Jan 23, 2018
Jan 23, 2018
eye 224
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quote 1
[LIVE] White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders briefs reporters. Sponsor: White House
Topics: ms. sanders, mr. cohn, fbi, gen. mcmaster, mcmaster, trump, africa, daca, sophia, u.n., asia,...
Source: Comcast Cable
A morning show that highlights the latest headlines in news, weather, sports and entertainment, and is known for the cohosts' casual and spontaneous discussions.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Federal Budget, Military, Children,...
Jan 22, 2018
Jan 22, 2018
eye 42
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White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders held a briefing with reporters following a deal struck between Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) to end the government shutdown. The deal includes a continuing resolution to re-open and keep the government funded until February 8, 2018 and continued talks on how to protect participants in the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. Press Secretary Sanders reiterated that the president...
Topics: schumer, afghanistan, nafta, isis, chuck schumer, monsanto, nancy pelosi
Source: Comcast Cable
Jane Seymour; Laila Ali; Daymond John.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Federal Budget, Military,...
A look at the day's news and headlines.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Federal Budget, Military,...
The president's doctor, Rear Admiral Ronny Jackson, spent almost an hour briefing reporters and taking their questions about the president's health and fitness. He said, "The president's overall health is excellent," and said he would like to see the president lose 10 to 15 pounds and change his diet. He provided details from various tests and examinations the president underwent in an over four-hour physical the president had the week prior. He also remarked on the president's mental...
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch
Jan 17, 2018
Jan 17, 2018
eye 161
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quote 2
The president's doctor, Rear Admiral Ronny Jackson, spent almost an hour briefing reporters and taking their questions about the president's health and fitness. He said, "The president's overall health is excellent," and said he would like to see the president lose 10 to 15 pounds and change his diet. He provided details from various tests and examinations the president underwent in an over four-hour physical the president had the week prior. He also remarked on the president's mental...
Topics: jackson, walter reed, trump
Source: Comcast Cable
The president's doctor, Rear Admiral Ronny Jackson, spent almost an hour briefing reporters and taking their questions about the president's health and fitness. He said, "The president's overall health is excellent," and said he would like to see the president lose 10 to 15 pounds and change his diet. He provided details from various tests and examinations the president underwent in an over four-hour physical the president had the week prior. He also remarked on the president's mental...
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Immigration, Federal Budget
Jan 16, 2018
Jan 16, 2018
eye 32
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White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders took questions from reporters on immigration and budget negotiations between the administration and lawmakers. Ms. Sanders said Democrats are playing politics with alleged remarks on immigrants by the president in a meeting as an excuse to not strike a deal on undocumented youth. She also said if the president is a racist as Democrats allege, why would NBC give him a show for a decade - referring to "The Apprentice." Sponsor: White House |...
Topics: nebraska, daca, iowa, sarah sanders
Source: Comcast Cable
A morning show that highlights the latest headlines in news, weather, sports and entertainment, and is known for the cohosts' casual and spontaneous discussions.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Federal Budget, Immigration, Taxes,...
[LIVE] Press Secretary Sarah Sanders holds a briefing with reporters at the White House. Sponsor: White House
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Taxes
[LIVE] Press Secretary Sarah Sanders holds a briefing with reporters at the White House. Sponsor: White House
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Taxes, Immigration
A newscast reviewing and analyzing top stories of the day as they happen.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Immigration, Trade, Deficit
A look at the day's top news and headlines.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Immigration
A recap of the day's news.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch
A morning show that highlights the latest headlines in news, weather, sports and entertainment, and is known for the cohosts' casual and spontaneous discussions.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Russia, Legal Issues, Drugs, Economy
Jan 4, 2018
Jan 4, 2018
eye 59
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[LIVE] White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders holds a briefing with reporters at the White House. Sponsor: White House
Topics: ms. sanders, sarah, steve bannon, michael wolff, john, florida, espn
Source: Comcast Cable
A morning show that highlights the latest headlines in news, weather, sports and entertainment, and is known for the cohosts' casual and spontaneous discussions.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch
Jan 3, 2018
Jan 3, 2018
eye 51
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[LIVE] White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders holds a briefing with reporters at the White House. Sponsor: White House
Topics: ms. sanders, north korea, steve bannon, israel, jerusalem, kim jong-un
Source: Comcast Cable
Jan 2, 2018
Jan 2, 2018
eye 55
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[LIVE] White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders holds a briefing with reporters at the White House. Sponsor: White House
Topics: pakistan, north korea, iran, south korea, alabama, afghanistan, south asia, georgia
Source: Comcast Cable
Alex Witt hosts coverage of national and international news, including breaking stories.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Immigration, Civil Rights
A look at the day's news and headlines.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, taxes
Dec 20, 2017
Dec 20, 2017
eye 84
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The House and Senate votes on the Republicans tax plan dominated most of the questions during the the White House briefing with Press Secretary Sarah Sanders. She also answered questions on a report about UFOs, relations with Russia, and the Amtrak derailment in Washington state. Sponsor: White House
Topics: sec, mrs. sanders, russia, amtrak, jill, vietnam, isis
Source: Comcast Cable
Dec 14, 2017
Dec 14, 2017
eye 87
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White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders said they'll keep working with Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) on tax reform but stressed they're proud of what's already been accomplished to this point. Her comments came as news surfaced that Sen. Rubio is currently a "no" vote. Other topics discussed during the briefing with reporters included reports that Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) will be retiring, Omarosa Manigault's departure from the White House and the opioid epidemic. Sponsor: White House
Topics: rubio, ryan, washington, roy moore, marco rubio, omarosa, mr. bannon, doug jones
Source: Comcast Cable
White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders defended the president's tweet criticizing New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D) and denied that it was sexual innuendo. Her defense came during the daily briefing with the press corps. Prior to taking reporters' questions Lee Francis Cissna, the U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services director spoke about what the administration sees are vulnerabilities in the immigration system. Sponsor: White House
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Women, Civil Rights, Immigration
White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders defended the president's tweet criticizing New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D) and denied that it was sexual innuendo. Her defense came during the daily briefing with the press corps. Prior to taking reporters' questions Lee Francis Cissna, the U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services director spoke about what the administration sees are vulnerabilities in the immigration system. Sponsor: White House
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch
Dec 11, 2017
Dec 11, 2017
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White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders responded to a call from three accusers for a congressional investigation into sexual misconduct by President Trump saying he's denied all allegations. Her comments came as reporters asked multiple questions about the topic during the daily briefing. Other topics discussed included the explosion in New York City, fake news, tax reform and the president changing policy to acknowledge Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Sponsor: White House
Topics: isis, alabama, new york city, roy moore, nasa, nikki haley, korea
Source: Comcast Cable
Interviews with political figures and news updates.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Civil Rights
The most interesting news stories of the day with anchor Kate Bolduan.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Federal Budget
Wolf Blitzer looks at politics, breaking news and international stories.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Federal Budget, Veterans, Military,...
Coverage of national and international news, including breaking stories.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Elections, Israel, Foreign Policy,...
Dec 1, 2017
Dec 1, 2017
eye 67
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White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders responded to reports that Secretary of State Rex Tillerson will be replaced. Ms. Sanders said that when the president loses confidence in someone that person will leave. She added that President Trump and Secretary Tillerson continue working together to close out a great year. She also announced that the president will be giving his third quarter salary to the Health and Human Services Department to aid in their fight against the opioid crisis. Sponsor:...
Topics: ms. sanders, north korea, trump, lexington
Source: Comcast Cable
Chris Matthews debates hot political issues with politicians, newsmakers and Washington leaders.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Terrorism, Civil Rights, Islam
Coverage of national and international news, including breaking stories.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Taxes, Bipartisanship
Nov 27, 2017
Nov 27, 2017
eye 40
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White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders briefed reporters and took their questions at the daily press briefing. Most the questions centered on President Trump's efforts encouraging the Senate to pass a tax reform package, as well as his calling Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) "Pocahontas" during an event honoring Navajo Code Talkers from the Marine Corps earlier in the day. Ms. Sanders said his use of the word did not constitute a racial slur. Sponsor: White House
Topics: mulvaney, isis, mr. mulvaney
Source: Comcast Cable
[LIVE] White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders holds a press briefing. Sponsor: White House
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, North Korea, Terrorism, Nuclear
[LIVE] White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders holds a press briefing. Sponsor: White House
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, North Korea, Taxes, Elections,...
Nov 17, 2017
Nov 17, 2017
eye 63
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[LIVE] White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders holds a daily briefing with the press corps. Sponsor: White House
Topics: alabama, kevin, roy moore, sarah, ireland, syria, gary cohn, russia, franken, texas, moore, steve...
Source: Comcast Cable
Nov 16, 2017
Nov 16, 2017
eye 51
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quote 0
[LIVE] White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders briefs reporters and answers their questions at the daily press briefing. Sponsor: White House
Topics: ms. sanders, roy moore, china, sarah, north korea, alabama, russia, johnson, asia, franken, moore,...
Source: Comcast Cable
Brian Williams examines the day's top political stories and current political-campaign news.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Elections, Legal Issues, Women,...
[LIVE] National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster, along with White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders, briefs reporters at the White House. Sponsor: White House
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, H. R. McMaster Archive, taxes,...
The latest news from around the world with host Brooke Baldwin.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Homeland Security, Immigration
Source: http://www.factcheck.org/2017/12/conways-misguided-postmortem/
The latest news from around the world with host Brooke Baldwin.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch
A look at the day's top news and headlines.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Taxes, Russia, Legal Issues
Oct 31, 2017
Oct 31, 2017
eye 71
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White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders briefed reporters on the timeline under which President Trump hoped the House and Senate would pass tax reform legislation, then took questions on a variety of topics. Most of the reporters' questions centered around the federal indictment of former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort and two others, the first legal maneuver resulting from Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia...
Topics: russia, george papadopoulos, paul manafort, washington, robert mueller, mr. mueller, clinton, mr....
Source: Comcast Cable
[LIVE] White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders takes questions from reporters. Sponsor: White House
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch
Source: http://blog.archive.org/2017/11/02/tv-news-record-with-indictment-chyrons-captions-get-a-graphic-workout/
Oct 30, 2017
Oct 30, 2017
eye 6,344
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quote 1
[LIVE] White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders takes questions from reporters. Sponsor: White House
Topics: russia, george papadopoulos, mr. mueller, paul manafort, clinton, washington, robert mueller,...
Source: Comcast Cable
[LIVE] White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders holds a daily briefing with the press corps. Sponsor: White House
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Fake News, Women
Source: http://blog.archive.org/2017/12/01/tv-news-record-coverage-of-sexual-harassment-charges/
Oct 27, 2017
Oct 27, 2017
eye 5,342
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quote 1
[LIVE] White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders holds a daily briefing with the press corps. Sponsor: White House
Topics: sec, sebastian gorka, clinton, north korea, pyongyang, utah, sarah, john, clintons
Source: Comcast Cable
[LIVE] White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders holds a briefing with reporters. Sponsor: White House
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch
Source: http://www.factcheck.org/2017/11/trumps-claims-dont-add/
Oct 24, 2017
Oct 24, 2017
eye 225
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quote 1
[LIVE] White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders holds a briefing with reporters. Sponsor: White House
Topics: sarah, mcconnell, niger, francesca, obama administration, robert jeffers
Source: Comcast Cable
Oct 23, 2017
Oct 23, 2017
eye 79
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[LIVE] George Washington University holds a conversation about press access to President Trump with Press Secretary Sarah Sanders and White House correspondents. Sponsor: George Washington University | School of Media and Public Affairs
Topics: sarah, washington, donald trump, trump, steve bannon, margaret, mitch mcconnell, afghanistan, north...
Source: Comcast Cable
Interviews with newsmakers and discussions of current affairs.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Job Accomplishments
Anderson Cooper takes viewers beyond the headlines with in-depth reporting and investigations.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Media, Military
Oct 20, 2017
Oct 20, 2017
eye 60
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[LIVE] White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders holds a daily briefing with the press corps. Sponsor: White House
Topics: ms. sanders, russia, herve, niger, bush, george w. bush, london, wilson, janet yellen, clinton, fbi
Source: Comcast Cable
The latest news from around the world with host Brooke Baldwin.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Military
White House Chief of Staff John Kelly addressed reporters at the daily White House briefing. He defended President Trump's call to the widow of Army Sgt. La David Johnson and said the president made a brave decision to call the families of the soldiers killed in Niger. Gen. Kelly said he is "stunned" and "broken-hearted" that Rep. Frederica Wilson (D-FL) criticized the president's phone call. In addition, he confirmed that former President Obama did not call his family when...
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, John Kelly, Natural Disasters,...
Oct 19, 2017
Oct 19, 2017
eye 49
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White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders held a press briefing with reporters. She answered a broad range of questions on topics including the ongoing conflict in Iraq and Syria, continued federal response efforts in Puerto Rico in the wake of Hurricane Maria, and President Trump's timing and conduct in speaking with families of four U.S. service members killed in Niger, the reporting of which she took issue with by calling it "a disgrace of the media." Sponsor: White House
Topics: isis, syria, john kelly, nafta
Source: Comcast Cable
[LIVE] Senate continues work on the 2018 GOP Budget Resolution & Tax Reform. Sponsor: U.S. Senate
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Foreign Policy, Natural Disasters
The day's top stories from around the world, from politics and money, to sports and pop culture.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Immigration
Chris Hayes discusses the day's top news.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Military
Updates of the day's news.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Health Care
Oct 10, 2017
Oct 10, 2017
eye 61
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[LIVE] White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders holds a press briefing. Sponsor: White House
Topics: iran, california, clinton, spain, obama administration, catalonia, obamacare, north korea, harvey...
Source: Comcast Cable
Oct 6, 2017
Oct 6, 2017
eye 68
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White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders briefed reporters and took their questions on a variety of domestic and foreign affairs topics. Many of the reporters' questions were focused on comments President Trump made the day prior, claiming there was a "calm before the storm," a statement which Ms. Sanders would not clarify. Sponsor: White House
Topics: washington, iran, north korea, trump, daca, niger
Source: Comcast Cable
Oct 5, 2017
Oct 5, 2017
eye 67
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[LIVE] White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders holds a press briefing. Sponsor: White House
Topics: california, kevin, kellyanne conway, texas, fema, iran, north korea, isis, russia, north carolina,...
Source: Comcast Cable
Oct 2, 2017
Oct 2, 2017
eye 138
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quote 2
[LIVE] White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders holds a press briefing. Sponsor: White House
Source: https://www.factcheck.org/2014/03/pipeline-primer/
[LIVE] White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders holds a press briefing. Sponsor: White House
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Guns
Source: http://www.factcheck.org/2017/12/trumps-false-black-home-ownership-claim/
Oct 2, 2017
Oct 2, 2017
eye 342
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quote 2
[LIVE] White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders holds a press briefing. Sponsor: White House
Topics: ms. sanders, north korea, mourning, orlando
Source: Comcast Cable
The latest news from around the world with host Brooke Baldwin.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Taxes, Ethics, Government Efficiency, Health Care
The latest news from around the world with host Brooke Baldwin.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Taxes, Natural Disasters
Sep 25, 2017
Sep 25, 2017
eye 85
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At a White House briefing, Press Secretary Sarah Sanders called North Korea's suggestion that President Trump has declared war on the country "absurd." Ms. Sanders also answered numerous questions about President Trump's comments on NFL players kneeling in protest during the national anthem, telling reporters the president was not commenting about race, but rather pride in the United States. Sponsor: White House
Topics: north korea, sarah, tom bossert, colin kaepernick, alabama, catalonia, brock, united nations,...
Source: Comcast Cable
[LIVE] People: Nikki Haley; H.R. McMaster; Sarah Sanders Sponsor: White House
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Terrorism, United Kingdom, France, Foreign Policy
[LIVE] People: Nikki Haley; H.R. McMaster; Sarah Sanders Sponsor: White House
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, North Korea, Terrorism, England, Immigration
Sep 13, 2017
Sep 13, 2017
eye 288
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quote 5
Sarah Sanders briefed reporters and responded to questions on a range of issues, including on President Trump's recent lawmaking deals with congressional Democratic leaders and the future of potential tax reform deals. People: Sarah Sanders Sponsor: White House
Topics: scott, sarah, charlottesville, florida, pelosi, schumer, u.n., fema, bernie sanders, espn,...
Source: Comcast Cable
Sarah Sanders briefed reporters and responded to questions on a range of issues, including on President Trump's recent lawmaking deals with congressional Democratic leaders and the future of potential tax reform deals. People: Sarah Sanders Sponsor: White House
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Crime
Source: http://www.factcheck.org/2017/11/largest-tax-cut-history/