hold a rally at a college in mmi this afternoon and that's where al gore will ma his first campaign arance, remember, it was his loss in florida that c newly leaked e-mail sho the clinton campaign grappling with issues like the keystone pipeline. we are trying to find a good way to leak her opposition without her having to actually say it. and give up her stand without saying it in public. hillary clinton spoke out. >> i don't think it's in the >> today's rally in miami will focus on climate changes. >> john heilemann is here. good mo gi us sense of where he thinks he's going? >> there's no way to watch the way he campaigned in pennsylvania withoutthsiont recognese' losingnd probably has lost the election already. >> s therefore, he will do something? >> he will spend -- again, if whhit hft these accusations, these tapes whi show him in some ways cgredonin and t coming outh ben etisbeer who was accused of sexual assault. mi othe speech reading this is a strategy that is designed to do something about winning the presidential election. >> is this to go down in flames or do what? >> to get a strategy, and the entire rhetoric is about making 35% to 45% of america