kirill bortnikov, vadim topalov, timur chishkov, maksata pargeldyev, gennady lagunov, lengaleeva, leadre lit at the russian embassy, and before the friendly match between cervena zvezda and zenit, a serbian singer performed katyusha, then a minute of silence was announced in memory of the deceased. in the terrorist attack, fans in the stands hung the “moscow” banner skarböm. people come to the russian embassy in london, leaving bouquets as a sign of grief and sympathy. in beijing they bring soft toys, flowers and candles. in santiago, many chileans considered it necessary to come to the spontaneous memorial at the russian embassy, and also leave an entry in the book of condolences. among the mourners are many descendants of the first wave of russian emigration to chile after the 1917 revolution. panekhida. for this terrible tragedy. today, all of us present here, including myself, express our condolences to russia; we deeply feel our common pain and suffering, the pain of the families affected by this tragedy. the funeral event takes place at the serbian embassy in moscow. for the