to my amazement, his widow, leah rabin, invited us to their apartment the next day. so strong. >> do you in any way blame the mainstream opposition, the conservatives, the likud party? >> yes. surely i blame. if you ever heard their speeches in the knesset you would understand wt i mean we are sending the country down the drain. there will be no israel after this peace agreement. i mean, this was not right. >> reporter: years later another memorable interview, far different subject. >> did you bet on baseball? >> yes, i did. and that was my mistake, not coming clean a lot earlier. i owe baseball. baseball don't owe me a damn thing. i owe baseball. >> reporter: columbine, 1999. >> once again a massacre in a small-town high school. >> when they first came in they said all the jocks please stand up. and nobody stood up. >> did it take a minute to sink in what was happening? >> i was froze. i couldn't move at all. >> reporter: and years later it s a college campus, virginia tech. >> and how would you describe his facial expression and his demeanor? >> he was blank. just