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tv   Good Day DC  FOX  April 1, 2016 9:00am-11:00am EDT

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♪ straight ahead state trooper senselessly today the commonwealth mournslt the loss of the trooper gunnedgd down during a training exercises what we know about the victimic and the gunman. hundreds of delegates aheada of of one else. els donald trump may have a big leaa but there are new signs he's stumbling at a crucial time ofaf the cal what it could mean for the party and the next primary.. terrifying moments for newow mother after a strangerger kidnapped her child from a mall. the escape all caught on camera. how police and social media med helped track down the suspect. george washington ends thehe season with a championship.. >> later, nit champions go dancing george washingtonge w bringing the trophy back toroph foggy bottom for the first timem ever. how the team is celebrating its big good day at 9a starts now.
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♪ i'm waiting for, m0. don't let me down. (laughter). >> and they stay there.he >> thank you.>> thank you. >> it's 9:00 o'clock on this'c friday april 1st.prilst april fool's day.ay anybody been pranked yet today.y >> no. >> i actually have been.lly a friend of pipe announced hereh engagement on facebook.oo i'm like congrats. 200 comments later he's likee' k just kidng >> is that really funny, thoughg >> i don't know if that's realll funny. >> gw winning the only peopley o around here won anything since s the lady terps won.s won. >> how nice is that. h n >> congratulations. cgratulat >> hey they're champ. >> party going on at foggyog bottom.. i'm steve alongside annie, aie maureen and wisdom.isdo holly is off this ahead this morning we're markini the start of autism awarenessne month with a plea for your help. this morning we are capping offi our week dedicated to raiseing awareness and money for autism a speaks with a phone bank you're looking alt
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answers questions, taking your r donations.ti shawn yancy will join us live ae little later. if you want to donateate 202-895-3307. you can also text the word autism to the number which failh me now. 25383. 25383. text autism to that number andrd you can immediately donate $10.0 a lot of have you done soeo already. thank you, thank you, thank youu every dollar, every cent helps. all right. right. let's talk weather now.erow because there's a warmup butmupb there's some rain.ain. >> also windy out there.he >> is it windy.. >> um-hmm.hmm >> like big jacket windy orin little jacket windy?? >> that's what i'm asking. a >> get the school here.l >> it was enough for the hair to be swaying. sng >> tossed around.>>osse >> that's why your hair looksoos fabulous much wind blown. >> tucker barnes, you have allav the official answers.nsrs >> i want to hear more from annie. the wind blown look.wind blo is that what we're going for. f >> little bow i don't know say i out there. douere. >> oh, yeah.eah. let's start witness mild
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temperatures actually rainlly r cooled little bit.litt 60 at reagan national.atiol. dulles 64. 64. bwi marshall 69. watching very strong band ofg bn showers and thunderstormsm develop and you can so that s pushing across southern maryla maryland. so again widespread reports ofe cloud to ground lightning, veryv gusty winds even power outages.. i've been getting tweets power outages to our south.outh as this batch of thunderstormert activity moves through. here in the city, inside thety,e beltway just rain we'll get this through the region and then a little latertl this afternoon we got to deal with yet another round or potentially another round ofound showers and thunderstorms withet cold front off to the north andh we have. keep an umbrella handy. han the good news in our friday fria forecast because it's friday fy temperatures will be in thees w upper 70s later this afternoon.. so it should be nice comfortablb day but between about three ande 6:00 o'clock tonight look outoot for that batch of showers and thunderstorms to move onove o through.throug here's your friday forecast. 78 today. with showers and storm in the forecast but, again, very veryey mild temperatures.. winds south and south and eastte 15 to 20. pretty
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i'll be back with the weekendnd forecast in minute, guys. you'll want to stay tuned if you like temperatures 25, 30 degrees cooler than this you'll lovee sunday coming up. >> nice tease, tuck. ne te >> headlines now.>> hdlin tragic story making headlinesin this virginia state trooper shot andt killed after he was shot at a a greyhound bus terminal suspect t also killed in that >> this morning we're learning n new details about this veryhiery tragic story.agic sto. fox5's bob barnard live from tht national law enforcement officers memorial with more.ialr good morning, bob. >> reporter: good morning to you ever of one.f one. new names added to this memoriam next year i'll tell you more m about that in a minute. minute. first of all take to youakto richmond where this was at abouo 2:40 yesterday afternoon. virginia state police say they were doing a training exercisee at the greyhound bus station there when one of their trooperr confronted a man and was shot. . the trooper was 37-year-old chad dermeyer. he apparently approached thisacd man, the man drew a gun and opened fire on the trooper
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two other troopers who werehoer there fired back at the man, an, he was killed.d. he has been identified as jamess brown iii.. he's from illinois.inois our fox affiliate in chicago says he has a criminal recordl r that he had won been charged with murder.urde we're not sure if he was wanted at the time of the shooting yesterday. but he is dead, too. the trooper he was chad dermy dermyer37 years old.aro join the virginia state policete in 2014. former marine and former policee officer in his home state oftate michigan. now, here now one of the peoplel who was in that bus station attt the time of the shooting.g. >> i just heard pops and i'vendi never actually heard a real rea gunshot before so i didn't real he will know what was going on.. then i saw everyone just ducking so i followed and i saw thiss family with their son and the mom just hopped on top of him.fh so i followed and i got backed -- got back up becausese they stopped and this man wasans like get down, get down! througr me to the grou
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like crawl, crawl.rawl so i crawled and we get outsidee and he's like we're going to goi run. so we run across the parking log and sit down and i'm freaking fk out, of course, and he's telling me i'm not going to let you die today.y like, he was like i'm standingng behind you for reason all this t stuff and i was just so gratefuu because without him i would jusj be completely clue less. >> reporter: two other womenwo w who were at the bus station were wounded in the gunfire.unfire but they are said to be okay. they should do all trooper dermyer leaves behinds i wife and two young children. now, he was killed obviouslyusly yesterday.stday. remember ashley guindon thendont prince william county policeol officer shot and killed on thedn job earlier this year and also the prince georges county policc officer jacai colson last month. so those are three in this area two other police officers killee up at the panier row bread store in hartford county so, guys, at least five names from our area e here will be a
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enforcement memorial next year a which is growing and it's just a terrible thing and the newestew one was from yesterday in richmond, guys, horrible situation there. a training exercise that turned deadly.deadly >> just heartbreaking.reak bob barnard, thank you for that. meantime the tennessee manne accused of ofss firing gunshotst inside the us capitol visitor vr center this week has been formally charged.harg capitol police officer shotho larry dawson after he allegedlyd pulled the weapon out at a security check point this weapon was actually a pellet gun muchuc he's chasing charges ofrges o resisting and assaulting ain federal law enforcement with act dangerous weapon.ngs weap if convicted he could face up to 55 years in prison. happening this morning,g th metro transit police are looking for this man.for he's wanted for his involvemente in a stabbing yesterday morningg police say he's a newspaper napr vendor named daniel brown and that he stabbed another man in i an altercation outside thedehe addison metro station yesterdayy morning just after 8:30.just a 8 police are asking anyone with
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any information to give them aha call. ♪ happening today, presidentst obama's final nuclear securityet summit enters its final day today's session will focus on preventing isis and othernd o extremists from it going theirir hands on nuclear weapons andns d using them in attack. more than 50 leaders from a am round the world are attendingtti the gathering.ri they gathered at the white house for working dinner today itay i continues at the convention set sent. like yesterday, downtown iss shut down as security precauti precaution. for a look where to avoid let'st turn now to erin como she joins us live now with more. good morning erin. e >> good morning.>> goo 9:08.08 first i want give you breaking news. power has been restored on thete metro line at the courthouse.rts they've been dealing withenling earlier malfunction watch foronh residual delays on the orangee line. line so that's something for yourin current commute, also, several s road closures will be in place e through tomorrow. summit closure for the nuclearur security summit those again aga seventh street a big one, k, l, and m street.tree massachusetts avenue a portionaa
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sixth.sixt my best advice to you if youce y don't need to be traveling downd by the convention center or ther white house i'd avoid the area.. a lot of congestion i've been've talking with tucker heke encountered a lot of motorcadesd in the dupont area so watch forf some residual delays throughoutt the district as you travel trave throughout tonight as in addition to that, as you makk your way out on metro, metro is still bypassing the mount vernon square metro stop. stop. the orange and yellow and green lines you can always use thes ut shaw or the gallery place stop o to get around that metro bus also is detouring around the convention center.ter. several road closures in place.e they will open tomorrow morningr at the latest so give yourself f lot of extra time to get aroundn the rain won't help the commutec any. this morning was relativelyativ quiet. i think as more folks are tryink to get home from work today in the district they'll hit delayss i would just be prepared ford that. any questions and i have a fulla list of alternates on twitter ar erin fact five d.c. d.c back to you in the loft. thanks, erin.ri let's check out what else isls i making headlines.dlines 10 m
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>> candidate donald trump havinl one of his worsd t weeks of 2016 campaign season. there was a statement aboutemabu holding women legally legal responsible for abortions in the procedure is outlawed and that t followed the controversyon surrounding his campaign manager corey lewandowski just chargedrg in florida for grabbing ain reporter by the arm.. all this happens as trump is gearing up for tuesday's primara in wisconsin.iscoin latest polls have him trailing l ted cruz.tecr a pennsylvania woman facing facn serious charges this morning m after she kidnapped an infantan from an upscale mall near philadelphia.. surveillance video caught theeoc suspect leaving the mall withl t that seven week old baby.y. the woman took off with theh t infant from the food court areaa after offering to hold the babyb while its mother stepped away tt make phone call. cal certainly media and surveillancl video helped them rescue thee te infant.infa tips poured in after theyd in at release the footage. severe storms on the movetoe this morning as clean uplean continues in the south afterer toward nay dose hit mississippip alabama and officials say at least a dozen d homes were damaged ined mississippi.
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after a twisters toed his truck into a ditch trapping him andrap side. at least 10 people were injuredr in those storms.. the march jobs report out. employs added 215,000 jobs lastt month.month. the bad news, the unemployment rate increased to 5%. that is up from four-point 9%.. so although there are a lot more jobs experts say there's still little wage growth. gro since last year, wages increased a mere two-point 3%. and finally, this one realll guy in syracuse jailed james jam kiki who doesn't know anythingnn about basketball started to filt out a march madness bracket onrt yahoo going into the final fourn this weekend he has the bestt bracket in the country.ountry but there's just one littleeittl problem.m he forgot to pick a champion. >> oops.>>ops. >> oh, mr. kiki.i he has north carolina andnd villanova in the final game but didn't pick either one to wip.ew that will cost him $50,000 $00 that's a grand prize. pri when asked about it he said "id" don't even want to think about it".it
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carolina and villanova to lose this weekend.eeke >> poor guy. p >> he should be able to since he got all four esche be able to gg back and add it to the mix.. >> no. >> no, no, no. >> brackets are closed.lod >> you can't go back and do it. >> i don't play. >> he doesn't believe in them. t >> i don't play because i neverr get it right.t itight i feel his pain. >> sorry mr. kiki.iki >> the final four after the fact >> of the night of in the fourti quarter with 30 seconds left i's pretty >> will you go. all right.> all right still ahead at 9:00, thee -- 10:00 rather three contestants e in just three shows left. l next week american idol crowning a new champion signs off for good. this morning we'll be talk to gg latest singer to say good boy b and who he thinks will go alllol the way.. >> we're sharing for stories whs work with or have or work withot or affected by or know peopleple who a have autism.m we'll tell you why this remainsi such an important cause. our phone bank is open. on we'd love to hear the phoningni rinking right now.t w. 202-895-3307. if you call in the next
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seconds you'll hear your ring og the (laughter).(laughter). >> good incentive.d inceive call or text to donate thee t number on your screen.. come on! call now! there's there text number. 25383.38 that's a $10 automatic text. ♪
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wall street. the nra. they're powerful. they usually get their way. but not with democrat donna edwards. she won't take cash from wall street banks. and when washington insiders wrote a loophole to let the nra spend dark money to kill gun safety laws, donna edwards said 'no' she's fighting to ban assault weapons and putting the safety of our communities first.
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the special interests aren't special. we are. women vote! is responsible for the content of this advertising.
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♪ all this week we've beenth highlighting stories to raiseis awareness about autism in our community, and today there's sto some news from the autist m worr new report by the center forenrf disease control shows that thewh autism rate among children remains stable.ta now according to this report,ep one out of every 68 children had autism in 2012.01 that's the same rate as it was in 2010.01 but federal health officials say it's too early to determine deti whether this means rates are stabilizing overall. ovell this puts what we're doing todat with autism speaks into somein m couldn't for more now how you can make cm difference let's turn it over tr good friend shawn yancy. shawn. >> thank you very much. you fox5 dc cares partnering withgit autism speaks all week long toog feature long families livingiv with the joyce and challenges oo autism. auti this morning we're asking you tu take part in our telethon andn donate to autism speaks.m saks. the lines are open root now. now 202-895-3307. your donation will help autism speaks accomplish so much. accoo they fund research, help localec families, they
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local organizations including advocates for justice.. the group helps people withe autism learn how to get around and live independently and and joining us now from that grouptg jasmine taylor the director ofer youth and parent engagement.ngan good morning and thanks forhank joining u >> good morning. thanks for having me. f >> you can actually see whorerew the money you're donating is don going to. t autism speaks helps yourour organization out. out. explain exactly what you guys dh in the community. >> so we are the d.c. parentaren training information center.nfoc we're also the d.c. health information center. so what we do, we supportrt families of children who haveave either special health careea needs, access services in theint community, but also in theiro it schools.s. so we're just here to help >> right now i know there's lot of folk out there who are who a watching, who aren't quite sures you know, do i need to call your organization? how do they know if they need to reach out touto you? >> if you have any questions,hay please just give us a call. cal we don't turn any were one awaya at the very least we'll provide
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referrals were you oftentimes we're providing direct support s or we'll invite to you some ofoo our training but also helping you understand the process that can be very >> familiar can you tell us giva us a calln (202)678-8060 or vir our website age hyphen d.c..orgr we'll put that information on ia our website so you can get thatt in case you missed it. i your partnership with autist speaks began last year.astea >> yes. >> what has this meant for youts and your organization? >> what help to us create new program we started the navigating my community programr and partnered with mta a local organization that providess transportation services,er teaching students how too navigate the metro, whether it's the bus or the rail.or the rai so what we did, we provided a lot of training to students to t help them understand thathat process, help them to learn to communicate with their peers, ii there's an issue, learning howow to identify emergencies, thates, type of thing and then our the partnership with mta allowedll
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the community and actually teach them how to catch the rail or ro the bus. >> i know some folks at homesomt might be asking why is that soo important? i mean, you know, we all need to know how to getw to around the city but why is thatt so important for children withhi special needs?sp >> it helps increase their levelly independence.nden we know that when you'ree traveling, you, h you learn howh to travel you can get to work. w you can go to the mall.all. learn how to socialize.ocialize. hang out with your friends. fen get to doctor's appointments.oie so it's very important.orta a lot of times especially in the district students will take other routes that cost moreor money. mo also, the metro is open till, tl you know, 12 or 3:00 depending0e on the day. d so it helps them figure out howt to navigate their community comi without waiting for someone elss to come get them. >> for folks watching right nowg what age group of children areld we talking about? >> so for that particular program.ra. >> yup. >> it was transition age youth y 13 to 26. 2 >> but overall you
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>> birth through 2 >> birth through 26.>> b thank you so much for thethe wonderful work you're doing in this community. >> thank you. >> we really appreciate it.ciat if you want to get more g mor information what's your phoneatu number. (202)678-8067 or www. jasmine taylor director of youty and parent engagement at at advocates for justice.ustice thanks very much for coming inmu and i'm so excited that you'reca partnering with autism speaks. . by the way, guys, our phone o p lines are open.are ope keep calling.alli. 202-895-330202-895-3307 if you e dead dollars you get this cooloo t-shirt jasmine is wearing righi there. that shouldn't be your reason for donating but you can bng buy certainly get it for that.ouge guys, i'll send it back over tor the couch. wisdom, steve?, annie, maureen. >> thank you very much, shawn. if you hear background noised ns it's the sound of caring. >> i love that. >> making donatio>>ns. >> the lot the better.he l all right. time now 9:20.0. coming up n how george mason university paying trick to the p late supreme court justiceay antonin scalia and multi million
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donations that helped make itele happen.. >> later april 1st that meanst s trust nothing on the internetntr coming up later we'll show you y some of the best prank out right ♪ ♪
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he was flicking matches on me... for my life. my ex-husband's intentions were to murder me. glenn: i made sure yvette's abuser went away for good, and put in place tougher sentences, because domestic violence can never be tolerated. yvette: mr. ivey showed compassion. i felt like i could trust him. narrator: glenn ivey. as state's attorney, a proven leader. in congress, he'll combat domestic violence, and protect president obama's legacy. glenn: i'm glenn ivey and i approve this message,
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put more fun in your day with ice-cream-flavored coffees at dunkin' donuts. go for delicious flavors like butter pecan, cookie dough, or new pistachio. enjoy one today. america runs on dunkin'. ♪ >> welcome back.>> welcome back. ti
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and let's talk about a big change on the way for george mason law school. in fact, this is the number one trending story on our rmaealis l news the university has announced tht school will be renamed to honoro the late supreme court justice antonin scalia later this year. renaming comes in light of $30 million in combined gifts given to george mason foundatiod to the george mason foundationan to support the law school.choo a third of that donation around $10 million came from the t charles coke foundation.ou the controversial conservativeot coke family has helpedpe facilitate millions of dollars in donations to colleges in thee united states. state final approval for the name change will have to come fromom the state council of higherhe education for virginia. now, in a statement on then gm website university presidenti angel cabrera said, this is a a milestone moment for the university. these gifts will creates willret opportunities to at tract andtr retain the best and brightestndi students and continue our goalua to make may john one of the pree emanant law schools in the sch country ". >> but it's stillub
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approval by -- b >> they have to approve it to t make any >> okay. a lot of controversy with that t one. >> i wonder why the studentshetu should they not have a voice, ie kind of wonder. won >> i don't think so.>> >> when you make a $30 millionma donation that trumps the thaum students voice.en >> i get it. somehow i kind of feel likel there should have been more s input.ho i didn't give $30 million.30 mii >> did you get to nominate whene you were in college thehe buildings name. n >> other than the wis tom martin facility at jackson state i gott >> you donated 35 cents you goty to step the you will a little bit more. >> of course. but they do have a recliner in n his honor at the jackson state a >> yes. near a restaurant as well.uran >> big timer. >> still ahead we have laughs coming up on good day. last comic standing claytongla english will join us live in the loft. owes in dc and stop by and giveg us a sneak peek at his act on pt the stage.e sge >> american idol down to its its final three contestants and episode. this morning we're sitting downt with the singer who didn't makem the final of the grand finalendf for look back at his idol
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>> muss today we spell champions gwu. >> okay. >> george washington spells ite the old-fashioned way.waold-fas you can reawd around the playera there it actually does spell oul in white font the word champio champions. congrats to the colonials.lonial big nit win.. we'll chat about it coming up much it's 9:26. ♪ much it's 9:26. as a small business owner, you know things have a way of moving fast. but if your network can't keep up, it can really slow you down. so switch to the 100% fiber optic network of verizon fios. you'll get 99.9% network reliability, and the fastest wi-fi available. get fios 50 meg or higher internet and phone for your last chance to get $250 back. hurry, this offer ends soon. call or go online today. small business is better on a better network.
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explore. look beyond the expected. hidden among the trees. there's a special place. where getting away... brings us so much closer. spring into fun and save $50 with an all-inclusive ticket. busch gardens williamsburg. a whole other world awaits. ♪ >> the final person to make i
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>> is la' porsha. >> congratulations la' porsha.s. >> that means we say goodbye to the one and only mackenzie.. >> the final four down to the top three after 15 years they're just three episodes of americani idol left.ef last night mackenzie had to say good boy.od boy. setting up idol's three nightigt grand finale which connect off n next week. ee what's next for the third runner up? for details he's joining ug live from la with a look back at his idol journey.rney. good morning to you. >> good morning, good morning. i thanks for having me.ks for >> we're glad to have you.d to . so first off, how are you a you feeling? i know it's got to bet bittersweet for you at this point. >> yeah, you know it's not evenn bidder. it's just sweet. >> >> i've been nothing but nothing grateful for this journey.s joey so i'm -- i don't know.n't i'm just excited to see what tht future holds. hds >> i want to know about what you take away from something likeetl this. i know you get a lot of memories.oume probably made some friends. frin so what is the most memorablemee part of your journey to this
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point?t? >> the most memorable part onart the show for me is, you know, i got to perform a song i wrote w roses and that was like forike f votes to kind of get to another round, and getting to do thato d and getting voted through, you know, it was kind of, you know,k there wasn't a better feeling i could have asked for than when e did that. >> mackenzie you said lastd l night -- first of all you madeod it look like you're like, okay,a i'm going to just kind of give this one to you because you areu awesome last night even thoughvg i'll kind of step away but youut also said i didn't lose tonightg what did you mean by that? >> yeah, you know, just 'causece there's so many people that, yoa know, love and support me on me different social media platforms that you know those people kindo of make it seem like, likee there's no -- there's no losinge in this competition at this point. po you know i have so many fansanya that really love me and just and kind of want to see me succeed.e is he i just felt like no mattem what happened, you know, i'm kni going to be all
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>> that's suv such a greatsusuch attitude to have. to h moving forward mackenzie what lessons did you learn throughouu the whole idol process you'llssl take it were you moving forwardr into your career? >> just, you know, as cliche ase it sounds just to be myself.. i found that my best moments ons the show when it was just me and a guitar, so i'm kind of justf j sticking to, you know, what iw,a know best and i think that thint really resonates with the people.. >> yeah. >> it sure does.>> i what's next for you after this?s i know idol is doing the idol tour that they normally do in years past.years so will you be -- they're noty'n doing it. >> are you going to be doinge independent tour of your own,too making music? what's next forne you? >> yeah, i'm actually going release roses as my first sing single. >> great. i like that. >> very cool. >> yeah. >> who do you think -- who >> i can't say the label or i li can't say the date yet, but it t will be released.d. >> and we've already heard it which is great.wh who do you think is going to wi now? i know you're kind of a lo pops porsha fan. do y
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is there somebody that you would like to see within at this point?in >> i'm so close to the three ofo them that i don't know if i'dw i like to see anybody win.. we kind of grew so close that,ha you know, i think we're all inll the same mindset, whatever happens, happens. >> is there something that yousu take away from this being the final year for american idol? o mean it's such an amazing showno that created such amazing talent, and is there certain significancesii you feel being part of thist oft final season of american idol? absolute. this has been one of the mostone iconic, you know, shows really in the last 20 years that to be part of this season and kind of just wrapping up this whole whoe experience and i don't know,on'k it's been it's truly been honor to be parp of it. >> we hear from contestants alla the yourself included about how liff changes. but when we get to see thehe hometow
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a chance to go back home, like, what really has changed like are people really treat youreat y differently even back home thant they did few months ago? >> yeah. i used to, you know, go home and get to play basketball like atlt the local gym and i just feel f like if i go back and that thatt now it will be a lot less l basketball an whole lot moreholr pictures.piures that's what, you know, i signede up for. >> crew still have that one guye who will want to body check youk real hard just because. bause i got this, dude. >> you supposed to take supposeo advantage of that.ntage of tha >> absolutely. 'r you're a star now.ou you should abuse them on them ot basketball court because you arb a starau. >> yeah. take that. >> you know who i am part. >> you running things. you're in charge now to theo t basketball court in yourllourt hometown. (laughter).. >> it all goes along with fame.f great attitude to have.e. mackenzie we wish you the best.b we thank you for joining us this morning and we know you got a great career ahead of you asof y well.ll.
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>> absolutely.>> ab looking forward to hearing moreg great stuff. s mackenzie unfortunately gone, either la porsha dalton or trent will be your next american idoln we'll find out who when thenhe grand finale begins nextsex tuesday. it's running for three nightseeg folks. we'll fine out who is crownedro the final champion during the star-studded final em sewed nexe thursday all of it of courseof s right here on fox5. f >> big night. >> oh yeah.>> o >> huge night. night. >> next week is huge.ext >> not going to do that toredo this y so last chance to see the idol contestants together unless they orchestrate something on theirot own.. >> and then keith and j.lo and harry, all gone.. >> harry has a talk show.k s >> they have a ball pack careere >> they got -- >> j.lo -->> j.lo -- >> j.lo i wonder what she'shathe going to too >> maybe she can stop by and s visit.he >> got a seat for her righterig here.. >> no, the seat is over here ove for. tucker barnes, we know where knw your seat s how you doing.oi >> maybe on the trick on theck last day we should a group sickk sing along.sing >> i'm not mh
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>> what do you say? does i'll l tell was, tuck, get to uso u hollywood and we're doing it.oi. >> hollywood, maryland.d. i'll be happy to get you there,e steve.eve. (laughter). >> let's go.>>'s 64 right now or 66 i can see it in washington. washing 70 in annapolis.p. cooler temperatures actually gol some rain and that cooled it off temporarily but i think we'll w' boost the numbers into the midod to upper 70 today's. tay nice warm mild afternoon.fteron even humid out there with that t southerly flow that's reallyy fa been kickin kicking in here thet couple of hours.uple ohou showers and storms moving through in the past hour. theas the heaviest of it just to ourt south and east. east. southern maryland, king georgess county down towardsar fredericksburg, spotsylvaniavana county showers and thunderstormr moved on through now crossing cn the bay out towards salsbury and cambridge. we'll get a break for the nextkh couple of hours maybe a couplehr of sprinkles and mostly cloudy c conditions with a littleait sunshine and again warmer temperatures up ahead of our o cold front but we're still we' waiting for the main event. ent the cold front later thiser afternoon and when that moves ii between probably about three, six, 7:00 o'clock ni
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have the possibility we could du another round of showers and thunderstorms across the area.ta so just keep that naped.hat nap keep an umbrella handy here.ere. much of your day will be cloudyo warm and muggy as that cold that front comes through later thisgi afternoon showers and stormsn er back in the forecast.n fore severe weather we've already a seen some very strongerstrong thunderstorms to our south thiso morning.rning so that's been realized but jusb want to give you heads up againa we could be dealing withli with additional gusty winds with thaa cold front later today.nt later heavy downpours.. haven't had reports of hail butb a possibility and of course cloud to ground lightning herehg as that cold front comesntom through. here's a look at future cast.atf i want to point out couple coupl features. so this is what we're looking an right now get a break middayid here comes that cold front thish afternoon. again, feature cast doesn't lovt it i'll put it out there.uthe showers and storms. i know we have a game down at nats park at 6:00. 6 i think we'll get that in.t there might be a shower at the e onset of that game and then then overnight tonight early top morning the front hangs up and we'll see some showers redevelov along that early tomorrow tomorw morning when you get up tomorroo cloudy skies, and pro
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shower activity for parts of ths area here through nine, 10,e, 11:00 o'clock tomorrow morning,i then we'll clear it out. i then the cooler temperaturestu move in and they're here to stay with reinforcing shot of coldfol air. look at that. snow flurries flying by saturdar afternoon in northwest pence.ene there's your seven day. d 78 today. tay showers and storms few showers tomorrow morning. we'll get it out of here. here. then here comes cold air.. sunday's daytime high 52. hig 5 78 today. today. 52 on sunday. have to love the early springpr season with that kind of changeg in temperatures.ra all right, guys, i'll toss it i back to you. >> it better wash the pollenle away and it will be all good. >> i have people tweeting meetge about that.abthat >> don't be surprised if you se people partying in foggy bottom that's because george washington university the colonials have al lot to celonebrate the men's m basketball team beat balancealan post 76-60 to win their firstst nit championship.hi their victory came last night at the madison square garden. kevin lawson 18 points.s. senior tyler cavenaugh was namew
9:38 am gw felt snubbed because theye t didn't get into the ncaa butet they went into the nit and putnd in some work there. t had a school record 28 victories last night marks their first tht post season championship of anya kind in school history but in this region there have been five championship teams, teams,, organizations, schools,.ools >> gw, maryland women. >> not including gw. >> maryland, maryland women i'mn out.. (laughter). >> just college and pros. >> wizards.>> wizards >> yup. that's you just named named >> come on young ladies.omon yod >> the redskins.>>he r >> yup, that's four. >> and -- washington castles.ass >> not the caps. t cap >> not considering the caps. >> i was throwing a curve ball. >> you're missing the obvious one.e. >> georgetown hoyas.eo >> and not including gw. gw >> now we have six. now we have >> when the caps within the cupp it will be seven. >> there you go.>> when the nats within the worldhr series -- so on and and so on.. >> what's in your cup??
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guys. this went along with what youon g re saying, wis. he said, look, they kind of felt snubbed they didn't get in thedi ncaa tournament.ou we'll play the team ahead us and take this as far as we can and e keep on winning as far as we caa go all the way to the >> the coach is like such an s mazing guy.mazi >> local guy, too.>> loc >> from bowie. bie dc area.dcrea. >> he's a very nice guy. niceuy met him at a golf tournament onn time. verifies man. i wouldn't be surprised if he si got some phone calls. cal >> i'll bet. i'll t >> to other schools. >> good for him.>> >> and see what happens withhapp him. nice guy.ce g congratulations to >> all right. let's talk about d.c. may tiff y getting a chance to revitalize his career close to where it all began.bega two time pro ball tight endig e vernon davis agreed to one yeare deal with the burgundy and gold. 32-year-old a graduate of dunbae high school and played threed seasons at the university of maryland.maryla davis spent nearly 10 years wits the 49ers before joining the the broncos last season and got aot super bowl ring out of it.inout last season davis had combined m 38 catches for 395 yards and noo touchdowns
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but he had to the redskins who need insurance given jordan read's injury history.y histo general manager of the seasonsg was the 49ers vp of personnel pn player personnel when vernon wa drafted. >> they got a history together.t >> they got some historyhey goty together. >> he sees the potential there for a little resurgence maybency towards the end of a career. cee but if this is the end of career for vernon davis how awesome yoy spend a couple of months withmo one team and you get super bowl >> i know. i know.i kn >> how many players dan marino spent their whole career witheeh somebody and never got a ring. r >> is this a good move for the burgundy and gold.d. >> very low risk. very they don't have anything to losg here. >> nothing to lose. >> off guy who at one importanta was dominant and could still beb dominant and if not, you got got another guy whose there who'stho one of the best in the league.ta >> right. rht >> okay. >> because jordan reid healthlth issues. so, you know., u kn >> veteran leadership is alwayss good.. >> next time we take about i'll regurgitate everything you justn said. off guy that's a veteran.. >> it's not a $300 million0 miio
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it's one-year deal.ear del >> let me write it down.e it d >> signing a back up, betterr backup doesn't mean you'll within a super bowl. aer b >> signing a veteran backup. bku >> committing it to memory.g it still ahead in the fox beat benn affleck back at batman makingnak sure of it.sure of it. >> you got to do it like this. e >> i'm >> you already smiled.mi you're out. >> don't corrupt annie.orru i'm a guest today.m a we'll tell you why plus the movie prank that had kevin k geeking out. >> kevin us what this the great at the time prank of all time. >> not really. i'm batman!
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look, i know you're a cow and all. and you may not know what i'm talking about, but, uh. the yogurt made from your milk, is delicious. mmmm, yoplait.
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♪ >> hello >> i think of batman when i heah this song. >> you do. >> not at all.>> at >> i was wondering if i missed e something. >> i love this song. l good to see you guys thisyoguys morning.mornin >> good to see us as well.l. >> batman versus superman huge success at the box office. off critically it didn't do well.t l i like it i thought it was a it great action movie.actiov wisdom you like it.ou like it. >> like it.>> >> i thought ben affleck was ina my opinion the best pat batman since michael keaton. christian bal the best bruce wayne. ben affleck has the best batmann voice.. >> alfred was amazing. >> injury my myers was amazingya as when the car hit soup mermanoupm that scene is amazing. amazi >> you were all in. >> four out of five.f >> relish the moment this thetht first time i've ever heardvear wisdom on the same page with y
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you. >> agreed. >> on a movie. >> lex louder was terrible. >> we agreed on that.e >> aagnd so was lois >> low weigh wis lane story line was bad. b we're on the same page. p we were in a tweet war about ito on the other day.eray >> bromance going on. >> speaking of bromance we'll wl see some more ben affleck as as batman obviously they're doingsg figure league part one and two.. he'll make a cameo in suicide si squad as welcoming out in augusn which is like the super villainn beginning. affleck apparently now haspa written a full batman script fo solo stand alone batman movie. now, affleck is a amazing film maker he did the town working on dennis will he he wasn't movie right now. i would love to see him direct i batman what do you guys think.hi >> i think he would be a perfect batman director. >> i agree with you. i agr i think he's brilliant.nt i'm eager to see it.oee what's up with all the movieshes with the super >> they make a ton of money. ofn it's a good question one of thet things people say are we getting
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overloaded?erlo >> i feel as though i am.l houg >> you would think that but then batman versus superman has a $420 million global opening.. so --so >> that means we want more.or >> right. >> he's going to do toe >> i hopeless doesn't go awayn'a because we're getting so >> i agree. i do think that they're fining n little super hero movies to make here and there they want to keee doing. doin i do think marvel -- >> they're testing us with antnt man. >> i loved ant man.>> ied a i loved ant man.d ant man. >> of course did you.f co >> ant man was awesome. ame >> the problem --- >> wisdom doesn't agree with y you. >> captain america civil warmerc will have ant >> i'm almost intimidated to set one but i haven't seen the otheh ones.ones i feel like i'll miss out.sut references to this and that.nd this character.ct i just want to see a movie i cac understand without having to seo 15 other movies first.. >> as annie is saying, i think i she brings up a good point muchm it's a question is there too tho much because we still want thest hard hitting dramas. the problem is, the dramas don'd do that well at the box office.f like these original dramas, it's
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these actors like will smith and the denzels and like dicaprio dp they do well at the box officeic but when they put -- forut- example, suicide squad.. will smith will be in will smith hasn't had hit at tht box office in a long time. tim but that movie will do well w because it's super hero film. >> long dramatic movie calledove titanic that did really well.y w >> drama do's well.>> drama do' i'm not saying they don' tyo but i'm just saying super heroeh films are where it's at rights t now. it really is. >> as a society we are more into escape i now. n >> sure. >> that's why titanic came outao we were more cerebral. cerebra >> easy get for the studios. >> they can promote them so mucm because they'll get the money m we're guilted in seeing them.g t >> they have to do them well.m l dead pool changed the game of o super hero i want to see more of affleck. >> ghost busters for fans -- this is april fool's prank the company released a statementtatt claiming they really created a proton pack for
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product designed to catch ghostt just like in the movie. but it doesn't really existy ex obviously it's all part of an o april fool's prank.s prank aside from the prank, you will get an actual new ghost busts bs movie in july of this year. so i would love to have one ofoo >> i'm sure you would. >> i had the peak one as a kid.a >> glad he told me it was fake. >> who would thought that was >> fox beat free friday within t four tickets to see the wizardsr host the hornets at verizont rio center april 10th government to the contest page on foxdc.c two winners april 4th this prize proximity retail value of $108 and it is provide besidees monumental sports. s good luck.gooduck. time right now 9:48.:4 we'll check back in with shawn yancy and the team from autismrs speaks coming up next.g up n phone lines are still open.pen. give them a call. 202-895-3307. you can also text donate a $10 auto mat tick donation if youn f text the number
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word autism. see in you a minute. ♪ they say character is what you do when no one is watching. david trone banned the box so people who've paid their debt to society could have a chance. and fought so hard for criminal justice reform, they named a center after him. and because education was his way out david offered it free to employees. and over 14 years ago began offering them partner benefits. evening the playing field has always been david's mission. in congress it'll be his job. it's not how you run, it's how you live.
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and i approve this message.
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♪ welcome back everyone.omback fox5 d.c. cares has been h partnering with autism speaksisk all week long to feature fea families living with the joysthy and the challenges of autism. as this morning we're asking you ty take part in our telethon andel donate to autism the number is right there on rig your screen as you can see the e phone banks aren't busy enough.g give them a call 202-895-3307. your donation will help autism speaks accomplish so much.isso . they fund research, they helphel local people living with autism, and one of those people is phil martin if you have seen hour hou facebook page this week you'll l recognize phil. p he's been sharing his digitalal video diaries with us and he's d live in the lot of this morningm to join us.tooin phil, thanks so much for being b here. >> thank you for allowing me to be here. >> let's let people know youet p have asbergers syndrome. >> yes. tell when you say you were diagnosed and what thet difference it made in your lifel >> i was diagnosed pretty lateep in life i was diagnosed when i was aboua 15 or 16 years old. o i had to struggle withgl w communication all my life. life but it wasn'
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fourth year of ninth grade inrai high school. schoo when the school system assumedau that i just want to do not be in school. and that's when they decided tod have me tested and that's when w away diagnosed with asbergers as well as school phobia and adhd.a >> it made a big impact on you n at first you weren't quite suree how to take this diagnosis. >> yeah.ea because i was so stuck on what i had heard growing up a referencr to special education schools sos and, you know, different size o the it made me almost ashamed of the diagnosis. it made me not want to telll people. i didn't want to go to school.oo i didn't want to get on the buss i didn't want to be associatedsa with anything that would put mem somewhere other than being likeg everybody else. >> you have grown so much.h. >> yes. yes >> you are now 26 years old.ld. >> yes. >> tell everybody what you doev for a living.r a ling. >> so i am dispatcher -- ems i tell ambulances where to go. . as well as a photographer and ii do some public affairs work forr the volunteer fire department in
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prince george's county.ce g >> talk a little bit about youry photography work because he's ar phenomenal photographer.tographe we have some pictures from your website. and you also do special pictures for autism speaks. tell us about those pictures.ic >> i did.. i recently had the chance tohant travel across the country aboard amtrak. and through autism speaks they e were able to connect me with wh individuals across the countryou who are also on the spectrum. and attempt to share theirha stories and the reason i did the project is because of i had co-workers and friends frien continuously telling me i didn't have autism.m because they didn't know whatn'a autism was.ti w so i wanted to share everyone'sn story to see that autism justust isn't that one picture you thint of when you hear it. >> um-hmm. what do you want folks out o there? there are many parentsan out there who may be have bav children and not quite sure what's going on. gng o and then they get the diagnosis. you were diagnosed as a teenag teenager. what do you want them to know? t i mean because mheany people are afraid of that word. they label autism or asbergers is something other
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just because they don't know. >> the best thing i can suggestg is utilize every resource you have. i was lucky enough to go to a school where they prepared you y for what happened after school.. so there were building blocks,io so by the time that i actually graduated, they had, you know,ok they treated us like employees,s not like students.dent so we kind of had to be on our o own. we had to pay bills in schooloo and pay for things in schooln sl that was money they funded mon through us like as a paycheck.. but it was great and so that's o the best thing. thi use every resource.erres >> i want to bring in one of your biggest prides and joyss j because we want people to know w lot of people think when youink have autism or asbergers theyrse don't know what's going tohat's happen next in life.ppenext in . this is your girlfriend angelica beautiful baby boy bryce. boy b let me ask you real quick whatt are your biggest challenges orgo fears about being a dad?? >> with having there communication key missing or lagging a little bit, it makeses me nervous that there's going tg b
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i'm not going to be able to helh him with, not going to be able to face situation where is he may say i want my dad to come tc and talk, you know, to an entirr school, and i can't deal with wt all the different facialnt fac expressions and people in thes n audience i can't do it. it's a fear. f it's a fear i'm not going to beg able to a perfect dad to him to because of autism. autis i know i'm going to t i'm not going to stop trying bub that is my fear.that >> you'll be great. angelica real quick what do youu want the folks to know aboutw ao loving a person with autism autm grown up with asbergers? >> you know, it's the same asams loving anybody else. els um, at first i was like, he has autism, what is that? likeike what -- how am i supposed too know and learn a person like that? um, but he just -- he-- just turn out to be so loveable and i've grown to enjoy his presence and he's just -- oh, o god let me not get righ
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>> i understand. >> we are out of timeare t of unfortunately.unrt >> okay. >> i'm so glad that you bothad t were able to come in and sharens your journey. bryce, you getting in, too. wonderful beautiful family. fil thank you guys so much. i wish all the best. bes. >> thank you for having me. >> call us 202-895-3307.. guys, back to you. great opportunity. orlk more in the 10a. m coffee time on good day d.c. ifc you want one of our cool coffeef mug we have a brand new one toet give away perfect cup for the great dunkin' donuts cup ofuts o coffee head to fox5/contest or o facebook page one lucky winner w shrek beside random. rdom you have from 11am to enter.nt back with the 10a next.
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♪ >> 10a all over the hottestll o trending stories this friday. >> dress like beyonce'. queen b gets ready to drop a nen clothing line a surprising surpr tattoo.oo and does derek jeter have a neww gig? >> get ready to laugh.>>et r he won the last comic standing.g live in the loft clayton engli english. >> he makes everyone from kerry washington to angela basset b looks flawless and he joins usei live to give us his secretse looking stunning. stunn >> let's do this.>> the 10a starts right now. ♪ >> he's singing, too. >> i want one of these. >> we want to make sure the t phones never stop ringing forpng the next one hour of the we'llfe be here until noon but keep thee >> i just got the word we raised $5,000.$5,0 >> whoo! >> we need your help. the e first 68 callers right noh will get one of these teddyseed bears.bes. the first 68 cal
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call 202-895-3307. >> this is for motivation right who is this .shawn.who is this s >> this is theha cutest martin. this is bryce martin cutest marm tin in the loft this morning.. >> it means we're making a mak a difference. keep these phones rinking. p keep the money coming in. in. autism speaks is who we'rehoe're working towards raising moneyaiy for. they've got wonderful programsnm you've heard incredible stories this week. shawn yancy you have brought ouo the water works for me.. >> yeah. >> touching moving thank you to everyone sharing sg your personal polite. >> you can bring annie and put little martin down.n >> all right.. let's head on over to the couchu can i take my bear with me?it >> come on.>> ce on. >> we got to pay some >> come with me. >> come with me. >> okay.>> o >> phone number to callne n 202-895-3307. gets phone calls in. calls we want to kite running allng morning long of the taking calli until noon for the next hourr you'll be able to hear the phone ring us with us.ring uwith thanks for staying with us fortt the 10a.
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we're doing with autism speaks,s which is great so far, as shawns just mentioned $5,000 raised sod far, we have a long way to go,he though. we want to keep those donationst coming in this it's also april fool's day. d april 1st.april 1st. welcome dot news m the pranks are running rampant.t take a look how netflix is is getting in on the fun. when you log in today this isayi what you will see. y everything dedicated to john stamos. >> yeah! y >> uncle jesse. >> oy companies yogurt. >> open recommendations aroundos uncle jesse. the sight teasing a documentarya about stamos set to april 31st 3 which doesn't exist. >> derek jeter fans got a shockk yesterday.yeerda australian baseball team tweetee out a picture of jeter holding a jersey captioned massive news ew yankees legend derek jeter has r sign as player coach for the 2016-17 season. sea >> oh, no.>> oh, >> the tweet was sent last night in australia it was alreadydy april 1st down under.nder >> okay. >> they're ahead of us.y'read o obviously jeter is not going ton
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but the yankees got a kick out c of it they tweeted australian team bank saying good one.g goo. >> they should have tweeted andd said derek jeter is going to geg married. >> that would have been good.d a >> you're right. you're right. >> player, player. pla >> our viewers even are into are april fools. kathy dotson center us a video of her husband getting pranked by stepson michael.ic he filled jd's garage withh packing peanuts. >> love it. >> april fool'.pril fool' >> that's classic. that'assi >> he says michael is always ouo to get jd2 years ago he coveredo his truck with aluminum foil. f last year post it notes.t notes this year the packing peanuts.. >> nice.>> >> you can tell he just openedhj the door, too. there's snowing down.n >> if you know it's comingf you aren't you looking for it? >> yeah. y kind of like all right, where it it this year.hi. >> you don't know where is goink to be. you don't know when the going ti happen. happen. >> but you're 82 ready.ut y >> it might be happening to youi now, wis. you never know. >> whole show. >> could be. we want to know what your aprill fool's pranks. prank the pranks you've pulled orane things that happened to us.ppeno
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how you're celebrating this days today. time is now 10:05 it's time to e check and see what's trending.rn first up the death of had a deea influential iraqi britt fish architect known for her daring r and ambitious designs and theoun dem of britt dish comedian ronnie -- i can't pronoun thecao last name. both are big talkers for our area today. tay incredible story of a seven weew old baby boy abductioned fromonf philadelphia area shopping malll and later found safe. saf >> wow. w >> heart warming move by onee b restaurant to put refrigerators outside their patrons to leave their leftovers in for the needy who are also get -- also gaining steam onng s social media. >> that's nice idea. >> finally, federal judges strike down mississippi law thal would a banned same sex couplesc from adopting saying it violatee equal protect clause of the constitution and that's what'ssa 10ing in washington t
10:06 am take look at some other topicsic right now. >> a lot of people talking aboup the electric car luxury for thee masses tesla finally unveilingai its new c the pre orders are pouring in. people were lined up outside the tesla motor shop yesterday intos d.c. >> have you seen this isn'tis people lined up outsideside dealership.deer >> not nor a car.>> notor a >> jordan in the car world. w >> >> right. the must haves. >> except they wouldth be $35,00 jordans. >> and this is a sweet ride. >> a lot people put down $1,000$ before they saw what the car the would look like. l here it it was unveiled last night. nig it's a model 34 door sedan se electric car featuring twoin trunks so there you go lots of t trunk space in the front and thd back because it's electricri motor.tor. a glass roof and one electricc charge will get you 215 miles. l about twice as far as tesla's ts main competitors so far.tors s no gas engine in this.s for a back up much it's not n hybrid. it's electric.'s electric. the price tag $35,000.,0 a third the cost of their other vehicles.
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that are incentives.ti you know, driving hov lanes, lan despite the fact the model threr will not be available until thea end of next year tesla has taket in more than 100,000 pre ordersd some of those coming in from tht one dreads of folks who lined ud outside the dc dealership >> pretty cool. >> it better be quite a car if f get in and have to sleep outsidt to get it. to g >> that car doesn't look veryr v big. >> i'm curious as the trunk cur space. >> but they give you you. >> and then the back as well. >> how big it. >> if you got family you'll bem cramped that's the bottom line.l >> no engine. no gas more room to, you know, p gut yr bags and whatever else you got.. >> that's not the car you rollsh with your family you just posting, check me out. okay.ok next up, something else that will be in high demand beyonce'e diving into the fashion busine business. the music diva launched her newh athletic clothing line. this is a pro mowing al videoal watching from new line called ivy park. 200 piece active wear collection a jo
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company called top shop.ed t you probably heard of that. of the new line will debut apri april 14th and dry beyonce' bone had herbie-swooning over her ele magazine cover. she looks good. g rare interview she talked aboute her fashion line freedom andnd feminism. you can start looking for thear may issue ont april 6 she's also on the cover of luk magazine give your fix ofyo fix beyonce' on all fronts. fro >> i physical was. when there's somebody of her of statue looking for that clothino if you'rely clothing line theyet partners with you hit thet lottery.loery >> i'm surprised they didn't dot it sooner. s >> doesn't chef the shrine. s >> i think it was her mom thatt did the line. >> the house of derriere. >> was it >> the house of derriere soundsu a lot better. >> it does, right?? >> put a patent on that, annie.e >> the house of derriere.. >> fashion line. >> i know. i want in on that one.t o i want some of that. th >> it is, no. no. we'll have to google that, mo. m >> an opportunity for marketingi camp
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>> the house of derr your. how could you possibly go wrongo >> we'll get to the bottom ofett that. >> yes, we will.>> y, we sticking with fashion hereh fash there's now a pair of red bottoms for every shade. s i love this. lou why vuitton introduced the t new collection introducing flats that match seven skin tones he'h gooding in on the game. they already have a newew collection. they expanded it to allow a larger expectation.xp no matter your ethnicity you cac find a shoe to match yourat your complex. ballerina flat call the stoleheo let sophia it costs $595 whichih is kind of a fosterrable for f louie vuitton. vui they're usually like 795 and and above.abe. >> here's the thing.>> i would pay that for heels butth not flats. fts five knife? i don't know.? iw. that's a bit much.that'sit m >> as you're driving your teslaa your $35,000 tesla wearing the beyonce' outfit you can wear the $55 --5 -- >> $595. >> you'll have to upgrade youroe car game.rame. >> that's ue
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>> shocker i don't know my entire shoe collection costs $595.$5 that's probably not a shocker. o a lot of flip-flops in the closet.clos >> wisdom tell the >> he'sdo a sure couldn't sewers >> shoes and derrieres. >> i'm snorting. oh, no. more shoes to tuck about. uggs -- they're not hideous.ideo >> lucrative. i think they're pretty hideous.. >> i thought yours looked cuteke yesterday. >> i didn't say they don't lookn cute on you. they're hideous on the shelf. se let me pontificate on this. the shapeless go comfy shoes are huge earners according to thersc company's 2015 sales report.t far from fading into fashiono obscurity ads asp predicted and some -- actually prayed for them to fail. uggs sales were up 12-point 6% in 2015. to a whopping $2 billion.2 bill some people suggest th
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simple reason behind the boots endurance they are profoundlyy comfortable and an easy go to for women in the winter.r. >> amen. >> are they talking about they specific brand or the knock offs too.o >> no. no. >> the uggs brand. us >> uggs will feet your feet warm. thugs will not. >> that's what oy got in mywhat house for my caughts.aughts >> those will start talking toln you after a few months.s >> really? >> it's better to invest in nicn pair of shout out to uggs. uggs. >> yeah, wisdom. they don't cost that much.on't you can spend a little money. >> really?eall >> how much do real uggs cost. >> around one their, 120. >> your daughter's are probably cheaper because she golt smallts smaller >> i'll pass on that. on that. >> don't keep wearing yourri y >> i can wear 10 pair of thugs for that. >> we need tone list chris' help for this newt.. blackout toot twos is gaining g traction on social media.. it's more than the tribal armril band lower back at a timeack whatever you want to get for f your ink. people are getting huge sections
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of that are bodies completelyomt filled in with black ink.k these are photos posted tosos instagram showing off the quotee unquote blackout effect.t. now, if you're thinking aboutnk jumping on the blackout bandd wagon healing can be delayedal with large tattoos like this t that means scarring is mores m likely, also, demtologistslogi actuaactually warn if you coverr your skin completely like this, it makes it more difficult tolto detect things like skin cancer. >> sure. chris, what do you think aboutdy it? would you go full blackoutl or not. b >> maybe like an arm thing likek that but not like my entire chest.ches >> yeah. >> or anything like that.anth >> i wonder can you do it with henna maybe as test try? would that work. wor >> i still --- >> it won. >> i won personally. i p >> okay. o that seems like a long time toet be sitting there while somebody --body -- >> it would be excruciatingat painful, too.ful,oo it's boring for the tattoo tato artist because --se- >> it's one color ink. c >> it's one color and you havee to hit every single space. space >> it would just be so boring. >> that's when like if it's internet paint i just go for th big paint brush and swath itnd s
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over. >> 100%. >> you can't do that with ink. thanks, chris.ks, s. >> chris our resident tattoot tt expert. you better thing before you inkk according to one new survey news employers still hate tattoos.stl 60% of human resource managers n say visible ink would reflect bad and on a candidate in a job interview.rvw this one would not be a goode g thing for most human resource ru managers if you want to rise above the other potential potti candidates. >> you can wear long sleeves. >> stelai ahead at 10a the winner of last comic standing in the house today to give us belly laughs this friday. friday. >> all right. first we'll check back in withlk shawn yancy and the team from autism speaks.aks phone lines still open.till ope don't forget you can text asan x well to donate the numbers forus both are on the screen. scree you're watching good day at 10a. we'll be rye back.e ♪
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go for delicious flavors like butter pecan, cookie dough, or new pistachio. enjoy one today. america runs on dunkin'. ♪ welcome back everyone.e ba fox5 dc cares partnering with autism speaks all week long tort feature local families livingil with the joys and challengeshage with autism.wiutis we're asking to take part in our telethon and donate to autism speaks. the number to call right nowl rt 202-895-3307. gets those rings rinking inki you're having trouble calling il go to our website there's link right there on ourn home page or actually tech theeh word autism to the phone
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25383.3. autism speaks accomplish so much in our community.ur comty they fund research, they helphep local families and they givey gv grants to local organizationsato including warren retrievers andd the owner dan warren is here h live with us along with adorable puppies to tuck about sometimest a four leg friend can go a long way.way thanks so much for joining us u this morning we've dot adorable guys with ust this mor >> absolutely. >> dell us about warren abo retrievers and what you do. >> warren retrievers is a not for profit charitable organization that provides service dogs that are haveav unique abilities like autism orm the disabled.led we deal with autism service dos dogs, diabetic alert dogs,lerts, seizure response. our veterans with tsd or children that endured trauma int their lives.eir >> i noticed most of the dogss are retrievers. >> that's right.>> t tell me why you guys usery refers.. >> we use lab retrievers andri golden retrievers mainly because highly trainable.high t eager to please.. heritage breeds we know the
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and our program we do a lifetimm health guarantee all the dogs ws provide. >> you guys have been working with aut bism speaks for longor time. >> we have. >> tell us the benefits of having one of these dogs for a a child or someone who has autism. >> you know, generalities ben ifs f it's from better sleeping patterns increase social enter actions better reading skillng l sets with complete sentences sen using pronounce.nounce redirections from repetitive orr self harming behaviors.. fewer melt downs due to lessoes frustration, anxiety or anger.. >> he sees somebody over there.. i think he sees wisdom martin. (laughter).. >> from wandering or owe lope l many style tendencies or helpini better cope with crowds, site, sound, texture, sensoryre, en processing itself.processing its one our videos most recently evidenced 7.5 million views went viral from one of our dogs protecting a child from going fi into the street with wandering.g >> how awesome.weme. awesome.e >> we have a lot of familiess watching right now living withiw
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>> sure. >> how do they get in contactett with you to learn if this is ths right thing for them and theirnr families. >> absolutely. you can go to our website that's sdwr.or or call us 54454 thee 2307.. our organizations national natia organization we have a primaryea focus of north america and wend travel directly to each of our clients there's never one that t these travel to us.e travel t >> let me ask you real quick about the training program. is there another way that peoplo can get involved in train the t dogs. dogs >> you always have shortages vohalunteers as any not for n f profit. hard to lock at these guys andts say you wouldn't love to help volunteer.eer you can be a pull volunteeroler puppy racers. they come into our organizationo the key point of our dogs fors f good nine, 18 months of age. >> wow. >> they work with our trainingig staff check in witnessf ch organization and they reallynd help lay the foundation for our >> i'm sorry.'m s >> i couldn't resist
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>> someone can keep the doing dg for 18 months.8onth >> that's right. that'gh >> we're so glad that you guys y came in. you guys are doing wonderful w things and thank you fornk you f partnering with autism speak.pek >> our pleasure. >> we really appreciate it. a >> thank you guys.pp t thank you puppies.k ppie >> take care. care. >> thank you doggies for comingi in. guys, back over to you.ckver tou i'll stay here and lost puppiess >> can you bring one of those te puppies over >> this one likes wisdom.wism >> i can take them over.. >> steve wants to know --o know >> bring him over o >> are they cute. they . >> my goodness we're going to gi the dogs.thgs >> hi, bobo. bo >> you guys are the cutest.t. >> don't mess their stuff up.irp >> oh, my gosh. >> wisdom he was trying to like -- like -- >> dogs love me. >>m dogs love me. (laughter).r) >> hi, puppy. >> big dogs. >> he'll get on you. y >> it's friday, it's the end ofo the day it's okay. o >> we play with the dogs keepdoe those phones rinking i don't d hear them ringing.ging >> y keep the phones 202-895-330202-895-3307 is the o call. every donation makes a
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difference. we are back right after this. >> great photo right there. thee >> thank you.nk you ♪ ♪ find fantasy shows. when it comes to the things you love, you want more. love romance? get lost in every embrace. into sports? follow every pitch, every play and every win.
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change the way you experience tv with x1 from xfinity. wall street. the nra. they're powerful. they usually get their way. but not with democrat donna edwards. she won't take cash from wall street banks. and when washington insiders wrote a loophole to let the nra spend dark money to kill gun safety laws, donna edwards said 'no' she's fighting to ban assault weapons and putting the safety of our communities first. because to democrat donna edwards, the special interests aren't special. we are. women vote! is responsible for the content of this advertising.
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♪ >> 10:23 right now. happening right not newark collar security summit continues at the washington convention center. the president hosting more than 50 world leaders outside of the center some demonstrators are gathered. bob barnard is>> 1 st omo willing us noticesot
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it's the last day. theast bob, good morning.bob, good >> reporter: good morning,orr: o steve. we just had a collision betweenb two trucks making the turn heree there are street closures and aa lot of traffic tie ups becausepc of that.ofhat. dc police and secret service ser police are here trying to keep e things moving and trying tryingt to keep people at bay.le abay. you see over here some ofe me traffic coming down on 11th o11 street into the city. massachusetts avenue is closedee here as well. and across the street here you o have a small group ofup of protesters, they are protestingn the chinese government which is participating in this summit.g that's a small group of folks.ff across the street, many more who are here supported by the by chinese government.ovnm some crit text say they'vet actually been paid by thely bee chinese government to come downd from new york and philly andll some people from around thisun i area all wearing red vests and a here in a sense supporting theit chinese government.ent. one of the parents pants in thin nuclear security summit which is happening today down at theayow convention center at theter at t marriott marquis here, and a again, just a lot of traffic tif ups as they bring the the delegations in and they keep
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these two opposite sides of theo chinese government protests herh at bay here at 11th and massachusetts avenue. a lot of tie ups in the heart oe downtown. guys. guys >> all right, bob barnard thank you for that update. no one injured i'm hoping'mp from that accident, right, bob? >> reporter: no.orter: no. just two trucks trying to makenm the turn.. they collided. but traffic is a mess. >> all speaking of a mess it is littlee messy out there.ou let's check in with tucker barnr >> hey, steve. steve. some rain showers moving througg even thunderstorms about an houh ago. we're getting a break live shott downtown showing just cloud jus cover out there, we'll get mild temperatures. warm temperatures.rm tperatu upper 70 today's. t be on the look out fore lo out additional round of showers and thunderstorms this afternoon ash our cold front really starts tot press on through.on t. 64 now in washington.ngto little witness rain cooledai temperatures there. there. dulles 65. bwi marshall 60. that's rain shower activityower activity that we had about anboa hour ago. a you can see it very quickly qck pushing offshore there. up into new jersey and we'll get a bit of a lull here maybe somem sprinkles or a few light showers and then later this afternoon ao the actual cold front arrivesntv you can start to see the rain
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showers breaking out in extremee western maryland. we could do another round ofnd showers and potentiallyly thunderstorms and again earlierr we had some strong thunderstormd we could do that again laterin t this afternoon. as we've got very warm and almost tropical air in place. p under a marginal risk for severr weather earlier we had winds reportedly gusting over 40 milei an hour potential for 60 plus pu mile per hour winds.rin heavy downpours, small hail anda additional cloud to groundonalud lightning. keep an eye on the forecast kine of mid to late afternoon for those thunderstorms. all right. later tonight, we'll dry it outt for that nationals game during the evening hours, we'll havee'h few left over showers tomorrow morning, and then by tomorrowy t afternoon, we should break out k in sunshine but much comelier.r 62 saturday in the 50s low 50s and windy around here on sunday. so don't quite put away thehe winter gear quite yet.te yet you'll want it sunday afternoono and monday morning.ay mor guys, that's the late defendant from downstairs i want to say down
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i'll toss it up to you.. >> still ahead on good day, doed a comedian want to be hot orot r funny.nn >> on tv is a good point.dnt >> they just want to be.juant clayton english -- english - >> that's good thing, too. >> clayton english winner of thf last coming standing.tandng he's live in the loft. l you're going to get a sneak peep of this show in d.c. coming upup that's nice jersey. >> there's no back. >> back in a moment.
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narrator: all that political mail mlet's simplify.lming. only one candidate has been endorsed by the washington post: kathleen matthews. as a journalist and progressive leader at marriott, she has a broad and deep facility with policy. emily's list praises matthews as pro-choice and the post says on gun control, clean energy, education and health research kathleen matthews "has greater potential, following the van hollen model, to move the ball forward." kathleen: i'm kathleen matthews and i approve this message.
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>> the key to talking to women,a fellas we got slow down.e you got to be when they ask you questions youu don't have the answer to slownso them down like a politician.olia she come n where were you? what -- -- >> hold on. (laughter).augh. >> first of all, let the recordc show i pay the bills in here. (applause).(app >> you asked me a question. qst i was gone. i was out.i now i'm back.ack. that's my time. clayton english. >> appreciate you.>> a >> that was pretty g a littleet president obama right there.a rr that's a clip from comedian coma leighton english winning set onn the nbc hit last comic stan stan 2015 champion and he's tourly t the country every since thenincn much this weekend he's bringingn his talents to the d.c. improv.p first though he's right here. >> yeah. >> hi. h. >> ya'll live in the morning.or i like it. >> we heard your obama rightard there. >> yes. >> how did you come up with y thatou? >> i just watching him,,m i watch, you
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president obama i had watch himh obama if you're watching, man, come out to the white house.teou >> he watches. >> on the basketball i go out there. >> you go out o out t >> he's not too presidential too get dunked on.ed >> i was going to say. >> you get jammed on obama.. >> you answered the question.thn >> secret service might come oue and block his shot. s he wasn't even playing. >> right. >> shoot the basketball, jumper, you know all that kind of stufff happening. >> right. tell us -- you're in town.ou'riw you'll be at the improv. >> d.c. a great club.a grt cl my first time time there.he super packed last night.astig saturday is already sold out.d o get your tickets. yeah, yeah.eah. >> okay.>> >> now, you've been to d.c.u'veo before. your from atlanta. you've been to d.c. before.efe. >> um-hmm.>> >> when you come to town.n yo we know about politic.out politc you get your material fromrialro anywhere, >> i try to pull from everythi everything. >> ya'll hear that. >> i mllean -- ya'll good. g i don't necessarily pick on specific people.e. (laughter).
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turning. >> i'm always, arc lost my comedy somebody is based oned o reality stuff i've experienced.c some of the super silly stuff.tu some it's political.polal stuff stuff is about is i think it's something foretng f everybody.everyb >> the audience in a club or the audience on a show like lastik l comic standing you know they'ree looking at you differently than just looking for laughs? >> honestly i think they thehe t same.. because that the end of the dayh it's an audience that's how i'mw able to do my comedy witnessomss audience there. i didn't worry about the judgesd last comic standing. snd i was just happy there were w people in the crowd because i knew how to work with them. t i know i can make them laugh.m l >> you're still performing toil the audience.aunce. >> yeah, yeah, ba i don't dodon that. i don't do that in real life.eal i don't have three peopleee p sitting higher than everybodyn e else with lights on them.m. taking notes while i'm perfor performing. >> big show this weekend.w we'll sit on the side.thon t sid >> people do that. tha >> you can do it because itecse don't matter now. there's no output. >> what sort of opportunitiesori has that opened up for you. for do you get
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is it mortaring gigs. g >> definitely a lot mortaring.ta i got development deal with nbcc i'm working on that now abouthaa this time next year hopefullyopy we'll get the ball rolling. my nine to get it to pilot and a so that's going ton. t then i'm here.'m h like i'm on the road pretty mucc every week.ery >> you've made it.>> y >> i know that's i heard.ea that's what they told me.t theyd that's what they said.. >> the lady that brought met bro here. you made it. we going on good day.ood d >> we going to good day.ood you made it. >> i said all right.>>d al >> when you get ready to do youy pilot you got some extras rightg here. >> ya'll better do all the newsw stuff i need.eed. >> give us a line.>>ive we can give us a line.gis a li >> we'll sit on the side.thee >> i just need to ya'll everyyle day that clayton english isnglii probably the strongest comedicom talent to come out of life. l >> you lost me. youost >> i want to ask you about youru life. comedians the struggle is realsl at first >> it is still real.>>ll >> you have worked a lot ofe wo different jobs.di >> right. you made it. you're here at the loft.ree you made it.t. but you've been a waiter
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did i see you work at thehe circus.circus >> yeah. i worked with universol circus.u >> what did you do.d you >> the black circus. >> soul circus. ccu >> if you give and in you going to much it's a mazing. maz if you ever seen elephants do the wobble it's (laughter).. >> somebody ever need toereed witness, man.ess,an >> i watched it.ched it. i'm telling the truth.inthe amazing man. m you ain't never seen a lion with a zone in weave craze so stuff.s shout out to them. t >> what dud with them.d the >> i hype the crowd up.p. >> i get the crowd hyped.rowdyp who has the loudest side underin the big top. top introduce the acts.e a it was a lot of work. >> how many jobs did you havey o along the way.g theay >> i worked waiting table, the, circus, sold cell phones. phone work at a call center.l cen work at ikea. worked --rked -- >> working a call center you'reu selling cell phones are you anee funny guy there in the office.ff >> it depends if you selling stuff. stuff. if you about to be fired nothing that funny about
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yeah i mean you try if you can.c and then sometimes you just have to, you know, sometimes jokes go over people's heads because thet don't expect it from somebody sd they're doing business . >> are you funny at home dealind with relationship at home? aree you funny or just like --t le >> not to them. to other people. >> i'm going sit it for sixix >> i mean, i'm -- i'm me most o the time.the time. i'm a little bit more me on me o i'm not one of those comedians d that's on all the time. >> right. >> but, you know, when it's tim to be on, i can pull it off. off >> time to get >> you cutting checks, we can, n you know -- kno >> real funny then.nny then. >> in addition to presidentsi barack obama, can you do any other impressions?ress >> oh, man, my impressions areso real limed i can do -- i'm working on a lot of accents. aents i do lot of accents. accts. i learned lot of them with theit circus.circus >> oh, yeah. >> like the russian accent like, you know..... >> okay. drop the voice.dr the >>
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they'll tell you things like yoy go here. i was drinking with them and tht dude fell off. off no, if he dies he dies.s. >> no, get him up. this ain't rocky. rocky get him up. i try to work -- i got the hangh around a lot of people from f different countries. countri that's when i tried to soak up that. >> you also one of the tyler ter perry shows.hows. >> yes. >> what's that like.ik >> it was cool, man.t was co i was supposed to do one episodi and i wound up doing 14. >> wow!ow! >> it's kind of cool.s ki that was a few years ago.rsgo probably like 2007. 200 and a lot of people that watched the show were, you know, it waso a lot of kids that watched it.ti i didn't realize that and now a they're getting o they're like you do stand up. s. okay, cool. now it's -- it's good. people are putting it together.e i mean, it was an opportunityni that was my first real acting ss i thank him for that and he letl me adlib that's the biggestig thing you can let a comedian dod on show. sho >> he discovered you?overou >> no, his casting director, ito was nm
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comedy show and thought i was funny and gave me thennth opportunity to audition.ity aut every comedian in atlanta was as the audition.ion >> oh wow.h >> i wound up getting it.t. >> that says a lot.says l >> that's awesome.weme >> noise little follow up calleu to gig >> yeah, i mean --eah, iea >> you do your thing.ur tng. cull on now. >> right. the thing was like everybodyry down there was doing it realea high i was like, all right, maybe i m should just do it how i would dd it.. and do it a little lower and ler then that's what work for me. >> just be yourself.el >> watch your phones -- phone >> unless you're not a goodoo person. if you're not a good person doed not do you. be anybody but you.ut y find a role model. >> your phone will be ringinge off the cook now that you'vet y been on good day.ay the sky is the limit. limit >> it's been great. >> when people are in thee in audience do they ever give you e hard time and do you heckle them back? back? >> oh, man, it's not calledd heckling from the comedians as a spec it's called assassinate.. >> we like to get rid of them.fe i
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so crowds are real tough ingh i atlanta.atlanta. they're not going to let, you, got about a minute to be funny. if you're not on the way to sayy something funny in a minute mut they'll boo you, throw stuff at you.u. they'll -- >> worst apollo.o. they do this thing, one time,eim okay, we don't boo. b we don't boo anyone here.e h if you don't like them you taket out your keys, you shake yourr keys. keys. >> you hum. >> if you don't have keys youn' just yell out keys! and that'sha how they would -- it was the- iw worst feeling in the world.e w so like now if i get a heckler, i -- my immediate 86 brain the first thing wanting to off on t him. i got to figure out what kind o heckler are they.cklee th are they just excited to be at t the show or commenting on what n said or actually trying to tryin disrupt the show? once i go i through that, you trying toryg o disrupt the show.di let me show you how not to disrupt.disrup >> as a guest at at. comedy show paid ticket holder if you sit ii the front row you're basicallyay inviting a lot of attention,tten aren't you?'t y >> not for me.>> not for i know some people do that.leo a but for me i just want everybode to come out haven't a good
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i don't really want to pick on the audience.the audience. i don't want to isolate anybodyy i want everybody to have thate t same shared experience.ernc like if all these people had aea good time and there's one persoe didn't have a good time, becausb i picked on him the whole time,t then that's not really what i want -- that's not the energy ii want to give out to the crowd.uo >> i like that. you're a good dude.d d >> i say that now.>> i say >> i know. >> come to the show, i told youu not to sit up front.. >> yesterday on tv -- >> i know.. >> oh, my gosh.y gos >> thank you very much. >> thank ya'll.>> tha ya' >> information is right there oh the screen.e screen. spend the money come out and put some in and in clayton's pocketp but he's a funny man. >> definitely.ely. >> listen when you're watching u him thon tv show when he's on a sitcom i could have gone to seee him.hi >> that's right. that's >> tickets going to go up. i'll over charge once --nc >> come on. just for your friends here. her. >> for ya'll.. ya'lls always want a hook up. hu ya'll got a job. (laughter). >> you know us so well.
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>> thank you. thank you. >> at the improve this weekend.. still ahead at 10:00 o'clock olo shawn will join us once again an sharing the work autism speakspe helps to raise awareness and money. we need to you make the phonesho ring. we're in the home stretch now.o it's 10:40.0:40 ♪ ♪
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wall street. the nra. they're powerful. they usually get their way. but not with democrat donna edwards. she won't take cash from wall street banks.
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spend dark money to kill gun safety laws, donna edwards said 'no' she's fighting to ban assault weapons and putting the safety of our communities first. because to democrat donna edwards, the special interests aren't special. we are. women vote! is responsible for the content of this advertising. ♪
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fox5 d.c. cares partneringre with autism speaks all week lonl to feature local families living with the joys and challenge chaf autism. this morning we're asking to yoe join us in a our telethon andhon donate to autism speaks.ak the phone lines are open right r now. i don't hear them ringing. 202-895-330202-895-3307 is the - by the way if you can't getan't through right now, go to ouro website there's a link to donate on ourn home page. you can also text the wordord autism to 25383. 253 your donation will help autism speaks accomplish so much. m they fund research, they helpyel local families, think of give g grants to local organizations. they also advocate on behalf ofl people living with autism. stewart spiel men that sir s senior policy adviser and council.un we met stewart and his familyily earlier this week his wife monan and his zach who has autism.m. stewart thanks so much forthanks joining us today. >> thank you. >> let's talk about zach.alk ab >> sure. s >> you told us first and forst most even though you work with w autism speaks you were zach's z' dad.da tell us about zach. zh >> zach is a 21-year-old young
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affectionate. he is best buddy anyone couldld possibly have.av >> he's absolutely amazing. ama. there's a picture you told metom that you guys love to travel.o e he loves to travel with you guys and have a lot of fun. ofun >> he loves to travel.e loves tt he's always up for a car trip, i plane trip.ri he's an adventure traveler there further away the better. >> when you are not -- you're yu always zach's dad but when w you're in your role with autismt speaks do you a lot of things tg advocate on their tell us about your work and whaw do you for autism speaks.aks. >> so i get to spend lot of timt on capitol hill, and at executive agencies and i try to help develop policy that helps people like zach, helps families of people who are on the autismm spectrum just good sound public policies. poci >> tell us about the stridesstrs you've made recently withade nt something called the able act.. how that can help people who aro living with autism.autis >> sure. thanks for asking about that.ab. so the able act is
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college savings account exceptnp it's for disability expenses. ee for years people have been able to save for college which is an expense for many transitioningio young people.yog pe >> sure. >> but they haven't been able to save for life expenses. ese zach is not going to go tointo g college but sack will have a loa of expenses in his lifetime. and able is families like mine the opportunity to provide a better future for zach.r >> is the able act nationwide? d tell us a little bit more. i know with your work that's tha goal. goal >> sure. >> tell us is it available yetib in maryland, d.c., virginia?ni >> soon. sn >> okay all right.>> >> where we are now is theis the federal government passed authorizing legislation decemb december the authorizing legislation required action by the states.. now, in less than two yearstwo y we've had 38 states and the andt district of columbia endable aca laws offering able programs ors facilitating able program. we expect these pog
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off the ground soon, and i thint these programs are going to be trance pharma tiff.a tif one of things that reallyea concerns me is as a citizen, as, an advocate is the problem poverty. people who are disable are morem than twice as likely to be in poverty as people that are nottn disable.disa we have no reason to think in ti the autism community pour rei p rates are any different. dfe able is another tool to mitigatt poverty by providing an ability to save money and still receivei search public programs like l supplemental security income and medication. able gives individualsiv individuals more opportunities.i >> let me speak to the folks ous there watching right now.. who may be, hooks may haveay h teenagers or adult children with autism. what's your advice to them about how to navigate this advocateat for their children, what would a you say to them? >> so i think first of all, they have have to be fierce andfierce
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that the tal leapt that they see in their kids is there foror everyone else to see. s it is a matter of opening people's now, today is the day when w people have talked about memberm as you mentioned earlier one in 68 children cdc are on thehe spectrum another number i want m to bring up and that's number is 50%.50%. over 50% of young adults with autism two years out of high o g school have neither jobs or are post secondary.on that's a figure we have toure wo change.ange and it will require good sounddu public policy and it's goings gi require us as parents to demandm that our kids get theet opportunities they deserve.ey de >> we've made some changes butae we still have long way to go. tg >> a long way to go. to. >> stewart thanks so much for ta coming in. >> thank you.hank >> thank you for sharing your story and sharing sag with we wish you guys all the best.t. >> it's been a pleasure.leur >> guys, back over to the couchu >> shawn, thank you coming upomn next, okay, ladies, this is
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man you want in your corner. we see him, he styles the hair h some of the most fabulous starss i'm talking kerry washington,hio angela basset, erika campbellell and up next he's here with somem tips to looking oh, so fierce.oc ♪ ♪
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he's begun forgetting words. forgetting where he lives. but when the day comes when he forgets who i am, i'll still know who he is. the first time we said i love you we didn't use words.
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other's hands. we still are. i lost my dad to alzheimer's. preventing alzheimer's is within our grasp. let's double the budget of nih and get it done. i'm david trone and i approve this message.
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♪ back at 10:51.t 1 our neck guest is a celebrityriy hairstylist who's clientsholi include kerry washington, chandra rhymes, valerie jr. rodd angela basset and chrissy teeee again. william sisters can i go on andn on and on? he styles everybodyy he's making sure every womanryom looks their best and launchh agnew line of wigs and air products.oducts vernon martin teamed up withedp erika campbell you know her frof gospel game erika campbell linel he's live in the loft with to uu show them off and few celebrityb styling tips. good morning to you.od m >> nice to meet you.t >> nice to meet you. you have styled it seem justm about everyone.every do you this take off?ke o >> it started when i was much wc younger stylist.younger i started doing stuff black i would do all the wives ofives
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people come to town for tn different black caucus and i a would wind up doing theirp g t friends. >> we're looking at the pictureg and they all look amazing.ook a >> thank you.>> you. s this is basically yourhi reputation preceded itself.ts >> exactly when people come toet town people ask do i go to youo go to vernon.n >> you teamed up with erikaith i campbell to start a wig line. al talk about tha >> exactly.>> exa i had already was in the process of starting a line. lin and i was doing erika's hair oni day and she loves talking abouti hair and wigs and she loved thad kind of stuff.f sff so i said erika, how would you u like to have your own line. l >> she said, i've always -- iay want to do that.want we started talking about it, ana so it just took off from there.t she was like what do i need toon do? i'll take care ofare of everything. >> i know that this something a lot of women are embracing tmbrn because hair these days is an accessory.. >> a lot of people don't look it as tabu thing that it used to bo in the past for some people. peo >> exactly much it's like having a shoe closet.lo >> yeah. >> now women have wig closet.wit >> wow. >> >> they have peaces of who arec just hanging in their closet. >> we're talking about beautifut
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this feels amazing.eels amazing >> it's beautifully.>>t' >> no reason to have somethingoi crazy tacked on your head. hd. >> no.>> >> you have a choices. h speaking of choices you haveoi beautiful models modeling theset wigs these are wigs from theigsm line? >> yes. >> okay. let's bring out the first model. >> this is the first what's happening here.wh hap >> ivy, this is accustom wigm w that was done and it has -- it'' a front lace.front >> okay. >> but -- when you say front lace for folks who don't know, what is that. >> she can actually she can takk this wig and pair it ponytail,yi wear it back. back. she can part it anywhere shert r wants it's a full lace actuallyl full lace wig. >> she has a lot of versatilityi with this wig.his w >> yes. >> do you have to put it on au a specific way or can you just --s you just kind of put it on andnd go?go >> it depends on the person.he p some people like to glue it dow m people like to tack it.e toack or pin it. i hers is actually pinned.y p she has short hair and ivy i've been -- with ivy for a long timt she always wants something different so she wantedffent something very bohemian and sond that's why we did t >> you achieved it. you >> i'm looking at this nextis n lovely model here,
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what you've done here.e h this is -- this is beautiful. >> look at this. >> actual this is mostly her isy hair. hair. the color pieces are we doo custom clip ins. >> okay. so we that custom clip ins dones for her and she likes -- when -w she goes out she want to doan something different.g >> a few pieces here and there.t >> right. so many people are scared ofle e color. >> okay. >> she wanteed to something with color she can add to her hairtoh and take out when she wants. >> yeah.ea definitely giving thefitely versatility the cheese are inar clips in you said.ips in you sa. >> these are clip ins.he >> the next model here looking lovely in pink. >> i love this gray look. l this is one i would love to tryo but i guess this is a good way y to give eight go withouto necessarily committing, right.yg >> exactly.>> exactly she's a blond actually. >> oh! >> she wanted to -- actually, we just -- we're still playing witi this line.this line. this is actually a japanese fabric hair.air. >> japanese fabric hair? hold l on. on let me feel that.let oh wow. oh w >> we just curled this.just it can be curl
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>> my goodness.>>y go >> yes. so it's not all human. >> okay. >> but okay so you're in d.c.'rn for those who are trying to gett a hold of you.hold >> yes. >> wire doing celebrity clientse how does that work you're in yoi d.c. shouldn't be you in la or new ya york. >> i didn't want to do that.nt a >> i tried it for a second. sec i was going to move out to lauto then i decided i wanted to be b the one, not one of many. m and you have so many people in p la and new york who are trying to be celebrity stylists.ty i said, well, i'm already achieving that here so why go g and be, you know, in that ratn a race of everyone else.yone >> if there's one thing you hadu to give, you know the take awaya for anyone wanting to give wigso a try, you know what would you say to them? what where do they start? buy the most expensive e you can find or -- what would wa you say to them?he >> i would definitely say theyyy shall talk to their stylist.r s. >> yeah.>> y >> and they should decide whatyh is it,, what are they trying tog chief. ie >> right. what look do i want? you know?k like i said with ivy her hair ii short and she wanted long hair. you know you may want a bob.. >> right. >> it depends on you.
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>> the look what --ha >> get with your stylist andtyli figure out what's best for you. >> we're running out of let's give the information where you're located 617 rhode islandi avenue northeast. (202)588-5600.02 non marti we appreciate i might have to come he see you. thank you very much.thank >> thank you. >> ladies, you look beautiful.ol thank you. >> guys you're missing out onn opportunity to get styled over here. >> wisdom, the clips in are all you. >> clips in are all you. >> jerry curl. curl >> we are all wearing our puzzlz pieces with pride today. shawn --shawn -- >> absolutely thanks so much to everybody who called our phone banks will be open continuouslyu so call in right nowight 202-895-3307. >> yup.>> y >> that's right.s ght >> and you can text 25383. 25383 word autism.m >> $10 donation. >> you get the -- get the pair. >> at the shirt if you donate aa hundred bucks and you can go toa our website a link too
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please call, please call, please call. >> wear blue tomorrow.ear blue m >> light it up blew!ig >> thanks for calling, everybody. ♪ narrator: all that political mail might be overwhelming. let's simplify. only one candidate has been endorsed by the washington post: kathleen matthews. as a journalist and progressive leader at marriott, she has a broad and deep facility with policy. emily's list praises matthews as pro-choice and the post says on gun control, clean energy, education and health research kathleen matthews "has greater potential, following the van hollen model,
10:58 am
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10:59 am
enjoy one today. america runs on dunkin'.
11:00 am
live from new york city, it's the "wendy williams show"! ♪ ♪ now, here's wendy! [ cheers & applause ] ♪ >> wendy: welcome to the big show. [ cheers & applause ] >> wendy: you're


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