coeur? o bruit doux de la pluie, par terre et sur les toits. hant de la pluie! now there'll be some who know that. the first line in english, it rains.... "it rains in my heart like it rains in the town." "what is this pain that penetrates my heart? suella braverman, home secretary, thank you forjoining me on political thinking. thank you, nick. there will be, i'm sure, critics of the home secretary who find it hard to believe that her own father had to flee to this country from persecution, from africa. they'll find it hard to understand how she can empathise so much that she teared up when i read the words of her maiden speech, but shows not that much sign of empathising with people desperate to make their way across the channel. her explanation, i think, is clear. the values herfather and mother taught her of patriotism, of belief in the rule of law, in sticking to the rules, is what she thinks britain is all about. the reason there's a row this week is not everybody agrees. thanks for watching. hello, there. there's still lots of snow lying