. >> lisa dolan: moving on... don't know why, just for me, "moving on" denotes leaving bob behind, and moving on, going someplace without him. i prefer the term "moving forward" because it doesn't, to me, have the same feel or sound of leaving my husband behind. >> elaine donovan: for us, there is no happy ending; there is no ending. it's just, 9/11 is this... i don't even know how to describe it; it is part of you, if you don't learn to manage it you're not going to do well. it never goes away, there will never be a day that i don't think about it, i don't think about bill; there will never be a 9/11 that i can walk throu my day and go, "wow, 20 years ago today my husband died." you realize it's just a part of your life, and that's just the way it is. >> narrator: of those who perished at the pentagon on 9/11, only 55 were members of the military. seventy others were civilians working at or visiting the pentagon, and 59 were killed whilflying on american aiineslight 77. for the families of f the 184 men, women an