madam chair, i move that the nomination of david capozzi to be director of the amtrak board of directors, pn 1693, the nomination of elaine clegg to be a director on the amtrak board of directors, pn 1692, the nomination of ronald battery to be direct on the amtrak board of directors, pn 2032, the nomination of lanhee chen to be a direct on amtrak board of directors. pn 1568, the nomination of felix sanchez to be a member of the board of directors of the corporation for public broadcasting. pn 2241, the nomination of adam white to be a member of the board of directors of the corporation for public broadcasting. pn 1979, the nomination of lisa ballance be a member of the marine mammal commission. pn 1949 the nomination of the recent solo to a federal maritime commission, and pn 2130, pn 2131, pn 2132, pn 1534 -2, pn 2228, 2228, pn 2229, pn 2230, and pn 2231, coast guard promotions the favorably report. >> is there a second? all those in favor say i. all opposed. the ayes have it that . the motion is agreed to. the nominations are reported favorably. we have now concluded our hearing prep