tv Good Day DC FOX February 1, 2017 9:00am-11:00am EST
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♪♪ straight ahead, a suprememe showdown.. >> i promise to select someoneom who respects our laws and is representative of our constitution. >> president trump named hisp ns pick for the high court. crt a decision that could impact the nation long after his whiteis w house term is over. over. but first, judge neil gorsuch needs senate democrats on his oh side. si an elementary infestation. parents at one local school say it's still crawling with bugs b and rodents week after thefter e problem was first noticed.oted what the school says it'sayt' diagnose to fix the problem andd why some critics say it's not enough. super bowl safety.afet fo
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lanier front and center as we as countdown to the big got a behind the scenes look att the second largest securityurit event in the nation. ♪♪ and later, forget traps oldd dominion has a plan to fine fin drives moving too slow. slo who's behind the proposal andpoa why supporters say it's a mattet of safety.of safety. good day at 9a starts now. ♪♪ all right. rig. 9:01 is the we're in the right lane. lane. hope you are as well. wl. good day dc. it is wednesday, february wisdom martin alongside holly morris, maureen umeh and steve e chenevey. >> super bowl sunday four days away now. getting preview of the of commercials you'll see durings o the big game.u'e big me. if you're the kind that likes tt get the heads up so you can tell everybody what they're about too see we've got a sneak peek forer you including a budwei
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getting a lot of attention.enon >> first let's talk about thishi weather. mild start to the new month. come tomorrow we'll know spring is on the way or if we're in store for what, six more weeksws of winter? say it ain't so. so. details now tucker barnes backab with a first check of the oth forecast. good morning. >> good morning.gooding beautiful live shot. cloud deck mid level working wki through. that's not your actual live shos we just showed a minute ago, bu, you know what it will be mostlyy cloudy today and we should see our daytime highs get up near 5 this afternoon. wind chill 37. chi winds out of the south and easte about six.ix snow flying this morning western maryland, parts of we virginia, western pennsylvania, and we're not expectingxpecng precipitation to make it east of the mountains but we do thinkohk that the cloud cover willer wil continue to stream on in.n i so satellite/radar not quiteui doing justice to the amount ofeo cloud cover that's across the ae area. any sunshine you get early willl give way to clouds thisshi afternoon mostly cloudy buty but mild. daytime highs high a few degreed above normal. we'll see eventuallyua temperatures near 50 degreesdegs later this afternoon.ter th let me mentiison aft the breezek out of thees
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20.20 a little breezy at times asims well. all right. day. dayening on the seven as mentioned, phil arrives tomorrow.ow we'll talk about the shadow or the lack and we'll look at you areyo a weekend forecast as well. as w maybe little bit of a wintry mix around here this weekend i'llkel give you the timing on that.n ta coming up, guys. guys. back to you. >> thank you tuck.>> t big story at 9:00, presidene trump picks us appeals court cot judge neil gorsuch as his pickk to fill the vacancy on the t supreme court.ou later this morning judge neil ni gorsuch is headed to capitol cal hill to meet with lawmakers.kers but resistance is growing. growi he will likely face a good fighg in the u.s. senate. sat our melanie alnwick is on on capitol hill this morning with t the very latest.e very l good morning.od morng. mel. >> reporter: good morning, guys.. gorsuch slipped into town oned o military jet stayed at friends houses -- friend's house so heee would not be revealed before the big announcement.. at 49 years old, he'd be the youngest supreme court justicete on the current bench and peoplel are saying he better have a lott of stamina for this long and contentious fight ahead
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>> judge neil gorsuch of the united states supreme court to t be of the united states supremee court. >> introduction a bit awkwardbid but the message from presidentst trump very clear. he intends to send a judge withw almost impeccable conservativeae voting record to the highh courts.ts >> a judge who likes every out o come he reaches is very likely a bad judge. judge [ laughter ] >> stretching for results he prefers rather than those theheh law demands >> reporter: gorsuch's prior prr decisions reflect that limitedim view of the court's power.ower as potential row placement for justice antonin scalia his selection will hardenedarned conservatives wary of trump's ts etiology much his views onview n abortion are not entirely clearr liberals will point to hispointh decisions on obama care, including the hobby lobby casebe which backed religious objections to contraceptive coverage, and there's always alw been a small protest outside the court.. >> real concerns about his h record, and re
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whether he will have the, um, independence and judicial -- the judicial temperament to be ae justice for all the people. >> democrats in the senatetsn th really block him? senate ruless require 60 votes to confirm afi supreme court justice which whih means republicans would need some democrats.rats. but they could simply expand onn what democrats did when they t were last in control.ontr limiting the power of thehe filibuster giving them all the e votes they need. senate majority leader mitchr mcconnell won't show his card. . >> i'm not going to answer that. let me just tell you.t met we'll get this judge confirm. cm >> isn't that answer it?t? >> we'll get the judgeudge confirmed. >> so you would?you >> we'll get the judge confirmed. >> reporter: now mcconnell thereter: alluding so called nur op hahn which mean changing then senate rules to require all onll 51 votes to confirm suprememe court justice and republicans have 52 members in the senate. the meter mee
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today include one with vice-president mike pence and a also with members of the senatet judiciary committee. live on capitol hill, i'm i melanie alnwick, fox5 local lal news. news >> all right, mel, thank youht very much., 9:05 is the time. also today on capitol hillay the senate is said t oo vote too confirm president trump'srump nomination for second of state e rex tillerson.rson democrats have crossed partyvear lines to back the former exxonr mobil ceo.l c several other votes on trump nominees also planned in then t senate committees today.od president's executive ordert on immigration meantime still s causing uproar.proar. more legal challenges are on tht way. several states suing the trump p administration over theratir th immigration travel ban.l ban washington state, massachusettss and new york are challenging the executive order and now virginii is joining that governor terry mcauliffecaulfe attorney general mark herring h made the announcement yesterday. fox5's bob barnard caught up with governor mcauliffe in falls here's what he had to say. s >> i can tell you in virginia ii was notified yesterday tworday companies coming over foresight visits from overseas canceledane their trip. those seven senm
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all over the globe i'm not goini to america now. n i don't know if i'm going to beg impacted. his action is violation of thefe equal protection clause, the cle establishment clause, and due he's violated our constitutionun the first amendment in fifth amendment he's shredding the t united states constitution. >> number civil rights groups along with self other states s also suing to stop the ban. white house spokesman sean s spicer criticizing the media for referring to president trump's u immigration as a ban. vice spicer the term miss term represents what the order is,har but he and the president haveav referred to the order as such. . the president himself beated bee about the word choice early this morning quieting everybody isryo arguing whether or not it is ah ban. call it what you want. it is about it wh keeping bad pl with bad intentions out of thefe country. new this morning in princeni george's county, a car crashingn into the basement level of a home in lanham sea brook itoo i happened around 2:00 this:00 is the 88 year old man will livesll there was sleeping on the couchc in the basemen a
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the crash. he wasn't hurt.rt he's own that home since 1971 11 and says this is the fifth time someone has crash into the house. >> they come over that hill, ana if you go up there and look at the curve, on that side, youe,ou going to see black marks wherehe their tires, they come over ove there and can't navigate thatha corner. that turn. tur >> uh-huh. >> and that's what happened. >> the driver the car was takenk to the hospital.l all right.l time right now 9:08. 9:0 this morning we're following up' on a story fox5ol first broughtg you last week. >> parents of students at savoyv elementary school in southeastea are angry over an on-going bed b bug and rodent problem at the at school. >> fox5's annie yu joins us froo southeast this morning with thew latest on that story. annie? anni >> reporter: hey, good morning to all of you. yeah, we're talking about bedbob bugs as well as rodentrode infestation here at savoyavoy elementary in southeast d.c. we understand the infestationesn began several weeks ago. possibly back in december, and while school officials tell usll that they have have beenhehave treating it regul
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out here, parents tell us thatsa the situation has just gotten ge worse and even some saying theie children have been bitten by the bed now behind me savoy right theree is the classroom where thehe infestation began the pre k k classroom here on the first fir floor, and parents are also very upset that they were notwe n notified about the issue right t away. aw they just got a letter on friday letting them know that the school is working on thishis problem.lem. now, as many of you know bednowe bugs can spread quickly so weo w spoke to erin dottie who has w h daughters no the in pre k but kb they are nine and 10 years old.d his daughters were bitten byteny them. he started noticing them aroundn christmas, and he says it's juss gotten worse he actually plansys to keep his daughters out ofut school until the problem is i the photos he provided us withit are what he says are bed bug b b bites on his young daughters. he said he spoke to a nurse, n that told him that there was ana infestation problem that started in december and it was only thii friday that an official letterlt went home to parents describingg what t
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increase of unwanted pests inesi the building.the now he's clearly upset andet a concerned over this.erned this. we also spoke to many parentsy s this morning as well as the teacher at savoy, and they telll us that this is definitely anite problem in the school, and whilw they feel as though the school l is doing what they can to remedd the problem, they are upset that they weren't told untilold unt recently.nt take a listen.. >> we found out friday.da they let us know friday. that's, um, makes me kind of angry, because the whole timelee this issue has been going on ana we've been sending the kids to school, and i hear some of the t kids have been bitten, um, to to just find out friday that thisti issue has been going on for that long is very diss concerning.ce >> reporter: now, the reporte principal here at savoy was nott available to speak with us thist morning.g. but a spokesperson for d.c. ps p tells us again they are treatint the school three times a week. k they have since
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rodent borrows with chemicals.l. the local businesses have asse well as buildings they are by te ex terminate the rodent issue. e they also ordered new mats fortr the pre k class the new mats net will sit 2 feet higher than thee normally would.ou. so they are taking some steps ss but, again, many parents stillen upset that they were note not notified right away and they the want more to be done so that itt is one 10% resolve.esol we are now headed over to the chancellor's introduction event where we hope to catch up withit the chancellor. we requested an interviewuest edearlier this morning and he w not available.not ailable. hopefully we can get some more m answers at this event.s at thisv back to you in the studio. >> they latch on you can eadesls take those into your own home.e. >> right. >> just think if you're own home becomes infested you would be furious.s. >> think about the day we're ini these days e-mail, text messages, there are numerousumeu ways, because we get e-mailsls about everything these days inhd school. everything
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so there's no excuse really nory to the letting at least giving them the heads up this i gs goii on. at least we're dealing with it.d >>ea you getli notified when anr kid has pink eye. >> right.>> right. >> there you go.>> the you >> or head lice or whatever.r w >> >> here's what i'll say with the new chancellor coming on board a let's say we're turning a new an page. perhaps now we see some of these issues be remedied.edied. dc schools have been plagued with issues over the past it's and couldn't schennable.nable what bothers me the most you see this happening at some schoolseo and not others.and oth let's get a level playing fielde here and let's make sure thate all kids are truly cared about o if we talk about equal society s let's do that and not have thist nonsense going on. o >> all okay.. from that we'll switch geara and ask you some questions.stio wake up early or work out or get that extra rest? don't answer. nobody say anything.nying. because we got some moreome m questions. is it what you eat or when you eat? don't answer that either.e not yet. not because we'll find out which onh make the biggest difference whee it comes to your health.h. we've got the answers coming upp in another edition of the
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day study hall. hl. >> let it marinate. >> eat, sleep -- >> wake up early and work out or sleep instead.te >> i already fail the course.l r >> does it matter what -- >> what you eat or when you eat? >> first four days until supernl bowl sunday.bowl sday. coming up next we'll go behindo the scenes to show how former dc police chief cathy lanier isr is working to keep fans safe down in houston. houston time right now 9:13. >> let's go over this again, maureen. >> go ahead. ♪♪
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♪♪ all right. the big game now just four daysn awow jay, and super bowl fever r you can imagine is in the air in texas.. preparations in full swing. sng they have been now for weeks ans this morning we're actuallyually getting a look what it takes too host the nfl's biggest party. fox's lauren blanchard has moree from houston. >> reporter: while the super ser bowl is still four days away, aa crews here in houston areon a working around the clock to makk sure everything is ready for tht big game. >> ever since boston, everythinh has changed. cng isn't security is high for supep bowl li and homeland securityy officials are helping localng lc authorities keep everyone safe.f >> there are no known crediblewi threats. obviously there's an extremely high profile event.
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our intel and law enforcementcee communities at the federal state and local levels are working woi together to ensure securityurit throughout the event. event >> reporter: nrg stadium will host game with thousands of fanf expected to be there anded to be millions more watching from home, those coordinating therdin whole thing have to make sure se there are no hiccup. >> literal allot of moving parts that are involved that just neen to be coordinated in sequence.. local businesses are alsoo preparing for more foot traffic. >> looking for a big weekend.eed everybody got super bowl fever.v we going to be ready for them. m >> many are predicting the atlanta falcons were withinwith their first ever super bowl.owl. but the patriots have a historyo of winning.ning with analysts say they'll be hard to >> there is an element whenlem you're playing the patriots because of pass successes,es because of the aura of their organization.zati >> nfl commissioner rogerr r goodell will be the main mn headline today as he hosts his annual press conference here atr the super bowl media center.ente in h
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fox news.s and remember fox5 has you hu covered for super bowl sunday.. the seven and a half hours of pre-game that coverage begins an 11:00 in the morning. kick off for the actual game:00s at 6:30. 6:3 all right. like lauren sairid secure had td are the will be super tight fort the super bowl. b massive planning started 15rted1 months ago. everyone going to the game on t sunday will also need to bebe screened.scre there will be dogs and x-rays a- scanners that will check outut everyone and everything going ii and out of nrg stadium and protecting those thousands ofus fans is now the job of formerr d.c. police chief cathy lanierar who left to oversee security sec fort nfl.fort n fox news caught up with her just days before the big game. g >> there's a lot of moving partg and a lot of different events, e but as you can sigh with all ofl the agencies involved here, we've got the best team on the planet working on w so we are ready for game day.. >> looking rested and well. wel. kathy lanier. lr. next to the inauguration thee it super bowl has the highest security designation.. interesting.sting. security tightens up during thet super bowl many people wenil
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loosening up their wallets wal according to the national retaii federation people across thee at country will be spending about $14 billion on super bow related some of them money going tooi t wisdom to pizza because --ause - that's what i'm talking about.u. >> 45 million people aremilliope planning to throw super bowl bol parties this year super bowlerow season good time to spend moneyn on home entertainment we're not saying that because it's a goods chance to get a new tv to watcht the game.ame. but tv prices a lot of people pl say actually cheaper betterette deals than you see on blackn b friday. >> interesting. ieres >> retailers know folks will bub them g do they still do theey s deal, it's not a deal a lot of f people buy them then they take e them back? >> i'm sure there are someare people that do that.le thado t i'm not sure what the returnetun policy. >> don't do that.>>'t d >> exactly. >> don't watch the game and take the tv t bheack.tvack. big no-no.. although if it's within then t rights of the receipt, that's all i'm saying i won't get't g involved in that.ha >> next week you can buy a buy a gently you've tv.ntou've tv. >> there you go.>> t that's what i'm all about. aut a discount.un 9:19 is the time. t
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facebook videos and proof persistence can pay off. off check of what else is making min headlines coming up next. >> care free in the the former first family hittingt the beach with a billionaire as they take a little time off aftt eight years in the white house.e sir richard branson on the leftl we'll go live to tmz with all a the details. detls be right back. ♪♪ we care about using cage-free eggs. and we care about azing taste. because at hellmann's, we're on the side of food.
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>> 9:22. welcome back. allison seymour, good morning to you. >> good morning. r, gto's got a check of other stories m>>akinotg a cck o heads >> good morning to all of youinl and you as wel ol. i'm shear with what's making wha news this morning.rni first up, the army corps ofpsf engineers has given the green gn light to proceed with the finaln permit necessary to finish the controversial dakota accessial a pipeline. pipe now that pipeline runs through u four states north dakota, southu dakota, iowa and illinois. the standing rock sue nativee american tribe opposed to theede project. it was the scene of widespread protests. vowed once again the tribe didbe to go to court to stop it.o sto. one issue they're concernedrece about, contamination to their te drinking water. happening today, a warmarm welcome to dc public schoolsls much knew chancellor antwan wilson replacing kaya enter sonr who led the district for five ff and a half years.and half y mayor muriel bowser named wilsol to the post in november. novemb. she will formally welcomeelme mr. wilson to the d.c. ps around 10:30 this morning. facebook is coming to a
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near you by launching tv app.pp the app will work with devices s like apple tv and bring users aa variety of video content.. the company has been in talksn l with media companies aboutut licensing video for tv programming.mming former nba player derek fisher's home was it happened yesterday.teay someone broke into his home hism while he was away.wa when he came home hours later, t he noticed someone had stolen so more than $300,000 in jewelry including 5nba championshiphip rings he earned while playinghia for the lakers. police are investigating.. and finally, spanish golferr sergio garcia making one o tenacious twitter user's dreamss come true. tru mark johnson is his name.ame. he's 40-year-old english man hen tweeted at garcia for more than 200 days straight.trai it was begging to be his caddyiy for a day. used the hash tag let me caddy y for you on each occasion. occio we'll well johnson sent garcia a daily
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in n tiff some desperateespete beginning on july 9th. 9 on day 2006 garcia rewarded his biggest fan witness chance to bo his caddy for the day during the pro am at the british masters ii september. i am starting to write idris elba every day.. >> fine line between stalking.t. >> it work for him. him. >> there you go.>> that's your headline.headli. >> tenacity.. >> sergio said once i finallyiny realized he wasn't a threat.. >> right. >> he wasn't cray cray.y cr >> it sounds like it should be u fun. >> as long as it got security. >> rights thanks al. >> okay.>> >> cold dip for great cause. cae coming up mike thomas, ut-ohoh he's showing us one of the greae causes you can help with special olympics polar plunge. pnge. >> not feeling so polar outol o right now.ght ow but some changes could be on th way by the end of the might be heading in the wrongro direction. tucker is back with i was all a the details next. >> fresh at 10a wearing sweatwes pants to wor getting the thumbs up fromp fashion experts.perts. but there ar
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we'll show you who the latest lt trends and active wear at the office.of plus, part two of wisdom's sit s down with new 24 star corey hawkins.hawks and then kevin's one-on-one with rapper and actor common. and then we're still not done. n later a good day dance off. two teams going head to heado hd life right here in the loft anda we're bringing in the celebrityy judge to help pick a winner.inr that's going to happen at 10:50: right now 9:26. we'll be right back. ♪♪ she looks years younger than she should. is it dna or olay? new olay regenerist helps take years off your skin age so you can look younger. who needs dna when you have olay? new regenerist. i'm lucky to get through a shift without a disaster. my bargain detergent couldn't keep up. so, i switched to tide pods. they're super concentrated, so i get a better clean.
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♪♪ trying to wait. wai >> keep >> at home, too. >> ♪♪ >> all right. so, now they miff it. now 9:29 is the time. t it's okay. it it's okay. ka we're talking just talking aboug the wizards because they'res bee waking up with reason to rean to celebrate. the team capped off the month oo january by extenting their homem winning streak to 15 games.ames this is it was however a tight first fit half with the lowly new yorkew r knicks. the wizards only up by five atfa the break but second half hal washington they began to pull pl away.ay. all starters in double figuresfe bradley biehl with a game highih 28 points.nt final in this 1117-101 tying thy second guest longest home home winning streak in franchisehi history chasing that 22 gametha winning streak back in 1975.1 a long time ago.g. wizards are now eight games oveo 500 and tied with atlanta a topp the southeast division.ion
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>> um-hmm. >> houston was you would haveldh said against the challengely new york knicks. >> i would have adjusted the script a little >> up and coming. >> i don't the future.thture maybe. >> the knicks aren't really --y- that's right pretty bad. >> we can talk trash and often d do with tucker but i think we have that kind od relationship, don't we? >> when she is mike is working.w >> it's on. >> there you go. >> we hear you>>.>> we hear you. >> now we hear you.. >> hey, wisdom -- >> yes, sir. sir >> i think the wizards are thata good. i don't think it's because the knicks that are bad.k it >> it's a combination of both. . the wizards of, much better thaa we thought and the knicks arenie really bad. bad i watched them.i watcd them. fuey're awful. >> i don't like the hating'tike though because -- wizards are legitimately good.. >> have you just met wisdom. >> it's legitimate win.e win. >> did you just meet wisdom. jut >> you knock them down and put a them in front of uh-uh don't dot pick the opponent
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the ones in front of you. you ha no o mercy. that's all good.'s goo >> that's what they've didn't dd do. i'm on board.m on >> i'm with you.>> with you. more clouds from wednesday i'mam coming over and i got to sit ono the couch. couch i'm on my best more clouds today. t. tomorrow sunshine for uss locally.ll we'll see how phil does tomorroo when he gets up early.parly he doesn't know it but he's hs getting up early.arly. friday and saturday and sundayda look chilly the overall patternn for the next week or sole sol temperatures are going to bees a above normal by next week. i'll show you the seven dayrmaly coming up our next chance fore f light precip sunday afternoon,en sunday night. nht right now it looks like a lightt mix to rain. does not look locate major evene if you're headed out to youro yr friend's house or family or or whatever to watch super bowl onn sunday. i don't think the weather will get in the wayk .th t way all right. rht 41 now in washington.hiton. 37 quantico.ico. leonardtown 37.7. little pocket of freezingreezin temperatures just off to the jus south and west this morning.orng dulles, manassas, culpeper allll below freezing early but wee should be in the upper 40s too about 50 this afternoon and generally cloudy i know we got a little sunshine
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area at the moment but thent but clouds will win out later thishs afternoon got to deal with thatt piece of energy off to our wests you can see the snow showers shs flying in west virginia andnia western maryland this morning.o. we will not be seeing the snow showers today. tod. we'll keep it dry but mostly mol cloudy this afternoon and ass mentioned daytime highs about 50. let me mention the breezes asrea well. next front gets in hereets inere overnight really tomorrow, andr, that's going to set us up for f chilly weekend.nd daytime highs friday, saturdayaa and sunday actually a if you degrees below normal. we may not get out of the 30s oo saturday and overnight lows bacc below freezing.ezin so it's still february earlyar february here. he. it will feel wintry this weekene although look at the warmup bymy early next w monday and tuesday are going tog be well above normal. norl. perhaps into the mid 50's around here tuesday.sday. honestly, i wouldn't be b surprised if we don't see temperatures in the 60s around here, whoa, i'm getting tired aa huge crowd in by next week.e okay i'm out of breath.fat hi guys.s. >> hi.
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>> about the wizards. wizar >> you bad mouth i'm going to gg come into your shot and talk too you about out i'm kidding.i'm kiddi [ ughthter ] >> more impact if we >> there you are.ou a. >> say it again.>> >> start over.. >> beat up on my wizards --ards- there you go.. >> missed the moment. >> i'll quite sit here. here >> i'll read this and you canndc chime back in. fox5 dc cares working to helpp promote very very cool eventvent happening next month.eng next special olympic dc hosting a polar plunge. see this is why i need you.. organization holds plumps to plp raise money for programs and a this is the first time one is happening inside the ballpark. r >> there's a reason i'm sittingi here because last year i tookk part in the corporate plunge. pg >> i'm i remember. i remember this. a miserable day iti was.ay it w it was so col it was freezing.ez it says here it was fun. actually it wasn't that much u fun.n. >> i remember you stand saying n it's one of the worst things dii you. >> yes. >> many things i've done that'sa one of the harder ones.t's itof was t -he- whoo!ho >> i can imagine once you get it el
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and that's the important thing. special olympics d.c. putting pi three pools inside nats park.der now that's an awesome place too jump you can take part.e part. more on how to get involved in n minute but first we want to show you one of the ways your donation helps special olympicsc with mike thomas. >> all right. r ♪♪ we're out here at the fortat dupont ice arena and we're we're talking about special olympics here in washington, d.c. d i'm here with nicole preston ceo of special olympics washington,, d.c. thank you for having us out her today. >> thank you for coming.nk you r >> tell me a little bit com whaa special olympics d.c. does and a he is special wal they do foryor our youth around here. here. >> yes. well, special olympics d.c. is i the sole provider of sportsf spo programs for people withit intellectual dissables.saes so we bring kids out from all of the area high schools,ools elementary schools, also, fromoo our adult programs.s. today we've got 105 kids here he from high schools and
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schools around the city, and they're practicing to learn howh to do competition in speed spe skating. >> actually all of them seemhemm like excellent skaters by the be way. fundraising is hugely importantt to this and we have a big eventt coming up that we want folks ini d.c. to come out to and to helpo support special olympic.speciall what event is thatym. ent i >> absolutely. we've got our polar plungelung event. so here on the ice is goodsoo training for that. that. it's go be to be at nationalsats park on saturday february 11th. everyone come out. it's going to be a great family event.ev it's a greatero wbeay t ao spea different day in the park. par we'll have pools set up with water and you raise funds and fa you jump in the pool, and thenne when you get to come out,, they'll be warm drinks, warms, m stuff to put on, and a party pty with a dj and all kinds of fun things. >> we'll keep our finger crossef maybe it's not too cold of a day then. >> fingers crossed. we're out here at the ice arena speed skating is win of then ofe sponsored events for the winterr months, correct?rrt? >> yes. in the winter we have threee seasons of sports.of srt in the winter we have speed sped skating
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and we have bowling. bowling. >> all right. skating skang of speed we have a couple very specialy i guests with us. come on over here. this is cornell gray who will be representing the united states coming up at the winter games in austria coming up in cornell, how is it going? goi >> it's going good.>> it' goins g great.inreat >> it's going great. it' good. we like to hear that. how do you feel about gettingl t ready for these games? games >> i feel good. goo it feels good coming to practice every day. day it feels good helping i'm speed skating. it feels good. >> why speed skating for you of all sports? what is it aboutt t speed skating that made you want to skate? >> myself.. try something new.ew i just tried something new, and, i was coming here probable probl probably had -- when i first i don't know the date.know t dat i come here and practice. i just got on these coming to
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>> now you're ready to win gold, ghght. >> yeah. >> tell us a little about that. we have his l coaitchtl here nas himself three time olympian,ia correct.t >> correct. cor long track speed skating.kating >> awesome. 's ama amazing. queston for you. so about the special what does that mean to the kidsk around here in your mind?ind? >> it's an exposure to a sport o they would probably never otherwise see kids come out out here. here. they don't really know how tollo skate before they get here. her most of them have never been on ice. ice. they're intimidated after a feww weeks they're learning skills and self-esteem it generates isi unmatched. you can see it on their facese when they're out here.facere ou. they look forward to coming tuesday -- dupont on tuesdaysuey like nothing else during theirir week. week. >> cornell going to win gold atn the games. >> he's going to do his bev.ev. give his best evident. best evi. we care about his time. he beats his previous time it'ss a victory. >> all right. excellent. good luck to you.good good luck to you. >> and just reminder you canou c support cornell and all thernel other special olympians byns by taking part in the
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takes place saturday february 11th from noon toh noo 4:00 at nats and for more information justmat log on to special olympics. -- against special olympics i love he said he justt wanted to try somethinged tth different. >> yeah.>> y >> get out of your comfort zonee >> i love the nats are puttingti those pools in the park. par that's pretty cool.ttyool. >> something to see for you just t so pent eight years t the white house. how do you relax afterwards? s? tmz has a look at how the former first family is unwinding. wee check in with them live t next. it's now 9:38.ow 98. ♪♪ ♪♪ fios is not cable. we're wired differently. welcome to 8 and a half maple street. it's half a house. and even though it only has half a kitchen, half the closet space and a half bath, it's a full house to the wilsons. because they have fios, their half house has full internet, with uploads as fast as downloads. don't pay for uploads that aren't up to speed. get 150 meg internet with equal uploads and downloads, tv and phone for only $79.99 per month online for one year.
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at dominion, we're putting our energy to work creating a cleaner environment by using cleaner energy sources like solar, wind and natural gas. we've reduced carbon emissions by nearly 25%, which is the equivalent of taking close to two million cars off the road. cleaner air and cleaner water. it's good for all of us. dominion. depend on us for more than energy.
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♪♪ let's get you caught up onhn hollywood news right.s right taking a break after eight yeara in the oval office this morningr we're getting first-hand lookook how barrack and michelle obama spent their post white housete e holiday. >> more drama on the carryingsa during their centralon america i vacation for details we turnn to -- those stories and garynd g trock live in los i gary, how you doing, buddy? >> hey, doing well. hey thanks. >> all right. let's talk first about the first family former first family's vacation. we know they went out palm p aalmmer springs. that got washed out. so the backup plan wasn't too bad. >> back-up plan has been prettyt sweet. they went out to the britishou islands tht ey've been hanging o with richard branson near his i -- you know he owns that neckc kerr island out there.he where he's got a whole island tt himself it's beautif
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been staying at one of theofhe nearby islands and reallyeall hanging out for about a week ana we got some photos of them the yesterday hanging out withh richard branson and got the hatt backwards kicking back at thek t table.e. like not a care in the world. wd i mean it's so cool to see likek him just relaxing he deserves t it.. he definitely earned it. and i got to imagine he's in noo rush to get back to the states e any time soon.oo so, you know, just cool.t cool. we got the gallery up o just cool just seeing him hang out like a regular dude nowst. w >> gary forgive my ignorance ono this question, now that obama oa obviously he's not president any more, is there a secret servicei still with him? is theres the security all over the place? p how does that work when he goese on vacation.onacat >> oh, yeah.h, yeah. i mean, former presidents get it for life.e. >> right. >> and their spouses, too. there's definitely secrettely se service there. you know, there's definitelyefil security and richard bransonns has, you know, all sorts ofts of secure at around the islands, is too. too. it's not the -- to
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you know h he was actingctin president. but he will always have a teamm around him, you know, for as long as he's around.. >> he's still president >> it might be easier to protect somebody when you're onn billionaire's island. id. >> right, right., [ laughter ]ht >> absolutely.uty yeah. secret service they probably thy love getting this detail nowow because they're on vacation.atio >> they're not doing anything.t. >> all right. moving on to scott diss sick part partying in miami insteadnd of with the kardashians he has a multiple allowance of womenf wen around him as well. wl [ laughter ] >> he's been having a good timee apparently. so he was in companies is it a a wreak today over the weeknd wite the kardashians the wy werehey filming the show.filmine the whole family was there, the chris and kim and courtney,y, khloe.lo so apparently scott flew a girlg out and put her up in a hotelh that the crew was staying at fot keeping up with the kardashians. obviously wanted to keep herer away from the main family and a everything going on. o while the crew spotted thised ts
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was not very happy and chris and kim actually got in big fightigg with scott, and ended up leaving early he left a day early.. went to my am me, and has been with -- he was with a differente chick for the past two days. day just having the time of his ofis life. now here's the thing. thing. i know for the show they try and make it seem like scott ande scd courtney are on, off again. a they've been off again for ainoa long time obviously they co ty parent and stuff, but they're not together and they're not not romantic.romaic. so, you know, he wanted to brinb a girl out there. there. and have a good time. clearly, that didn't, you know,, that didn't jive with chris and kim and it messes up that whole family -- - >> are you saying this was too w much drama for the kardashiansda to handle? hdl >> too much drama.oo mucdra sometimes you got to dial itdi back apparently. >> well, it looks like life isei good for scott dead sick.ic no doubt about it.bout it >> all right.llht >> definitely. he's having a good time. >> all right.avin >>gary, thanks. we hope you have a great time oe the west coast as well. as wl. we will see you on the t television soon because justse reminder you can get your t
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weekdays twice a day on fox5 at 3:00 and at 7:00. >> i knew the former presidentse get secret service the rest ofes their life. o an they go on vacation t billionaire's island do they gog with them. with t >> they're there.hey're t >> that's why you want to get that assignment. >> most importantly, steve, ian think maybe scott was doing a di job interview with the youngng lady maybe he just wanted to flo her out. o >> i'm sure there wase there was questioning going on.ongoin >> there was questioning goingng on. on. >> she should have questionedul why am i at the cred wsha hotel. you're at luxurious hotel and ad i'm at the crews hotel. >> scott, sly dog you.sly dog y. >> thank you all. it is>> 9:4 t5 right now.ow coming up the battle againstst bullying.ying. set to a beat. beat. the music and me foundationndio joins us live in the loft nexttx to help unleash your super sup powers. bacl be right back. ♪♪
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compacts bullying three peeree e intervention and music they evee have song to help with the cause. it's anti bullying song wasinngw produced by dmv native and hiphop producer chuckie thompson. the group joins us live in the loft to dish join about peer positiver posite power initiative but firstut fit they're here to perform unleasha your super powers.. please welcome the music and mee foundation.unda take it away. ♪♪
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>> i want to bring in the brainn behind all of this. this is jane, the founder ande r ceo of music and me foundationnn and of course chuckie thompson o needs to introduction. legendary r and b hiphop producer.od thank you both. >> thank you for having u >> our pleasure. what an amazing message. it's called peer positive powerw and it's based on a very powerful statistic. 57% of bullying could be stoppes or prevented through peer pee intervention. >> that's amazing because it'sa not about us adults tellingsel them, it's about the kids k themselves having the superlvesu power to really stop it.p is it true when i was reading that 160,000 students a day d don't go to school because schoo they're afraid of being bullied? >> yes, yes. >> amazing. >> we all know that bullying is bad.bad. however, it's shocking how how pervasive bullying is, that 4,400 students kill themselves every year making suicide the
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people from 10 to 24 years old. >> sobering statistic for sure.. tell us how the programs works.. >> so right now we're w administering the program anroga after school program and we usee hiphop and the arts as a tool to engage children as well as wl a promoting literacy.. so it's multi sensory if youf will approach so that we canan reach all children no matteratte what they're learning stylesg yl are. are. >> you have it in both englishng and spanish.panish. today we're announcing that we are going to make peer positivee power available on digital platform.plform >> awesome. >> so children across the country have acc aeso chsil in t english and spanish and big seas is our hiphop embassador to the program, and all these books are going to be available digitallyl on the platform.. this book sparkle big sean looks forward to and
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tucker from the ravens and this book actually bobby 10 time 10 m grammy award winner wrote this o book which really launched thent whole foundation.. the music and me.. >> the whole rap for reading --- rap on reading. >> rap on reading. super powers what we -- we w-- w believe in the foundation thatia every child has a special giftt inside our super powers.ow >> that's right.s riht. >> what we help children do is to tap into their super powersup so they can learn and be safee and another important part of it the program is our social media moves.. we wouldn't give our childrenveo who are 16 years old the keys to the car. so why would we let our children go out on the internet, the digital highway. higay >> i agree. social media i think reallyea helps people to i want to make sure before we b run out of time because we knowo what your super power is. is. the biggest in the music mic industry want to work with youou and you're allowing sometime anm giving of your time to work witw
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why is that so important to youy >> i mean, coming from d.c., this is minor as we usedto dotod in school was jonessing. jones we would talk each other andth that's a form of bullying, youi, know. so it's just, you know, tryingwt to strengthen the kids up enough to understand that some kidse have issues, and you know, i i really want to speak to the t bullies, upping, to get them to understand that maybe talk to tk somebody about it.ut it. something that went on in their lives that may have forced them to pick on others or feel likeek that's a release, there's t another way to do it.o dot. >> yeah. there's a reason they're the llyiying. >> exactly. >> nobody really wants to be a bully.real a buth.ieve that. >> exactly. >> i believe people don't want to be bullies but they have their own pbullier owu yoesu all are making a differene >> thank you. >> you are all are amazing youna are the difference.ifnc your talent is second to none. n thank you so much.thank you so if you want to find out more gog to the music and websiteb i believe. mew and m make sure you get the right oneo in there and find out about a
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available. thank you so much. >> thank you so much for having us. >> our pleasure. back over to you guys. ck o ynk you.thou so aving .thanks for your hard work,r too. too. about done for the 9a oft nf course it's time for coffee cfe time. let's do it if you've been eyeing our cool good day mugs ww have a new good day dunkin'ay d' donuts mug perfect for the cuphe of dunkin' donuts coffee.of head to orst facebook page to enter our mug g contest one lucky winner selected by random drawing, dra hurry, you have now until 11am1a to enter and time time right now 9:57. we're back with more good day on the other side of the break. we invited women to a spa to test a new body wash. dish soap. you may not feel it, but some body washes can contain cleansers found in dish soap. dove body wash is different. it has only the gentlest cleansers. it just made me feel good. this is dove.
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star-studded morning.orning kevin sits down with rapper common to talk about his new hs movie with key an receives.n rve >> the premier of 24 legacy fouy days away. da don't miss wisdom's one-on-oneoe with the star.tar. he'll give jack bauer is run fof his money that's corey hawkins.i >> you think you can dance off?e don't miss our life dance offff with broadway legend hintonn battle. >> wearing sweat pants to the office? don't miss our liferins fashs ion show, and you may be too. it will be fabulous february onn good day.od d roll it.ll i ♪♪ all right.all rig you know why we're playing thisg song right now? thi why is >> this reminds me of half timem right you kind of take a breakta from the game. theame. right? >> i like it. >> well, we know a lot of peoplo out there kind of tired of ted o talking politics.ic no matter what side you fall in. we decided that good day at 10a was going to be a no politics pt zone. >> okay. >> let's do it. >> take break. like half time. we're taking a pause.use >> adjusting the game >> we are. adju
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>> nobody lose the playbook.k >> that's right. >> right? >> don't bring it. n yourn yourng it i backpack and set it down. >> have a near oxygen nair yanni pick it up. pi >> which will last longer noongn politics zone, former kardashiah no zone or the no taylor swiftri zone. zone >> i'm going to go with no'mng t politics zone. >> you think it will last thehil longest. >> yes, you know why? all thehe rankers i feel like this one hae to last longer just for our for sanity maybe. >> we need to get out of it now. you're talk ugh about it now. nw >> i'm talking about the zone. >> ready. >> mum. [ ughthter ] >> thanks for staying with usitu i'm steve along i'd holly, hol maureen and wisdom. let's check what is trending t this morning. this morning so we're not going to talk.a about -- >> no politics.itic >> i'm kidding.ding >> we're to the going to talkre about it. there's nothing involvedolve politically with this storytica whatsoever.atsoev there is it's a petpeve manyve y drivers will likely agree about getting behind a slow driver ine the left hand lane. l you've been it's frustrating.'s f
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are drag racing below the speedd limit. but it says at it leads to road rage and can be dangerous if faster moving car tries to passs the slow car n virginia if youa are driving slow in the leftt lane, you could soon get fined. a new bill in virginia's housens of delegates would add a $250 $ fine for drivers who block the t so-called fast lane.d fa lan we talk with one of the bill's sponsor senator scott sorryvilll from the 35th district thistrt t morning on fox news morning.ews. here's what he had to say.'s wha >> you have to get to the righte unless you're passing somebody s you're passing somebody you'reoy okay f you're not, you can be b stopped and if you are there's a mandatory five of $250. $ >> that's a lot of money.ey although slow-moving drivers ars supposed to stay in the rightht lane. they're current system noe currt penalty for violating the rule in virginia.irgi now have a have one of a few a w states that does have it on then books that if a car is coming up behind you have to get over. ove >> right.. >> but there's really not anyhea fine to deter people frome f actually doing it.lyoing >> how slow is too slow.oolo >> right. i was wondering, yeah.i s wo >> that's a great question
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>> if it impedes traffic.ff >> i guess if you're going beloo the speed limit.. if they have a designated a certain limit. certai >> five states right now i'm nos sure if this is as far asar virginia wants to take this orae not. they're five states right now sh including pennsylvania which hah done thins since 1989 or 99.r 9 you can't drive in the left hand lane unless you are specifically passing a vehicle. >> oh really.>> oh reall >> only using it for passingy uf much you cannot stay there.or pn >> i actually like that. i like that. i think that's a good one. o >> everyone would know thee wod rules. >> you said below the speed sbe limit i know someone gotten a ticket for driving bloat speedlt limit. >> really. >> i kid you not.. >> was her last name umeh? >> it wasn't me.asn' i actually have the oppositeppit in fact this morning i passed pd someone. are you kidding me? it'sdding 2:00 in the morning and you're y crawling out here. well -- nowhere to go at that pot.t. >> i will say we often kid, my mom, mom if you're watching,ing, online from home, i'm sorry, bu, she drives really slow. s she's j
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driver so my sister and i often kid as she's like mr. ma goo because she never gets in ane ni accident. but we're highly confident justt like cars are piling up behind her causing exactly.actly >> driving clue less.vilue >> exactly.>> exaly. >> you should be in the rightigt lane any way unless you'renles y passing somebody.ssin >> two cars that you just alwayw get right next to each other. they never change. nobody passes each other. >> that's awful. >> it's infuriating much it is.. listen let's talk super bowl fof a little bit much it's now fourn days away, and we're not going i to talk about the game though.h we're of course going to talk to about the commercials because this morning we are getting ath sneak peek at some of the ads os that you will see on sunday ovee the years the commercials havelv become an event in their ownhein right. so we'll start with an american tradition, and this year the company makina a statement on the subjectthect that's recently created a passionate debate across the nation, immigration.ti listen for a few >> welcome to america.rica >> you're not wanted here. go backou'r
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>> this of course is the storyry of anheuser-busch coming and, ad um, actually creating theing company and so they said thatait they didn't do this commercial, you know -- according to what's happening they did it a longingy time it just happens to be veryv timely right now. >> it's a beautiful commercial. >> it's pretty moving whent's pr you're considering we're talkine about beer tal.about er >> you know what i mean.ea >> right. >> so let's go from being moved to just being entertained.ertain >> okay. this is mr. clean.s mr. ean >> okay. >> wis he's getting a little dirty. he'tt >> oh, boy >> oh,. >> this one getting mixeded reviews some some finding the te sexy mr. clean a little bittle b creepy.. let's watch him work. ♪♪ >> oh, no. >> you got to way for the got payoff. you got to wait for the payoff.e >> no, no, no. >> no, wait, ready and --nd -- >> cleaning up. ♪♪ ♪ >> you got to love a man who m w cleans. see i love that. that. i love that commercial because i think it's so relatable.ab
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there's a lot of housewives at home or just wives at home thatt are like oh, my gosh, i find it so hot when my husband just actually helps clean the house. >> that part -- it's relatablele message.ssag >> but the cartoon mr. clean cle shimmying about.mying a that's disturbing.rbg. there's something very ew. >> the little --it >> won't get your dollar bills.. >> she's getting all -- oh, no.n >> that's the part that was --as her getting worked up over thisr and then it's her oh now you're attractive after i got worked -- get all excited e about cartoon character.raer >> he said i don't care. >> exactly.ctly the payoff is the same steve.s e that's right. >> listen.. oh, god, again. aga >> let's talk about snickers. sr they're doing things differentle this year.thear. promising a live commerciale coa during the super bowl. b it will be the first ever lifer advertisement to air during thea big show, and this is how i how they're promoting their idea. >> people watching show us howws
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pressure. [ laughter ]pr >> okay.kay >> see it's an audition. see the horse is auditioning aui they're us a additioning people for the liveus a a commercial. i think it's kind of clever. i think it's cute bought i am's very excited about the anticipation of what thishahi commercial will be. >> i think -- i'm still a bigst believer is seeing them theseeie first time game day. >> right. i think that's going to be huge. i think a lot of people will beo like what is it?t [ laughter ] >> dead cowboy audition. >> they better hit it out of thr park.. >> something hike that i wisheti they gave i was schedule you knew that one would air theng avsecond qe ua thartt er. >> decide when to go to theecid bathroom.e bathom. >> exactly. >> i like you're just not i liks yourself commercials.t yourse i thinomk those are pretty goodo let's watch and see. so time now for the good day study hall.e nohall. what is it you say? well that'' when we round up some of the hate test scientific research rs supposed to affect your life. first up how your morning cup oy coffee could be wrecking youriny diet. this one out illii
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it all depends -- >> is this country?ry? >> right. now this is all depends how youe drink your coffee or your tea. expeur crts say most people whoe a morning pick me up add cream,m sugar maybe some other flavorina syrup to and that can really pack on thee calories.lori in fact it can add systems 70 s7 extra calories per day and ifayf you have multiple cups a day, d every day, it all piles up and u piles up pretty fast.tty so the moral of this story is,s, drink it black.. or with some -- a lot of peopleo can't stomach it black.can't st >> it's a little harsh. >> i can't do't do it >> i'll take few extra caloriesr >> yeah. >> listen to this. a asked these questions eaed trlier. sleep or exercise? basically bc what's better waking up to workk out. or getting a few extra seems exe which one.whicone. >> ideally you need both.. both experts at the mayo clinicc say if you, v to choose oneose sleep it is.p it choose to sleep. sep sleep is foundational and if i you're to the getting enough,g e you're not performing at your ay best whether it's a workout
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just a meeting.eeti more raffle this story, you sto don't need to wake up two hoursu early to squeeze in that workouw stay in bed.d. >> ariana huffington when she ws was here with that sleeple revolution it's far better tofar sleep. >> yeah. >> than to try to work outhan t because in the long run it doese your bg etter >> think about it.>> we're still working here.e stilk >> getting my sleep in.etti my >> that's okay.. >> not saying you're get a six pack from sleeping. fro >> you still got to work out. so >> you go the to put the work t >> third if you want a healthy a heart what's more important, i what you eat or when you heatou it. >> timing matters when it comesc to your risk of heart now, this is from the american i heart association.iation experts aren't setting rulesng like never eat after 8:00 p.m. m or everyone should eat breakfast. but they suggest spreadingthey calories out over a specific spe period of the day instead of binging or grazing.zi. still the research shows that i is better to get the majority oo your calories earlier in the dad and that is why i skip breakfask gop right to dinner. at 4:00 o'clock in the morning.r >> at 4:00 o'clock in the o rnrning. >> we actually work a greata g
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early and then, you know,ouw, earlier the better.r thtter >> get more meals in by noon.oo. >> exactly.xactly >> everybody does for the wholeh day. >> that's right. :00 o'clock don't need tok don'o eat any more. >> eating in the middle of thege night. >> that's right. and it a woreep and it all work out. out >> fan of that and chicken wingn to all thatted to bad news for r you we all know that's the realr reason that people eat att pelee hooters for the wings, right? >> what?>> >> that's why everybody goes to hooters for the wings.s why hooo >> of course.r the wing >> the chain believes that and n>> oin b iing things i different direction.ection hooters ditching the waitresses in skim pinning clothes and the ers off the end of the name.e. just call it hoots. >> wow. >> no more orange shortss knowledge more stockings orin white tanks or sneakers you know the uniform, right.s orht >>eaeah. >> the new spot is just calledd hoots and staffed by men and and women who are not wearing any sy revealing outfits another big difference the food served sounder style like chipotlely panier row.ow. force one will open in chicagoni later this month. >> they're going out of business. >> i think that story is a hoot if they actually think that will work. >>
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nk tthat great anyha wtuay.alt y >> no. >> it's not that great.atreat >> can we just be >> they've been in business fors decades. decades. they've been doing the same thing for decades.cades >> tick to what works. works. >> if it ain't broke don't fix o it folks. >> all right. i'm not impressed with thatt either. or the wings. all right .. star study start to februaryf right here on good day at 10a. kevin sits down with rapperth common don't miss my interview with the star of 24 legacy corey hawkins. >> johnny depp spends how much a day? the draw dropping amount coming up next.. plus real life drama for real housewife bethenny frankel and why j.lo is worried about drakea this weekend.nd we're dishing next.ext. ♪♪
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>> time for good day celebritygo dish. a man can only live on 2 millioy alone.on that's 2 million months if i you're johnny depp.u're jy yesterday johnny depp formeror business manager counter suitous the actor on claiming his lavish lifestyle that costs more thanha 2 million a month to maintainain caused his recent financialt fii troubles and that the starhat tr ignored their repeated warnings. 2 million a month. month the count suit filed in los angeles superior court by the t management group comes about twt weeks after depp sued thehe company allegedly it grossly mismanaged his the lawsuit said de
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p paid more than, get this, 75 million to buy and maintain 14 including a french chateau and a chain of islands in the bahamas. not an island. ian a chain of islands. islands >> who doesn't want a chain ofco islands. >> right. >> depp spent heff toll 5150-foot yacht, fly on private jets and collect fine art and holded we'll memorabilia requiring 12 storage facilitiese to maintain.. >> that's insane. inse. >> i'm in awe of his.. his wine budget every month was $30,000. >> allow mow to jump in then. >> o, mr. numbers.umbe. go.. >> few numbers in my head right now. i want to break it down for you. let's start with how much he'so' spenting. you want to spend money likeik johnny depp. this is the break down.. 365 an quarter days in a year,e, >> right. >> that breaks down 30.44 dayskd per month.r if you want to spend 2 million a month you're spending 65,70070 thee dollars per day. >> wow he's spending $,7
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day.y. now as for that wine budget, holly, $30,000 a month let's dod easy math.syath. for me that would be $10 a a bottle i'd be drinking 3,000 3,0 bottles of wine a month. >> let's say john depth spends d $50 a bottle on wine that wouldo be 600 bottles a month. mth 20 bottles of wine per day thata he would be spending money on ii he wanted to buy one bottle atla day it would be a thousandhousan dollars bottle. bot >> maybe he's drinking open puss one that's pretty pricey. p >> a thousand dollars bottle. bl >> that's not even a thousandhos dollars a >> a lot of wine.. >> i mean -- mean >> a lot of wine. a lotf wine >> maureen and i whatever. >> cheers! >> any way go ahead. a >> how aboutny this. real life real drama foror housewives.ewi how about you deal with this thi one. >> see how he gives me the housewives puts me in that category.t cat >> i did the rich story. [ laughter ] >> okay. bethenny frankel star of reall housewives of new york ex-husband arrested for allegedly stalking and har
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r.r. frankel granted an order off protection against jason hoppy the order for bids him from contacting frankel and also too stay away from the stars home, business and their daughter's school. >> s will getting i don't like to hear that.l hea. let's talk about formerr housewife of atlanta.. look at my chest. >> say what? that's what shests said.. that's what kim said when shehee showed off her famous curve in n teeny bikini while heating the beach.beach. she share this picture ofis pico herself with her prominentnt cleavage on full display notingn she was quote in my happy placep the reality star photo came just hours after she, there are youou go hospital anded on instagram to praise her dermatologist dr. china steel for how good myy chest looks. >> really. r >> she wrote my dermatologist it the best. sitting here having breakfastins and just realized how good myooy chest looks.chest oks i battle with redness on my chest for years and it only gotg worse after i put -- after i was put on blood thinners
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toning oil. what the heck -- hk >> she's talking about her skini how good her skin on her chest looks. >> right? >> she just noticed it whilet no having breakfast.tice breakst. >> exactly.>> exact >> who does this? seriously. >> it happens all the time.he t. >> how about we move on? aboutme >> a cheating go ahead.g wis. wis. that's you.ou >> j.lo story. sto here we go.. j.lo, during boys weekend at the super bowl, singer actress j.lo jennifer lopez is reported her notice her rumored boyfriend bie drake will cheat on their with w strippers at the super bowl b party.rty. >> absolutely. >> what do you mean absolutely. >> it'sou item meaing environme. >> j.lo is as confident as anyot sexy woman could be but she's worried that drake next weekende at his super bowl gig that'sgt' what a source close to star sold hollywood.ywd him being around all those halfl naked strippers.trippers. that's just asking for trouble.b she's nervous drake's not going to keep his hands to himself. that's like dangling a mouse ine front of a snake. sna
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saying.sayi >> if this relationship wereionr real i'd be like aww but please. >> you know what i take fromw wk this though look not many peopll might think j.lo is so gorgeousu she's so beautiful. she's so everything.thing but she -- how could she possible val insecurities? butt all women have insecurity. inse. >> of course. >> all women do. > so even the most gorgeous womenm in the world. so drake when you're at the'ratt super bowl. bowl j.lo is having a big party atart her house.hous she's inviting some of her boys. >> did i physical you i don't like strip clubs?? get it. ge. i don't understand them.t >>un where did that come from. o >> that's what we're talking about drake being withaking strippers. >> left field. >> i don't understand strippersi i don't get it. >>i maybe you'll understand th. future fashionista kimim kardashian and kanye west have revealed they are releasing aa kid's clothing line.g line. they've all right got thee alt o perfect model.t mol. there you go. keeping up with the kardashianea star snap chatted the excitingxc news when she posted moat foe mo and video of her little girlirl wearing an outfit from the collection, hey, where is ourur model kardashian can be
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asking as north smiles and says, i'm here! the mom of two t revealed daddy and mommy are doing a kids line and these area some of the pieces.s. and so they add to thei kingdom. >> let's move on.>> l >> it's keep going and going.oid >> yes, it does.s. >> the kardashian ban didn'tid last long. >> didn't last 20 minutes. we e tried. tepp 21:00 time.1:00 t coming up, wearing sweat pantsat to work? getting the seal of of approval. we'll show you the latest trendd in active wear for the office.fc >> later on, a good day dance off.f. the two teams competing for ther top spot live in the loft and ld here to help us judge tony winner hinton battle. don't miss it. we'll be right back. ♪♪
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that sound. like nails on a chalkboard. but listen to this: (family talking) that's a different kind of sound. the sound of the weekend. it's baking season. warm up with pillsbury. protein. protein proteiny protein. proteiny protein? protein proteiny protein. at least 14 grams of protein. 100 calories. new greek 100 protein. from yoplait.
10:23 am
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tv and phone for only $79.99 per month online for one year. cable can't offer speeds this fast at a price this good. only fios can. >> all right. back now 10:24. std happening right now, it college sign in day all acrosscr the country where stand out high school football players make their choices known as to wherew they will play in the this is a live look at friendship collegiate academy iy northeast d.c.northet d. 10 students there are announcinn their decisions.their decis now that's a strong team, rightg in fact it's going happen in han just a couple of minutes.e of mt the same will be repeated atd schools across the regioneg including saint john's prep,n' this afternoon at the university of maryland they'll have a bigdl event to welcome newl recruitsu there. many of the new marylandew maryd recruits are coming from d.c.omc area high schools.. d.c., virginia and maryland marn about half the incoming classinc from maryland.arylan our crews this hour also at thet national zoo trying to find outt more information abo
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missing bobcat named ollie.ll she's been gone since still no sign of her despite dei search efforts by zoo staff anda animal rescue folks. bobcat barnard is back now on o the case for us once again todat because bob if you're not oute t there oohing and awwing overg o baby animals you're helping useg fine the ones that get away. >> reporter: that's right.ter: a i'll tell was i justt' went dowt to the bobcat exhibit here atbie the it's kind of around the big cat exhibit where you see the lions and tigers, and it is definiteli closed off with police tape, and i did see one of the two maleal cats in the exhibit off in the n distance inside the clone surels ere.e. i'll tell from you a distancel you could see those bobcats h e very tall ears. b very long ears.ry lonears so i think if someone saw this and you thought it may be wasas domestic cat a normal cat, evene an alley cat, when you got upot close and saw those ears, it eai would ring the bell oh, this oht might be the bobcat.ob as you mentioned that have beenb several sightings in the
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hours since ollie has been been missing from the zoo here and this team of zookeepers and sued police and rescue folks have h gone out and investigated all oa these. problem is you report seeing sen this thing by the time they gete there it's going to be gone. ton so we'll get update ate 11:00 o'clock this morning fromf zoo officials.zoo officials we're not sure if they'll sayy'l that they'll call off any future searches for ollie or if there's been any evidence found that tht he's still in the area. we just don't know.we i've reach out and said can youn give us a heads up what you'll tell us at 11:00 and haven'tav heard back.bak but ollie at this point is still missing.miin the exhibit here at the zoo is z still closed and off limits tois tourists and even to the media but i again went down there anda took that picture to see for sef myself to share with you what it looks like and there's likehe lk crime scene tape around it, andt at least one of the two male t m cats from a distance can bean b seen.en again, these bobcats have very v big ears.big e so that could be a telltale sign if you see ollie out in the in community.coity. guys. >> bob, and still no word onor o like how long until they wouldyu call off the search looking for ollie?
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probably what they're going toy' tell us at 11:00.1: whether they're going togoing t continue investigating these t reports that come inom periodically over the last 48 ls hours or if they're going tore g stop. we just don't know.on't know. we hope to find out here her shortly. and we're going to stream thisms news conference, this briefingbg we get from zoo officials on ouo website guys at 11:00.00 >> sounds good.d they thought ollie might bell m hanging out in rock creek parkek which is very similar to theo t natural environment for bobcats they do have some in marylandn r and in >> right. right >> you know, i think they feelhf even though old ohly grew up inu the zoo could survive on hisnis own -- her own. >> right. all right.rig. the presser we're told will beib on our facebook page as well ifw you want more information aboutt that, go to our facebook page as well.well 10:27 is the time.> 10is t he's the break out star of hitsf like straight out of com many ton and the walking dead and now corey hawkins next mission isisi saving the nation's capitol. cal part two of my interview withith the new 24 star coming up next.. >> plus oscar winner common taking on john wick. wic
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the star this time around a corey hawkins he plays carter a former army ranger fighting terrorists in this d.c. basedas drama.a. and it's familiar territory tout corey hawkins who was born and raised right here in the in t nation's capitol.'s citol you also might recognize coreyzr hawkins from straight out of cot many ton and the walking dead.e. earlier this week i got a chancc to talk to him about those roles. role but first he talk about why hee still loves washington, d.c.hing here it is. >> let's have hell fun here.e hn i know you just told mow youd my were in new york.werenew yo you're from d.c. which one do you like the new york style pizza or d.c. ma'am m ba sauce.ce >> oh dj mambo sauce.ambo sau there's nothing like it muchnoth people don't know about it. mom bow crab feast and crabcakes and alc of that stuff.ha i try to introduce people to ito people like huh and go-go too. >> okay. >> okay. >> the show is set in dc just ss people know, you know, 24 legac
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is set in d.c. too so growing up there it was great to be able to collaborate on that side of it f as well and really bring, um, aa little bit of, you know, somee authenticity to it, you knowou what i mean. what i >> did you watch fox5 when youou were growing up here in d.c. yeses. >> you're a younger guy than iua am. i probably wasn't here. >> yeah. [ laughter ] [ la >> did you watch fox5 at all? >> yeah, no, i did, man. did, m i did. i watched fox5, man, every, e morning before going to schoolco getting up getting on the trainn and the bus, you know what it mean? it was, you know, you kn, always had to check in withnit fox5, man, but i love -- i lovel you guys down there, man. man >> okay. we'll see how much you love ushy when you come to d.c. d. you need to come on in here, okay? ughterhter ] >> keep that in mine.n me >> i'm serious.erious i'll there be. believe me.ll i >> we got a spot for you rightog here on the o right here on the couch.t here . >> that's right, man.>> t >> come on downha. last couple questions having aea little fun. jack bauer versus sergeantauer carter who would win in a fightt in a
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>> man, i mean, look -- i mean, >> toss up. >> jack getti look --an,ean, >> toss up. >> jack getting a little up there in age. [ laughter ] k gettmight have retired -- iir - don't listen they're both pretty form middable opponents and jack can take out the best of them, so ii think they would give eight go.i i think they would actually betl on the same team. team. i don't think they would ever be fighting against each other.ins. >> all right. ant carter versus dr. dre. >> oh, [ laughter ] >> oh, man. man i don't know. dre can always, you know, i don't know.t know. eric carter might have to take e that one, too. >> all right.ll r >> falcons versus patriots. >> dre will be mad at me. m >> say what.hat >> super bowl, falcons versus vu iotsiots. >> oh, falcons. i'm going with the t. >> that was easy. >> i was at>> t the last game ae georgia dome and it was reallywa speciahat because we actually shoot the st show in atlanta, so it was justt really kind of -- it was special to see it, see the fans there te
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journey to the super bowl isowl special time.. so yeah awesome. >> okay. my last question some of your y fans who have seen you as keiths on the walking dead, keith isths missing. they want to know if you're m coming back? >> they do.o. well, i will say this i haven'tt shared it with anybody else.bods >> breaking news.g nes. okay. >> go ahead. >> so -- [ laughter ] >> you got it? >> you got me. you got meood. i thought i was about to get --- i got it. >> did you hear all of tha3 [ al >> i got itha all. it i was like are you kidding meide right now? got it all.t a got the all.. >> hey. >> h we'll see what happens.eyseat h >> continued succeith>> continue keep up the good work.e wor and don't forget i'm going to gg say the for the third time,im whenever you get finish with alt your work, cull on back to d.c.c come on here on good day on foxx and host the show with me.. that's all i'm saying. sin >> wisdom, that's a promise, thr man. that's a >> okay.>> oy
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you heaget i him. >> stock up on mambo sauce. sau got to have that in here. 24 legacy debuts sunday aft thee ht here on fox5.. ya'll heard all that information about the walking dead.out thwan he broke it he broke it down.ket d >> every word.>> >> every word. >> ♪♪ that was a really good interview. >> you know does he that for a living, kevin. them.hecomes, i'll killw do i'll kim them all.ll >> of course you will. ♪♪ >> i think he did, too. it's 1.16 kills per minute on mn screen in the movie for john foj wick chapter two. follow um to the 2014 thriller starring pecan new receives on e hit man hell bent on revenge.eve he faces gets the world's deadll a aith sit down common. commo in your interview with
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you sounded a lot ike kevine k there.e. breaking down ---- >> jack bauer versus -- >> went to the kevin school of movie interviews. interviews. isn't corey's mom is the cooleso person ever.ver. a local police officer here ine d.c. i'm so happy he's gettingsi this chance to lead a show likel this. amazing in straight out of comum many ton. great interview it really was. >> did john wick actually tearcl up that classic car?upc >> i'm not going to say anything. you'll see. you'llee >> it looked like it.look >> if the movie they use car fu fight with cars. cars. it's amapyng.. steve 141 kills in the wholewh film. i spoke to common about the action in the film in regards tr becoming a charahiner but he's ' musician as well. as well. amazing musiciaing.usiciain i talked about working withng kanye west as producer but firsr i wanted to know what all off these ahinion styles were, kung fu, begun fu, car fu. check this out. >> man, we give our all. we learn as much of the danguage, the fighting style um, keae'l has been at t
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while.ile >>hyeah. >> he knows it, lmt i had tos it learn the lanr bu. ce and then oncele and then you get the language, you starta learning the new things thatt they're bringing to the table. like the chad our director andtd his team bring to the table as e hting the stunt coordinators and start comingndm with all this stuff guild begung f you have, est ng frod car fu w sit sue obviously is a form of f fight ugh got to leatyl all thet things and get in there and benb cool in your suit and kill it.t >> one thing i love about you, , love you're a musician but alsos an actor. connehinion connion bejoheen those two.he it worked with some of theked m producer of all time.ime request lovi'm neptune, kanye d yop>> ohave directors. dec directors and producers in musim could be similar people. people. i'm wouldn'ting can you compare and contrastting that working relationship you have with chadh to maybe doing an album withh kanye on good music? mic >> i think, you know, like i will com.cre chad. he's very -- he has a certain intensity that i really love. l. like when it comes to him like telling you thou scene might gom
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you ktuaare and showing you how, washington he thildns the punch should looo like. i love that.veha kanye has that intensity that ta you will get that he reallyeall cares. they both really care a lot. um, but if i was to equivwsate chad i wouldn't make himt ke h muot ucer like kanye even more e quiet. kanye will say everything but chad is still going to let youio know what he needs and tinhat'gs where they meet with the intensity, but it is ay, it is similarity to producers and directors especialina when theyt both are good and chad is definitely, he's a master ofasr this world.orld >> as a musician, do you thildnn about the music you're of yourey characters would like? do youiu have aaz iut have aaz iut caith caith of music is he into. caith caith is al is al music. you know, cass
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speaks italian.. he's well educated in many waysy so his music would it would be some rap in there,, but some rock, like, some pink p floyd and, you knoare knoare zeppelin, but then athey uo some classical in there. just when he need to get his mind in that place. >> rydydber, john wick body b count 84. john wick captain two bot y cout cha1. >> they're just going up. >> i honestly think that's at' goot selling point.oint pe-- le like ahin movre, ano i love john wick much it's a m mazing.mazing ht.>>l r in theaters february 10th. aferr >> i'm counting them next time.m >> thaldns kevin.>> thaldns k from the gym to the runwayway coming up office appropriatepppr yoga pants. pts we are showing off some of the t hottest trends in athlete lease sure and how to make the look work for you. cap:39. ♪♪
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ht.all r have you ever heard of anou athletes sure wear? it's a fashion trend where eve sure ig meant for the grec officer spin class is worn outside the gym tt the office or maybe to bwicnch. they incluut incluut fashion forward yoga pants, pts sweats maybe showing how to doow h fashion flare is style expert nina.. >> what in the world is athletes
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>> you'll show us how to put a look together.ogr. >> three fabulous looldhree fabl yop>> otoday for men and women.n >> oh, good. oh, good. let's start with our first o mout >> let's start with brie.ri so brie is wearing an outfit oi an om lucy.y thiscy spelatalizes in active ww for women. and i think iices interesting to say >> yre, is ahinand>> yre, id at pure bar bethesda this ishi something she would wear fromulf stverio to street.veri street. she would wear this out withit friends grabbing coffee. coffe i love the printed pants such ah great way to brighten up yourpou winter wardrobe, you ktuaw.tua >> yes. >> just fun and then we've gotan thd is -- in looks altogether.. >> very pulled together in thist wrap much this wrap you notice c the zippers here and littlend ll pockets you can tforwow your eae lmare , your keys in there. tre very functional and it's got this hey smell tri cal coussuree which make it kind of modern.n. >> exactly.xact >> kind of really ties in theesh outfit here i love -- l >> high fashion.shion.
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it's cozy really cool. yop>> ocould ahinandocould ahind this. >> can i ask a questioing. ask t >> sure.>> >> i'll wear this with a bootyty or heel. h is that a no-no. >>heeot with these pants.hese p. have you had a solid black you u might be able to do that. >> peralihin. we wrap she's s's wearing this little measure meae tank. >>.r >> the measure tank isheeicesure because it's light weight it's l breaigthable and youheeotice the length.ngth >> yes. >> covering all the right places. ering ht.r which is really important if you're doing to wear it outside of the>>eall to we grec.rec orwooo much. you show a lit but i i don't see all of that. that we p-- of red lit with her sports bra.sra that is just like the finishingg touc to right. just kind of such cute way toayt add a pop of color. cor >> great outfit. great outfit. we have another model. yes. >> this is the look where i sa wit, oe m3 j so elass lain to me how exactly this is a work out here. >> this is grace. grace is wearing an outfit fromo kid and ace.and ace kid and ace really has taken tht ut ut wear and put that
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life pieces much think aboutnkbt atthetic wear that you can weary all day long. so this dress i know you'renow thinking how is she going tong t woin. out in this.s. >> right. >> she can go hiking in this org uagking in this and wear this or the weekend if she's going foror stroll, going to the marors ma wicnning erranare , and she cann also throw it in her gym bag, it's wrinkle free.le free. best thing about this dreithut h washable. >> can you take off the shawl. l that is gorend is?ornd is? tuaw this i -- i >> iices so cute. sut >> it's like the perfect dressre for on the go g iso g is >> i love this. >> the shoes are super comfy. c >> dress down the look make itei casual by aplaing fought yop>> a pair of sneakers.pair i lovove it. the dreith the dreith it machine washable.hine wbl so you can put -- you canan literally iices cashmere. >> when have you ever seen eve cashmere that you can wash. >> what's the t' muice to bint. greatreer $200 mucs othis is piece kind of like a go to peace in your war> tobe. >> wear it over and over ato bi. >> let me get to the last modeld real qd ouck. >> come on to here.>> com leithe on we don't want to leave out the meing. mein >> men is wearing an outfit from ministry supply much his
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can do from work out to worors let me show you how.t show he's got these pants which are e five pocket stretch pants you can work out in these, goo hiking, biking whatever youver y choose with just the t. t he can wear the t and show them the little under arm. ventilation system here, >> yeathable, moisture wicking,i throw on this black sip if youf you're going to go to work andgk tuaw you're ready to go to work. >> i wouldn't think work out ifi i saw him.i sawim you look pulled the wethegyetgy ht wateryater white l pell atlantic folks us into afot pocket you can tforwow it in yor bag.g. alanowash al.owas >> all you guys come back we're runel. it can be done. i know some ofit can you might t skeptical in the beginel. begin. ath-leisure wear you can workyoc out and then head on to brunchh or lunch with guys and gals. perfquit.quit. >> oe my. how can people get a hold of a l you. >> i'm over atheeana singlet.coc >> we d witn't show the matching metallic shoes.ic s they're peralihin.lin. >>heeot athdneisure wear but but we're paying it work.or >> they're coming in for afeoom. >> i love it
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>> iices time to put your dancio shoes on the biggest put and bes oulnce competition of 2017 iss happening this weekend and it'ss happening right here in the dmv. et cetera called dance off and more than 40 top dance studios s teens and artists from around an thend i.s. will be competing fof cash prices, scholarships ands whole lot more and here is the best part. par it is bt on by three-time-tim tony award winner hinton battle and iices bticngoue btngou gest names in the dancehe dance world including friend of thed t show debuage allen
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oulel. oulel. honored to have in the loft mrhere.hinton himself.imself. >> hey. n ttl'll have our own little dance off in just a squionlleae first we want to chat with you.. i know some people are sayingin okay, another dance competitione why do weheeeed this one. o >> dc needs it. >> absolutely. abs >> dance off is coming toin washington, doc.wa come on out gaylord nationaliona harbor. or itheeeeare it. weheeeed to bringheee the dance communities together. toget we've got dancers coming from am far as calg worel. calg worel. philadelphia, chicago --higo >> how long has this been in tht woin.n t >> this is oe's go f ishis is of >> your first year. y how long it? >> oh, baby, babt.y, babt. [ laughter ] >> we've been planning it for pr about year and a halfheeow andnh this is the first of many toe fm come. we've got this one and thennd tn muis muis tour. real excited. >> clearo lelop>> ohave a lot oo tovers bquitelse theours bquiteu panel alone, right? superuper stars.ars. >> iou >> iou and said that sounds so, youo, know, hollywood but i did
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up dnce uage.nce e. ut ut are you in? she said count me in. save i donand t kounw iimse koum l l >> right.>>ight >> i callednd ip all my frienarr josee d wnce who wd oucl be doing tht tap dance kid auditions.ions. andrea long who wd oucl be also doing ballet averitbrinsheeew yy city ballet. so andre from new york cityy ballet. great team of p gre thatre are fantastic that are going to beo there. so we're very eve gitng f.y evg. >> exactly how is it going to to work? how is it going to play ouay ouay >> at first i'll getnd ip and sg and dance and do a number oetruo two. two. e sm just k witding.i [ ltelghterto ell ticketsickell s alone actually.tuay. abslaly. abslaly. >>heeo. we've got all these classes.laes these kids are going to danceoan an om friouly td oucl sate's go. >> nice. dancing in the morning everyvery moal iin3 and then in the eveel.mothen in. saturday they're going tooi t compete and then we haveve telditions on sunouly for all te holarships. we have debbie allen school. sc.
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>> 100 parents and relatives.en >> 100 dance moms. isn't thatts a>> 1 wonderful?del >> no, i'm kidding. >> well, i don't know. kw. >> all right. we're going to have our ownur on little dance off.littan come on over my fellow co anchors because you guys willus help be the judges.e dges. >> yes. >> and can you tell us a littlel bit about our group battling ban this morning? >> we have today show businessis next generation and showho business dancers and they'rere going to be battling the out fof first place.rslace we going to see what they show us what you got. you g t't's see it. life is too short not to dance.e show us your moves. moves.
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>> whoo! >> can we pick winner? it's t' going to be hard to pick winner. >> can i just say cuteness alone i going to with next generationn dancer.. >> can people just come andst c watch the competition. >> absolutely. you can come, parents are coming and reservepa trehe whole event. it's great. >> you know what's so amazing iz was amazed that they used arriere teen how we get warmedar up for the show every day.every >> every morning.>> e >> didn't you recognize it. >> i saw that when we walked ini i didn't want to say anything.nn [ laughter ] >> everybody did a good job. god >> oh, my gosh. you guys are amazing, amazing, amazing.. hidden battle -- hinton battle.l no better way to round out the
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