farzan and gar, the nation's two top virologists, told dr. fauci inpg january of 2020 in an emergency meeting that fauci called that they thought it was the labak. leak and yet it was billed as a conspiracy. and finally that the bivalve vaccine and thth bivalene booste effective and necessary for young people. ized we've had no randomized control trials. dr. jha at the white housetria s ,it's crystatal clear to me it's crystal clear a young, healthy person has this should not get it. no one on this congressionalreso nacommittee or at the cdc hasf heer been able to tell us if any healthy american child has. died of covid.there it may have been a couple coulme have bee beeven three , five ,es 10 over three years. that's way below any respiratory pathogen. how can you push something ssh o aggressive with such absolutism and dogma without the the data ? we don't even know ialf anthy yl healthy child has ever died of covid. now,s ev died of public health officials inat a the cdc are proposing that a 12l year old healthy girl get 60 mani covid vacc