(vo) ingrid and robert called
anthem blue cross and blue shield
and found an affordable new
original medicare won't. now they can focus on other
important decisions. anthem plans help protect you
from high medical costs.
so call now to find a new plan
that's right for you.
choose from plans with low
monthly premiums and no copays for annual
checkups and screenings.
we've built stronger
partnerships with trusted
local doctors and hospitals,
to bring you special benefits like...
...dental and vision,
free access to over 13,000 fitness locations.
plus prescription drug coverage.
with copays as low as
zero dollars at over
68,000 pharmacies.
now's the time to switch. the deadline to enroll is
december 7th.
so call anthem blue cross and
blue shield today
at 1-844-731-8967.
to learn more or to schedule an