. >> now to a global outpouring of support for a local ymca greater. >> story brings out the bestalu complete strangers as matt wright shows. known as bill the greater. you'll find bill walton at willoughby's west end ymca almost daily.. >> everybody has produced disability. whether it is hidden or not. >> sometimes working out with the help of the staff but usually in the lobby toto say hello. >> >> i thank god, that this is a special design it is opened up many doors , for people to be touched and inspiredr. >> p says a conversation with a ymca member todd golling monday changes live. >> t gets kind of emotional any set of privilege or that you take the time to talkoy and not everyone does it and i feel ver happy that you are herenev and made me sad to think that it >> he posted his story and selfie. >> i posted it monday and on tuesday my inbox had blown upup and it made it to the front page. >> t went viral overnight seen half a million people. >> in the country, had a messa from it with people wanting to help. >> 's favorite things begin arriving wednesday. >> bald eagles and ti