a bookstore, atticus which serves yale students is enforcing a new policy for its workers. only. the store states that the rule is to make customers feel welcome and comfortable but is this new policy fair or discrimination? right now, we are joined by someone from the new haven workers association and jane from the english advocacy group, pro english. good morning to both of you. >> good morning. >> winn, as i understand it, the policy of this bookstore owner is that if you are in the public eye, dealing with the, you know, a member of the public who is there to buy a book, front of the store in the restaurant or something, speak english. >> that's right. that's the policy. >> and you got a frob wiproblem that? >> yes, i do. most of the employees of this particular bookstore speak spanish as a first language so obviously, when you have people dealing with customers, it makes them speak english because that's the official language of the country. >> not only that but it's good for business, isn't it? >> sure. >> if you speak english. >> yeah. of course, new haven is a parti