miles, doctors jean-pierre sauvage, fraser stoddart, and bernard feringa for the design and synthesis of molecular machines help how small are we talking? >> think of a nanometer. a nanometer is-- well, there are 80,000 of them in a human hair. that will give you an idea. we're talking very small. imagine machines at the molecular level that can do work, and some of the applications that we're thinking about are potentially drug delivery inside our system, and many others where tiny machines can pack a punch. another application they're looking at potentially, hari, is creating computer storage capability at the atomic level. well, if you're storing things at the atomic level you basically need a processor at the molecular model. nanomachines are potentially revolutionary. we're still very early on in that game. >> sreenivasan: how do you build something that small? >> it's basically a chemical process that you engage with, and that is part of their insight. and, you know, basically, the researchers are saying that we're kind of like the wright brothers at this point. we built a flyin