stations, so i chose to display the second lampshade, it was made by a lesser-known artist ilya feinbergne-year-old child, and may have avoided arrest. there are large canvases on the main staircases. this is the taking, i almost said, of the hermitage, the winter palace of the artist pavel skal sokolov. the artist sokolov took the energetic pseudonym skal after the revolution. everyone has seen this staircase, at least everyone who loves cinema. there was a small hill here, and lyudmila gurchenko drove down past these lampshades and said the first phrase. film, this is how our guests will gather for the new year's carnival, it was in the soviet army theater that the film carnival night was filmed, but since the main action of the film takes place on the stage, the stage of the soviet army theater is too big for the house of culture under the direction of ogurtsov, the scene was filmed in another place, you and i need to complement eldar ryazanov’s film, examine the theater in detail and go on stage. this staircase is pentagonal in plan, everything here is subordinated to the symbol of t