tv Fox 5 News 5 FOX May 20, 2016 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT
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parking lot on richmond highway. police say they received a callr for a shooting this morning in the backpacker king lot of the h apartments. that's where officer found 24 year old sampson. >> paul wagner joins us livewa fromgn fairfax with this story.s paul. >> reporter: laura and sarahor we've beente working the story l day long.? a. even now at 5:00 we don't know what happened to this man. police are not tellingpp us any information about what mightha have happened in this parking lot here at this complex early this morning. we learned just a few minutes ago that sampson worked as aampn classroom assistant at fort hunt elementary school. we also know that he had a graphic design business and the sidegn and he was 24 year old. the shooting taking place in a parking lot in the way back parking lot behind this apartment complex. >> a family member just outside
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fairfax county have not told not them anything about what may have happened to sampson. the classroom assistant with fairfax county schools who ran aside business as a graphic designer. police say they found the 24 the year old in this backpacker king lot behind the multi buildinguin city side apartment complex in the alexandria section of fairfax just off richmond high basement for hours officers process multiple scenes in itsce parking lot. going through items that appeared to have spilled out ofi a briefcase. >> they appeared evidence or could be that there are other vehicles involved so at this a point, trying to just say thatat there's just one particular vehicle after the other cars here parked that could be part of the crime scene that's the ta reason why we have several of sv the areas here blocked off. >> police today away at least two cars an motorcycle. mot but exactly what happened is still unclear. was this a
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>> attempted carjacking or somec other crime. if investigators know they areti notga saying. its also unclear that sampsonhat lived in the complex or was just visitting. >> reporter: now at this point we've been unable to talk to any neighbors who might have heardea something very early this thi morning. this is private property. we were asked not to go on to the property. and because of that t we weren'e able to get into thely and knock on any doors to see if anyone may have heard on had or seeneen anything. e not giving g polic us any occasion if they noah maa have happened here, if this was some inned kind of incident that took place as mr. sampson came into the parking lot or some or other reason for this. as soon as we know something we'll pair it along many live in fairfax. paul wagner. >> "safetrack" plan that's not the only change being made toben metro. transit agency fired 20 managers in what they call and effort toa help improve
5:05 pm general manager paul wiedefeld is restructuring metro by reducing the number of direct reports to just nine managers. seven senior managers are among the 20 employees that have been letting. some departments willies be row a p lined under the new structure. taking a look at weather and boy what a beautiful day. do we deserve this or what? >> just glorious. >> i know. gwen we're going to have to keeh this in our mind over the weekends. its not going to look like that. i'm telling you. just have that picture per ptu suspect memory. its fabulous out there today with the sunshine, light winds.. its warm. in the 70s. its been a great day. well, you know what its a good t start to the weekend, things are going to starting to downhill of the a the early hours. i hate to be the bearer of thisr news we are talking rain. let's take a look at our map. a couple
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keepings a close eye on. c one to the midsection of the mie country another one down in the gulf states both of these are going to combine and set us up for a real soccer once we get oc into our early part of the t morning hours tomorrow and we're not going to get much of a break for the rest of the weekends.nd. i'm really soree to say that. r nobody wants to hear about morer rain. temperature rise we are on the un side s temperatures in the 70s justs about everywhere. 74 degrees in the nations capital. 73 fredericksburg same for mananas says. and 72 degrees at winchester. now the winds are fairly lightal and they'll remain that way. pushing in from the southeast five to 10 miles an hour for tonight. little cool tonight at 56 5 degrees mostly cloudy skies. i do anticipate showers gradual creeping into the overnight ove hours. primarily i am looking at thosea showers really starting to pusho in mostly
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for areas to the south. are so we are calling it a soggy saturday. more details later in the 7-day forecast. back to you. >> all right a. we'll see you in a bit. b thanks. comings up the debate over transgender bathrooms continuesb hey alexandria: that's rightxa thend debate over which restrooo transgender students in fair tax count can use continues. but this time in court. i'll explain why coming up. >> and the added sugar label is coming to a package food near you. we'll explain what this is andla what thein change is. ♪
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>> new tonight affair fax county woman has a warning for parents after she got a startling phone call. the man on the line said he had abducted her daughter and demanded a ransom.dema >> it was a scam the same thingi happened to other parents recently. fox 5 lindsay waits and live w with the detail: lauren, sarah, this has happened at least four times here in fairfax countye since las it month. scammers praying on parents greatest fear. we just talked to a woman in this neighborhood who had it happen to her. she says her cell phone rainingl and the first thing she heard was a girl crying someone whoho sounded just like her teenage daughter.
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listen. >> a man's voice came on then on it was the man's voice saying ma'am, i got your daughter. i'm not in it to hurt yourt daughter i'm in it for the money i work for somebody else. els i need to get money. how much money can you get me right away i'll you'll get your daughter back as soon as i get the money. almost make me cry right now absolute shear panic fear for my daughter's life and all i wanted was to get my daughter >> these are the locations where police say people have been impacted by this same scam. she was told to stay on her cell phone as she got into the car and drove to the atm she called 911 and let the dispatcher know what was happening. she went toat atm and mound shem snead needed help to call t police. she emptied her bank account but hadn't wired any money by thehe time police arrived. of
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in with her daughter's school confirmed that she was safe. she was just fine and and in class. susan collapsed on the ground at the grocery store.tore she hadu j gone through suchgon stress and was so relieved that her daughter was okay. she contacted us because she wanted to let other parents know this was happening and make surm nobody else goes through thehe situation that she did. live in fairfax county lindsay what is fox 5 local news. >> i cannot imagine. ima >> in that's been going around. its a lot of parents in my m community have been getting those calls too. clearly somebody is on a roll a with this. >> heated debate and bathroom access for transgender peoplense continues. >> this time fairfax county public schools are battling a lawsuit. alexandria limon joins us lives with the latest in this ongoing fight, alexandria. >> reporter: that lawsuit waswsa rich fully filed by liberty counsel in december. didn't get far in could you remember but this ek
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wednesday they filed a request for an appeal with virginia state supreme court, a courtourt known for being on the had conservative side. into. >> reporter: the lawsuit wasr: filed by the liberty counsel onu behalf of anonymous fairfax public school system. >> religious and morale beliefs and informed him that such actions are wrong ue the u student's right to privacy and violated if forced to share bathroom or locker rooms with transgender students. >> said look this is causing me great distress, great anxiety, great conflict with my religioug and morale values. and its also making him think tk school is not a safe place. >> reporter: lawsuit also saysia changing the fairfax public school non discrimination policy to include the term gender identity exceeds the scope of the state
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>> i mean it is kind of dishartening you thought you had all this faith in humanity it hm flies out window. >> reporter: he is a transgender male student he says he and other trans students are the once who have to worry. >> we get bullied, sexually all rayed depressing to see allll this. we want to be like everybody else. there's no reason to despise us. >> reporter: his mother says safety students and parents aren concerned with the focus should be elsewhere. into in a if you try to research how many transgender individualv have harassed others in bathrooms it is virtually none zero. if you want to take that logical approach, if we're going do use the same logic then we cannot allow teachers, school coaches, school band directors, breasts, pastors, parents, siblings, day care workers, we can't a lieu anyone to use the
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our children. >> reporter: fairfax county public schools have 21 days to respond to this.ond and then the court will decide if they will hear that appeal. h you may be wondering what aboutw that letter the department oft f education said to schools across the nation are requiring them to provide a appropriate ts well the libertytransgenderns counsel says that letter has no force of law. reporting live in fairfaxrfax alexandria limon fox 5 local news. >> i wanted to share this i had the honor of serving as emcee em for a incredible group cleche subsequent directions incorporated, ibs wanted to let you know about them. it is a nonprofit organization it helps low income primarily first generation to college students navigate the path to and through college. they provide everything from fro college counseling, tutoring,in, test prep, e
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training and ongoing supportuppo starting in 10th grade and continuing all the way through college. >> those who actually enroll ini college they've beaten so many odds by then the national statistics only 11% of them graduate. they drop out. there's so many things that affect a student's ability to live. >> but of the students who go through the cdi program the graduation rate is 97%. >> you heard her say it was 11%w for those who didn't. you can find out more by going to their website collegiate and this is really the only program of its r kinds in the country. >> really. >> we are so lucky to have thatt here. amazing nightan what they do is so incredible. i and hearing from the students three of whom that were there te last night scholarship recipients. >> get ahead in life. >>deed. >> coming up,
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applying make up is too mucheste for a typical day at the office. why experts say make up makesp you more money. 82 john a teenager is created ce with off duty paramedic who saved his life story coming up.. jenny?jenn >> high guys, a lot of focus onn a letter written by an autisticc teen. he's going to be at this event tonight. they are prepping for its to build bridges between police and people with disabilities. w you can come out if you want. we'll have that comingit o up, sarah. >> if you have a story idea call fox 5 tip line. or you can email tips to fox5tips@wttg.m . .
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being held at the police academy in rockville. designed to build bridgesuild between people with autism and a the police. and this comes after a series of incidents nationwide where people with autism were shot by police. fox 5 jennifer davis has the story live from rockville. we hear there's a large crowd expected to be there tonight: hi hi 500 people rsvp'd for this events. it is open to the public. you are welcome come to come take a look and you can see they have ever imagine enable policee and emergency vehicle here. including the police boats, fire trucks, police cars, fire c engines. they have service dogs. they'll have k-9 dogs and lots and lots of officer out here. hr looking to learn as much as a possible from family lease and caregivers. they want people to get used to each other in an environment like this so they know what to h do if they encounter each other during an emergency.. now, one of the pe
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this event is a young man from potomac, he has autism and he recently wrote a letter tor t police about what its like to bl him. and he said it is really making people talk into changing minds here's what he told us earlier today. >> his family says since he is h non speaking and autistic t he t wasn't able to share what he was thinking until he started thisrd new therapy last year. now he types one letter at a a time and during two and a halfna therapy sessions recently he wrote a letter to montgomery county police to explain whate o its like to be autistic. >> he talked about his almost six foot body.od and i feel like a lot of people when they see that they want to treat him like a sweet toddler. he's a 16 year old boy. boy. he has the same thoughts, experiences inside as a 16 year old boy. so, it makes sense that this would come out in such a strong
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way. >> the letter is emotional and profound and boiled people overv including his father. >> for that to come out of my son who up until that time we'd' never really seen the inside ofs his mind. and his explanations were just filled with humor.umor. you know i think clearly i havea a six foot drunken toddler body, there was empathy to the police. one of the things he said make a sure you protect yourself.ct he has the empathy. i mean he just, i can't write wi like that. >> his parents asked if he wanted to attend the police autism out night or his prom he opted for autism night out. we asked him why he wrote thee letter and wanted to attend thit evented, he typed out his response letter by it letter ant his therapist read it allowed. >> oh goodness, where to start.a autism has a wide rang
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things going on. some individuals are a lot more controlled. some are not. n it is imperative to be able to work with both.h bo >> reporter: so, this is thatisa letter, it really has gone viral.vira his dad says he's seen curche rach of it around theen world aa far away as australia, its the t sort of dialogue they are hopina to have tonight. therapy that he receives is is converse shall, there are someom people that thing that the therapist is prompting the youny person his family say in his case that is not happening it is allowing him to say things in ts his mind that he hasn't been has able to say before including telling his father i love you. the event tonight. he will be here along with his h family and so many other ot families. from six to nine. open to the public. pub all welcome at the police academy here in rockville back to you. >> fox 5 is in prince george's county now where first responders are wrapping up ems
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week. the story that will warm your heart. >> a 17 year old boy and family created with paramedic that saved his life. >> tie rook johnson was playing basketball at gwen park high school when he went into cardiac arrest. that's when his family a bystander and fairfax paramedic straining into action and started cpr. a prince george's county fire unit arrived provided additional life support and transported tht teen to the hospital. here's what he remembers from that incident. >> i was tired so i had my hands on my knees and i was looking down. and as the coach was you know, he was coaching. i was like, man, can we pleaseas stop. we were running up and down ford a long time. and that was the last thing i remember. but as much as i wanted to stop, i didn't want to stop. sto >> doctors say johnson suffers
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from acute arrhythmia. arr coming up the cost of prescription drugs continues tos rise causing problems for many r who can't a forward them. t >> ahead we are talking with an expert who has secrets to help you safe. >> washington post on the redskins name is generatingeratn plenty of debate.ebe. one columnist claims they had a motive. >> a sport played virtually everywhere in the world, we'll introduce you to a league that a is coming to prince george's county. ♪ ♪
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major headaches for somee families. >> its a growing national health crisis. skyrocketing drug prices. a problem that could make youou sick. 2015 was the third year of double digit prescription drugsi price inflation. inf prescription drug spending hit a record 425 billion dollars. left consumers frustrated and confused. one of the most egregious, involved, it 501350 a pill untip they called farm suit kales, brought the rights to it and began charging 750 dollars a pill. the drug company's ceo was helds up as a poster boy for. but the price has not yet come down. up until recently high pricesgh were limited to brand new andew brand name drugs. we can count
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the market to be reasonably priced. no more. now generic prices are surging between 2013 and 2014 the price increased an avenue vagina of. six cents a pill in 2013 to over four dollars and 60 cents in 2015. that's a price hike of over seven thousand% in just twowo years. so why the higher prices. if it seems to you like no one is minding the drugstore and a a prescription drug sticker shock is getting you down you are not alone. >> w i en am. nice to have you back here. her so interesting to see this. and its so alarming to hear hea about how high these prices havh gone up.go
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this too? >> very traumatic, even though o i'm a consumer reporter now a a consumer reporter for dr. oz i did not realize the prices hads gone up so much and generic drug prices too. >> i know you went out to really investigate this a little bit further. how much does it vary going from store to store. sto >> you will not believe it. we called and/or visited about 25 pharmacies just to give i was couple of numbers for generic hipaa store prices range from 1m dollars 50 cents at an online drugstore to 150 dollars at a several different chain drugstores. generic ac toes another really a common drug 14 dollars the a an online drugstore, 434 dollars aa the highest price pharmacy we found. >> that is incredible.ble. why do they vary so much? >> well, this is a market thatke people don't see the pricing. and we don't usually ask
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consumers instead of like patients when it comes to buying medications. and also with the generic theree are fewer companies interested in making them these days because the f da has cracked cra down ton safety procedures which is great but un intended consequences now some companiesw are afraid to get into the business. >> let me back up, why have thee prices gone up so much to begino with? >> well, i think that all has th do with the fact that medications are something wee don't shop around for. so, they can charge whatever they want. its a free market economy theykt have that right but we do have the ability to stop them. >> how do we do that. >> the key is you need to start asking before you blindly fillnd your prescription at any pharmacy. even if you have insurance, moss of us have the type of insurancf that i do, where you have company insurance where you pay a percentage of what you oh. so it is in your best interest to get that price down as muchs as possible.
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so, three tips for your viewerso today: one is a new free app a called blink where you can actually shop for your drugs find out how much they are going to cost, buy them right in the app pick them up at a local pharmacy all of the local pharmacy chains are participating. cost company even if you are not a costoco member you can shop at the pharmacy. all f o our tests, they werethey second place right near theigea bottom just a couple of dollars above blink you can get youran prescription that day. day >> you don't need a membership. >> that's correct.ct. amazing. and then the other one is to try these online farm fees. but i realize people feel funny about it. it is legitimated how do i know. there's something called zip verified internet protocol site.
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site of legitimate pharmacies. you click it and it takes youu through to the national association for pharmacy veer ih can fiction that that is a legitimate pharmacy that's been inspect attempted. >> three take aways are blink, costoco and zip. that's good to know h do you see any changeows ahead n this as long as we are being good consumers and shopping right do you seesu -- - >> it is up to everybody out eve there watching this show, watching the dr. oz show if we w act like consumers instead of patiences we can turn thisis around, we have to demand lower prices. >> we appreciate your good investigating. it is alarming to see prices so high. >> but, you can get a better deal. >> all right a. much.uou so good to see you.ou. >> sarah over to you. all right.rit. thanks guys. brody logan joins me for sports. first up more fall out from the washington redskins
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>> of course, it never ends. recap post survey 40 -- only nine perps found the name to be offensive. 90% said it does not bother them. i figure two different questions those were were the choice. a survey conducted was a employ to garner supported for a inured skin stadium in the district.. dan sign burger took offense, he said this is amazing. also conducted dan snyder stadium laugh -- we have been ridiculed as redskins hateting,. we put tons of time and effortfr into this without knowing thengt results. and because the results aren't what some people wanted them toe be we're now cheerleaders for a stadium.ium it makes sense, right? >> you see it from both sides. s like, you know, everybody is
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what. >> right, when these things come out people have preconceived notions we do live in associatec where we love echo chambers. if there are people who saw thee name debate one way this either reinforces that or they say something is wrong with the polling >> you areg not going to police anyone by any means. >> no, orb not. away from the name debate redskins players got to get to film a commercial bringing together curt cousins, and the newest skin josh norman. last month norman signed a five year 75 mil dollar deal with washingtonia says you'll see an even better corner back than thn old pro you saw in carolina. >> i'm not shackled or bound by anything. they are opening me up to bring home a whole new different look
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not worried about anoa going back deep or, seek and destroy >> seek and destroy. i love his confidence. he's one of the best corners ine the game. now he's saying he won't have to play as much zone with theith redskins he can get to do even more. sarah what would you say is thee second most popular sport soccer is number one? >> oh would you cricket.h wo >> good guess. >> its going to be something i wouldn't have guessed. >> it is cricket second postri popular sport. >> it is i was right. >> two billion people play it.t. played virtually everywhere, anr one local community is hoping to change that with the nations first ever elementary and middle school district league in prince george's county. as you'll see the sport its already a home run, i'm sorry a. baseball and cricket arell sp
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use a bat. use a ball. in baseball you pitch. incorrect >> you don't have to worry abouu hitting balls or anything. anyth >> there are basic similarities. one difference the opportunity p for young players in the us. us. over 400 thousand kids had the opportunity to play in 65 hundred little league plans. the kids that want to playan cricket 3 there is only one elementary league in country. >> cricket in school what are you talking about?n >> he's talking about america's first elementary and middle school cricket league here in prince george'set county. >> i used to play back. >> this league isn't just for families that grew up with the game. >> sny want to play what?? >> i'm sorry you want to play what. >> i new it was a world sport. let's see how this works. wor and the first year we had cheat
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sheets we sit on the side lines, was that good. >> the parents have learned cricket along with their kids. now they know the game withoutw the help of their cheat sheet.e. now the kids, they would rather play with bat and bear hands. >> i think it's really fun. better than baseball. i wouldn't play any other sport if it came down to a decision if my parents asked me to play football or cricket i would play cricket. >> these kids taking part in the first prince george's county cricket. community of 2.5 billion. >> it is a world sport they can to go a country far far away, but still understand this sport. >> you get enough drama, and a like excitement, you just have to love it.
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>> its great. i i had an opportunity to learnt cricket as a its great. congratulations to the montgomery sharks firstirst champions. it started with elementary school kids then grew into middle schools expanded it intot a elementary school league. >> like that little boy said iff i had a choice between football and cricket there's probably a e lot of families out there probably happy about that because football had so much controversy with concussions.ns >> it is a softer ball they arey using in this league than the pros. you can get scholarships to play over seas the top cricketers in the world make over four mil f dollars a year and tense of millions in endorsement. someone hants wants to try theit hand at it. it. >> i love that story.tory a newlywed blog kier is taking k heat for dish shinning outis marriage advice stay hot for your
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and why wearing make up to work makes you more money.ey. and, well i don't know if it will make you more money brody it might make me more money. extra beer packaging to protect the the environment. find out what they are made of. sun is in shining out. thank goodness f work end is going to be ruined by more rain. gwen is going to have the full forecast straight ahead. ♪ ♪
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results found attractive peoplet do better at work than anyone else. this is true for both gender. especially for women who put put more efforts into their looks. study also found attractive people earn 20 percent more than so-called less pretty coworkers. >> you know, i saw, eyes of the behold, i think it has to do with confidence.onfi >> confidence, how you present yourself. that's why they say to dress a certain way for work. i think it all goes together.s i don't know that its just the make up. you can't wear too much of it too. >> full package. >> well a nullly weed blogger is defending her vow to stay hottay for her husband. she is a writers in loss an jets she says the vow is a secret to a successful marriage, all you have to do is look good and wait on your husband's every need. she says in return for looking o good for her husband, she iss very
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attentive didn't buys her nicedi things.dn as for comments she's received about being anti feminist, shets says being a feminist is about your own choices and saying thin is how i'm going to live my lifl and i'm not going to let anyone dictate it me there. >> i just want to say that asay long as there's not the double u standard the men should do the d same thing.same because i feel like there's a lk lot of pressure on women to look a certain way and it's not the n same for the men. >> you know what i mean? >> i agree. >> be careful her choice that'st fine. >> whatever. >> she's going to put it out there she's got to listen to the comments. i mean, again she's going to put the it out there she's got to bb willing to listen. >> i like the look of the weather. 74 degrees outside. this is nice after all the rainh in 50s we've been having. bottle it up and let's just jus sleep the next 24 hours
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we'll wake up on sunday.unda >> i think that's a good idea, gwen. you might not want to wake up on sunday day. >> great. i'm just putting it outt there. you know. i have to be the bearer of all this news. i have to talk about the rainlka all overbo again. and weekends is not looking sokg great this weekends.eeke starting off at least with a soggy saturday ahead. so, just preparing everybody, i'm only the messenger, right. temperatures are going to be one the cool side. a few showers on sunday. a few brakes? a. a nice warm upcoming for next week. that is the temperatures once ww get into the week and you see se those conditions. in the meantime temperatures tem high into the 60. mid to upper 70s. 60 here a, mid to upper 70s i want to say. very pleasant. if you were outside today, it was definitely a thumbs up we hadly sunshine warm, very light breeze. right now4
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nations capital. cooler in annapolis 69 degrees. fender at leonardtown. 71 at quantico. frederick 75 this hour. hagerstown 74 winchester at 72. and it is still very nice outside if you get a chance. very few clouds as you can seeee that are happening here. we will see an increase inncre clouds once we get into tonight. that's because we've got a got couple of active systems take aa look to the south midsection of the country. we've got all of this heading our way. we are going to see a transfer of energy from one to the other. my colleague mike thomas said if it was winter it would be a blizzard. put that into perspective foror you as that coastal system develops and starts to move up m for tomorrow. we're going to deal with this system heading this way up across the happen spa lay chanca another system coming up, thoset two are going to combine we're going to end up with a wetet saturday.tuay. going to be study rain starting as it looks once we get close to
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dawn, it will be chow dea lotot cooler than it is today. t we are not looking at much a hau of a break here. h storm system pushing in from the south. rain will start from the southwest heading off to the northeast. the other system will match upah with it. here's a look at future cast fut three in the morning, four five in the morning once we better tr 10 am heavier rainfall. 5:00 saturday afternoon, a few breaks on sunday. sunday morning at seven heavier rainfall back all over again. unfortunately, not the best. b but the 7-day forecast is going to give you some relief. we got warmer conditions coming up as we head into the '80s nots all bad at all. and some dry days you know what you know don't frown just look forward. >> 61 going to 87 there's a range. that's when our spring startss then it will be like a hundred on. it always does, right? >> all right. >> let's head over to tony and shawn for
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at six. >> all right do you remember right over there, do you remember what you were doing this weekends 30 years ago? >> i was probably being born. [ laughter ]. >> some generation xers are celebrating special anniversaryn fer race ball lesser iconic day off. >> how safe are you're electronic records, we are goinr to take a closer look at what a you can do to make sure yourure personal information is safe. >> dc police want you to take at good look at this video they need your help finding the suses suspect in this violent armedhi robbery. more details coming up at six.
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>> in tonight's health watch the fda improved knew nutrition labeling its about higher sugar levels into highlighting sugar levels. changes include a line that calls out added current labels only list total sugar which is a combination of added and natural sugars. new labels will make calorie counts larger and display serving sizes to reflect the amount someone would actually eat. they hope this will immediate w manufactures to make healthierlt product so you can see the sugars. well those plastic rinks that hold six pack of soda or beer, brewery in florida replace them with once you can eat. they are made from buy productsp from wheat.heat instead of
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animals, according to green to beast ocean could contain more plastic than fish by the year 2050 through the waste of foodoo and beverage thrown into the water. >> interesting.ting the peanuts they put in box arex the same thing. >> well, thank you for joining us fox 5 local news at six is on the other side of the break stick around .
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>> protecting private medical explanation hackers are targeting more doctor's office how you can stay save s fox 5 5 local news starts right now into thanks thanks for joining us i'm shawnian knee into i'm tony perkins. the lock down has now been listed after chaotic momentsha thisot afternoon. after >> secret service shot a man a already with a gun.un. tisha lewis has been on the scene. joins us now with the veryery latest.. >> reporter: shawn and tony whaw we did learn moments ago the metropolitan police departmentoi is now the lead investigating agency on what happened here. now what i can tell you it is a active scene here on 17th and ad pennsylvania. photographer is going to walkk with me so he can show you whatu we are seeing. still a lot of police. not as many people out here. there's that's a good thing crowd control was a itch major i concern as they were trying to secure the seen moments after af this happened. here's
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