what kind of health care they desire is -- we ought not go down that road, and so, for example, the c mmi, the center for medicare and medicaid innovation, i'm a strong proponent and odd sladvocate fo innovation. i've seen what's coming out of cmmi is a desire to require certain kinds of treatment for certain disease entities that may or may not be in the best interest of the patient. because it carries the full force of the federal government and the payment for those services, it means that we're answering the question who decides about what kind of care patients receive by saying that the answer to that ought to be washington d.c., and i simply reject that that's where those decisions ought to be made. >> i appreciate that answer. i have the privilege of being a member of this committee, the finance committee, and especially being chairman of the always powerful senate agriculture committee. i'm particularly interested in hhs and more importantly fda's work on food and nutrition policy. during the previous administration the fda issued numerous regulations with limited or delayed guida