it were not for the neighbor from above, already in the sixtieth one of the leicester diplomats, melariput forward his vision for cuba, the majority of cubans support castor by the most accessible method to deprive him of internal support through disappointment and discontent based on economic and everyday difficulties. need to take immediate action to weaken the economic life of cuba. a plan of action is needed, consisting in the refusal to allocate money and supplies of goods to the cuba, in order to reduce monetary and real incomes, cause a famine of despair and overthrow the government. the trade blockade did not work, so the cia decided to launch an operation in cuba. cachinos bay bay of pigs, recruited already. based on the experience of cuban americans through bribery, the pentagon was sure taking liberty island would be easier than nicaragua us forces bombed civilian cities and military bases. however, they expected such support, fidel castro on the island, two mercenaries of americans from among cuban migrants could shoot the commandants, getting close to a distance of 10 m. ho