as we proceed, the ground begins to turn a whitish color. this is, in fact, salt.ce the area lies well below sea level, it was repeatedly flooded over time, and after each flooding followed a period of evaporation, creating huge deposits of salt. suddenly, we see a long line of camels. as we follow, we find a crowd of men working under the blazing sun. the sweat is running down their backs. and they appear to be digging for something. they are men of the afar tribes who make their living from the salt they extract from the danakil salt flats. the salt that is pulled out here is transported all across ethiopia. the salt forms a layer over a kilometer thick, deep under the ground. even now the danakil lowlands blesses us humans with a valuable gift. in the northern part of the danakil desert tow airs volcano with a scorching lava lake. this is erta ale. fierce volcanic activity has been going on here for over 100 years, attracting the attention of scholars from around the world. ♪ as we approach the mountain, the lava covering the ground makes our progress a lot roug