today hilife is focused on what heays is the threat of national insolvency, he committed 1 bilon of his for tune into his undation to raise awareness about the country'fiscalhallenges. he just published his tobiography, it is called" the education of an american drear "how aon of greek immigrants leaed his way from a nebska diner to washinon, wall street and bend. i'm pleased to have him here athis table. welce. >> thank you, arlie. >> ros back, i should say. now i want toalk about many things. ani want to come back to the book. t was writing the book cathartic, was it dficult? how did you approach it? >> you ha only covered half of it. it w exhausting. was like tt dk cloud, younow, of who was it, not pollas in the cartoons hanging over youhead. u wake up every day say what am going toe done with this da thing but you can't not do it, you know. >> rose: yes. >> so one of the happy days of my life is when i turned in the manusipt. >> ros how did you go abouwriting it? >> wl, i did it a nights. and i did it on ekends because i wasworking at blackstone at thtime. >> rose: but, d what was y