some of the grea dramas, masterpiece theater, all of that is entertainment. but when it comes to public affairs journalism, this is the place you turn when nt to create for yourself an informed partnership. now, as a person who's worked almost a half of a century in commercial television, i can tell you this, that it is a popularity contest. they're seeking people who will watch them and in order to do that, commercial television gives people what they want to know as opposed to what they need to know. that was part of the w conversatih bill moyers. but at the same time, i need tot tell yt that is not a question that your station is asking. it is not asking the question whether it is popular, it is requesting whether you need the information it is about to provide. you see what's on your screen right now. for $7, that's $84 a year, this d.v.d., which is the d.v.d. of the program that you're watching right now, but i need to hasten to add for you that there is almost an hour additional information. we talked so much that we simply couldn't get it all into on t