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tv   Good Day DC  FOX  March 3, 2016 9:00am-11:01am EST

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♪ straight ahead, a politicalt war of words. mitt romney rips donald trump aa a phony an fraud in a speech hee is set to deliver later todayert and gop front runner is already responding.onding >> plus a busy d.c. bridge coull be major danger.anger. how much it could cost to fixto the memorial bridge and the impact the work could have one traffic for years to come.. the side effects of -- waitt until you hear what happened tod astronaut scott kelly aft his h record setting trip to the iss.i first though, not so fast spring.i snow is taking aim at the d.c. region.region could this be winter's last
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stand? good eau day at 9a starts now. ♪ >> we never have the camera t cm pointed in the right direction.r >> no. >> plenty of hours in the hourst morning. >> right now austin. rig he was busting out a new move.ov >> he's got plenty of moves.ov >> maybe not.. but, he's got some moves. mov all right.light well, look good day d.c. it is i 9:01 on this thursday, march tht third. third. wisdom martin alongside hollydel morris, steve chenevey, allison seymour, maureen umeh is off umo this >> first up at 9:00 o'clock thii morning let's get to the dancing machine himself.ine elf. winter's last stand, yes, no, n, perhaps, maybe so. by this time tomorrow the regioo could have a coating of snow ono the ground. >> the question is, of course,ou how much? when will it start to fall? is this it for thehe winter? and that's just ourt or first three, tucker. tke >> man a lot of questions.uestns (laughter).. >> he said accompanying muchccog we're all set to go. i'll do the best i can.the be c i promise.. i'm only giving 40 seconds
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we'll do the best we can. >> be concise. conse >> i'm trying. took 10 seconds saying that.ay a 35 in washington. hey, 30 in gaithersburg.. very, could very cold thiscol morning as our overnight lows os teens and low 20s.teens and so bring a jacket. today will be a chilly day particularly when we get cloudso in here shortly. shortly mostly cloudy this a clipper system. syste this one actually got juice wite it, and it's already snowing upu towards chicago and cleveland ca this morning all headed in our i direct.di no problems for your daytimeuray hours.ho no problems for that evening eni commute. more like nine, 10, 11:00 o'clock tonight it will snow on and off through thehrouh morning commute to and get onetn out of here we're not talking t about lot of moisture. mst we're not talking about a lot oo cold air available. enough that most of the areamo will have a coating perhaps an inch or two or our jackpot hereh just to the south and east morem like two to 3-inches by early er tomorrow morning. m probably have some travel delayl around here.ound here. but by tomorrow midday our o daytime highs for fridayriy expected to be about 40 degrees or so. so i think a lot of this will ev
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disappear after a quick snow tomorrow. oh, i'm going to give you theg o seven day. all right. stay tuned for that can't look l at the weekend yet. y 43 today. snow develops to a winterr weather advisory in effectadsory starting at 10:00 o'clockng a tonight. we'll look at that.ok ahat. and look at snow totals andsnowl timing on this coming up in aisn minute, guys.s. back to you.back to yo >> thank you tucker barnes. yout we appreciate it looking forwarg it to. it all right. meanwhile this morning the bigie story at 9:00 donald trump andru fox news are getting backting together tonight.ther tonight the donald will join hisis remaining rifles at tonight's tn gop debate.dee fox news host megyn kelly will w be one of the moderators.odat you may recall back in january n trump boycotted fox news he sais megyn kelly had been unfair to him.him. meanwhile despite winning mostnm of the super tuesday contestss trump hasn't won enoughh delegates to avoid a brokered bo convention this summer.enon t he means 51% of the remaining ri delegates to win the nomination out right. ou >> meanwhile the rotor to thelee white house appears to r be oveo for ben carson.ben caon the republican presidentialsidet candidate told his supposeds he sees no path forward and will w not attend tonight's debate
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detroit. detroi he plans to make an official speech about his tomorrow at at political conservative nationala couldn't friend at national harbor. so far has not one a single sine republican primary or caucus.cus now as the gop presidentialdeia candidates get ready to face off tonight in detroit former forme massachusetts governor writ mom knee wants to weigh in.o weigh i romney is holding a newsews conference in utah this morningi he's going talk about the tk abu presidential his speech will address his concerns beaver gop front runne donald trump. the entire speech is already alr online but here's an excerptxc from it. romney says "donald trump is a phony, a fraud, his promises are as worthless as a degree from trump university. uit he's claiming the -- playing tht america public for suckers heke gets a free ride to the whitehi house and all we get a lousy hat trump responded saying romney begged him for his endorsementoe in 2008. 2 you can watch tonight' debateeb right here on fox5. f one of the host social securitys fox's meghan kell.el >> that in itse
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excitement tonight.onig. >> very strong words. >> but does anything surprises n you at this point in thisin ts campaign. >> we're no longer phased.nger p you see us. we're no longer >> unphaseed face. fe >> today in baltimore theay in a freddie gray case heads to the maryland court of appeals. at issue if police officers o william porter one of the sixhex officers accused of in gray's g' death can be forced to testifyoo in the trial of his colleagues.e circuit court judge earlierarer rejected prosecutor's request te force porter to testify.fy prosecutors want that decisionn porter's trial ended in decembee in a hung jury. as of news of the day todayd fairfax county the clinton clion virginia community in shock oveo news of a high school studentl e found dead in her h >> police believe the teenager'' death may be drug related. fox5's annie yu is live ins ve clinton with the very latest ont this story. sto. annie?an >> reporter: good morning tooo r all of you. you know, one thing for sure is that alexia springer will be be missed by many, many people.. right here behind me centrevillv high school. school is underway now.
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filed in, the school tells us u that grief and crisis counselorl will be made available oncee again today for students and faculty.lty 17-year-old alexia springer wasw a junior at centreville highil h school here in clifton, virginii and her body was discoveredd tuesday morning inside her homer by a friend who spent the nightn with her who then called fairfax county police and her number nue fairfax county public schoollich students did not go to school on tuesday due to super tuesday. police believe springer diedprrd from complications from drug usg and investigators tell us that t it's likely alexia overdosed on meantime there's just beenust be outpouring of love for alexiaa online and those who knew her kh say she was beautiful inside and out.out. outgoing and her peers were w stunned by her death. take a listen.. >> she was more than involved.ol even if you didn't know her you knew of her. of her. she was homecoming princess. prs she part of the homecomingomom parade. . she was actively involved inolvd student she
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and she was just everywhere.ere she was just a great person to o have around centreville. >> reporter: now, movingg forward, students here tell uss that they plan to create ae lasting memorial for helps a plaque or something in her legacy here. here. also, the school district tellsl us or the school district rathea tells us that they plan to go p back and review it's drugg education and preventionveio curriculum. that's the very latest here inyt clifton, virginia. annie yu fox5 local news. >> annie, thanks of course that in clifton, notft that clinton. con clifton, virginia.n, virgini time now 9:07. 9:07. it's time to get a check of thef other stories making headlinesgh this morning. >> we begin overseas wherehere malaysia says it will send al sd team of aviation experts to thee east african nation to analyzeny debris thought to be from to ro missing malaysian flight 370. 3 the debris is believed to be aee part of the plane's tail. it was found by a seattle lawyee whose been conducting his own investigation into the missingng jet. jet. officials in australia say it i washed ashore in an area that a
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about where wreck today could t have ended up. 239 people were on board that t plane when it just disappearedpe two years ago.go troubling statement when itt comes to the spread of zikaa virus. ru ahead of the cdc telling congress that could be hundredsr of thousands of new cases by thy end of the year.r. officials are also concerned cce about its spread in the us as ws approach mosquito season which typically starts in june. j the parents of hannah graham and morgan harrington heardn ar jesse matthew, jr. admit toit t killing their daughters in court yesterday.yesty. graham was university ofas ursi virginia student. she disappeared in 2014. 201 harrington was a virginia tech t student who vanished while inn charlottesville in 2009.00 to avoid the death penalty heal took a plea deal instead he'lltd spent the rest of his live in in jail without parole. have you seen this? n everybody is talking about it to online.. brazen smash and grab caught onn camera at a gun store in houst houston. police say 10
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chain to the front door of a gun store attached two a truck andrk then pulled the door right offio its once inside the thieveshi ransacked the store usingsing hammers to smash glass cases and steal hand guns and rifles.les. it took the crew just twowo minutes to steal at least 50 weapons. they they didn't make a clean ce break. they have arrested several people and recovered some of thd stolen guns.stolen g finally what could have made a hole in one even better. bte how about having tiger woodser w there to see it? nice. (applause). >> in the hole.. >> yeah, there it check it out.ecit out. 11-year-old pga junior taylorayo crozer singing the shot just sht like a and then the other pro on the ot green tiger woods in utter sho shock. there he is congratulating the t pint sized golfer. by the way
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par three.par th he did it in just one. o >> not bad at all.t a >> tiger is like how did you do that? my name is a little off.. >> you want to go on tour? wantg >> would you like to be myike tm caddy?ddy? >> man. >> impressive. >> yeah. all right. cool. time now 9:10. me still ahead at 9:00 just becausu you didn't get the flu this year doesn't mean the coast is cleare coming up we'll tell you why y flew season is hitting so late. >> how about gambling on theami presidency? how are actuall gamblers hand capping the actuaa presidential race? yes it's a a thing.thg. it's big why betting on the nexthe commander in chief can be big bb business. that's neck at 9:10. ♪
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>> so much about trying happenet cap the presidential race. p you can't legally bet on the oue come of the presidentialy presid elections here in the united states, but in other parts oftso the world it is a big sport.rt it is huge business.s. our next guest says gamblers bes more than $200 million on the website bet fair during the last u.s. presidential election. he said wagering related to thit 2016 presidential campaign could
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top $1 billion worldwide.. paul christian murphy a gamblinl expert and political analyst who rights for vet fare which calls itself the world's largest peerr to peer betting sight. good to see you paul. to good morning. >> good morning. g if we were a betting person, big question, who is putting theti money on whom? who >> the market is strongly forgly clinton now.. 64% favorite.or 64% likely to be the president.i still early days. donald trump is 77% favorite toe win the republican nomination. personally i'm very skeptical. >> why not trump? >> you successfully -- we shoulo say you place wagers when whe they're legal.eeg >> yup. >> you successfully bet onfullt president obama. oma >> um-hmm. >> in the past.>> >> absolutely. >> we'll take that as a little expertise that you have.rtis you >> um-hmm.hmm. >> where do you see where woulde you place your bets right now.iw >> right now given that trump ii the favorite it would be ond ben clinton.ton however i think that ifthin republicans were to pick marco rubio,
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to bet marco rubio. >> i don't think trump -- drum u many will be president. will bei i'm actually skeptical on the te >> a lot of timesmi in sportingt events it's not the now it's the trending sparse where the money is going. who is putting the money on whow how have things been trending when it comes to election.come >> the big mark has been the bne republican nomination.atn clinton has been favored for the presidency throughout becauseouc she's scene as certain to be tht democrat nominee.omin but for the republicans start off with jeb bush heavyea favorite. he fell away.. then it was marco rubio and thet ever since new hampshire donaldd trump has been the overwhelmingg favorite. however, personally, i think, t that's going to change. cng >> so let's talk about thisbo whole concept of betting on us politics. first of all, where is this legal? >> in the uk, it's huge. h the uk is kind of like the homeh of gambling really got 24/7 gambling in the world.or however a lot around the countru
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bet on most things.s you can open an account with beb australia, china, most countri countries. every country has different laws. >> is the draw to bet ony draw american politics, is it is i bragging rights or people really just want to see this as with th win money? i mean if you'ref yu going to gamble real money i'm y assuming bottom line to try tooy win money, right? >> personally i'm a professionao gambler and this is a very veryv serious market for me. m i'll be devoting most of myy attention on the whole year inn america for most of the year, and in the last two cycles i i stayed up all night in the uk tu watching the coverage andoveragd watching the results coming in. so, yeah torque me it's veryer serious i think to most gamblers.ost gb. i think politics actually actll tracks a different type of o gambler. >> what type does it attract? oe the type of person interested ii politics. therefore things they can make k strong prediction because this is not the real world.he reaw this isn't, you know, sport. this isn't -- you're not going to be undone by a bi
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luck because your team hits a a cross bar.s b this is real world, real,ea predictions judging the mood of a country the mood of candidates.candid >> if you bet on sports it's a'a definitive event the sporinghe events happens tonight, tomorrom you either lose your money orony you cash cash as far as politics now, is itows just literally election day isai the payout? >> well, kind of. w that's when the market is settled but the thing about bet fair and betting exchanges is, the move 24/7 in real time. i make my money throughou predicting the trajectory of aco candidate.ndide. so, for example, i've earnedd money on ted cruz i bet ted cruz when outsider.utde 3% when he came right in he wenten 17%.17 i cashed in some of thatf that position.positi also made some money selling jei bush. >> in a way for people who are a into sports it's almost like fantasy politics, like you mighe have your fantasy football orotl fantasy other sports because bec it's n
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it's how the entire campaignign orchestrates and what happens a throughout the campaign? >> absolutely.>> you know, it can really just ryj change during a debate. debe so if you take the recent debatb when marco rubio froze on stagea as it were, he, b that night 60% favorite.favorite >> those who were betting onho e marco rubio at that moment werew like somebody missed a three a pointer at the end of the game.e absolutely. >> there we go.>> we just lost it right there. >> the shrewd gamblers saw thatt happen and sold it immediately. win minutes he went from 60% to 50. >> we talk about when the supert bowl comes around there are proo bets on the super bowl many mann different things that canent happen. are they prop bets in politics.. countless. >> such as? >> vice-presidential candidates, the electoral colleagues, colage distribution of votes, the each states, each primary. pmary. sometimes you got
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the so it would be like, you know,ok donald trump minus 12-point 5% or just to even it up. gender of the next presidentnt winning party.a >> plenty of options out there t for those of you saying okay soy you can't do this legally heresh in this country why are we dougu voting this much time to it? you also through your website because you are this invested in this you're blogging for otherbf political publications you'reonr that invested in the race race itself. folks were find a lot of that information on the candidatesani and the parties it's what's youy website. political gambr most days i'll be blogging latel about the debate tonight andonit tomorrow and the effects -- >> who do you see winning the fox debate tonight. anyone but trump. b i think they'll go after trumpl the other three of them.hem ted cruz faired very well in tht debates so far and i think thatt he's approach to trump which ish to take him on on substance and to t
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engaging in personal attacks. ac >> it's fascinating. fascinatin. thanks for joining us today. joi we do appreciate it. >> thank you.>> >> it's fascinating when youati think about it a different spin you're talking about gambling but at the same time -- >> my question should i juston s forget listening to the pollso and just go to your website anda look at your odds because that'e probably better? >> he would like that. >> betting sites are theites a e greatest guide to predicting elections.elec >> the detail of the>>he det information. >> when you look at the line ona more time. vegas, right, when we're trying' to predict games.ames. >> sporting events.>> >> the same thing. s >> that's right. tt's >> who knew? i'm fascinated byy i had no idea.i had no ide okay. >> 9:20 right now. 9:2 temperatures might be below mig freezing but we are already aea talking summer right here oner e good day and coming up later,at, erin como will join us live from the pool i hope it's indoors. is she'll tell us why and what thet lead on a new summer job for for high school students.tunt >> first, though, a busy bridgei into dc needs millions off dollars in repairs and that could meanaj
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for years. y we have all the details next. ♪
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♪ 9:23 is the time. frightening possibility for apos popular area bridge thisreidge morning. we're talking about theta arlingtolkn memorial bridge.ri it is in danger of closing in five years. yea >> the national park service par says it cannot afford the $250 million needed for ad for complete makeover.akeove our bob barnard joins us now
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it's unimaginable that thist t popular roadway would not be wln open to us possibly. psi good morning. >> reporter: hey, allison.llis good morning. mni what they're saying they wouldi have to close it to vehicular you could still use it as a fooa bridge that still pretty amazina considering this is the mostths recognizable bridge in the dc area opened in 1932 but it isutt falling apart.. you've seen over here there have been lanes closed for awhile non for almost a year. y this is one of the outboundund lanes here because it's just not the first problem with the roada surface itself. underneath the asphalt is 11-inches of concrete. conet it should be solid concrete but they do samples every now andowd then, and it's basicallyal crumbling underneath the asphalp the concrete is just a bunch ofo so that's a 60 or $70 million mi project alone to repair that.r a the other issue is on the otherh side of the railing here and wel have a second camera we can goo to. basically it's the support structures th
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don't know posts.don't they're the leg of the bridge.r. the most recent inspection inspi the last week or so recognizedzd about $5 million in repairs to the legs that are in the centere of the bridge.ri that's what they have to doo basically right away and thehe national park service tells me s this morning that could buy thee a couple of more years here ofef keeping the bridge open.dge o but as you mentioned, guys, it's $250 million overhaul that this bridge needs which is basicallyy the entire budget for the national park service for theire transportation project at all 410 national parks across thes country. they have $12 billion in needs.e they have a $250 million budgete and that would take -- that'sha what they would need just toulds repair this bridge. b so, again, they're looking atoog five years down the road. roa possibly having to close thishis bridge to cars and trucks butrus keep open as a foot bridget bdg unless as they're asking for tht region steps in.n. governments around from virginii and maryland and the
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help support the national parklp service which alone right now is respond its responsible fort upu keep of this bridge. guys.guys >> bob that road cannot can you imagine the trafficic congestion? i mean there's onll three bridges, right, basicallyl from virginia into d.c. now. >> reporter: yeah. yea the national park service is is computed the numbers and the impact. the millions of dollars inolars impact that that would have. ha. closing this bridge to cars on the other roadways and other bridges. the tr bridge, the 14th streettr bridge and it's iconic. i mean it's, you know, fromw, f arlington national cemetery our most hallowed ground to theun memorials they're basically saying ity sat needs to stay open but they neen the money to keep it open.t o >> is it possible that the local jurisdictions could get involved in this, bob, and find moneyfiny from somewhere to help out? >> reporter: well, they'rehe hoping, and that's why they'reht kind of like getting the word wr out that it's not just -- the band-aid solutions are not theot answer and that, yeah, theyea t
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if it's going stay open, theyn,t need the local government and they're hoping they don't knowok for sure they're hoping the local governments and statete governments could pitch in andn do what needs to be done who b are. >> well, bob, if you canob, if n convince them to start a kick kc starter campaign put me down fon 20 bucks. >> 250 million we'll be there ir no time. no time. >> we need a another 12 millioni people. >> 25. >> nair starting a national fung campaign that will run for the next five yea ars.xt five they've got to get the money. m. >> thanks bob. >> still ahead gone day tina fey unloading on hollywood from leo to lady gaga was the whiskey tan company fox trot star toldd howard stern about the >> no quarterback controversyonv here. kirk cousins now a franchise ani quarterback what it means fork h the team moving into the offhe o season.. >> plus, the spring fling is over.ov. now we're getting ready for morm snow. ut-oh. tucker has all the details on ds the weekend winter storm.rto that's next.t. 9:27 is our time right now. ♪
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♪ can we do it? >> yeah. >> what do we do? >> ♪ >> all right.>> all speaking of winning a big pay day for kirk cousins. cou >> this morning the redskinss m quarterback officially signedac the organization's non-exclusive franchise his agent reveal
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twitter last night saying that t cousins had accepted the deal and that means a one-year crack worth nearly $20 million for mii next just next season. nex >> how much for the agent iuc wonderh ? >> he's sitting next to him. h >> he's doing all right. allig >> he's doing all right.doing ag >> this will be the highest bash salary of any quarterback in the nfl and take look at this. less than an hour ago cousinso c tweeted out this photo saying i'm told this is the final stepf in making the officiallyiay official. i'm back witness redskins forssn 2016. thrilled for the let's go to work! >> yes.>> yes. >> cousin led the nfl with 69% completion rate, he had 29 touchdowns, 11 interceptions and team record 4,166 yards.66 yards they finish the season nine and seven and division champs beforb the green bay packers beat themt in the wild card game to end thd season. the team will have untile until july 15th to negotiate a long-term deal with kirk cousinu f they can get that done bye by july 15th, they will have tol he wait until next year and if he i
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year, he can get even more mon money. he can't get real money >> when he performs well? >> that's right. rhe >> speaking -- when he performs well. meanwhile, unless somebody somey trades for rgiii he's going toe' be released by march 9th so 9th the team doesn't have to pay pay that $16 million salary.. >> hope somebody else picks himc up and gives him a contract.on >> that's the second straightecr photo shoot kirk cousins worn the quinn yard bynes.dyn >> oh, my goodness. oh, mod >> maybe there's something in the works there. >> you never know. another would have been fromr drake started from the bottomwo we're here. maybe we can get that theted nk time we show that video.ideo >> pretty good call. it i like it. >> the other thing is, who willw be the backup?? >> well, our guy, right.ig >> colt mccoy. >> colt mccoy. colmcc >> not under contract. not unde. >> he's a free agent. he can walk.k >> spec draft s bring somebody else.e. >> okay. >> moving on. >> or robert could >> come on, steve. on, s don't start that.don't start th. don't start >> things that are not going too happen.ppen. let's go to things that willhatl happen like snow.
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real quick.real quick. this is the win/ ithe redskins get to see what theyhae have for another year. y he gets a $20 million for aor a year. everybody wins. >> everybody is >> it's not a lot for redskinsss owner.ow so he wins, too. >> exactly. all right. let's get to the snow hollyol mentioned, and we'll start right here. main points, looks like the biggest -- here's the biggest -- biggest deal with this system is that it's going arrive overnigho tonight at our coldest part of f the overnight and we'll impact i us for that morning rush hour.h. doesn't look like we'll have alk lot of heavy snow maybe a couplu inches i'll show the snow totalt in a second. sec heaviest of the snow will be south and east of d.c. southernn prince george's county, charlesy county. co that part of the world. parof te major highways.ay i think you're in great shape. we have recently been very warmy certainly the possibilityosbiliy everybody is asking me will iskw have school tomorrow? go to g work late tomorrow? probably po some delays. del i'm not sure cancellations outcs of this one as we're expecting c couple inches.coup all right. here are current numbers.urrente cold, 35 in washington.n. overnight everybody fell b
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freezing. well below we're still in the 20s north ana hagerstown 28.harstown 29 martinsburg. martiburg 30 in frederick and inn gaithersburg.hersbu up to 34 now in onardtown itnarn will be chilly afternoon. aft make sure you take a kj only about 40 for daytime highs and turn cloudy pretty quickretk after morning sunshine.ter mo that's your cloud cover. cer this is your clipper system.tem. yup, old school clipper headeded in our direction, and it's going to do one, two. one, first bring us some overrunningn moisture and then transfer itsne energy to an area of lowa o pressure off the coast, and as c that process takes place, we'lla probably get a little additionao moisture thrown back towards ous region. that's why we think the heftthie yesterday of the snow may be just south and east closer to t that apparent area of lowf pressure that develops latert de tonight and early tomorrow.omorw here's future cast put it in p i motion and see what we can finef there we are at 10:00 o'clock tonight. evening rush hour is good shapee this will get in here probablyra nine, 10, 11:00 o'clock tonight. and watch sort of bands of snows develop during the overnight hours. there we are at 4:00 a.m.we i think tha at morning commute u could be somewhat compromised os at least delayed somewhat.omew and then the whole thing just tj races on out
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quickly. that's 10:00 o'clock tomorrow morning. future cast already trying to t wrap things upper happens we'lln see improving conditions by latl morning and even afternoonfter sunshine tomorrow afternoon.row ril right. winter weather advisory postedd overnight.ov by the weather service.. and primary threat is for the ir possibility of a couple inches of snow that combined with thath morning rush hour tomorrow tom morning. all right. how about we looking at genera generally one to two, one too 3-inches. worse of it could be area to th low pressure off the coast. this will not be major storm. so it's still march and still withl arriving overnight i think there will be the possibility of somes delays tomorrow.ys all right. t l ri seven day.ay hey, if you love wintertime, gog tonight and tomorrow morning.wni if you love springtime andgte warmer temperatures look what wk got by the middle of next week.e drum roll, please.e (drum roll).oll). >> play me spring music. ♪ >> we go all out here at fox5. (laughter).. >> 75 degrees by next wedne
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thank allison for participatingi >> that's right. >> guys, back to you.. thank you tuck kerr barnes.r we appreciate that.e all from music to movies. the annual southwest festivall includes everything thisrythg t includes politics and thanks tos some big named headliners that'' what we're talking. w for more on that story and mored we turn to judy kurtz the hill good to know columnistu here on the couch with us thishi morning g morning to you judy.oj >> good morning to you as well.w >> the biggest of politicalolit >> about as big as one can getan when you talk about politics.its the obamas will both be headingi to austin texas for south byth southwest a little later this ts month. it's kind of becoming like where is waldo? you know with theith obamas. you never know where they'll pop up next. n they've been doing these untraditional appearanceses venues, president obama did thee interview with youtube stars a s little while back. b he did comedians and cars car getting coffee with jerry signn fell.fe. so -- >> kind of like a last
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i got a buck list, maybe he hase a bucket list. >> all those things he wanted td do. >> fourth quarter.>> deck what he wants.t he they will be promoting differend agendas while they're there.y're president obama will be talkingn about technology and south by southwest does incorporate a lol of -- is for a lot of tech keys and music types, and he'll alsoa be promoting climate change or g working against climb change. ce and then mrs. obama, michelle me obama, is going to be talkingina about her let girls learn lea initiative which is encouragingg women and young women to go to school.scho >> okay.>> it will be interesting to see ir what that does -- security doess that to if festival.. >> right. >> that festival is --ha >> all over the place. a >> it is austin.>>t is a keep austin weird.. malia obama i believe last yearr went to la-la palooza another ao big music festival.. they must it down how to handlen the security that's definitelyte going to be a factor i'm sure. r secret service probably not that thrilled about this appearance.. >> music festival. you're talking about big time t rapper throwing
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behind bernie sanders.e sde >> that's right. r ti the rapper ti is sandersande backer. backer he says he's going for bernie.. he posted on instagram that hee is a supporter of bernie sanders like many in the rap community.u he seems to really struck a tonn with rappers.ap killer mike -- me >> bernie sanders i thinkande t >> obviously. obviously. >> that's exactly what i think.i >> but this is actually an thi endorsement that sanders even despite trying to get as manys m voting a possible he might say s thanks but no thanks.s. a couple months back ti had to apologize after he said that het would never vote for a woman. w >> that's right.>> tha >> to be the president of thede united states saying that womena are too emotional and they make rash so then apologized but i have a feeling that sanders might not n be embracing ti and thiss endorsement.enrsem >> probably not.roba >> probably not.robay n >> more celebrities giving thei epp course. or staying away from certaim
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>> yeah. if i had, you know, if you gavey me 10 buck for every celebrity i coming out against donald trumpt i would probably be as rich as h donald trump at this point. poi never campbell is the latests ts star. star she's stars in the new season of house of cards, of course, toe, say that her biggest fear is a s president trump.. she said that she's a ontario native and if trump does indeedi win the white house, she says, s she's moving back to canada. >> wow.>> >> she's getting out of here. she says that she can't get on board with the trump campaign. >> i just literally like twoik days ago saw a whole pie chartic of other famous celebrities whoo say the same thing, i'm thinking, okay, are you really y going to do it? are you really going to do it or just sayingayg it. part of what america's great's e you've got your voice, i've got, my voice. stay and try to make some things rightly maybe that's just me.. >> if that happens will beiberer go back to canada.ada. >> i'm on board with that.'m o >> maybe he'll be here -- he
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como joins us now live i'm i looking to see where you are s w erin. you're at the tacoma aquaticco center in northwest with more om the summer jobs and how tos and apply. earlier tease said you were going to be wearing -- a whim wi suit. >> that was just a tease. t >> i think you just read intod n that. that. >> they inferred that. the they wanted you to think thatyo which work.h >> it did work.>> idid sorry, erin, carry on.ry >> i'm sorry to disappoint. no wit swimsuit for meme we havh lost swimmers here.wimms h already swimming with summer onh the minds. joining me right now we have tht director of aquatics for d.c. parks and rec this is tyrell lashly.lash tyrell it's always summer heresl indoors at the pool, right. poor >> all the time.>> a the >> so tell me what we're looking for in terms of lifeguards leg because that's really important part of your operation. >> here at dpr we're preparing e for summer.umme we have to train and certify any higher over 250 lifeguards justs for our summer operationalpeti alone. it's a big task for us.for u >> so who are you looking for in
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candidates to keep these poolsph safe. >> we're looking for strongortr people starting at age 16. 16. -- strong swimmer. >> you're primarily looking forr mostly high school, collegeool,c students and you said it pays ps 11.50 an hour. an hour. >> we have the highest entry e salt salary for lifeguards inif the region. we're looking for lifeguards full-time schedule, college agea high school age or thoserho individuals that have already a exited the work force retiremenn that want a summer job with us.. >> stiff requirements. dive down to the bottom of thehe pool.ol get a 10 found brick watch elsee do you have to do.o. >> you have to swim 100 yards00s non-stop using a fresh crawl orl breast stroke. str >> when are these job fares so s people can learn more aboutrn becoming a lifeguard for y mou y guys. >> we have two coming up.ha specifics to hiring forve hir lifeguards.l we have one on march 16th at the turkey aquatic center fromtf six to eight and the other sides of the city on the 23rd of o march at the fairview hopew he aquatic center six to eight. open to anyone in the public to
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come and see our opportunity, oi take a swim test, learn about a our salary and commit anom application. >> perfect. even though we're at an indoor d pool it's pretty crowded for f thursday morning.ay m you only get more crowded ased more families want to swim to s outdoors and what happens if yow don't have enough lifeguards tou staff the arpool.dsf th >> our indoor pools have the operate along span of hours.f h some open the 6am and close at e 9:00 p.m. and it takes lot ofaks staff to keep the pools openoo safe. when lifeguards aren't in then'n chairs the pools sim lee don'tin open. open >> that means a lot for i know in the summer i always a looked forward to attending summer rec and swimming a hugega deal you're really encouragingoi people to consider becomingr bec lifeguards for the summertime.ds >> absolutely. as an agency we're hiringagen w' lifeguards butly we have a full blown array of summer camp sum c options we're looking fors we'rk counselors, we're looking forreo the best in the best to help t make our kids have a greathave e summer.suer. >> perfect tyrell. t i appreciate that.i if you're looking for a goodford summer job, head out to one of the job fairs, lifeguarding isii fun way to spend the summer.r. >> absolutely. >> i'll tell was, we're going ti go back our swimsuits and jumpwd in the pool after the live shots wisdom.
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to join us.n us we'll toss it back to you in the loft and tweet out all thell information as well at erin fox5 d.c. we'll spend some timeomim hanging out before the snow s moves inform we'll pre 10 it'sri summertime right rig h >> great.>> >> thanks erin. >> lifeguard sag great job. s gt >> you a live guard.iv >> were you? >> um-hmm.>> lifeguard many summers. that really is a great j like steve said if they don't tt actually fill those positions ip those pools don't open.s do so we want to really put thet push out there that's a greatt'a job you might want to consider fit you're a strong swimmer.. >> might have to dust off yourfu suit, hahn. >> i might have to get a second job. i can. i'm done at noon.i'm ne a it could be my afternoon gig.. >> sunshine, vitamin d duringamn the day. >> tempting. >> cool factor and the lifeguard chair. >> i'm still swing that whistleg >> spring is almost here. so what happened to flu season?? plus, another reason to reachn r for another cup of coffee. whoop whoop. let me do that. in the morning. t morni we are checking in with the foxf medical team ♪ ♪
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♪ makes me want to do the twist.
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okay. now that's over. by the time -- this time of thet year the seasonal flu isl flu typically running out of steam but not the case this year.hi y >> the flu is actually hittingng later than usual with theit the northeast, southwest and greatre lakes states all reportingorti widespread flu activity. actity so does that mean we could be in for a rough spring? is it too late to get that flu. for answers we turn to beth beth galvin live in atlanta this a goodrn morning to you beth.or >> reporter: good >> i was so surprised to hear hr like i thought, i made it made through the winter.h th nobody in my family got the flu. we actually haven't even hit flew -- peak flu season yet.sont why is that? >> reporter: no, we haven't. hav you know, the flu is always unpredictable. typically flu season starts ins october and they start telling t us get those flu shots. >> aww. >> okay.>> okay beth i'm sorry we're losing your audio. we hat
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that.. but basically get a flu shot still.still. still happening. >> i assume i think if you gotih your flu shot in the fall thatt it's still good now. gd now you don't have to get another ao one. one. but if you haven't gotten one i is not too late to get a flu shot. >> shall we go get some.lle. >> i got mine. >> oh.>> >> um-hmm. i actually got mine life on gooo day d.c.d.c >> you did.>> you >> yes, we did. don't you remember maureen and a got ours. these two wimped out. >> really i'm surprised. s not >> nobody has time for flu.y ha >> i guess we'lls have find mom later why we need to drink morer coffee until then we'll juste'll keep drinking more coffee.offe >> we're okay with that. >> aww, sorry beth.orry b >> we'll try to get you the infe as soon as we can. in the meantime kevin mccarthy h will join us coming up because b just released this hour ther the brand new trailer for the brand new ghost busters movie withbuso brand new coast busters >> all >> all girls. >> are doing the theg kevin will join us with ha
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you know he'll geek out overk o that. th >> of course he is.>> ocour it made me laugh when he said h the ladies are doing theng t busting. >> gusting the ghost.ting >> think about it.>> >> it just made me laugh.. >> sorry.or >> you hear that music. you know what timeouts hold salt bad girl. >> it made me laugh.a >> coffee time on good day d.c. if you -- if you're eyeing thisi cool good day mug listen up. you now have a new good day dunkin' donuts mug to give away. the perfect cup for that greathg din din doughnuts coffee. cof head to fox5 ors our facebook page at ww d.c. to d. enter our mug contest.. one lucky winner selected byd random drawing but hurry up youp only have from now until 11 a.m. to enter. e >> we have a lot coming up on ln the 10a today.ay it's national anthem day. so we have one of the region's g top national anthem performersfo and
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events around the area.he a you might recognize him. definitely recognize his voice.e he's going to perform for userfu live and also -- and >> get ready to stand up and pud your hand over your heart h because we're starring the showe that way.ay >> i'm curious if the fear ofhea ever forgetting the words is wds real or not.r not >> right. >> i think it's muscle memory for him. >> we'll see if we can fine outt back with more right aft this. 9:54. ♪ as a small business owner, ♪ here's one thing you can rely on: your business will change as it grows. whether it's new space, more employees, or better equipment, things have a way of moving fast. but if your network can't keep up, it can really slow you down. and that's not good for business.
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100% fiber optic network of verizon fios is all it takes to keep everything moving in the right direction. with fios you get 99.9% network reliability and the fastest wi-fi available, with uploads as fast as downloads. but you also get something more. a network that can move as fast as your business does. right now, upgrade to fios 50 meg or higher internet and phone and get $250 back. call or go online today. small business is better on a better network.
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♪ well if you've been stayingn up to date with american idolmen you know the final season of th reality show is down to the tope 10. fox's michelle polino has the scoop
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>> reporter: fresh off theirff r first hollywood carpet at last l week's idol top 10 party thehe finalists will hit the stage s again hoping to win america'scas votes.vo >> ♪ my favorite part is definitelys performing, you know, kind of k, like seeing how, you know, america, like, reacts, you knowo so far so good. g i hope it continues. continues >> i just think about like the next step. ste i realize when i think about tht next next next next step i justp lose my mind. md. so for me okay all you have toha do tonight is go out and singnds this song. once you're done doing that, t move on to the neck step.p. >> everyone time one of us progresses it's like a miniatura celebration in our head and then it's like, oh, crap what do we w do next?t? >> ♪ >> reporter: the finaliststs face double elimination this t week but they're all trying tort stay focused. fed happy to have made it this far. ♪
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>> i was at home and no one cared and now they do.. >> isn't that weird. >> i'm just he will bracing it right now and i'm reallyw grateful for this moment andenta everyone who put me through and i'm just doing my thing rightigt ♪ >> reporter: lots ofs o preparations go into each song but in front of and behind thedt >> it's really hectic.tic. you're being told, pulled fromlf wardrobe to makeup to pickingick your next song to, like, all of these things that are comingin together for one live that's pretty, like, incrediblei and scary at the same time.. >> it did feel very a >> reporter: and trying torying keep the judge's critiques in mind also adds pressure. >> we can get caught up in opinions and get to cerebral tor with >> i'm sure that the averagevera sentiment is kind of pick andicd choose what resonates with you because just -- just having thet three of us tell them things isn a lot not to m
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ricky and everybody behind the t scenes.en. ♪ >> reporter: fine out who willhl stay and who will be sent homee as well as special performancese by harry connick, jr. and demi lovato. in hollywood, michelle polino, p fox news. ns. ♪ >> you can catch american idolml right here on fox5. f you see the time right there. 8:00 p.m. is when it airs air tonight. >> all right. right that does it for good day at 9a. good day at 10a starts now. ♪ it's cold this morning but b that's not the half of it. >> winter's last blast.last at least we hope.easte hop we're keeping up to date on thee snow coming to night and night tomorrow morning. mning >> and work hard for the money, right? hard enough dc workersor sound off on where the nation's capital stands in new survey.ury >> tina fey slams young sla hollywood is madonna slammingla the court system with bizarre online posts today? don't missm celebrity dish. once we get rid of the snow the
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about spring but dresses for iti too. we're sharing hottest looks fors warmer weather. >> and oh, say can you see... s >> you are in for a specialal treat. a star spangled good day at 10aa starts now.ts now ♪ >> i love it when we have foodeo to start off the hour but youruy know what my theory is.y theory if we don't have fodder we may m as well have --av >> i like it better when we have beer. beer. >> the we have drinks from thenm dog fish head.d the top dog fish will be with ut later this hour.. >> okay.>>y. >> the big dog? the big dog dog fish. >> or the big fish.e big fis >> or the big fish. >> what?>>hat? >> the big dog fish here to hert share secrets not just beer but business as well very successfus and local and we love that ashas well. we >> coolest beer cooler.eer cor >> i'm going to have to find aho way to find one of these. t very nice. >> cold.>> >> back in that cooler until thl end of the hour. t >> when i heard -- start talkint about the national anthem thatlt
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>> that's not mine.t m >> thank you. >> it mate immediate whomammed sings -- in history some of thee greatest national an themselvess >> whitney houston. >> i put mine online.ine oin >> marvin gay.n g >> marvin gay from the inform br all star game.all >> yup yup yup. >> that was one of my favoritesi >> lady gaga got it going on. o >> super bowl. bl. >> how about you steve? you ste >> i don't -->> >> you have to think about it.eo >> i'd have to think about eight little bit. a how about you wis. >> when i heard marvin gayrvn g singing at the nba all starr game, that was amazing to >> so different. different. >> it was different.t wadiff >> did you cry.ry >> i almost cried.ostri >> out with the good. o with some bad ones that have gone han down in history as well.. >> roseanne bar. b >> that's the one that came toeo mind. >> do not play with that you know what i mean? mea >> she thought it was cute, too. no, don't do that.o not with that song. >> christine aguilar rah that did the wrong words. >> added her new verse in thereh i believe. >> if you have a favorite or onv you'd like to never hear again a let us know #gooddaydc we
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thanks for staying with us forti the 10a.. maureen is off again today. she'll be off until thent beginning of next week.inof n >> allison is with us again.s aa >> she is?>> is? >> surprise allison i got too call my agent. age happy to be here today. let's move on to winter'sve come back whether we like it orr not. by this time tomorrow parts ofos the region could be covered inoi coating of snow. sno tucker barnes is in the weatherw center with more n this does not make you that that popular with a lot of people, pl tucker but we still love you.ovu >> allison, super suite.uper su. wait until you see the seven dan next week mid 70s.xt w that will make me popular, right? >> we love that.>> >> back in our good graces thent >> got to get through not a terribly big deal but enough of a nuisance i think we'll have a at least localstoc delays tomorrow.omorw. and let's get right it to andge give you the detailst . detai but again no issues today.od your evening rush hour is goingi to be in fine shape.e in f get some clouds this afternoonon winter's last mora certainly aey possibility as mentioned we ared looking at springtimeingtime temperatures neck week.ecee not the case this morning.or cold out there.cold o 35 in washington. wasng lots of freezing temperatures
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32 in baltimore. balmo 30 in up frederick.rick 32 dulles.s. manassas and culpeper all 32 degrees. so again very chilly.. let's start with today.ith tod it's going to be out there.he high temperatures only about 40 degrees. and mostly cloudy skies bykies b afternoon.ternoon. there's your satellite/radar.atl quickly clouds moving in fromou the west andds our clipper systm getting its act together herehee not too far out to our west outs in kentucky and ohio and indiana now getting light snow and we'la see all this move in after rushr hour tonight. it will take while to moisten up the atmosphere,ph but probably nine, 10, collegeoe tonight start to see light snows across the area. are then the possibility that we cae get heavier bands overnight and when we wrap things up tomorrow, we can be looking at the t potential for an inch or two ofo very slushy snow across the ar area. all national weather service isvi i upgraded our area to a winterr weather advisory. advor this is a combination of o possibility of a couple inchess of snow combined with the timint on this system.ys it looks like the worst of this
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friday. 43 today.oday we'll take look at possible snoe accumulations coming in a couplu of minutes, guys. seven day promises veryses springtime we'll look at those as well. a l back upstairs to you.irto y >> focus on the seven o >> thanks tucker.nk appreciate it. >> time now 10:05. 105. that means it's time for us totf go ahead and check what is wt i trending.trending. and first up for the first timem in nearly a year, astronautstro scott kelly is on solid ground o in the us. the us. he touched down in houston texas overnight.night. kelly was greeted by nasaa officials. his twin brother mark and second lady dr. jill biden yesterday hs received a call from presidentsi obama thanking him upon touchinu down in houston he spoke of thet pride that he has in meetingn mn this mission. >> one of things i thought a lot about during this year isea i there's no greater privilegerivi than serving your countryou however and wherever you might do it. i this mission is latest achieve e in many our country's space program. but it's not the last. >> nasa will soon begin to lookl at the impact a
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space had on kelly's body withit help from this twin brother by b compare their genetic makeups. u they'll look at changes inhang i scott's heart size, don'ton density, blood vessels but some of the effects alreadyectseady noticeable.ab for instance, scott is 2-inches taller since there's no gravitya in space your spinal discs are not compressed giving you the boost in height.ei he's also a little younger. i mean very little but still,ll hey, we'll take it.lle it. thanks to einstein's theory of f relativity less 1,100th of a second younger. youer >> okay. here's my question to you then.i would you go to space foron yeaa to be 2-inches taller. >> no. >> i would.>> >> you're already like six toe o the three >> but steve you'd have to up io to 6-inches and then i wouldhend think about >> because then you'd be in the nba. >> then i would would be in the it would be worth it. would >> unless you don't pass theas e physical because your spine is jacked up. >> i'll stay where i am then. >> i don't reallhey need to bedb 2-inches taller. >> i might do that. t >> do you need to be 2-incheso e taller.ll. >> no. we can wear heels and be 5-inches taller. tle
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>> i have to wear heels then. t >> steve you can wear heels. >> prince wears heels. heels. >> that's right.>> >> i'm taller than prince. tal (laughter).. >> i'm just saying. sin the precedent has been set. set. let's talk about politics. t the presidential race has thee t nation divided and as a result l of the election you may havee heard this phrase before. if fill in the blank whoever was and the wins i'm moving tog to canada.cana if blank wins i'm moving toovg t canada. a lot of people might be pretty serious.ris. the top things searched for onn google after soup tuesday was s the question how can i move too canada? it seems people were seeking a live north of theth border perhaps without donald trump.ump. >> perhaps. >> perhaps. you know what, that's what the a research is saying.sear not wisdom martin.omarti for time the official canadianan government website was over loaded from visitors.or >> it look like christie ishrtie thinking that right now. >> right.>> r (laughter)
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>> sevens jumped more thanthan 1,000% as donald trump swept super tuesday. t. but this isn't the first timeirm americans have threatened tove e move to canadane.move tna this actually happened in 20044 when george w. bush was electede president for a second time. >> how many people moved? m >> i would imagine people say pe that all the time. t i would imagine a lot people pel searched it when president obama was on the verge.he vge >> probably right.>> probably ri >> moving somewhere. mov any way. >> it is funny.isunny. >> question would you give up your citizenship to go to canadd or just go for four years? i ys don't think too many peopleink would give up their citizenshipi >> you know what it's real easys to stay over sit over here ande complain and say i can do this,t then you realize how good -- i i mean we have it good in thisood country. come on. we do. >> best country in the world. >> and i love visiting canadaana but i also realize it's cold cd i'm not a fan of the hc >> a lot. >> exactly.ct >> when it comes to hard workinr americans dc has some of the t best. at least we're notst n tacony-palmyra 10, right? them, nation's capitol is the ninth n hardest workin working city in n
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beautiful united states.unitedte that's according to a new survey by wallet hub.. the hardest working city belongg to anchorage alaska. alaa maybe because of the conditions. >> all the work.or >> that's followed by have afol have beach v have a in second io place and rounding out the top plano texas, sioux falls, southo dakota and irving texas.gex back here in our regione in o baltimore comes in at number 60 on the hard working list. lis so do you agree with thesehe results? who better to put onep the story that our very own hardest working nan tv news bobb barnard.barnard. he's live in dupont circle nowce with more on what folks areolks saying. good morning, bob.goodorning, >> reporter: hey, allison g ais morning to you.ou i will say we have the friendri lee yesterday work force in theo country.cotr okay? people are great out here.he. a couple things in terms ofhingr criteria that wallet hub usedsed was the number of working hoursh people spend during the coursets of the week in each of these ohe different areas. areas also, the number of people whopo have second jobs.d job i will tell you here in dupont n
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coming and going, and they are hard-working group. they will tell you that.iltell one of the things i gleaned froo the report here, and this was ws data from the bureau of labor statistic that wallet hub gleaned and basically they'rere saying we now americans are 4004 more productive today than we were in 1950 even though theyy work 200 hours more per year yea back then in 1950. 195 the experts are saying that technology makes us more m efficient.ef but get this.but gethis we work 20% more hours onn average than most people do inn but are somehow less productivee than they you mentioned we are the ninth h hardest working city in the us. couple other few other cities that are harder working than we are hee are he supposedly scouts daal, arizona, san francisco and shy yen,, wyoming what do these peoplehe o think? we asked them thisedhem morning. >> i'm working hard. h i believe i working hard. it's very hard to live in thisii city. you got to work to make
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honest living.iv >> reporter: do you work hard.k >> i work hard, yeah. i think i need to get paid morem >> reporter: all these otherseth cities, anchorage, virginiagini beach, plano, texas, scottsdalel arizona they work harder than u in those cities.hose cities >> i can't believe that.'t bel t i see everybody here up early er hours of the morning travelingli to work.or people staying late at night.igt i hear people staying untilng ut 9:00 o'clock in the evening.e ee i can't see d.c. is ninth.n >> i beg to differ. like everyone out here pretty much works and there's a lot of businesses out here, hospitals.s i don't really agree with that.t >> reporter: you work hard? h >> i do.>> i i work smart, too. >> reporter: she said she works smart she gets plenty of o rest, too. too. works hard but gets a good night's sleep here's our work ow force on their way safe tollafol wherever you're going. you're g when i say that d.c. is only the ninth hardest working work forcr in the country, there are othero cities people work harder, whatr do you think?do you think?
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working hard country in america. >> what about city in america?? >> we're still number one.rne >> number one.>> num these folks are working hard hd keeping these kids safe.e ds s i will tell one of the otherer things this report said that ono average only one in five of us, guys, actually goes out for lunch. in the country basically.asally this is across the board. b we're a hard-working people and we stay in at least four out of five stay in and don't go out'to and take a break at lunch time. >> bob, one works, three, fourhe staying in and you're out worksr you just proved your study. you >> there you go. tou g >> reporter: i'm going to getngg a donut. (laughter).(lau >> there you y go. >> working hard. h >>y breakfast.ak >> see you later, bob.. thanks.ks. really try to bring lunchril into the loft. >> that's our goal.s still ahead on good day our day first look at the all girl ghost busters in action.ct kevin has the movie's firstst trailer.air. >> first, though, tina feya f unloading on hollywood.wood. the
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nervous, and the rock and thehe hov. what a combination.ombination. we've got a jam packed good dayd direct are the dish coming up ds next. the rock and the hoff.
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yesterday i was doing great today i'mwa limping. time for good day celebrity di dish. >> first up on this friday eve edition of celebrity dish. tina fey shopped by howard sters to dish of what she thought thit year's oscars.. she's thrilled to live in newivw york and not hollywood there'soe lot of fakenes'ss going on. however, she supports everyone'n causes they support, and backac host chris rock saying this t monologue was fantastic.tast when it comes to singer ladyla gaga she's not too fond. fey said "there's gorgeouss picture online the next day of lady gaga in the photo booth b swirling her pants cape ortsape whatever it was and the quote qo was like, i just felt after my perform man at the oscars i felf like a wait had been lifted iifd felt like i could stop hidingid and i wanted to be like oh,e o girl, have you been hiding hid because you've been doing au've terrible job hiding because ig seen you everywhere. >> okay. >> all right. but that's not all. stern ththen asked the formeror golden globe coach hos
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alumina about leo's big win andd his love for models and she saii she loved his speech and quote q is it mow so much mystic tomyic sleep with a bunch of women whoo want to sleep with you.. no, i think everybody is up for it but 'cause he's still cute. huh?h? >> that's tina fey report.s tinp >> huh? >> the crowd was silenced. (laughter).ghr). >> wow, okay, all right.ight here we government moving on. critics beep -- ya'll get it. >> yes. >> critics be darned despite the reviews fuller house fanss they'll get to spend more timeim with one of their favorite for families.families just one week after the netflix reboot made its debut netflixflx renewed it for another season.ea the show is a spin off from the '80's and '90's family sitcomm full house. hou so there you go. if you want to john john stamosa some more you're welcome. w >> thank you.>> >> all right.>> a we heard it was a terrible shows but kev says it's so bad you cac stop watching.atching.
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>> it has a cult following.olloi >> probably so.roba. are the foofighters breaking upu there's question for you.for is dave grohl going solo? nope. not happening.appeni the foofighters will stay will together and keep performing.erm rumors were swirling that thehat group was breaking after day aer grohl performed solo at the addd academy awards. people were bracing for bad news when the group told fans theyant had a big announcements.ncemen they addressed the rumors in a parody video with nick lachayica acting like he was joining the g group. at the end of the video a slates came up reading "for the millionth time we are notime wee breaking up and nobody is goingg expletive solo". >> beep. bee >> solo. >> you're a little late on thatt >> i know. k >> let's try it again holly. >> we are not breaking up andpnd nobody is going expletive. expti >> beep.>> beep. >> solo. >> good job.b. let's talk about bradleylk l cooper and his girlfriend shake silencing break up rumors. they we
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strolling in the city of lovee paris. there were claims the two splits after bradley cooper was spottet with super model naomi campbell. from the looks of this of t particular picture bradley and irana -- >> they said what holly aboutt b themselves? >> nobody is. >> we're still very muchre stilv together and nobody is going -- >> bleep.le >> breaking up.inup >> nothing nobody is going what? >> solo.>>olo. >> solo. >> okay.. sorry. nobody is going beep solo. >> now we're on.r now we got a theme going here. h remember i told you yesterday hy and naomi were just havinging breakfast.breakfast. >> you were right actually.e ri you were absolutely right. >> us hasn't rolled up up on upn somebody of the opposite sex early in the morning, hey, let's go grab breakfast. breakfa >> maybe not in that aggressivev manner but i've heard that b i before. >> hey.. >> beep.>> >> yeah. because if not i am going to to go -- >> beep. solo. madonna's
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ex-husband guy ritchie overuy r 15-year-old son rocco is faros from over.r. yesterday a judge agreed to letg rocco stay in london with w ritchie until something morentoi permanent is work out. wk o rocco left his mother's tourr's last year to go with his fatherf but madonna wants rocco to to return to new york with her.h hr now, the judge said if thehe parents don't resolve the mattee soon the court will.rt w after the custody hearingng madonna shared cryptic instagram posts one captioned, teach mehe how to pray. referencing her song definitely pray from her rebel heart albume and the other more graphice aphi instagram picture we actually can't show it to you because ity it's so graphic, it's definiteln not safe for work.oror but it has many questioning what exactly is the message that thet pop star is sending? >> hmm. h >> i mean, just -- stay offta social media.ed >> i don't think she's helping s her case.her look at the instagram post and i was like huh. >> ignore -- leave the social la media alone deal with it in then courts.courts >> finally, the hoff
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hasselhoff known for saving lives on bray watch.. and now passion the rescue bowib to the lifeguards in the new thw movie bay watch. the rock dwayne the rock johnsoh who's in the movie made the announcement that the hoff david hasselhoff is joining the cast c he made this announcement on this book look at the rock and the hoff on the phone. pho look at the palm trees and nowed nice that looks. loo >> like at this guy trying toy escape from the hoff.the >> look at that.>> l >> running at a brisk half pace. >> 15 minute mile pace.e p the guy is going to try too escape by running directly --ec- >> into the ocean.>> >> into the ocean. >> right.>> r i think i'll get away if i just keep running.keep running. >> come on david.. quality television. telis >> absolutely is.bsutely is but i bet you nobodyouod remembers -- the movie is cominm out. out. we got all of that.. anybody remember that they hady night show bay watch night showw
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chasing monsters.ster anybody remember that.y memb >> monsters.sts. >> no. >> actually i don't remember that. i'm the only one that watched.ha >> yeah. >> i'm the only one.'m >> when you were going --wereoig >> beep. beep. solo. solo (laughter).. >> thanks, >> that was a knight rider fantn back in the day.ban th >> me, too. we'll think spring no matterg ne what the weather guys say.uys sy we mean tucker f fashion to beeb we've got you covered for ar a little springtime party.. >> first reality check. che tucker will be back with theilbb latest on said winter weatherr moving we'll be right back. right back-
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♪ remember a short time agoe g when it was like 70 degrees?deee >> hmm. >> maybe like sunday. maybe >> yes. >> so nice out.o ni well right now we're gettingre ready for one more last gasp of winter.winter. there's live look right now att the salt dome. not far away from the fox5ox headquarters.quarters. going to be busy this timee tomorrow.. busy later today actually assuming they'll pre treat thehe roads expecting to see what happens overnight let's check in tucker and find n out when and how much. m >> by tomorrow atonies timeto we'll be all done.on it will be a quick mover.uick mr but we do have the potential fol an inch or two maybe, maybe 3-inches of snow in a couple aou spots here overnight tonight. tg it's cold out there.d ou cold enough to support it rightp now. look at that. 32 degrees or lower off to theot north and we have.rt only 35 here in the city.y. 34 now in very slow to warm um and coolndo afternoon.rn no issues for your daytimer dayi hours.ur we're in good shape today.
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this will be overnight tonight. the laugh couple of frames we're having computer issues.nges trust me it's out it' this is clipper system that's going to roll in tonight. tig pa* probably about nine, 10, 10, 11:00 o'clock tonight we'llk tot start to get snow across thecros area it will be with us throughi the early morning hours tomorroo probably six, seven,, 8:00 o'clock tomorrow morning t quickly wind down and push to the east. however, arriving overnight anda temperatures cold enough itd eut looks like we can get a coupletu inches of quick moving snow outn there. here's future's watch it together.he there we 10:00 o'clock tonight you canoc see starting to get snow acrosss the area. area. this is what we call overrunninr this is the first stage of the e storm. our secondary low develops offop to our south and east then we'll start to get wrap around snow as that moisture pushes off the psf notice at 5am we're not gettingi a whole lot of it.ole loof otts out of here by 10:00. by 11:00 o'clock tomorrow welloo gone.go so again, i don't think it willn be terribly big deal but likely be travel delays early tomorrowo morning as we're expectingng generally one to 3-inches across the area by seven, 8:00 o'clockc tomorrow morning again doesn'tie start until nine, 10:00 o'clock
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tonight.ght. you're fine for the evening rush hour. i'll be back back at the end ofe the show with the seven dayevend which promises more 70's and suntan lotion and tropical drinks and --nd -- >> better days than today later. >> beach scenes. am i done? over to y >> thanks tucker. >> by the way we'll be on aty ' 4:00 o'clock in the morning, tr too. too. >> right. bright and early. >> with the show.ig with still ahead at 10:00 kevin isevi back and got your first look ata the new ghost busters in actiont we'll show you the first trailel coming up. mi >> first though we're markingng patriotic holiday you might notn know about and we have a verye r special guest to help us out. o that's coming up right after tht break. br it's 10:27. ♪
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it's time to get out and explore. look beyond the expected. hidden among the trees. there's a special place. where getting away... brings us so much closer. spring into fun and save $50 with an all-inclusive ticket. busch gardens williamsburg. a whole other world awaits.
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♪ >> it's 10:30. we love to celebrate holidaysebh here on good day and today wee are marking a very patriot tickc one. you may not be aware of. of. but check it out. ♪ oh, say can you see by the dawn's early light, what so proudly we hailed at the twilights last gleaming ♪ who's brought stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight, or the ramparts we watched were so gallantly ♪ >> ♪ and the rocks red glare,
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proof through the night that tht flag was still there ♪ >> ♪ oh, say does that star spangled banner yet wave, for the land of the free and the home of the brave! ♪ >> yes. y. (applause).ppla >> wahoo! >> today is national anthem dayy congratulations, thank you veryr much. very well done.ry w >> thank you. >> if you have ever been to ave sporting event around the dc area many other events you'vent probably seen this young manounn perform the national anthem in the past. he's retired u.s. army masteryas sergeant caleb green. gen you've done a lot of events e around town.around town. haven't you? >> yes, sir, i hav >> name a few of them. >> pre inaugural of president obama, um, right before ie retired we got a chance to doeo
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i sing all the time for our washington capitals and our andr washington wizards and miss mis ticks and the castles who are -- we won so many championships ini a row. ro >> every year. >> yes. >> every year. your big sports fan i assume in addition to --addition t >> yes, sir a fan of our countru and the national anthem.atna >> yes, i am. yes >> wisdom and i were justi ere talking the last wizards we went to together you were performing the national anthem at thatha a couple questions.le q first of all you were in the ust you performed with u.s. army. am you're solo witness with the t band, right. right >> i was a member of the unitede states band and my ensemble united states army band down dow range. ra i do a lot of stuff outside ofui the anthem but a lot of peoplef don't know that.n't tha had he get in the box thing.hi. >> it has to be honor every timt you get a chance to perform.for. >> tremendous.. tremendous. actually you asked me about thet events.ents. man, for so many things kennedye center honors. christmas in washington back in 2008. i just had a lot of
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one represent our organizationit and, two, faithfully execute tht duty of singing the anthem withw the respect and the honor thatha it's due what it represents.res. >> which it actually we see that when folks standing enjoying this singing along and in somenm cases getting over excited whenn it comes to the reds on the redd and os we hear a round this timm at l does that bother you at a all. it doesn't bother me at allt we fight for freedom and we and fight for the o and the red is no means disrespectful to me.pectfu me. when dallas comes to town andowa they go stars or you get some ot the other stuff that's a little annoying. >> we still have to keep it inin the hometown pride in additiondn to usa pride.. >> absolutely. absol >> we see sometimes we see andmd we'll talk about this in as i minute sometimes you see the see really great performances and then you see some of the not soo great performance and maybe a somebody for gets the weedshe w words things like l does that ever get in your headd that moment right before youef take to the mike. >> when people ask me, some me, people try to stump you an
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have you ever forgotten thetee words? i can't tell was i thint but no, i have not forgotten the words.words. i'm a professional.a >> there you go. t >> do you have a favorite aorit performance other than your ownh that you've heard over time? >> oh, most certainly.ertainly. i think my favorite was whitneyw i think that the elegance with w which she presented the anthemhe at the super bowl was -- was classic, and there have been --e you have marvin gay here, you know, when he did this -- >> representing.epse >> yeah, it was -- it was not taken as well as his actualua performance because i actuallyca have it in my play lisust on my,ing. >> is that right. i >> yes. yes, i do. >> whys am i not surprised youu have the national anthem on your play list you perform it owe so well.o we. >> we want to thank you for your service, for your performancefon including on the loft on goodt d day d.c. >> god bless you. g >> thank you.>> appreciate that. >> you are one of our national a treasures. >> yes, you are. yes (applause).(a >> we just saw little bit ofitf your favorites? maybe one ofne your favorites.orites >> i agree with caleb. marvin gay..
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>> nba all star game that wasamw amazing to me because it was different. it was so different. w but it was so marvin gay at the same time. i just think that was phenomen phenomenal. >> i like how the crowd starts to clap. >> ♪ >> now, that being said, wisdomm when you hear somebody else now put their interpretive spin onen the national anthem, does that t upset you now? >> no, no new york city. >> you accept the creativity. >> i accept creativity and i appreciate that so much, becausc i like marvin gay and i justus liked the way he did it. i actually do have that on a cdd in my car. >> you caleb have the same playy >> marvin gay can pull that offt but not everyone else can.. >> you like whitney and even -- marvin was my favorite but i did love lady gaga, too. >> lady gaga in the super bowl w most recently.moen >> what about those that bombedb
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>> roseanne.>>eann >> because this is so entertaining can we just listenl to carl lewis for little bit.e . because wisdom actually broughto this one up it's going to comegn in a second.econd. olympian.ym >> rule number one don't start and stop. >> ♪ oh, say can you see and the rockets red glare. (laughter).ter) >> wait. here it comes. >> i'll make up for it now. i you don't stop in the national n anthem.them >> the land of the free -- free- >> look at that trying not to - trying not to laugh. laugh >> any way, that was an insult. insult.insult. >> do we have roseanne or no? r let's do roseanne, too. >> another disgrace. ♪ >> for the land of the free --r >> booed. i just want to -- want >> at the end where she grabbedg her private
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>> comedian she do you auditiono for it? i don't not funny.funny. >> not funny. not carl lewis wasn't funny.tunny i don't like it -- >> carl lewis wasn't trying tont be funny. >> has to be a level of respect involved. >> if you have other ones we o didn't talk about or show #gooddaydc.dd >> my favorite what caleb justal performed for us.rfor good stuff in the loft. >> 10:37. 1. kevin, let's turn things over te you right now. n >> i have to say whitney houstou no question hands down my m favorite of all time but i havev to say lady gaga's one of thef t soup pell bowl is top five. >> solid.>> s. >> that blew my mind. everyone knew she was amazingmai singer but hearing her inn that -- it was absolutely incredible.le blew my mind completely. she did a great job at the as ta course this year with the song.n maybe she'll be in the next n ghost busters movie. >> ghost busters officiallyff coming out july 15th as a kidid growing up i was obsess the witt the original ghost busters filml classic bill murray, ernie hudson,
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akroid. akro they released the brand new trailer for the ghost busters movie coming out july 15th the t first official trailer for filmf with actual footage from therote check this out. >> nope. we don't have it. >> okay.>> oka >> we don't have all right.n' so the new trailer -- >> woman and woman and many. m >> we'll have to show roseanneea again. >> show roseanne again.roseannen this movie by the way, live tv v this movie by the way -- we havv it. here we go. we >> ♪ >> it's class four operation.
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he seems peaceful.eacefu >> my name is erin gilbert gbert doctor of particle physics. phy >> that stuff went everywhere b the way in every crack.. very hard to wash off.ff >> we have dedicated our wholeho lives to studying the paranorm paranormal. now there's sightings all overng the city. >> there are people out there that needpl our help. h >> you're a brilliant engineer.e >> erin new york city one isy o better at quantum physics than you. >> we can provide a real servi service. >> i'm joining the club. >> you guys are really smart about this science stuff but iut know new york. >> i can borrow a car from my uncle. ha, ha., >> here's the cool thing.hing we haven't even gotten to the t best parts yet. yet seeing the actual car which is incredible.. >> here it is. >> paul feig did bride mas and m the the cool thing about this filmsl all feal
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cast.cast. so the original four were male obviously. now we have indicate mc, lesley jones, we have melissa mccarthyh and kristin wig. wig it looks hilarious chris cis hemsworth is playing the nerdy accountant. in the original film it wasm its played by female.played by they release the the trailer to fans and paul feig was there. te i think it looks fantastic. >> when will you chance it.u ch. >> it opens july 15th. it looks fantastic. hopefully it lives up to the t original. >> any cameos. >> dan akroid is confirm, bill l murphy is confirm. sigourney weaver is confirm.rm >> that answer is yes.hat >> the original is a classic for me. >> i cannot wait to see it.wa t >> still ahead at 10:00 we're00' ignoring mother nature.othe we don't see you or the snowhe coming tomorrow.or we're skipping right to springnr and that's because it is time tt talk the next fashion season ann we'll show you some of the latest trends that's coming upss next.. 10:40 is our ♪ ♪
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just go to or call 1.888.get.fios. that's 100 meg internet speeds, tv & phone for our best offer ever. switch to better. switch to fios. ♪ well the forecast may sayt m snow but we are looking ahead to spring.ri joining us in the loft to show w off some of the spring fashion trends we'll start to see onceeo we shed our heavy win coats andd all that gray and blah is expert stylist tamika white i call thee
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you look adorable yours self. welcome to the loft. l >> thank you for having me.avg e >> are you as ready for spring s as we are. >> i'm so ready for spring. so o every time i come it snows. sno >> you're the reason? >> i could very well be. >> i'm kidding. >> what's hot this spring? >> well, we have some amazingvea trends. some that we've seen before and then some new trends.wre pleats, pleats, pleats., ple pleats are everywhere. '70's inspired bow hoe chic is a great go to and jump suits.ump s >> i like the jumpsuit trend.tre >> let's get started with ourtat fashion show.shio >> awesome.>>weso so this morning we'll start witt brianne and she has on beautifut pleated dress, and it's a minisn dress but the great thing aboutt this dress it really can go frog day to date. it's casual. it's a line so it hides anythini we put on during the winter. win it was a cold winter, and shehe has beautiful stewart whites man shoe with that dress it's aith s great color a pop of colorf brought for brunch, great forat church and you can wear it all w day. >> can we see the back because i love the silver on the back.k >> that is detail
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pretty on the zipper. >> it look like a long pleated t skirt i put on at my neck.t >> don't try it holly. (laughter). >> so >> actually in terms of hairf trend that is really popularopur either a braid or twist is a halo and soft and beautiful. >> all thank you.ou love that color. >> i have to remember that col color. >> all right. and next, we have the lovely l rhonda and she has amazingmazi jumpsuit and this is so cozy.y so comfortable.omfortab it's one piece. p it's it's, again, easy to wear. t and it's a great transitionalnsa piece because you can in the the fall wear a turtleneck under u that. >> oh, okay. it's one of those piece that isa you could -- it's always goings to be brigh >> always.>>lway >> always. dinner parties. parti throw blazer over it long it sleeved white shirt with a shir blazer so you can layer it.r you can put that over yourver yu swimsuit when you're on vacati vacation. >> that's great idea. tha velove those booties. >> those are actually the models own and agan
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skin because you have so muche m skin showing you don'tou necessarily immediate like ameei wide open toe we did something t with just a little peek a boo. >> not everyone can pull off the hat.t >> i was going to say the lookse although i love it i would lookk like an oompa loop pa in it. i you look mazing. >> actually hat is gladys gla milliare she's an mazing hat h designer out of la.f it's a little higher than the standard fedora height it addsgs more sophistication to yourop outfit.hi >> instead of going into spacef to get your 2-inches you canyo debt that tha isn't right. >> and the heels and the hat,at >> there you go.>> tre y adorable film she super cute. >> i like the pockets on thatocn jumpsuit. >> lastly we have the wonderfule marsha and she has beauty tracyt reece much this is a peasantnt inspired '70's chic it has slips dress and these again are alwayw so in style and fashionable fhi because they're easy to wear. t.
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shoulder here and you can dressu this u cp.this >> this is -- let me tell you t something this is everywhere eve right now. i was just at an event with antt lot of younger people. everybody had the b0ho chic.c. sometimes when i think bow hoe chic i don't always think figurg flattering that's super figurehe flatter. >> the beauty the slip dressre under 19 is form fitting. f so when you wear a larger or fuller dress on top of it you still have silhouette it keeps k the shape of the dress. dre she has on a navy which washi great a pop of color. the stewart whites hasn't opena' toe shoe. she's ready to go >> let's bring out all our allur come back out so we can see youe all and think can we comment on the smallest s gloves i've ever seen.een. >> these are my glove lets.. >> cute. >> cut >> naturally people are doingly versions of thes pe but i've hae these i have to aid mitt for mtf several years i got them fromm m patricia fields long before b second in the city.ty. >> that's why you're a stylere s expert. >> always ahead of the
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>> love it. >> yes. thank you so much for coming ini >> thank you for having me.inge. >> if i saw any of this include wagon you're wearing that'sringa something special. it's a head turner. t >> i just needing to hopping.ohn >> let's go together.>> l's g >> okay. >> we'll go. thank you. >> you handle it from the couch. >> got you cover. c have a good time.ood . 10:48. 10:48. coming up we'll go from springmr fashion to spring beer.inr. we'll check out the newest new offerings from dog fish head hea brewery coming up next. next.
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it's time to get out and explore. look beyond the expected. hidden among the trees. there's a special place. where getting away... brings us so much closer. spring into fun and save $50 with an all-inclusive ticket. busch gardens williamsburg. a whole other world awaits.
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♪ 10:51. it's about time for happy hour.p our neck guest the founder and d owner of dog fish head brewery also the author of new book itkt is called off centered cenre leadership and this morning sams is joining us live with more onm the book, his two new springewpr beers, where you can find them,n new restaurant, new web series. man you are keeping businessng b sigh my friend. my frnd. >> beer keeps you vibrant.ra >> i want to talk about thebout company itself.mpany its you mentioned this in the book.o book called off centeredente leadership not just about beer.e it's about leadership styles,p e some things and you getngs yo accolades from other ceo's and founders and corporation and and companies all over the
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dig your style.heyour style. how do you describe your styleie as leader? as >> well i mean a leader that'sda got a more to learn than i'vehai got to teach and fortunately ili got a wonderful group of leadera around me and it's really a it' story of many companies comni organizations go through thistht when they grow. g finding those moments when youmn realize some of the hats you wear you wear a lot of hats ass entrepreur are better fitted on somebody else and encouraging other leaders to join you on your journey make the experience and brand a lot richer we have v lot more voice. voice. >> you have to walk the walk asl well. you're living this, breathing it but you're also -- you're notout just a fan but running theni company as well. i think your employees you trito to get that to them we're ine' i this together, rig >> definitely. we are a group of co-workers wew really don't feel anybody workso for myself or mariah. mia we're a family company but we bw all really work for dog fish when dog fish at its best it's working for. >> you had to remind yourself tu slow down a little bit at sometm point which you've mentioned i'v think in the first picture in p the book which is you with ait mullet driving a very fast car. >> yes. mullet wig. i didn't have a real mullet.ulle i feel shame some day i hope top have one.have one.
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there's still time.e's stl t >> you accomplish a let's talk about the beersut t b themselves. two new one out you guys are --a one of your reasons forreasons popularity because you're not yn shy when it comes to trying t different flavors.diffent fl >> yeah. that's true. our sort of our is basically off center dales for off center ther people. >> fair enough. >> traditionally beers made witi four ingredientst water, yeast,t grains and hops and our brewerye we look at entire culinary globg for potential include cents to s go into beer. br what do we have that's new.hat'. >> first of all is our sort of version version of ipa much ith is the faster fest growing styly in america i've assume you've y had few. >> -a few over my few years.ea >> last week.>> l week. >> maybe last night at the capsp beer. >> their citrus see and earthru thee from the hop that is giveiv beer bitterness.tees >> this particular one -- firsti of all, are you going to join me here. >> of course. you have interesting titles for the beer. >> romantic chemistry.hemistry cheers, dude? d >> thanks for inviting me.
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name there's a natural chemicala compound found in hop, apricots and man goes featured in thiss >> first thing i tasted wasd apricots before you even said in there.e fruity taste in there as well.el do you ever try things thats t don't work. yes. >> don't you have to go throughg the whole brewing process befors you realize it doesn't work.or. thankfully we have a little ritl and d brewery within our o restaurant in down down rehobo rehoboth. all visitors to our pub are facto members that can tell usal when a beer doesn't need to be o made a you can see the beer that's sita in the keg. k >> we have work to do.o. sam. we have research we need to tryd another one what's next.s nex >> dog fish is proud to be thebe official beer of record storeecs day which is a holiday.. >> huge here in washington, >> it is.n you got a bunch of great recordr stores in d.c.n.c d run one of the birth places oo great punk and go-go music of america. >> people love vinyl and youlo have a big connection with thene music scene as well you like to pair the beer aneld the music ss what's in this one.hi o >> this one called beer to drini music to.
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it's a wily? golden ale made am with inn agreed cents that comee from wonderful songs we all digg like orange crush from rem, r orange peels, pepper accordancen from sergeant pepper, showsho there's pepper accordance ander even a little card mum from obscure fish song. >> what do you think?do y >> that's solid.>> >> nice. >> i like that. i l good flavors. >> rem sang don't go back to rockville. you want them to go gaithersburg that's where you have one of ha your satellite locations. >> in gatorring burg andng bur chantilly and falls church aslsu well. proud to be a dc oriened brewere for sure.ure. >> new restaurant at the beachtt opening as >> yup. another sort of chesapeakehesaak themed restaurant cheese peek and main. all of our seafood sourced sou directly from the chesapeake fishermen in maine it opens ints six hours i got to driving overe the bridge. bridge. >> we appreciate you being hereh first you have a web serieseber folks can follow you on andnd something to do effect of likeof you're putting your drinkingrink what in whatever, yes.
10:56 am
exactly. war of the some odds things.ngs. >> me and chris bosche from ther miami heat brood a beautifuleaut beer with barbecue spices in itn that was really fun and then mack miller the rapper from pittsburgh your home area.e >> yup. >> we did a beer that was aged in bourbon barrels for that tha episode.epis >> you're okay with the homethee brewers. you don't feel like it's competition coming at you. >> most craft brewers started at home brewers it's a warmewers is community the 4,000 craft c breweries in america. ari we share about 12% mark share up against foreign giants thatsha frankly control our industry. so support your local breweriesi >> to show out invested he isese can you show off the ink on your arm. arm. >> 20th anniversary. 20t >> walk the walk you got to wear proudly on your sleeve.rleev are these going to be availablee because that's awesome those are you'll be seeing those at liquoo stores and on our website dog coming may, mid may.. >> sam we dot to run. we doto r we'll continue the conversationt with sam on our website. go to fox5 d.c. and check it ouo there
10:57 am
appreciate you joining us v a ji great day, tuck.,uc tomorrow morning we're on atre n 4:00 a.m. >> 4:00 o'clock in the morning. >> snow on the way. bright and early.
10:58 am
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10:59 am
for a cup of coffee just because you're a woman. so why does congress think it's ok that women get paid 20% less than a man for doing the same job? i'll fight for pay equity, to protect planned parenthood, choice for women, and expand paid and family leave. now some politicians will belittle this as a women's agenda. more proof that we just need more women in congress. i'm kathleen mathews and i approve this message.
11:00 am
. live from new york city, it's "the wendy williams show." >> you won't believe what i'm about to tell you. >> my girls are always turned out. i give it to you straight, no chasers. here's wendy! [ cheers and applause ] >> wow. yes, i'm about to fall. hi, everybody. thanks for watching our show. [ cheers and applause ] >> my cohosts, my studio audien audience.


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