ted cruz's campaign, he's certainly taking a victory lap from iowa, but that is the past. this is now. >> yep. >> we know the history of iowa as it relates to picking the president, but new hampshire certainly plays a pivotal role. how does he transition this into a one-two punch. what's the strategy you're hearing? >> reporter: so the strategy basically tamron is to get out here and do the sort of boots on the ground politics that ted cruz does so often and that donald trump doesn't necessarily do. trump takes a different tactic with those big 5,000 person rallies. cruz will gather maybe 60 or 100 people in a smaller venue like this. people are coming in right now, they're signing up, grabbing their cruz signs, getting their e-mails put down so the campaign can reach out to them to make sure they vote. cruz trying to get out here and probably won't overtake donald trump. it might be tough for any candidate to do that given the lead, donald trump at 38%, cruz in second place way back 14% and then you've got the establishment candidates bunched up right in that same area. c