conception that this situation is going to improve anytime soon michel ok hala jams him live for us in kocsis our mohammed thank you. new details are emerging that indicate the las vegas mass shooter was shooting rather was thoroughly planned u.s. police say sixty four l. stephen paddick set up cameras outside his hotel room to watch if police approached assault rifles have been found in that room which were modified to produce automatic fire at a friend who's a person of interest in the investigation has returned to the philippines is being questioned by the f.b.i. and gallagher reports. as steven public fires down on a crowd of concert goers on sunday night newly released police body camera footage shows panic and confusion offices scramble to locate the source of the gunfire and get members of the public to safety this is a dramatic snapshot of the moments before public was located on the thirty second floor of the mandalay bay hotel police gave more details of how events unfolded the suspect i can tell you that we know now that he fired off and on for somewhere between nine and eleven min