the markets ramallied, in addition it quelled fears that we are heading for some kind of a spring swoon or a sell in may go away situation which could happen. but yesterday, that was great news. if you are stepping back, if you areing looing at the broader trend as many economists do many unemployed people do there are still some signs that this was a very slow recovery. we're adding around 200,000 jobs as an average so far this year each month. that's progress. but some economists say, hey, this is basically keeping up with the growth in the population long-term unemployment remains high 4.4 american, even though that did come down t. labor force participation rates, remember which is the number of people looking for work remains at a mere 30 or more than a 30-year really low. there are some concerns there, what are they doing, are they working in the shadow of the economy or not? >> we've got this slow steady growth going on for six months or more. we still have the whole issue of the sequester and what impact if any it's going to have. it's come in later than some expected. a lot of