i think that goes to the broader point that this is not a policy rich debate. , a fairell covered numberf trump voters voted for his agenda. we did a poll of both clinton and trump voters. were sendingvoters a message of change to washington. you had a mixture of voters that supported his agenda, and others who thought he was not serious about a lot of the things he said. i think a lot of those chickens are coming home to roost. >> a lot of the anecdotal evidence seems to suggest -- there was a rust belt voter quoting the times that said a relative was going to lose health care with the repeal. this one woman said she did not believe he would do it. she got he was bluffing. -- thought he was bluffing. hillary clinton and democratic senate candidates -- every democrat that provide his or her voice said that this guy is a scam. he will shaft working people. why did working-class white people not hear that message? is there a flaw with the democratic agenda? you mention also that a lot of these people were sending a message of just generic change. did democrats not signal clearly enough tha