locations no. 59 and sewer replacement in the amount of $7,691 to -- replacement contract to michael o'shaughnessyruction, inc. in the amount of $7,691,096.34 with $769,109.63 for contingency and a contract duration of 300 consecutive calendar days with 60 consecutive calendar days of contingency to perform pavement resurfacing, curb ramp upgrades, sewer replacement, traffic control improvements, and other associated infrastructure work on specified streets in the city this is a contract that contributes to the overall goal in the works of retaining the overall average condition of public works maintaining streets in san francisco. san francisco public works maintained approximately 9,000 streets. in all of 11 san francisco districts and neighborhoods, the department of public works worked on pavement of the streets and available funding when planning and issuing contracts. the infrastructure work will be performed at various predefined locations throughout san francisco and consist of pavement resurfacing, traffic control improvement and sewer improvement and other infrastructure work. locations