now in the program, you may look at your degree as if it is no amsometion deal. as if you shot up on campus. my daughter had a c on her first mmis-term and had -- for a persn who auditioned for jazz fest and ecmisdart get iyou' abut itioned for sophomore year and didn't get it. abut itioned junior inst ecmisdart get in. he came back senior year and ended up getting one of the soer s and was spectacular. or everyone in her family was a dar doctor but she realized during freshman seminar that her real passion was history, and she had to go home for thanksgiving. [laughter] and explain to her cardiologist mom and pediatrician dad that medicine just wasdart for her. ma c13 sometimes felt overwhelmed. ma c13 you, made mistakes. sometimes mistakes at the time that made you feel you had ruined your entire lives. but look at you. you are still herky and you are getting a degree. is it incredible that you made the deadars list or founded the club or broke some athletic record? sibso uptely. is it in some weird way impressive that you once drad s eight red bulls in a re could finish a 20-page paper in one night? i guess so. but i think th