in a statement, mathilde panot called receiving this subpoena as intimidation and threats and said no subpoena and no intimidation against the genocide. it will not stop the palestinian people and we will not remain silent. pannot said this is the first time in the history of modern france that the president. a parliamentary faction is summoned for questioning based on revelation allegations and as an inquiry into apologizing for terrorism. according to this french representative , he is going to be interrogated for commenting on the october 7th attack, the al-aqsa storm operation, and the installation of mortars in gaza. panot warned about this serious abuse of justice with the aim of suppressing political expression and said, "i ask everyone to stop the attacks." warning against the freedom of opinion of democracy be informed in france. the american police arrested a number of supporters of the palestinian people in front of the house of the majority leader of the us senate in new york, who wanted to stop the arms support of washington to the occupation regime of israel. at the same