people he does not want them to work with russia extensively so this is very delicate for turkey mr felder how what is russia's involvement in this going to be you know turkey and russia have been on opposing sides of the syrian civil war they're coming together now to fight the heat so how is this going to work well russia and turkey have be in congo for almost on the brink of war in the end there for fifteen beginning of sixteen since then the everything has changed now russia and turkey are working together through the process there has been the fact though separate and syria in the kind of zones of influence but of course everyone the saying this is not permanent these are not zones of influence this is just provision though but proof of nothing. stand strong and so right now turkey is. assuring itself in the bible which was kind of this ignited to turkey to keep the peace there and keep the bad guys at least being officially prominent there of course that talk about pushing out the fighters here are some of former. somewhere out of it i don't think that's practical but because there's