everything you ed to know in onclick.erfect. [ male announcer ] when you orbitz, you know. >> another very rough week for obamacare. at the federal -- a federal judge declares not part but the entire health care law unconstitutional. u.s. district judge roger vinson ruled monday congress speeded its authority by forcing americans to buy health insurance, the second ruling by a federal judge to declare it unconstitutional but the first to throw out the whole statute. and, already, governors are fleeing with some declaring they a suspending state efforts to comply with obama care's mandates, for more we are joined by "wall street journal" editorial writer and, james toronto, how much more likely it's the supreme court will overthrow, overturn, rather, this law, based on judge vinson's decision. >> it is a good deal likelier, he laid out a clear rationale for throwing out the entire law and not just trying to pick and choose, he said the individual mandate is central to the insurance regulation scheme that makes up comprehen