janet tavakoli is president of tavakoli structured finance. here is the heart of j.p. morgan's admission today regarding its near $6 billion trading loss. in the release today, the reason we discovered information raises questions about the integrity of the trader marks and sx*pgs that certain individuals may have been seeking to avoid showing the full amount of the losses being incurred in the portfolio during the first quarter. who is accountable for this? >> well, tom, first of all, that's the bomb shell. j.p. morgan just said what they said -- is that the whole situation suggests that traders were knowingly mismarking their books. now that's criminal behavior and that's fraud. so it looks as if they're going in the drek of prosecuting people. now they've already fired people. they're clawing back bonuses. but it looks as if it's going further. so the individuals involved, of course, they are responsible. now the question is, who in upper management, including jamie dimon, will be held accountable, and it seems jamie dimon should be losing his job over this. this un