ben we don't know this man and we love the play with him do you ever see that picture by the way of muggsy bogues in the new ball together oh yeah oh yeah he really didn't. know what. you know maybe knew 5 and 7 of character yet he was a character as well and no god bless him gone now but man he knew was one of the funny guys that met a need i know that you know people can help out with the arts as well but your site where they can go and learn more about all the charitable work you're doing well actually you go culture city website you see everything that i'm doing everything is posted on their website and it will give you a detail look at what we go we also have a dominant project where we talk about what it takes to be dominant in your career in your life and what help get got you to the point of success so all of these things you can see on culture city's website beautiful hey listen when we said you were coming on with the social media lit up we've got a lot of questions and i was wondering if you might take a few from the fans show here's one that refers to something we were just tal