completely new accordingly, the clinical picture does not run in a new way, yes, or, for example, the whitishness to the fact that it is a variety, there are some peculiarities of the clinical course and peculiarities of the e-e diagnosis, what exactly is the peculiarity of this strain, that since it is a new variety, the incidence of the disease has increased growth er during the last month er well, it is not decreasing yet. that is, it means that you need to be on the lookout for respiratory symptoms and not exclude micron because we forgot about covid er and remember that covid is covid returned to pay attention to the peculiarities of the clinic, i.e. more often the development of e-e manifestations on the part of the literary tract. that is, it is a cough, if it is older people, it is possible pneumonia, that is, respiratory failure, shortness of breath at home during physical exertion, increased cough during physical exertion, a feeling of lack of air that is, these are all the eyes of ska that we are familiar with, which are traditionally characterized by the very rapid development of the