the red created and the green yette created, this is what we are displaying. these are real demos. these are samples that we are workiith w today. i want to point out a couple of important things about these examples. the top section is alerts, that's communicating realtime television -- information to our consumers. the middle section is scheduled departures. we are talking about the transit they are awaiting for. the bottom section is more evergreen information, routes, fairs, schedules, things like that. it's very important ormion, more evergreen information. the reason why i think this is it's can is because our transit operators, our organizations have come together to agree to this format so there's continuity in the center, so our riders, whether they are going to any of the other lines have the same order of communication as a continuity and creative throughout the center. this is really important. we've been working months with your teams too get here and they have been doing an outstanding job working with us. >> can i ask a question about those? >> sure. >> with the exce