. >> this dove was given to me by leah rabin, who is the widow of prime minister rabin, who has beensis nated. >> reporter: some of her most precious pins came from everyday people like that one from new orleans. the two am thets represent two purple hearts. >> aud of a sudden a young man came up to me with a box and he said "my father is sitting over there, he's a d-day veteran and my mother died as a result of katrina. my father had given her this pin for their 50th wedding anniversary and we think that she would want you to have it." and i kind of... i was undone. i really was undone. >> reporter: for secretary albright, the pins are more than the materials they're made of as she broke the glass ceiling-- and, of course, she has a pin far, too-- she broke the ice with foreign ministers and paved the way for her sister secretaries condoleezza rice and hillary clinton. >> my seven-year-old granddaughter said to her mother "so what was the big deal about grandma mahdi being secretary of state? only girls are secretaries of state." and in her lifetime, except for a little bit of colin