conttol of aanaiicraft" aa the technoolgy consultann has claimed.teso hhmself also &packnowledges that apiloon board could aaways override &th regain control of he plane. but stilll is hacking preeentatton is getting attention:it's a yelloo flag, that says "hey i've done something to your system. why don'' we go and see if weecan take it to the next step too see iffit's a reaa threat. whole new the artto level.rrsume naat gainiig steam... thhakssto a new app that's gaining ((break 3)) 3 &pthe lattst social mediaaccaae foo smart phones is the vine app.jake taaper shows us howw 3 really shorttshorts meant this. (nats)today, it means this. (nats)the videoosharinn ppp januaryyby twitter. yes, the commmnicating 140 haracters at a time the noomm vine fuels creatiiity byylimiting the length of video clips to just six seconns. those videos are then posted on an endless loop ttoyour twitter account. since its debut, vinn has become go-to service for not just avid tweeters but celebrities.(natssthis woman world's irst vinn resume. pctor adam goldberg came to bb known as "the king of vine,,