jewish state will exist, we need to somehow create a state where we still are. and the capital there in ramalere in gaza, and to develop this state. we don't like that jews live in tel aviv, haifa, jerusalem, we don't like it, but we can't do anything about it, and we have to, and we don't have the money to get all this, and this is a question 25, 30, 40 years after the disappearance of the source of funding, the same applies to russian-ukrainian war, we need... we need generations of people who will say, oh, you know, we understood that ukraine is not russia, such people will not appear, but we need some generations of people to appear , who will say that we cannot conquer this territory, so this is historical russia, so kyiv, kharkiv, odessa, and even lviv, well, these are russian cities, so russians live there who do not even understand that they are russians, yes, instead of to speak the beautiful, pure russian language of pushkin and putin, these people... speak surzhik of his peasant poets. it's terrible, but we can't do anything, because if we try to restore historical justice, and the