first time ever they have issued a forty eight hour standstill on the movement of any livestock and feinberg carrots. in this trip that the culture food and rural affairs said earlier in the evening that the band will be lifted at midnight as planned. around one hundred twenty thousand ducks have been called for preventive measure is and more cats and chickens can be killed in the coming days as their theories. the ad virus could spread nationwide. so saw how dangerous is the age five and a virus and could it have any effect on humans. well it's this that we can not customary about our house there has been on a single case of human infection by the highly pathogenic age five and eight strain so far the virus is different from the age five and one which has resulted in over three hundred stephanie human that since two thousand freight and the age seven and nine virus that was infected humans this year in china now for the first time and killed at least forty five people have also been questions about whether it is safe to eat poultry and eggs. in fact consumers have purchased this book or pro