currently unused normally production companies rent this space but they are in a dilemma explains capozzi. it's a big gamble for them it's not insurable so either they hold and things fall apart in other ways or they jump in and they could be at risk financially by shutting certain productions down due to someone getting sick or a crew member getting everyone else on the crew 2nd cast included so to me we're in a very big unknown that could be very very scary. like every crisis this one has a winner animated films can be produced remotely and instead of going to the sentiment the new spartans probably soon be arriving by a steaming service in homes around the world. film expert scott ross perot joins me this studio put this it lets put this into perspective how hot is the. it would run it's devastating i mean i've never seen a thing like this and i don't think there has been a thing like this in the entire history of the film industry i mean they've gone through through wars and so forth and have kept making movies and cinemas have still been open even when they were bombing here in berli