional you won't wanna miss. >> tell us more about what's been going on? >> and later ... >> announcer: crisis strikes on stage. >> have you ever delivered a baby? >> um... >> announcer: that's later. >> coming up on monday! all new sharon osbourne, joins the
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doctors. revealing weight-loss secrets. >> losing weight is easy for anyone. >> this is hard to do what she's doing by the way! ♪ [ applause ] >> then, the controversial procedure that can have you losing 16-20 pounds ath a month. >> how sarah michelle gelar could save your child's life. >> they could be potentially carrying this fatal disease. >> celebrity weight-loss coach . >> i am telling you, you will get your life back. >> new doctors! ♪ >> that's
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> we have answered literally hundreds of embarrassing questions over all of the years. sometimes they're just too embarrassing to ask face to face. >> i have had them twice before. this is the third time! they can be so .... painful. they're aggravated when i have sex. they swell. they're really, really uncomfortable. kind of embarrassing >> dr. phil: have had them >> i have had them drained several times. why do they keep happening to me? >> we're joined by our anonymous guest that we heard from in the tape, she's behind the medical confessional. thank you for sharing your story with us. [ applause ] >> yeah! [ applause ]
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>> so, it's dr. berman and i here, so, tell us more about what's been going on? >> well, doctors, i have been suffering from cysts for ... several years on and off. they're inside of my vagina. and they tend to swell up and they get really uncomfortable and painful at times. anytime i have intercourse, that makes them swell. i have had one removed surgically before. i had one drained. and i just wanna know, what can i do to help prevent this from recurring? and also, are there treatments that you know about that help me with what i have today? >> sounds like she has berthol an's glands cysts or abscesses, small fluid-filled sacs, like this at the vagina at the 4 and 8 o'clock positions of the vagina. what happens is during the sexual activity, that can get irritated or inflamed and the duct to the gland can get
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blocked and when blocked the fluid accumulates in the gland and then that can get infected and that can lead to pain and that can cause what forms an abscess. and when you get a -- get it drained, the cyst is still there. so that's why they keep coming back. >> you said that you have one of them surgery removed, because as dr. berman is describing, think of a cyst like a balloon, you popped the balloon but the balloon is still there. with a surgical procedure, you are taking out the balloon, so have you had problems continuously on that side? >>s in-- no, sir. >> they did a procedure, the marsupialization of the sac. they turn it inside out. so if you turn the balloon inside out, so the lining of the balloon is facing the outside, the skin of the vagina heals over it, so the cyst is gone and fluid doesn't
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accumulate. >> so i have no problems more on that side, to everything you can see and touch, it's normal. but the other side i didn't have the procedure on, and it keeps refilling and refilling over course of months and or years. >> sometimes they will leave a catheter in there, so that the fluid doesn't come back. did you ever go home with a small little tube in it? >> yes, i did. >> i would recommend getting the marsupialization on the other side. so the cyst or mass in the vulvar area, needs to be checked out by a doctor. it's an infection in this case, but we want to make sure this is not malignancy or cancer. there's no a barthollin's cyst that puts you at risk for cancer, so be comfortable with that. >> thank you for sharing your medical confessional with us. >> thank you. >> this show is all about getting questions off of your chest. i know you all have questions in the audience.
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anyone wanting to get something off of their chest. and -- how about you? >> go ahead and stand up for me. >> what's your name? >> rica. >> for the past 10 years my left eye is blurry for months at a time. i haven't been to the doctor and they said it was because of stress. >> how long does it stay blurry? >> half of a year. >> half of a year? >> yes . >> so it started this year in january. i still have a little bit of it. >> and this is including using your corrective ? >> -- corrective lenses? >> yes j. we have the -- yes. >> we have an ability from the control room, to bring up an image, we will blur it and i want you to tell us when this resembles the blurry vision you are experiencing. tell us when to stop. so stop there? >> uh-huh.
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if i close my right eye, i can still see it, but on the left side, on the left eye, it's not so clear. >> we have visual fields. this is really important, each eye has an optic nerve and in the back of the brain , it unscrambles what you are seeing. it's broken into 4 quadrrants and so you are saying the left part of your eye is affected 6 months at a time, that worries me that that's not stress. and so, what i would like to do, we do have to go to break, but i would to get my friend, dr. brian boxerwocler, on the phone, and he has tips for you, i will explain to him what's going on, we may have to get you in for an evaluation. are you game for that? >> yes, i am up for that. >> we will talk with rica,
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about what her blurry situation may be. what the signs and symptoms are that you may need to watch out for, thoogs -- that's next! ♪ >> coming up next! >> announcer: the answer to what may be causing blurry vision! >> she thinks that these symptoms could just be due to stress . >> what underlying condition your blurry vision could reveal. >> and are you ready? >> can i get blankets and towels, i need them out here, please? >> announcer: that's later. >> sharon osbourne, joins the doctors. the dangerous trend that almost killed her >> dr. phil: this is hard to do >> this is how to do what she
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[ applause ] ♪ >> i am back with rica, who was describing before the break, intermittent episodes of severe blurd vision in the left eye. these have been á happening off and on for 10 years and i wanted to get a specialist to weigh in. we have on the phone, an ophthalmoll gist. -- opthalmologist. she thinks that these symptoms could be due to stress . >> whatever's happening, at least to this date, has shown
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to be temporary. and that it takes care of itself. but it could be from dry eyes. it could be from eyelid spasm, interfering with the tear film, countrying tearing and 4 -- increased tearing or 4th, increased blood flow to the eye. it's concerning and i would like to know exactly what's going on. >> well, i was talking to rica, during the break, and i told her you may be willing to see her in your office as a follow up, since you are not here in person today? >> i would be delighted to. i would absolutely be delighted to do that. >> thank you very much. >> sound good . >> yes, thank you so much. >> we will set it up, rica, thank you so much. >> doctor, thank you as always, thank you for being available. >> it's a pleasure, happy to help out! >> rica, and -- >> huh ... huh. >> what's going on? huh . [ breathes ]
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>> how far along are you? >> next week. >> can i get some blankets and i need some towels out here, please? [ breathes ] >> have you been getting pre-natal care? >> yes. >> can you call my husband? >> i need a pillow, as well, please, thank you. >> give of me gloves, thanks. >> huh. huh! huh. >> put on these gloves for me. >> relax, ma'am, deep breaths. slow, deep breaths, okay? >> huh. >> take this towel, get down here with me. okay. [ breathes ] huh. >> i need you to help me. i need a coach. have you ever delivered a baby? >> um, ... >> okay, so, what i am gonna do is, i am gonna coach, and what you need to do is, like a quarterback, gently allow the babies head to come out, control it as it comes outed.
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deep breaths. á deep breaths. >> are you ready? are you ready? this is a prank. this is a prank. [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> wait a minute. wait a minute. this is toni, who is an actress. this is toni, and -- >> oh! everyone, at home, this is mitchel. [ laughter ] >> mitchel and toniare expecting. how far along are you? >> 6 monthses. >> deep breaths. how do you feel ? >> like i need oxygen. [ laughter ] >> did you have any idea what to do dollar? >> i didn't know -- to do dollar? >> i didn't know what to do. á >> 6 months along, there could come a point in time where you are in the car. >> uh-huh. >> and your wife looks at you
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and says, "it's coming" and we need to, you need to deliver the baby. [ laughter ] >> so, that's why we played the prank. because there are so many people out there who have no idea what to do. obviously you want to get to a hospital. >> right. >> tonei, you were --- toni, you were great. >> thank you! [ applause ] >> are you willing to come up here to the exam room . >> yes. >> we will put you through lessons. keep the gloves on. >> i couldn't even put them on. [ laughter ] >> come on up here, this was an ob/gyn, and first things first, i will have you take a seat, since you are ... i am not gonna call you a patient yet. but move over here. we have a birthing simulator. this is called the mamanatly -- mama natalie simulator. >> we will have you do some
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work. what do you think? >> i am with it. >> this is a cost-effective simulator, providing training, when there's bleeding, uterine problems, position of the fetus and umbilicus, it was developed to reduce child and maternal mortality in developing countries. each of these purchased means one is sent to a developing country, as well. so, are you ready? >> i think so. >> run the show here. >> you are in the car. the baby's coming, what would you do ? you see the head coming out from between the heads. what would you think to do? >> scream? [ laughter ] >> that's actually the last thing you wanna do. you are gonna get your gloves that you packed in your pack ahead of time. you are going to see thalt baby-- that the baby's head is coming out, you will control the way it comes out, so it doesn't fly out of there. >> get in there. >> you are controlling it. here it comes, you just let it
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come. she will do most of the work, you have to not let the baby fall. >> okay. >> keep your hands on. very good, this hand over on the bum. >> okay. >> bring it out, and hold it close to you so it can't fall. >> perfect. the baby's born! [ applause ] >> congratulations! [ applause ] >> hopefully you already activated the emergency system and the ambulance is on the way. in the case, if they don't get there before the placenta comes, you may see a gush of blood coming and she will say, something else is coming out, i have to push. if that happens ... the placenta will come out, let it fall on no danger to that. and then put it with the baby. >> okay. >> keep it all together. wrap the baby up, keep the baby warm until the emergency services arrive. >> the take parks way is, if you -- away is, if you have a loved one who's expecting, having these tips, will help
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you in that emergency situation. >> thank you for allowing us to play this prank on you. >> funny. [ applause ] >> thank you so very much. appreciate it. >> and coming up, everyone has a home remedy for somethig, right? well, we will put a couple of them to the. test. we will reveal which ones actually work. stick around! ♪ [ applause ] ♪ >> announcer: coming up next, celebrities all have their secret beauty treatments. the real question is: who heals it best? >> we reveal the top celebrity cures you can try today. >> this is a cheap way to get an in salon look at thome. >> later, i never go to the pharmacy, i go to the supboard. >> -- cupboard. >> i turn into a glamour queen. >> that's later! ♪ [ female announcer ] now your most dazzling accessory can be your smile. colgate optic white dual action shines and whitens over 2 shades more than a leading whitening toothpaste.
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> it certainly seems like celebrities have all of the moola, in the world to achieve the perfect red carpet look and they have been known two save their money with great home remedies for some of the most common body problems. the real question is, who heals it best? >> two stars with hot hollywood hair, their secrets to shine may not be what you think. catherine zeta-jones and nicole kidman sometimes opt for the frige instead of the
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salon. catherine reportedly treats her hair with beer. >> sounds like a refreshing treat. who treats it better? >> who treat its better? actually -- treats it better? >> they're both on to something. let's go to catherine with the beer. interesting thing about beer is with the hops, they have protein in it, and they have multiple b vitamins to coat the hair and make itier. >> honey -- makes it shinier. >> and honey makes it seal in the moisture making the hair folicle thicker,this is a cheap way to get an insalon look. >> you may want to get with mopier -- hopier beer. >> and champagne, the carbon
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dioxide in champagne acts like a clarifying agent. we spend a lot of money on clarifying and detoxifying things for the hair, but champagne mixed with warm water can get you the same affect. they're both right. they're both right. they're on to something. >> we can't talk about home remedies without one of our favorite home remedy queens, kym douglas is back in the greenroom with dr. dr. ordon, and dr. ian, our special model. what are you doing back there? >> we will not waste anything on his hair. >> i am not worth it? geez. >> you are worth it. look at this face. i mean it. >> you are gonna get a treatment here. >> not champagne or beer. >> listen, dr. ian, i don't go to the pharmacy, i go to the cupboard. i will show you how you have curious that are already in the kitchen. you probably have honey and cinnamon at home.
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>> organic. >> there you go. i just mix a bit of honey and cinnamon together in this nice paste. snel tyou will -- smell it, you know you will love it. it's honey and cinnamon. with acne scars, maybe you have a teenager that's fighting a bit of acne, maybe a sports person? we will put a tiny bit on, and what this does, dr. o, is, we have the cinnamon, which is an anti-inflammatory, and then the honey, which is a natural humectant, wonderful for moisturizing. >> feels good. >> it does, doesn't it? >> you will come out of here looking like -- >> kym, that looks like a tasty kinda snack or something. >> absolutely, i can bring it on a cracker for you, doctor. [ laughter ] >> so, next up, let's check out the hair. your hair is fabulous, dr. ian. >> thank you. >> but, um -- >> can we make him grow a chia pet kinda thing? >> all right, you know what,
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you guys? many times people called us talking about having itchy scalps, they have dandruff, here is a concoction, a bit of oatmeal. >> steel cut. and water. mix this together into a really nice thick paste. this is gonna be wonderful. i will have you hold the bowl. this is gonna be wonderful for putting on this scalp, because what this does, is, it soothes and helps to get rid of that dry, if you have dry or itching, the oatmeal is really -- he can look like he has beautiful blond hair. there you go. [ laughter ] >> a whole new look. >> i turned him into a glamour queen. >> love it. >> glamour king. >> glamour king, yeah, yeah. >> and look at the camera and smile. >> look in the camera and smile . >> and promise me you will dvr,. >> i will.
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>> thanks kym. >> thanks dr. o. >> sweating during a work out is a start to the not so fresh feeling. we will show you how to avoid post-work out gross-outs next! ♪ [ applause ] ♪ >> you have been working out, you were sweating, i am assuming? and then you showered afterwards? >> and still sweating. >> especially on the back area. [ female announcer ] americas best value inn has you covered with instant room discounts and upgrades! join the value club and save at over 1,000 hotels in north america. join the value club and save canyes. with naturento moumade vitamelts.vor? tasty vitamin supplements that literally melt in your mouth in flavors like creamy vanilla... ...and juicy orange irresistibly melty nature made vitamelts.
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to do, no matter how cool i make myself, i always continue to sweat after cleaning up. so, what's the point of showering if i am just gonna be gross right after? help! >> we decided to bring neta here to help her out with the post-work out sweating problem. netta, you have been working out during the show having your regular vigorous exercise session. you were sweating, i am saul uponing . >> u-- i am assuming. and you showered afterwards. >> uh-huh. >> it's 30 minutes and i am still sweating. especially on the back area. >> you know, one thing is, when you work out, of course, you are stimulating the autonomic nervous system. once the door is open, the flood gates go. you really need time. time is the best thing. probably a couple things you could do, once you finish working out and you take the shower, make sure you are going to a cooler environment, #1. #2, make sure instead of rubbing yourself dry - that can stimulate - pat yourself
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dry. and #3, you may just wanna wait a little more time after the shower to let yourself cool down before you start getting dressed. it's a function of making sure your bode cools down. >> when you get out of the á in the comfort of your own home, let yourself drip dry, the air will help you cool down. >> honestly, that's not that gross. would you be willing to stick around to help us with what i consider truly gross problems? >> yeah, sure. [ laughter ] >> a lot of times things happen. and a lot of these things start in the gym. so ... we have some foot models here. dr. ian, i will pass these along to you. what we will talk about, is, not only nasty toe nails. but when they fall off. >> it's called runners toe. it happens to people who are long-distance runners or people who play sports, they're changing directions back and forth, basketball. if your shoe is too small, what happens is, your toe is
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up against the toe box of the show. and if it's up against the toe box, the pressure of going back and forth, friction, can cause this problem. or if the shoe is too large, then you are sliding all the time when you come to a stop, that's equally a problem. >> what you will notice is, right away you will notice pain, you won't see anything. over the next 24 hours you will start seeing, this is developed. you will start seeing blood marks, red marks or dark purple marx underneath the -- marks underneath the toe nail. it will progress to what you see here. and yet it's very painful. but, resist the urge to take the toenail off. it will typically fall off on its own, it sounds really gross. but it will. but it will grow back. if the pain is too much, however, you can go to the doctor, go to the e.r. or physician, and they can relieve the pressure for you. we do not advise you to do it yourself. because you gotta know what you are doing, you could causes more problems.
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>> hopefully it doesn't go that far, say the nail comes off, and dr. ian, there are things that we can do. incidentally, this is a perinic the toe nail grows into the skin, it needs to be drained, warm soakings help relieve the pressure. the point is, improper shoe wear leads to problems. there are things you can do. one thing you can do is cut the length of your toe nails. if you are a runner, cutting the length of your toe nails can be a difference, that causes a lot of problems, particularly against the shoe-box. >> "f" if you go in at an angle, the toe nail wants to grow into the skin, causing infection . >> is this common among runners for them to lose a toe nail . >> very common, particularly
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among long-distance runners. >> take care of the sweat, they're the only feet you have! netta, thank you so much. >> thank you for having me. >> after the break, an uncommon cure for a common problem. the dreaded earache. this will surprise you, so stick around! ♪ [ applause ] ♪ >> not all home remedies are created equal. like this earache remedy from gene, in boise idaho. she suggested this: do you know what this is? [ audience oohs ] >> announcer: coming up on monday! sharon osbourne joins the doctors, the dangerous trind that almost killed her. >> this is hard to did what she's doing. >> plus, how sara michelle gellar can help save your child. [ doctor ] and in a clinical trial versus lipitor, crestor got more high-risk patients' bad cholesterol to a goal of under 100. way to go, crestor! yeah! getting to goal is a big deal,
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especially if you have high cholesterol plus any of these risk factors. because you could be at increased risk for plaque buildup in your arteries over time. so, when diet and exercise aren't enough to lower cholesterol, adding crestor can help. go, crestor! ♪ ♪ oh, yeah [ female announcer ] crestor is not right for everyone, like people with liver disease or women who are nursing, pregnant, or may become pregnant. tell your doctor about other medicines you're taking. call your doctor right away if you have muscle pain or weakness, feel unusually tired, have loss of appetite, upper belly pain, dark urine, or yellowing of skin or eyes. these could be signs of rare but serious side effects. crestor! yes! [ female announcer ] ask your doctor about crestor. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. he loves the way his laundry smells. [ sniffs ] [ woman ] uh, honey, isn't that the dog's towel? [ panting, gwling ]
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> good old ear infections, we have all had them. we know how much they can hurt. you have written us about ways you treat them at home. but not all home remedies are created equal. this ear ache remedy from gene in boise idaho suggested ... jean, suggested this ... do you know what this is? urine! [ audience oohs ] >> we asked you, myth or reality. using a cotton swab dipped in your own urine will help heal an ear infection. 53% said a myth.
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40% said reality. so, drew -- >> that's close. >> i will start cleaning her ears. >> you treat your own ears. >> what's the answer? >> urine for an ear infection? that's a myth. [buzzer] >> you got it. but a lot of people, you know, they were thinking, there's a reason why this wise tail has come down, because urine contains urea, a chemical that may have fungicidal bacterial properties, infections in the ear, probably talking in this case like an otitisexterna, a combination of back -- bacteria and fungus, they lost warm, dark place inside the ear canal, so people may think that a bit of that urea, may help to treat that. thee-- theea, is a small concentration, 5%.
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you will not get the anti-bacterial or anti-fungal properties. >> it's nasty. >> you have the q-tips? most people that get into problems with an external ear infection, it starts with the q-tip. that's the source. you know, as we said many, many times do not put q-tips inside the ear. that will set you up for an outer ear infection. >> i do have a home remedy that may be better. shave up garlic. garlic cloves. you put them in some oil. you heat it up. you let it cool. then you have somebody drop a few drops into your external auditory canal. that will have an affect on the bacteria, on the fungus, and it is soothing. what's left over, you put on your pasta. [ laughter ] >> i was traveling once, in costa rica, on a white water kayaking trip. i got a raging external ear
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infection, i went to the local market, got rubbing alcohol and mixed it with vinegar, over the course of three days, perfectly treated it. >> alcohol dilute is not a bad way to go. vinegar, the acidic acid, it's a good way to go. >> the locals were like, don't kayak that river, it's polluted, and you will get an ear infection. and i did ... >> thank you dr. ordon, and we are gonna be right back! ♪ [ applause ] ♪ >> income, breaking >> next, breaking health news you can't afford to miss! ♪ ♪ >> as many as 30 million americans have a thyroid disorder, and more than half remain undiagnosed. in this weekend's usa weekend magazine, the health smart column discusses testing for
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thyroid problems, get examined, the doctor can determine if your gland may be over or underactive. you may need an evaluation if thyroid issues run in the family. or if you notice significant changes in your energy levels. to monopoly -- help with early detection, you can do a neck check at home. inspect for bulges or protrusions below the adams apple. check out the health smart column this weekend, a complete listing on papers featuring usa weekend magazine is at ♪ are closed captioning provided by: [ telephone rings ] good evening, this is flo. [laughs] yes, i'm that flo. aren't you sweet! licensed phone-ups available 24/7. call 1-800-progressive.
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plays a key role throughout our lives. one a day women's 50+ is a complete multivitamin designed for women's health concerns as we age. with 7 antioxidants to support cell health. one a day women's 50+. still running in the morning? yeah. getting your vegetables every day? when i can. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. two full servings of vegetables for only 50 delicious calories.
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if you are heading to hollywood, california, and would like to be in our stdio audience, log on at or call 323-the-docs to get your show tickets! . >> do we have a good time? >> >> audience: whoo! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> breaking health news, this is your doctors news in 90!
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>> officials at summer lin hospital in las vegas say 140 babies and their parents could be at risk for tuberculosis. everyone in the neonatal unit is urged to be tested. there was a mother and her twins that were born at the hospital, died of tb, this can be treated with anti-bion thibs-- anti-biotics. >> this is a cluster related to the mother and her twince -- twins, not an out break. >> marilyn monroe's death was sudden, and there's indication that she had a chin implant in 1950. according to drew ordon, only a handful of surgeons were trained to do this kind of
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work. >> medical marijuana is legal in 20 states and in the district of columbia, but, it's still considered an illegal drug under federal law. some vets may be allowing it for an ailing canine. there needs to be further research, and most vets caution the pet owners to wait until you have the confirmed safety for your furry friends and that's today's news in 90! ♪ >> hopefully you learned good tips throughout the show. earlier, dr. ian, were talking about proper shoe fit to prevent a toe nail to be injured and prevent it from falling off. >> if you are a big runner and you are running potentially hundreds of miles over the course of a month, 2-3 months, after every few hundred miles, look at the tread on the show, you may need -- shoe, you may need to replace it.
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it's not as expensive as going to the doctor with shoe or knee problems. replace your shoes often. those are doctor's orders if, you want more information on anything you saw today, or if you want to learn more, go to ♪ thanks so much, we will see you tomorrow! ♪ [ applause ] ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪
9:59 am
jonathan: it's a trip to puerto rico! (screaming) wayne: oh! (blubbering) go get your car! - i always wanted a scooter! wayne: you got one! - this is so great! and you meet wayne brady! (screaming) jonathan: it's time for "let's make a deal." now here's tv's big dealer, wayne brady! wayne: what's up, america, welcome to "let's make a deal," i'm your host, wayne brady. you know what we do, make deals like this. who wants to make one? in the purple, in the purple, in the purple. yes, ma'am, yes, sir, hello, hello, hello. how are you? miss denise. - yes, yes. wayne: nice to meet you. - fernandez. wayne: mr. fernandez, nice to meet you both. - pleasure is all mine. wayne: where are you from? - we're from las vegas. wayne: las vegas. - whoo! wayne: and what do you do? - retired, both of us. wayne: good for you. what did you do?
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