le cai, which is in the path off the storm. the church behind me is called l�*eglise du sacre—coeur, and as you can see, it's been hugely impactedtold me they are worried about that spire up there could fall at any moment because there are these huge cracks down the side of it. up across the road, you have the local coffin maker, a small business trying to make ends meet. and once again, it has been totally decimated by this earthquake. really, this is a very similar story across this town. there are some buildings that are fine, or at least cracked that have not fallen, and others that have completely fallen in on themselves. the death count at the moment is still increasing and people are worried now about a storm. there are dark cloud over that way. we have heard it is raining in some parts of this region already, and people do worry that, now they are forced out of their homes, they are going to have to sleep in the wet and cold. james clayton reporting. hundreds of firefighters in southern france are battling a wildfire that's forced thousands of residents and tourists to evacuate as a precaution. officials say the blaze br