there would appear michael o'shaughnessy's name for having given a penny. so sculptures pedestal was the play in the time that statutes are it was put up and this was with the statue is out in the island. i lasted to this architectural tour of new york to show you significance of all of this, plus it has re-created journalism. it's vital, important. papers are published every hour of the day. an important trial in new york, a rep porter was sit in the room, write a story or car down and take it back to the paper. to put that out, put it in the sleep send david say so and so. it was so important on election night people look at their bypass thousands of parkero because there is a radio to tell you a new book that newspapers for the eight boards and put the results in chalk. so pulitzer became the midwife of this whole world of journalism in which people depended on it, turn to use entertainment. david say, teaches at the store in the new york world? or maybe a competitor. the point is people talk about news. he went down to part rohan bought the hotel. a gre