fromshawnajohnsonand the crew to send the bears home with a loss... "baylor's baylor. they're ways very good -- still good. they're fourth in the country for a reason. i think they have some great depth at the post to go along with what thth already had and.....ey're a team that's final four worthy and our fans are gonna get to see another great team come in here saturday afternoon."
from shawna johnson and the crew to send the bears home with a loss... "baylor's baylor. they're ways very good -- still good. they're fourth in the country for a reason. i think they have some great depth at the post to go along with what thth already had and.....ey're a team that's final four worthy and our fans are gonna get to see another great team come in here saturday afternoon."
she was in the car with lavoy finicum...who was shot and killed by the fbigrandmothershawnacoxsays she says was too scared to listen to police. they were yelling for her to get out of the car. [finicum] immediately jumps out the door with his hands out. he said, 'shoot me. shoot me.'" the fbi says finicum was
she was in the car with lavoy finicum...who was shot and killed by the fbi grandmother shawna cox says she says was too scared to listen to police. they were yelling for her to get out of the car. [finicum] immediately jumps out the door with his hands out. he said, 'shoot me. shoot me.'" the fbi says finicum was