communities to monitor daily life in bookstores, cafes, nightclubs and even infiltrated muslim student organizations in colleges and universities such as columbia and yale university. when we tolerate this type of racial profiling and the guise of promoting national security, we jeopardy guise national security and compromise the basic set forth in our constitution. policing base on stereotypes remains an entrenched practice in routine law enforcement across the country. the tragic story of ray von martin garnered national attention and raised questions about the role of race in the criminal justice system. while we don't yet know how this heartbreaking story will end, we do know that stereotypes played a role in this tragedy and yet they have no place in law enforcement. racial profiling undermines the trust and mutual respect between police and the communities they are there to protect, which is critical to keeping communities safe. additionally, profiling deepens racial in america and conveys the suggestion that some americans do not dee serve equal protection under the law. racial profiling is exploding. state intrusion to federal immigration author